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The other day Miruru had this bug, her boyish shape did not fit the breast texture, which was not fixed by changing shape and skin.

リログしたら治っていつもの巨乳に^-^ 直前まで着てた和服のシェイプが外せなくなったようでした。

Re-log made a full recovery to her big boobs. It could have been caused by the slim shape for Japanese closing that became impossible to remove. The right is not a bug but her swinging breasts animation with the fore and aft movement that made her breast blasted off.


Members of the women’s meeting at Sachiko’s Pub. The right is Sachiko the mother, the far left is Miruru who fully recovered. The black lady is Refugee who is now “2B”, a game character. The cap is Pin2, the ping-pong girl. We have known each other for mor than 15 years bud we are not exchanging friend registration. Now we are, and I am glad to be able to have a cute “elder” kid sister


The left is Enju. The next is Koo55, who had looked like an affable teacher at an elementary school, but recently became sexier under the influence of Miruru. Including other members as Chiffonpink and Emiciao, it is now almost a girls-drinking. Male members might be distantly respecting the period.

よく見ると、みなさん立派なバスト! 左はEnjuさん。右はかわいいピンさんですがしっかり胸が。
Having a careful look, everyone has gorgeous breasts. The left is Enju. Even a cute girl Pin2 has sound breasts


To mention my case, I thought I made them rather large, but still, they do not match the skin. One of the things that cannot be done in RL could be huge breasts, but I am not crazy about it, may be because I saw too many clunk cases with large breasts and hip in the RL in USA. Is there anyone who could say it is cute that the things are not so huge?


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)変なバグ



 先日、ミルルさんの目がすごいことに! 最近見られる、アニメキャラから戻った時出るバグだそうです。

The other day Miruru’s face became terrible. They said that this happens often when Changing the shape back from animation characters. I gathered again some facial bugs here.

There was a bug when returning from animation characters before. This is the one at an early time of mesh head.

This I experience often when returning to mesh head from classic ones. Be careful when changing outfit in public.


A stranger bug at classic avatar age. The left is me, but I never made this shape. The right is my friend becoming completely different person. This could be cooler than the original^-^


The open-mouth bug that is not seen recently. This is one of the Linden bugs that happens when too many avatars gathered. This cannot be seen by self.

This is also an old texture bug. The left had a dress texture on the face, the right, the face texture on the pants.

最後はピンさん。 とっても可愛いお鼻が、ときどきいきむとふっと開きます。 

The last but not the least, Pin2. Her very cute nose opens slightly at tension. But she herself does not realize, so this could be a kind of bug for her.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)変なバグ



SSをどこで撮ったか忘れ、LMも取ってなかった、なんてことありませんか? 私の見つけ方がご参考になれば^-^
1 保存してある画像のプロパティを開き、作成日時を見ます。撮影のまま加工してないことが条件^-
2 SLのチャットログを開き、その時刻の後にTPした場所を見ます。ログはビュワーのファイルの中に。

Have you ever forgotten the place where you took SSs? This is an idea to find the spot.
1 Open the property of the stored picture and find the time of shooting it. It is only effective if the picture was not edited later.
2 Open the chat log and find the TP point after the time of the shooting. The log is in the file of the viewer. The time should be adjusted to your local time since the log is using SLT. I am using a time table that shows various local times in the world against Japanese time.

滝: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/White%20Clover%20Caye/25/134/10
This a club through searching with “Cyber”. Nobody was there but the huge waterfall was cool!


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)変なバグ




In the last article I introduced to remove other person’s clothing’s. I feel a bit uneasy, so I tried it. Since it is impossible to do oneself, I asked my sister to help me. The other day I executed her, so this time I will be the victim.


I would not introduce how to do but it could not be so difficult. The things that can be erased are added objects and it might be impossible to take off clothing that are worn as a classic way. As I wrote before, the alpha layer is not possible to be removed, so it would not be serious trouble since we are wearing alpha normally, except in care dare to be seen. If you were expecting such situation, you could wear special under wear and remove the alpha^-^


Any add-on objects can be erased, including hair or glasses. Recently I am wearing sunglasses since I am neglecting eye makeup, but it could be OK since nobody would like to see a bald head, and it is hard to erase the sunglasses only.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)変なバグ




When I was taking photo of Sachiko at Urashima, suddenly all other persons vanished together with the ambient. There were many guests dancing, but only Miruru who was dancing just behind Sachiko was visible.


I have been using Derender command to eliminate obstacles temporarily when shooting pictures. On the day I erased a billboard behind, but suddenly all environments were gone. The Derender command should not be able to eliminate avatars. All avatars except Sachiko and Miruru were gone including myuslf.

It returned to normal after re-log. The nearest one is Sachiko. The one on the right end swinging fish is Refugee, who likes meat normally.

フォメのダンス撮るのは結構むずい。 写真のために少し移動してもらうことは出来ませんし、隊形が突然変化するし。 

This is not a line dance that I introduced before, but a formation dancing ball that is impossible to move around. It is rather hard to shoot a formation dancing since it is impossible to ask someone move a bit for the pictures, and also the formation may change abruptly. On the day it was good since there were few pattern changes in the dancing.

でも、Sachikoさんが着てるとかっこいいのに、自分が着るとなるとちょっと^―^ Sachikoさん、何着ても素敵です。 
何も着なくても、なんて人が^―^  最近フルポロリが多いので、素晴らしいボディを何度も鑑賞させていただいてます!

The main purpose was to shoot the new clothing that Sachiko got recently. It was so cool that I got the shop LM to see, but the clothing looks so nice on Sachiko, but I hesitated to put it on my own body;; Sachiko looks fantastic in everything. Someone said she is cool without clothing^-^ But recently there are many chances to see the full-nude bug as the last article, I am enjoying to admire her gorgeous body every time.

特に素敵なのが目! 上の絵のように視線が合っただけでどきどきしちゃいます。 ときどきふっと閉じてしまうのも好き! 

Her eyes are special! My heart starts pounding when maintaining eye contact as shown in the picture above. Also, it is nice to see her eyes closing gently. If she would swoon and I might hold her small and cute nose to make CPR… Is this a kind of girl’s love?

下着も非表示に出来る (いつでも脱がせられる!)ので、バグ対策も含め、大事なところはいつもアルファ装着をお勧めします!

Recently one of my friends showed me that it is possible to eliminate clothing anytime. It is not a reading lag. He gave me snapshots of my nude after changing alpha. He did not tell me how to do but even under ware can be erased. It seems that the alpha cannot be removed, so it is highly recommended to cover important areas with alpha which does work for the Nude bug too..


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)変なバグ



先日紹介したフルポロリ、今度は私の憧れのSachiko姉さまに出ました^― お許しを得て記事に。

The Nude-bug that I introduced the other day hit my yearning big sister Sachiko. I put it here getting her permission. A cool and elegantly sculpted clean body fitting her graceful face touched my heart again. This bug seems to come in often recently, and Moroi the owner of this area Hiromist said he saw this many times. I hate you ^-^


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)変なバグ



チケットを出したらリンデンから対策方法の案内があり、一度で解決しました! その例を紹介します。

There are some cases that an avatar becomes smok while reading, but I was in the trouble for a full week where I cannot get out even by cash clear, rebake, relog, or viewer change. The second avatar with the same PC did not have the trouble, so the cause should not be on my side. I issued a ticket and Linden advised me how to fix it, which worked well. Here is the procedure just for your information.

Advance → Developer → Avatar → Character Tests → Test Male/Female

Advance > Developer > Avatar > Character Tests > Test Male/Female
The Advance menu can be reached by Ctl+Alt+D, and Developer, Ctl+Alt+Q.
Linden said that the word “Developer” will be “Deveolop” in the standard viewer.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)変なバグ




The other day, I encountered a terrible BUG. A face breaks away when transferring from M3 animation head to CATWA. This is not by accident but happens all the time. Once it happened, the only way to fix it is to log out.


The animation head is the same one as Kazumi the owner of Baba Meeting Area, a cute face with lovely small nose. This is Honey who is a fake Kazumi with the same shape and outfit. I got an approval to use the picture in my blog. I reported before my case that resulted in a strange face, but this one is dreadful!


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)変なバグ




“Spooky cat bug”: There is a bug that changes body height from tiny, child, or huge adult. This cat changes the size depending on the viewer. In this case three persons took pictures at the same time and ended up with three different sizes.


“Dancing bug”: This could be one of the most popular bugs. The self had meant to stop dancing but is dancing from other person’s view. The left is a person dancing at a ceremony of UWA. He might not know that he was dancing in front of audiences. Someone was dancing in a wedding ceremony, and someone advised in that case. The right two are my sister, the left is my camera ant the right is the sister’s one.


“Smoke bug” and “Freezing bug”: It is popular to become smoke while reading even now. In the left picture I was kept as smoke even while flying. There were other bugs that forced me kept walking or flying forever. The right is an opposite that made me impossible to move in the air. The upper body was moving randomly but did not accept any control.


“Flying bug”: Mostly at closing a SIM border. Jumped up and kept flying to the last. Sometimes it suddenly ends at the previous position or keeps flying until forced log out.


“Ejection bug”: When I used an international flight at overseas, suddenly I was ejected out of the plane. Please visit my old article for that incident.


“Entanglement bug”: This might not be a bug. While practicing a yacht race, two boats were entangled and were not possible to separate. It is unrealistic that there is no drop or turn over.

アバター使ったヴァーチャルな大会があるけど、遅いのと人数が限られるのかSLは使われない;; リンデンさん、なんとかしてよ!

Recently it seems that there are less variations of bugs, but the reading lag could be longer. In RL, now it becomes popular to do virtual meeting using avatars, but unfortunately the SL is not used may be because of the lag and limit of attendance. Please do something, Linden!


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)変なバグ




This time these are rather popular bugs. This is what I called “Corcovado bug” that happened mostly in a clouded SIM. This cannot be seen by self and I was not sure if other persons noticed.

口開きバグ: これも自分のは見えませんが、他の人には見えています。

“Open mouth bug”. This one also cannot be seen by self, but others would notice. I asked my friend who knows well and he said this is Linden’s bug that happens in a heavy SIM. I noticed this happened on a dancer at a show.

女性化バグ: 和田現象としてよく知られてたので、たくましい男性が小柄な女性に。おひげはそのままですが胸は私より立派。

“Feminization bug”. A macho guy turned into a short girl. The mouthtache stayed but the bust was more gorgeous than me. It is said because the avatars were made based on female body. It was well known as “Wada syndrome” in Japan. Ms. Wada is an actress who is very strong.

別人バグ: 違う顔になってしまうバグ。左は私、右はバグでよく出てくる顔で変ではないですが、ご本人とは全く違います。

“Different person bug” that results in other face. The left is me, and the right is common face that comes with this bug. It is not so strange but no resemblance to the person. It is common to come together with the hair bug.

ポロリバグ: 部分的に透明になってしまうバグで、まだアルファシャツがないころです。左はドレス部分が全部透明に。

“Exposure bug”. A part of clothing becomes transparent. There was no alpha shirt at this time. On the left, a part of dress was erased together with the body. On the right, only the top clothing was disappeared and the bust was exposed. In other case, the bottom cloth was gone and a formidable thing was shown. I took a SS but naturally cannot bring it here…

尼さんバグ: 一時カメラを近づけるとヘアが消えることがありましたが、これは距離に関係ない。

“Japanese nun bug”. Once there was a bug that erased hair when moving camera close, but this happened in a distance. The right one is me. At a regular meeting at Edo, the kimono was not for nun.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)変なバグ




In serial from the last article, compiled bugs that I experienced. Firstly, here are some rare and beautiful ones. This is “Reversed body bug” that I had several times and also my friend watched it. The following titles of the bug are my personal naming.

マルチカラーバグ: 惑星パンドラで、茶色の木の根です。

This is “Multi-color bug” at the planet Pandora, actually blown roots of a tree. This might be a reading lag but it could be the original shape considering that this was Pandora. Beautiful texture.


The top two pictures in the below are on the way of reading. The bellows are after the rendering completed. Without these, I could have thought that the above picture was an intentional expression for the color effect.

This was at my house that should not be intentional.

残像バグ: 本人が立ち去った後、イメージだけが残ってました。

“Residual image bug” that keeps showing an image of avatar after leaving. When I came here the avatar has been left already and I did not see her. The image comes in depending on the camera angle. In the right picture, my sister logged out after taking photo, but her image was left behind. It was phantom and I was able to be doubled with her,

テクスバグ: 左はドレスのテクスが顔に出て、右は顔のテクスがパンツに出ています。

“Texture bug”. On the left, my dress texture appeared on my face, and on the right, face texture on the pants. It was lucky that the texture was face. It could be terrible if other part texture came in.

別衣装バグ: 私は左の服装を着ているのに、他の人、この場合妹からは右のように見えてます。

“Different clothing bug”. I was wearing the left, but other person, in this case my sister, saw the right. I had this polka-dot dress but I tried it only once before and did not know where this was in my inventory. At the front yard of Edo Temi Teahouse with the self-made out-door tea ceremony table. The decoration for the Festival of the Weaver is also made by myself.


“Crazy clothing bug”. This happened while changing clothing. I could have made mistake in selecting file but only strange ones appeared. The right side of my body and the left are different. This one and the above appeared only once.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)変なバグ




I reported a bug that turns head backward the other day, but it happened again recently. There are more bugs such as strange faces or gray skin. With this bug the eyeball stays turned up the whites. The head was soon fixed with forced log out but the white eyes returned not by re-log but only by switching to a different avatar,


This bug appears on a special pose stand, so maybe the stand does not go well with Bento. The pose stand is to keep the body still while editing outfit, but the head moves around occasionally.


I experienced the head bug before. In this case, the head that was hung down numbly got up suddenly and started looking around. It was so scary that I screamed out in front of PC. The arms of my sister holding me are also in strange position.


The left is a bug where my head did not return when standing up after beheading by guillotine. There are some animations changing the head position extremely. The right is Kazumi holding her own head.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)変なバグ


Bento に古いスキン2


In the previous article I reported that there is a case causes strange faces when changing skin without changing shape. There are some examples. These are using same skin and same shape. It could be related to the order of wearing and it does not come every time. Once it happened, sometimes it cannot fix by undo or rebake. My fix is to provide every shape for each skin and save them as outfits respectively. It is important not to make Link at that time.

Eyes Alpha がLinkされてると他のBentoで外すとこちらも外れてしまうようです。

These four pictures are using the same shape. The top left is the one I adjusted. On the other three pictures the saved outfit was called out other times. The below two are similar but the eye shape is different. Also, the eye skin is changed in which the old eyes are shown and the catch light is different. It may be due to the linked Eyes Alpha that was detached when it was taken off in other Bento outfit. I think it is better to remove Link when copying clothing or accessory that is used in other outfits. If you do some editing objects when doing mix and match, it will affect the linked one used in other outfits. It could be convenient in some cases though…


There are some bugs in detailed areas. If opened later after saving, there could be some minor difference even the adjusted numbers are the same. On the left, the outer eye corners are lower than my original (top left in the above picture) and on the right, only the right eye corner is lower. In some case it will be slant eye on the contrary. The lips are also different a bit. This phenomenon comes with genuine GENUS skin and shape. It is not convenient to readjust every time, I prepared several shapes and adopt a suitable one for the day. I wonder how it will be seen by others. It should be avoided to change skins in public. Naturally we do not change makeup in company even in RL.

There were several cases to cause different shape in classic avatars. Please visit my old articles.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)変なバグ




Came back! The first answer from Linden was to reset the modem, router, and PC, but it didi not work. Then I uninstalled all viewers and also deleted all files named “FireStorm”, and re-installed the viewer, but no good. Finally, I gave up the 64-bit version that I used and installed the 32-bit one that worked!


I almost thought that I was not able to return to SL. I will become impossible to see my avatar or friends. To die could be this kind of situation. There was someone who quitted SL and one of his friends made a tombstone for him, but he came back and was upset to see his grave. But please understand the feeling who made the grave. When the Japanese office of LL was closed, there was a rumor that a grave of Chiyo Linden the Japanese guide was made.

電気、ガス、水、銃、剣、吊り、絞め、ギロチン・・・ 串刺し、串焼き、調理され、ワニに吞まれ、恐竜に食べられ^-

I have thought that I would do something that cannot be done in RL. To fly and to yacht are some of them. Also, to die is one of them. I tried every way to die. Electricity, gas, water, gun, sword, hanged, strangled, beheaded…. Skewered, baked, boiled, eaten by alligator or dinosaur…


I may love to swoon, like the moment at that event, inside of my whole head becomes red and my body stretches tight with my back arched… I have been playing dead in SL, but now I am happy to have the RL partner who hold me and does artificial respiration. Eventually there will be a time to say good bye to SL and also a time to die in RL. If the death is inevitable, I would like to be, at the top of that flow, choked out gently by him and let me go as it is. At SL too if possible^-^


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)変なバグ



I issued a ticket for the trouble but no answer yet. Someone said it could be OK if you try and try many times, so I repeated it for 30 minutes but no result. It might take time. I will lie off for the time being. In any case I have not been IN so often though.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)変なバグ



ビュワーを更新しても治りません;; LLは特定のビュワーのせいではない、とのことですが・・・

It has been impossible to IN with the following message for ten days. The viewer update did not help. LL said it does not depend on a specific viewer. There are many avatars who do not feel the trouble. Please advise if any countermeasures. The only way could be to wait…


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(3)変なバグ




At the Pochi’s Bar, I did not see the hair of Milky0819, but I thought it was only for me and pretended not to see something. Finally someone said, “It looks there is no hair on Milky.” The hair was seen by only oneself. In such case, it could be manner to let her know it. The fine neck and well-shaped head are somewhat cute though.


It was cured by several change and relog. The real figure is a beautiful flowing hair. Pochi’s bar was renewed and opened since this year. That is a rare one that opens daytime.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)変なバグ




After a long absence, visited a party at Baba. Kazumi‘s hand was like a glutinous rice jelly for new year’s dish.

手は見えるけど変な形に^- どうなってるのか見たかったけど、お正月から水着になってくださいとは言えなかった^-
Bento Face: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1606251.html

She said her hands are Bento. I reported before the Bento face that cannot be seen with some viewers. I can see this hand but the shape is… I wanted to see how it was in detail but was not able to ask her to change to swimsuit at the new-year party ^-^


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)変なバグ



リンデンの新しいビューワ、Project Bentoのアルファバージョンがあるそうです。
Bento Headという新しい頭は、透明になってしまいます。怖い!

There is an Alpha version of Project Bento, the new viewer from Linden. One of my friend tried the avatar but it becomes invisible by other viewers. It is scary! Please see the above page for Project Bento.

Bento Headの説明ページもあります。今の頭部より調整が細かく出来そう。

There is also a page for Bento Head, which will have more versatility in adjusting face. The biggest change may be more flexibility in adjusting nose shape. Nose tip and wings might be finely changed.


Different from shapes from Japanese skin-shop making SL-faces with unnatural large nose, it might be possible to create oriental beauty with a cute small nose. If I make it with current shapes, the skin around nostrils does not match the shape. I rather would like to try it but it cannot be seen from others. I will wait for a forced upgrade of Firestorm that makes it visible by anyone. It could be next Februaly or March?


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)変なバグ




It may be hard to separate avatar’s head from body, so in most cases the head will be tucked into the body, and prepare another head. In the pictures that had been presented at my gallery, my own head was added later in composites.


In this system, one’s own head was used with extended neck. The rolling head after beheading was also connected with the ribbon-shaped neck. Is this only for my viewer or do I need to wear special alpha muffler?


When I stood up, the extended neck did not return to the normal shape. It was cured by re-log and never happened again. I had meant to shoot another picture with a suitable clothing…


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)変なバグ