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At the welcome center of SL, there has been a big signboard of interest. I found that it was completed and visited there.

建物はそのままで、展示場がSIM一杯に出来てました。 これはアートのために沢山のSIMを提供してたLEAプロジェクトとどう違うのでしょう? 
Welcome: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/WelcomeHub/109/76/25

The framework is the same, and only that I found is several presentation stages in a full SIM. What is the difference from the LEA project that provided many SIMs for arts using full SIM? I am looking forward to the presentation coming, but it would not look different if they were art presentations, and more disappointing if those were advertisements.

Motown: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Motown/126/120/24/ 
Next to the welcome center, there is a demonstration of cityscape, which is wintry scene now.


It was so meticulously made, and drastically different from the field when I started SL fifteen years ago. If I had seen this when I entered SL first time, how was the excitement! Or nothing special for current person who got accustomed to open world games now?

「新しい世界を作って欲しいのに、皆が作るのは南の島ばっかりだ」 と嘆いたSL幹部の方がいたとか。
でも、リンデンさんご自身が作った街も、どこにでもある景色ではないの? それが新しい狙いなのでしょうか。

It was made realistic up to the back streets, but it is rather dreamless world… “We expected to see new world, but everyone only made islands in the south”. It is said someone in SL management said. But the town made by Linden himself, looks the one found around every corner. Or is this the new target now?

What is the SL?: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1717590.html

It ended up with a picture for realter advertisement, but that could be the purpose of Linden. I might return to the question, “What is the SL?” It is OK for me since I have been enjoying it im my way^-



Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)旅行(架空世界)




Following the top picture of a church in the previous article, visited several churches in SL. This is the one close to my house, Kazumi’s church, a cute one that can be seen in countryside in Spain of France, with a bell tower on the roof.

結婚式のアニメが用意されていて、Kazumiさんが牧師を。 今も結婚式、出来ると思いますよ。 

There are animations provided as wedding ceremony, where Kazumi takes a role of the father. It will be possible to celebrate a wedding now. At an early age, I was worried if he proposed me, but all I had were broken hearts and no chance. In process of time, I got a partner in RL, and ended up with a SL single.


The most famous one in SL could be Mont Saint Michael, that still exists, bit it is not connected to the mainland now and only a part of the entrance road was left on the island. Still it is possible to walk all the way to the top church, but the housing and shops on the way look vacant than before.


The biggest one ever I saw in SL was the Kolner Dom, that is not anymore. The right is the real one. Since the SL one was made at the age where neither sculp nor huge prim. It used more than 13000 prims out of the SIM capacity of 15000. It was sad that no interior was made maybe due to the prim availability.


This is rather new one. I do not see the original model, but the buttresses and surrounding buildings are made in detail. The whole building is using only 700 prims, that is the same as the prims used for one column line of the above cathedral.

プリムに余裕が出来た分、内装がしっかり作り込まれてます。凄いのは献灯台! 誰でも蝋燭を供えて、名前とメッセージを残せます。 

The interior was made nicely using the prims. Amazingly there are stages for votive candles. Anyone can get a devotional candle and right click on it to edit to your special name and description. The candles set were more than 900. Every candle was made of two prims, so total will be 1800 only for those.

There are some churches that can be seen only in SL. This is an outdoor marriage hall?


The curtains using full bright function are cool! Not only copies of actual church. I would like to see such a free design. But there is an eery cathedral floating in the air where devils may manage it. It was too dark to shoot SS,


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)旅行(架空世界)



Old trees were made of plane textures, so it was popular to use full bright. This is the chapel where my friend at Edo celebrating a wedding.

This was my old house. It might be impossible to do this illumination in RL, but I like this kind of brilliant trees as a special effect in SL,

Streetscape at Paris. The illumination became realistic, but less glorious than the old ones.

その代り? リアルにライトアップされたアーケード風のイルミネーションがきれいになりました。
Instead, some arcade-style realistic illuminations became gorgeous.

All in all, bright spots at night are shops. But it is lonesome that there is no person.

2018年、SL15周年で、SIM2個にまたがる巨大なシャンデリア。 リアルでなくてもSLではこういうのを見たいです。
Huge chandeliers at SL15B, 2018, using two SIMs. I would like to see this type in SL, although not realistic.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)旅行(架空世界)




Street Illuminations are so beautiful this year that it takes time to see then joining a procession. Even in SL, there was beautiful ones like Luminaire. It is hard to see them in SL today. There are some bright trees. The famous one is the family tree at the planet Pandora. This is rather old and made of flat texture.

いつも素敵なSIMを紹介していただいてる 「Yanaの世界」 でも、ライトアップは少ないです。 ヤナさん、どっか教えて^-^

It could be hard to put many small lights on recent objects that were not made of flat texture. This one has many ones but it feels some loneliness. It is also hard to find beautiful light-ups in the World of Yana, that has been introducing wonderful pictures of sits. Yana, please let us know when you found some.

These are real lights on wisteria trellis. There were also gorgeous tunnels with LEDs and fantastic demonstrations.

There are many bright plants in Pandora, but the main character is a bit eery.

In the movie, these spirits were gathering together around the family tree. It was impressive to see them coming close to the character.

Was this in the movie? Floating creatures seen in many SIMs, also on the planet Mars.

映画アバターが出たときは、惑星パンドラのSIMやお店が沢山出たのに、Way of WaterのSIMは見つかりません。
アバターはなんとなく操作者に似てたので、私も自分のを。 辰年のお正月は龍を追いかけてしばらくこれで過ごしました^-^

When the movie Avatar was released, there were many planet Pandora or related shops, but I cannot find those for the Way of Water. Because of rack of creators or the second movie was not so popular as the first one? It was a new world suitable for SL, with floating rocks, creatures with six legs, or Ikran with psychomancy. Avatars in the movie were somewhat similar to the operators, so I made my one, that I have been using to find Dragons in SL new year.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)旅行(架空世界)



Feel lonely since there is no person except figures. I am OK normally but feels stronger in the snow.

In the bright sunshine, it is joy to walk around the snow forests, enjoying beautiful snowscape.

But the atmosphere drastically changes at night. Since this is SL, no need to be scared by anything appearing. But I would be astounded if some large matters jumped out suddenly.

It is silent in the town too. Most houses do not light lamps, that might be character of SL housing.

街灯の下でひとり寂しく;; そういえば雪だるま、日本は球ふたつ、アメリカは三つだった。
Lonely under a street lamp in the snow. In Japan, a snowman was made of two balls.

In an abandoned sleigh, really feel that nobody is sitting next to me.

There was a fine church. I dressed up in front of it. There would be many people here in Christmas?

Snow Forest: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moochie/114/127/21  

Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)旅行(架空世界)



While walking around, I ran into a strange SIM, where Godzilla was at the corner.

This is a town of Shinjuku Tokyo, where a huge Godzilla figure is sitting on a building. I love this dog’s breakfast at Shinjuku, but this could be a kind of strange town in that context.

「おひまでしょ?」 「おうよ、最初は沢山人が来やがったが、最近は見向きもしねえ」

The differences from Shinjuku are that the Godzilla keeps moving, and there is no one around. “Do you feel lonely?” “Yah, there were many visitors when I came here, but no one cares for recently.”

リアルなお店がある一方、文字が裏返しになってたり、「日本のネオンサイン」 なんて看板、あり得ない^-^ 

At the central park, there is a snake like the Chinese dragon. There are road signs at Hongkong, and many Japanese ad displays around, but on the other hand, some letters on signboard are reversed, or the decoration says “Japanese neon sign” in Japanese, which should not be in the real world.


At the park next to a line of Japanese Kokesi dolls, there is Sephiroth who killed the heroine Aerith in the Final Fantasy VII. This is a kind of oriental style but neither Japan nor China. Or was this made intentionally to create a new fantasy world? Whenever I visit a new town, I will wear clothing suitable there, but this time I was not sure what to wear.


I wondered who made this kind of crazy town and saw the creator’s profi. Surprisingly there is a face of a gorgeous lady with highly refined features. The reason why I wrote this article was that large gap. Havih is a photographer, SIM builder and has made many beautiful SIMs. I asked her to let me know her other creations but was not able to contact her so far.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)旅行(架空世界)



お友達とWelcome Center へ遊びにいきました。 

Visited the Welcome Center to play together with my friends. I was with a new account but Sachiko and Miruru were old enough, to be chaperons for me.

Miruru soon found a free Pegasus and flew around the city.

It can fly in the air or water, and also walk submissible with her.

While taking a rest, Miruru made a strange pose. It could be OK with cushion or sofa, but what is this on the folding chair?


Sachiko could get stimulated, and started such a thing like this. There is this pose in the welcome area! They said that I was making face but it was jealousy.

Later I tried myself. The animation was titled Neck Massage, but here is for beginners!

The numbly raising hand and droopy head, rather look like a choke-out. If I knew this, I would have done with Sachiko^-^


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)旅行(架空世界)



今からSLを始める人は、どんな世界を見る事になるのでしょう? 新アカを作って入ってみました。
ここは最初にインする場所、Welcome HUBの外側です。

What is the scenery that a person who started SL will see at the first time? I tried to see it by creating a new account. This is the outside of the Welcome HUB where I entered SL at the start.


The initial world consists of nine SIMs, the center of it is the Welcome HUB. Around that, there are Linden home, shopping area, music studio, movie theater, game center, or casino.


There is video guidance regarding SL operation, step by step, that is very understandable, also good for restudy. For the transportation, you can teleport or with the guided air car. The cannons on the right are shooting you directly to the designated spot. For the first time, it might be good to use the air car on the left for guiding whole area.


Different from the old ones, the residential area or the street with casino were elaborately finished. At the casino, you can buy chips and also fee ones are provided. Regretfully the chip cannot be cashed to L$.

The arrival area was clouded more than expected. Almost all of them were newcomers, except a few mentors.

Maybe because the initial avatar was selected appropriately, they could end up with the same ones. This person is total stranger to me.

初期アバは今も最新のものが選べます。 上の“Avatar”から”Complete Avatar”、 FSは"Choose an Avatar"(アバターの選択)。
50種類以上出てきます。 メッシュではないようですが、昔と違って結構美人^-^ どれも同じような顔ですが、これから編集すればいいのでしょう。
いつもの集会所へ行ったら、「テミちゃんセクシーになった」 だって。いつもどんだけ色気がないの:: 

The initial avatars can be selected now. Click “Avatar”, “Complete Avatar” (for FS, “Choose an Avatar”), then more than 50 avatars are available. They seem not to be mesh, but different from the old ones, they are somewhat cool. The faces are almost identical but they can be edited easily. I came to the usual meeting area, and someone said, “Temi became a bit sexier”. Does it mean that I am so poor usually?


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)旅行(架空世界)




While having a chat over old times, Miruru wanted to visit the first area when she started SL. So, I looked back to the past. This is when I started SL in 2007. There was a building with several floors explaining the SL. This could be the last stage.


The first step into the SL. This is still in the welcome area, but I had the great thrill and pleasure to be able to walk around freely. Although TV games with open world are popular now, at that time most games were to follow the designated routs with map change for each stage.

なんと、すぐ自由に飛ぶことが出来る! 最初は一日中飛び回っていたような気がします。
Amazingly, it was possible to fly freely at the first stage! I thought I was flying around all the day

The day was declining. I did not know that it was possible to change the sun position, so I was watching the sun went down to the night.


A cute hummingbird came in. This was the first pet I bought when I got my house. I was filled with joyful expectations of various animals and persons I would meet in the SL.

A futuristic corner I did not see the meaning, but this also built up my expectation for the new world.

で、ここをクリックしたらどこへ出たのか、全く覚えていないのです;;  呑み込まれてしまった、と言う感じかな。
では、現在のビギナーセンターはどうなっているのでしょう? 次回はその報告を!

It will start the actual SL world by cricking this sign, but I was stepping backward and hard to touch it. I stayed at the beginner area for more than a week. But I did not recall where I got by touching this. It could be said that I was tossed about in the waves. How is it the beginner center now? I will report it in the next article.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)旅行(架空世界)


SL20B SLの夕暮?

でも、私の感じでは、未来の希望を象徴する展示には見えません;; 広い会場に大味な建造物があるだけ。

これまでで最大の34SIMを使った会場。でも無駄に広い感じで、これが 「私たちの素晴らしい未来」なの? 



Sorry but there is no English text this time.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)旅行(架空世界)



このところ、R2の衣装使ってます。現在進行中の囲碁トーナメントでも勝負服に^-^ 負けちゃいましたけどね。

I have been using R2 clothing recently. I wore at the recent Go tournament as a battle dress, where I lost though. I was introduced by my friends but a Go player also had this. But there would be seldom opportunity to use it. So, I searched some suitable place for the outfit.

当時地上最強の生物が大山倍達だったから、という説も^-^ でも、ガンタンクのキャタピラは何だったの;;

Robot dog, looks mighty. There was a question why the mobile-suit Gundam was human shape. At that time without AI, the shape could be the easiest to control. Someone said it was because the strongest creature on earth was Masutatsu Oyama, the Karate master. But why did the Guntank had caterpillar in the space?

First time I looked my shoes closely and found that those were made meticulously, though not practical at all. This dress is also not practical though^-^


I already searched with the word “space” or “future”, this time I used “Cyber”, “Alien” or “Psychedelic”. Shops were hit mostly, but there are many places with good atmosphere.

サイコで検索してたら、「東京」 とついているサイトがいくつかヒットしました。

With the word “Psycho”, several sites with name “Tokyo” were hit. Depending on the perspective, Tokyo night could be Psychedelic comparing with cool Western cities.

I love monochrome worlds that carry futuristic feeling. There was an art event only using white and black as the theme.
White and Black: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1273693.html 


I want to try when I saw this kind of poses which may show my tendency toward M. I could have some death wish that made me write some articles for death, and also had the gallery of death…

サイバー棺桶? 死ぬのはあの最高のとき彼の手できゅってされて、なんて思いますけど、死んだあとはどうでもいい^-

Syber coffin? When I have to die, I would like to be choked by his hand at that climax, but I might not care after the death. But I would like to have my corpse disposed before deterioration.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)旅行(架空世界)




There were many musical instruments that can be played. This Cello has a HUD that can be touched to play tones, but the reaction is slow and not practical even using a touch pad.

昔のLEAのフルSIMアート、Livo Korobaseさんの 「音楽の町」 から。
From an old LEA full-SIM art, Music Land by Livo Korobase.

Very cool drum set, but this cannot be played actually.

フェンダーのストラトキャスターとサチコ姉さま。 RLはバンドでバスクラリネットを演奏される、さすがに決まってます。
Sachiko with Fender Stratocaster. She plays a bass clarinet in her band, so at home in this play style.

メンバーはボットではなく全員名前表示の個人アバター。 よくこれだけの人数が! 

A concert of the Beethoven’s Choral Symphony in 2008. It was not played actually and they moved to the music, but all of them are not bots but real individual avatars with the name tag. It should be very hard to gather together. The stage and audience were set in the different SIM, but it was so heavy that a small move caused log-out. As a matter of fact, this event will not be able to perform today.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)旅行(架空世界)



素敵なピアノを見つけたので、久しぶりに。 RLで使ってるのは電ピアノなんですが、先日街角ピアノの周りに誰もいなかったので弾きました。
そっとキーを押すとハンマーが動いて弦を叩く感じが素晴らしい! この感動はキーボードでは得られないようです。 キーメカを組み込んだのでもだめかも。

I found a gorgeous piano. I am using digital keyboard in RL, but the other day, I found a street piano where nobody around, so I played it. When touching the key, the connected hammer is moving to strike the strings, which is so fantastic that cannot be felt in digital ones. Even the one with mechanical hammer linkage may not create this sensation!

My old gallery that I made using only rectangular prims. There are yachts on my private pier, my ex-boyfriend played piano in the evening glow. This could have been the happiest time in my second life…

ベニスでのRulieさんのライブ。 ソースから流すのではなく本当の生演奏、曲に合わせたライトやパーティクルが素敵でした。
A live concert of Rulie at Venezia, which was a real live performance, not streaming music. There were wonderful light and particle show to the music.

キーボードやった人なら一度は触ってみたい巨大パイプオルガン。 最近は電子式のもあるようです。
Any keyboard player would want to try once, a huge pipe organ. Recently there are some digital ones.

ムーグのシンセサイザー。 高校時代にカリフォルニア大の夜間講座で、これと同じマシンでシンセの単位を取りました。
その大学へは行かなかったので単位は無駄になっちゃったけど^―^ 演奏はアーティストのLivo Korobaseさん。

Moog synthesizer. There was an evening class at University of California when I was at high school, using the same machine. But I wasted the unit since I did not go to the university. The player is Livo Korobase the artist.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)旅行(架空世界)



最近はメッシュが進んで、RLの彫刻を忠実に再現したものも見られます。 でもやはり私はSLならではのインスタレーションが好き。

Another joy of SL could be free arts. There were many contests such as ones held by LEA or UWA. Recently mesh sculpture became popular and there are many realistic statures representing real arts with high fidelity, but I still love free installation art in SL.

ファットパックにあったけどピンクなんてまず着る機会がないと思う。 ここはピンク一色なので^―^
This one was included in the fat-pack, but I thought I will never have a chance to wear pink one, but it could be OK since this is all pink.

ショッピングモールの一角にあったパネル。 回転してるのでテレポータかと思ったけど違った。
A panel on a shopping mall wall. I thought it was Teleporter since it was spinning.

SLには素敵なアートが沢山、リンデンの規定でSLには版権がないので 「撮影禁止」 と書かれていない限り自由だそう。 

There are many beautiful arts in SL, According to the Linden regulation, there is no copyright in SL and it is free to take pictures except there is a clear sign to prohibit it. I took more than five hundred pictures of beautiful arts. I got an approval when I use it in my blog, but most of then I have been watching only for my study. But there is no way to make my picture as good as the arts.

こういう構図は普段も使っています。 写真では避けた方が良いと言われる日の丸構図も^―^ 
私の写真は、どうしても説明的になっちゃうんですね。 通訳が仕事だったから仕方ないか;;

I am using this kind of layout even in my daily photo, also including “Japanese national flag layout” that is recommended to avoid in photographing. My picture tends to be interpretive in any case, which should be natural since I was an interpreter. :: I am trying hard to write the texts, so please read them together with the picture.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)旅行(架空世界)



前のリンデンの役員さんが、「自由な世界をイメージしてもらいたかったのに、皆作るのは南の島ばかりだ」 と嘆いたとか。

I have searched places with a ward “cyber”, but the most cyber-like ones could be shops. This is rather a shopping mall. The previous executive of Linden said, “I would have hoped to see worlds of free ideas, but every one made southern islands.” Has he imaged like this kind of town?

This is a psychedelic shopping mall. I love this kind of controlled chaos,

モールの中庭。 惑星パンドラで出て来そうな光る植物なので、いつものスタイルで^―^
Patio of the mall. There are blight plants that could be seen in Pandra, so I wore the usual outfit.

RLにあってもおかしくない未来的なショールーム。 これもサイバーの検索で出てきたお店。
A futuristic show room that could be seen in RL, that was also found by the search.

以前紹介した町もショッピングモールなのです。 ずらりと並んだお店はまだシャッター街ではなく、活気がありそう。
The street what I introduced before is also a shopping mall. The many stores are not closed but look active.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)旅行(架空世界)



While strolling around cyber cities, I run into a strange building, where everything is huge.


I had seen many giant avatars, but never saw a house for them. But what is the meaning to create furniture to fit them? There are micro avatars available, so if you are interested in the world of giants, the whole SL world could become that. The micro avatar has a merit to use SL space efficiently. I had introduced an air race using micro avatar. Using the micro, the Grand Canyon or the Great Wall could be realized in SL. It is sad that the micro system did not become popular.

トイレも巨大になっています。 何故か和式タイプ。 
若かった私が 「和式トイレの使い方はご存知ですか?」 と意地悪く聞きました。 
「もちろん! 何度も使ってるよ」 「どちらを向いてしゃがまれました?」 顔を見合わせて黙ってしまったのが楽しかった(^―^)
マイクロアバターのエアレース: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1343189.html 

The toilet is large too. For some reason, it is old Japanese style. When I started working as an interpreter, workers from the US were joking about the picture on the Western pan showing how to use it. I was young at that time, I asked nastily, “Do you know how to use Japanese style one?” “Of course! I have used it many times.” “Which way did you face?” It was a little joy to watch them looking each other at a loss for words.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)旅行(架空世界)



インシリコは未来世界というより、サイバーパンクの世界ですね。 SLで未来世界を探しましたが、見つからない:: 

Insilico would be a Cyberpunk world rather than a future city. I searched a future in SL but I was not able to find it. It might be difficult to image a real future, except a war.

買ったけれどほとんど着る機会のない衣装。 こういう環境ならなんとかフィットしそうです。
後ろは、以前 「さよならレイ」 でレイを眠らせてしまったシリンダー。

I purchased this outfit but hardly had a chance to use, but it could somewhat fit this kind of atmosphere. The glasses look out of date but could be thought that the Rayban style is timeless. The cylinder in the back is the one I put Rei to sleep in the article “Farewell Rei”.

SLサイバーパンクの世界は、ピンクとブルーが多いようです。 RLではあまり見ない配色だから?
It seems that there are many pink and blue colors in the Cyberpunk in SL, maybe because those are not seen often in the real world?

Different clothing than the above, but looks good in a SF-like teleporter.

Wandering around the streets. My clothing is neither armor nor uniform, could be considered as a casual wear for habitants here.


As Insilico, Neo Shoda, or Edo, I might love chaos with a lot of elements. That could be the reason why I love wild flower spreading as far as my eye can see. I cannot introduce the LMs here, but many places will hit by searching with “Cyber”.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)旅行(架空世界)



それを同時に混在させると変なことに^―^ 素晴らしい南の国の浜辺を作っても、ビキニ美人でなくNa’viがいては気分でませんよね。

The other day I attended a meeting discussing Virtual Reality (VR). There were some talk about whether the SL is a kind of VR or not. Personally I think that there are bilateral characters in VR, one is to set an extension of RL in a virtual world, and another, to express a world that cannot exist in real. I think SL also has the double sides. If both were mixed at the same place, it would be strange. If you make a beautiful tropical shore, it will be disgusting to see Na’vi there.


On the contrary, if you appeared in full dress on the planet Pandora with floating rocks, it is an OOC that cannot be accepted as just being out of place. SL seems to be free accepting everything, but every world might have some rules, expressly or impliedly.


There are many beautiful SIMs simulating real world. It could be OK to dress up when walking around the city of Paris. There were the old Western towns, the medieval world, or old Japanese cities.


Even in the realistic world, it is possible to do things that cannot be done in real. It is possible to walk on the center line of the Champs Elysees. When I started SL, I loved to enter the areas that cannot be reached in real life, so I visited many famous sightseeing spots in the world.


Tried to stand at the tip of a church tower. This is not composite but I stood there actually, which was hard to do. This should be out of manor, so I did it when nobody is there.


At the start of SL, there were many companies trying to use SL for development or advertisement for their products. Some local town tried to simulate a station square to investigate the flow of people. But at that time, most of SL user‘s behavior was different from RL, so it did not work and everyone left SL.


The person who would like to connect SL to RL and the one who loves free fantasy world might be still following different paths. SL has accepted both of them intentionally, but I wonder if it was good or bad, and worrying where to go in future.


The same thing could be said for the use of an avatar with different gender. Some SIMs are prohibiting avatar that does not match with the real gender. Personally, I feel that it is OK to be free like the character setting in TV games. I have been using female avatar normally, but also used male one for overseas travel. I have kept my age and gender secret, but someone knows the real identity, who heard my voice or noticed my real photo in my old article.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)旅行(架空世界)




As common features of spaceships and space stations in SL, there are many passages that l feel there are more than necessary, but it looks good.

At the photo gallery of a photographer OiMax, there was an exhibition featuring cityscapes. His arts are wonderful using mostly symmetrical and perspective composition.

I tried to follow the OiMax’s way, the radiating composition.

Flash Back: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sociaria/190/195/2502

The photograph lesson I took said the important things should be, 1st Object, 2nd lighting, and 3rd trimming. The art of OiMax is wonderful in the lighting and layout. The gallery will be renewed often, so please do not miss them.


There is a sculpture imaging a human body. The shape is similar to me but the color is strange and first of all there is no tail. But from the human standpoint, the Navi is an alien like a lizard, which will be out of place other than the planet Pandora. When I was walking in the spaceship, the SIM manager called me and politely recommended to get out. It should be natural since such a strange avatar was strolling around. Sorry for that.

未来シリーズの最後は、今はない空中都市Neo Shodaの朝。植物園も公園もあり、温かい情感がありました。

The last of this future series is the early light at the Neo Shoda that is not anymore. There were a botanic garden and a park, with soulful feeling. Besides the beautiful sceneries like three dimensional paintings, I would like to see some affluent future world expressed in SL My friend Sanokawa told me a comment by the ex-presidend of SL, “I would like to see a world that cannot be seen in real life, but everyone is making southern islands only.” I fully agree with that!


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)旅行(架空世界)



Since anything will be possible in SL, a space ship will be a white canvas for new ideas. This is a huge facility that could be considered as a space colony.

I cannot see the function but the dome with running light is cool.

A blight towers with starry background, like a space ship in the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”.


Unexpectedly the structure is rather classic. This kind of flat surface might not be efficient to hold the air pressure. The material could be a new material that we do not know, or this station might be made in the atmosphere of some planet.

I do not know the usage but a beautiful tower. I will visit inside next time.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)旅行(架空世界)