


Saturate: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Golden%20Horizon/6/156/21

Ran into a beautifl art SIM where I found a beautiful one, Sexy Mermaid Statue by YellowCatMiya. Sorry for the other artists but I erased other exiibitions.

This statue has a height of 25m, rather than sexy but like a monster in a fantasy world.

なので、いつもの悪趣味で口元に浮かんで。合成ではなく、ポーズして入ったので、位置合わせが大変でした。 アーティストさんごめんなさい^-^ 
でも、ガイドによれば、この展示のテーマは 「行き詰まり」、「我々は溢れるメディアに押しつぶされた魚の学校の生徒。
自分の改革を始めよう。皆が何を考えてるか、貴方に何を考えて欲しいかなんで、〇〇食らえだ!」 なんですから^-^

When measureing size in SL, I will stand at the end points and see the coordinates. This time I tried to stand on the head, but it was phantom and I dropped inside. So as usual, I did some bad taste. This is not a composite but a real shot where I was floating at the position with the pose. It was very hard to adjust the location. Sorry for the artists. But according to the notecard for these arts, the theme was “Saturation” and it says, “We are orchestrated into sides/teams by social media and media in general. You are part of a particular school of fish. Start your own rebellion. Fxxk what they think, fxxk what they want you to think.”

Aged Bronze Resin Nude Seductive Mermaid Statue 7.25 - Etsy UK 
Unfortunately, I was not able to contact the artist. I had meant to get approval together with some comments. But it seems that this art is based on the original below, so I hope that this could be the artist’s property or approved use in SL. The explanation for the original says. “This beautiful mermaid goddess is the aphrodite of the seas. She stuns all men that sees her and she traps them with a magic spell. She is the goddess ruler of the ocean and her utmost responsibility is to keep the Atlantis safe from human destruction.”


Posted by Temi at 06:04Comments(0)アートギャラリ



SL19B: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SLB%20Beguile/144/203/48

The SL birthday event has started. It has been shrinking year by year and the number of exhibition booths were reduced drastically. The theme this year is Steam Punk, one of the SF categories. The image is a bit unclear, nostalgia or science fantasia which is not for me….


There are many vacant spots. I miss the old days of numerous street booths in the carnival aura. The exhibition image is not clear and there are few beautiful spots that I would like to shoot pictures.

反対にShop & Hopのエリアは、これまで最高の20 SIM! それぞれのお店にフリーギフトが置いてあります。
ギフトを探すのはちょっとしたトレハン気分^―^ これから一つづつ開いていくのが楽しみです!
Shop & Hop: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sugarplum/95/128/53

On the contrary, the number of the SIMs used for the Shop & Hop booth is the biggest ever, 20! Every shop provides free gifts. This year, the shops inside of the loop are for dresses and accessories, and the outside, buildings, decorations, animals or vehicles. As the last time, I visited all shops in half a day and got about 200 items that I thought I need. I enjoyed to find gift boxes like a treasure hunting. It should be fun to open them one by one for the time being.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)アートギャラリ



それに先立って? SF大会の案内がありましたので行ってみました。
SciFiCON: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SciFi%20Con%2014/138/108/22

SL Birthday Party is just around the corner. It will start on June 16. Antecedent to that (?) there was an advertisement from Linden for the SF Convention which I visited yesterday. The name is SF but not so Science Fiction like, there are many small booths as usual festival.

One of the SIMs was covered with the summer snow.


There was nobody, which was creating the cool atmosphere. By any chance, the SF means Snow Fantasy?

何で今頃?って感じもありますし、あんまし夢や発展性がなさそう? 例年のようにお店が沢山出るのを楽しみにしています。

There was a cool head shape that could be one of SF characters that I do not know. The theme of SL19B this year is Steam Punk, one of the SF categories. I wonder why now? It might not have so much rooms for dream or expansibility. I will be looking for the many shops as usual ….


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)アートギャラリ


SLEA 2/2

Johnas Merlinの作品です。色彩と形状に溢れた先のSIMと対照的に、色は全くありません。
SLEA: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1715391.html

In the SLEA, there is another full-SIM art, a work by Johnas Merlin. Completely different from the art of SecondHand with abundant shapes and colors, there is no color in this art.


Around a giant sitting at the middle, a lot of pillars dropped and then scattered into a chaos. The small figure on the right below is me. Please image the size of this art.

There is a wide space around it as a sea covered with snow and ice.

Surface like a frozen sea, naturally I do not feel cold when entered.

家に帰ったら目の前の海もすっかり凍り付いていてびっくり! 設定ですぐ元に戻りました。
When coming back home, the sea in front of my house was also frozen, that was returned soon by adjusting the environment.

A bird’s-eye view of the SIM. I thought that many same objects will make an art as they are, but this one could be a bit yucky depending on how one looks at it.

Kido Go Club:http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Satori/229/158/27 

This is also a single SIM like the above, of my friends, Shambara and Evan, that I introduced several times as the place for Go game. Other than the Go, there are their cozy home, garden, beach, spa, lake, event stage, and beautiful walkways connecting them. There is no intention to be an art but pursuing comfort and peace. Some couples are visiting here to get a quiet time.


At UWA and LEA, there were projects to let a single artist use a full SIM. There are some arts with a single art covering one full SIM, or to establish one whole town in detail. In that context, this SIM can be considered an art. If I were given a SIM for free use, I would never be able to create such SIM like this. Thank all artists, for the beautiful SIMs!


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)アートギャラリ


SLEA 1/2

SLEA: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1715391.html

Some of the exhibitions at SLEA (Second Life Endowment For the Arts) will be replaced as of September end, so I visited again. This is a permanent presentation, The SLEA Bridge Project. On the colorful bridge, there are many entrances to the multitude of art spaces in SL. By touching the signs, LM ad note card will be given.

これはその一つ、SecondHand TuttiのSIM。カラフルなアートが沢山並んでいます。

In the SLEA presentation, there are some arts using one full SIM each. This is one of them by SecondHand Tutti, where many colorful arts are exhibited.

There was a person looking around the arts on horseback. But he talked in a very strange way so I was not able to communicate.

A corner named “Land of Gods and Monsters”, where I found that my dress did not have shade.

“Sakura Blossom”. The pink color looks often in good for SL arts, maybe because it is rare to see that color in volume at real life.  


This is a very nice formation of a hand. As I mentioned before, the hand is not only the symbol of SL but also one of the themes of SLEA. This is “Anointing”, may be a Christian ceremony. This looks like a bath and I took pictures going inside, but I will not use it here since it is too irreverent.

「ウサギサークル」、ストーンヘンジからヒント? アーティストさんはどこからこのようなアイデアを思いつくの? 

“Bunnyhenge”, as the Stonehenge? I wonder how artists find this kind of idea? The SecondHand’s SIM will continue to the next quarter, so I will come back again.

どういう基準で順位が付いてるのでしょう? でも、見ていただいている方々、ありがとうございます! 
残念ながらコメント欄が作動しません。昨年から何度も苦情を言ってるのですが・・・ どなたか対策ご存知でしたら教えて!

P.S. The last one, “SL University” was ranked as the 6th best article. There were not so many visitors and the theme was not so popular, I wonder why. How do they make the ranking? But thank you all readers of my blog! Unfortunately. the comment window has not been working since last year. I have made claims but no answer. If anyone knows the countermeasure, please teach me.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)アートギャラリ




In the booths at SL18B, there were some introductions of active groups such as SL Wrestling Community or Flight School. This is for SLEA (Second Life Endowment for the Arts). I visited there accordingly.

手はKarra Parker、パレットはSacra Ellisimの作品、アレンジはSLEAのまとめ役、Tensee.

There had been LEA, Linden Endoowment for the Arts, a big art program directly supported by Linden Lab. This new program SLEA is following the spirit of LEA and was started at January 2021. This is also suppoered by Linden, so the symbol is a hand following the Linden logo. The hand was created by Karra parker, the palette by Sacra Ellisin, and the cooridinater is Tensee, the chief of the volunteer group.

手をテーマにした展示もあります。Delain Cannuciの作品は腕が階段になってる面白い形状。

There are some arts with the hand image. This is an interesting work by Delain Cannuci that has stair way on the arm As usual, my photo is not for introduction of the art but a spontaneous picture using the arts. If you prefer original ones, please visit the site.


The symbol tower of SLEA. The ball caressed in the goddess or angel boy’s hands could be an egg of arts. Under the ceiling, there is a performing art center with one hundred seating capacity.

球の上に座り込んでちょっと幸せな気分^―^ 作者のLokiさん、勝手なイメージをお許しください。
Felt a small happiness with sitting on the ball. Sorry Loki the artist, for my arbitrary image.


Previous LEA had about 30 SIMs, 25 of them were dedicated for full-SIM arts by individual artists. It was a real spectacle to see some programs using 25 SIMs at the same time, where 25 artists made arts using full SIM each under the single theme. Ths time there are 9 SIMs including performoing arts, education, or intruduction, and some to be allotted to individual artist for free art. The presentation now will be kept until September end, so let us visit at leisure.


Second Life Eye-in-Hand Logo means that the eye observes the world and the hand shapes it. The eye in hand symbol is embraced by many cultures as a representation of creation springing from knowledge. In Japan, there is a specter named “Eye-in-hand”, and was a cute character in a comic book by Yosuke Takahashi.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)アートギャラリ


SL18B 6

大きな展示会では、隠れたコーナーを探し出すのも楽しいです。Guinverre Despresrのニューオリンズをテーマにした長屋。
In a huge exposition, it is interesting to find out some secret, hidden corners. This is row houses imaging New Orleans by Guinverre Despresr.

Entered a small pass between buildings, there was a Japanese street by Umecha.


The house was a fancy Japanese restaurant with trees and stream inside. It was a joy as if I found a secret room. At the old Edo castle SIM, it was said that there was a secret room for Mah Jongg game for staff members that I did not find.

It reminds me of the Geisha house Oumiya where I was visiting often at Edo. I missed the era when there were many guests and Geisha girls.

After sitting and talking politely, they stood up and start dancing at the last.

これは別の場所、Rapo Toneの和室。これも「隠れた世界」のひとつでしょうか。

This is another spot, a Japanese house by Rapo Tone. This could be one of the hidden worlds. These houses might not be made solely for SL18B and could have been popular ones, but during the festial, there might be not so many people visited here, which is my small pleasure.

最後は懐かしい写真を^―^ 江戸は近江屋さん、宴がお開きになり、皆さん立ち上がったところ。近江屋のタグのない方がお客様だった。
For a finale, here are some nostalgic pictures at the Geisha-house Oumiya at Edo. The party was just over and everyone stood up. The persons without the Oumiya tag are the guests.

神田明神の前のイベントに正装で揃った芸者さんたち。今でもお会いするのはApneaさんだけ;; SL18Bの素敵なイベント、お疲れさまでした!
Geisha of Oumiya appeared in full dress at an event in front of the Kanda Shrine. The only person I can see now is Apnea. Thank you for the cool event at the SL18B!


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)アートギャラリ


SL18B 5

Another joy in SL is to be able to take a close look of various objects. This is a zoo by Valor.


Since there was nobody around, I entered in the cages, to play with a cub of lion, to talk with the father. The mother and son of Panda were so cute! But the skins of them keeps coming in and fading out, so I have to wait for some period to see their skins together. Not only the reading is slow but also some area blurs occasionally, so I felt frustrated while shooting.


Presentation of outdoor animals is by Krystal. Also, these textures were not shown at the same time. I finally took all animals anyway, but the rock on the left still has edges, and the glass on the right is blurred. The diagonal parting line can be seen.

不思議な形も見れるのが楽しいです。Venessa Janeのお魚。意味は分かりませんでしたが、きれい!

It is a joy to watch a strange shape, A fish by Venessa Jane, which is cute although I cannot see the meaning. The figure floating in front of mouth is me, so please feel the size.

Tinddlia Soothsayerのカラフルなボールの左手前の羽のあるカタツムリは着て動き回れるフリーギフト。
The snail with wing in front of colorful balls by Tinddlia Soothsayer is a free gift that can be worn.


A helicopter made with somewhat steampunk feel. There is a kind of ray gun. This might not be made for SL18B and brought from another project?


The most realistic instruments that I have ever seen in SL except HUD. As a machine in the steampunk world, there are gauges for water level, boiler temperature, and boiler pressure.


The fat leg is mine. Recently I got the Maitreya body, but it is hard to get my favorite shape. The hip is too large and the leg is like a bar and it is impossible to make muscular calf and fine ankle like an athlete. The only way would be to wait Autumn when I can use pants style that cover legs, to enjoy mesh clothing.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)アートギャラリ


SL18B 4

Mac KanashimiはLEAのアート展でドラゴンカーブやマンデルブロ集合などを使った数学的アートを出された方。

Mac Kanashimi is an artist who had made presentations using mathematical formula such as Dragon Curves or Mandelbrot Set. This is a large circle with ever changing color patterns.

デジタル万華鏡? 変化してゆく渦巻のパターンは同じものが出てこないようで楽しいです。
It is a digital kaleidoscope? It is interesting to watch the ever-changing swirl which will not repeat the same pattern.

Solace Tigerpawのカラフルなコーヒーカップ。残念ながら動かし方がわかりませんでした;;
Colorful coffee cups by Solace Tigerpaw. Unfortunately, I was not able to find how to start.

Monotonous color rather provides phantastic look. Could this be the tea party at Alice In Wonderland?

ピンクを背景にお澄ましショットを^―^ GENUSのヘッドは、インする度に形が少し違います;;
A prim shot in the pink background. The GENUS head shows a bit different shape every log in.

カラー風船が溢れるバスタブはYingzi Xue、後ろはApneaの日本のアニメッシュの紹介。
The bath tub with color balloons is by Yingzi Xue. The behind site is introducing Japanese animesh, by Apnea.

“Let’s Dance with Cute animesh”. The avatar is Miku, which was popular in Japan several years ago. This could be an introduction of a hidden Japanese culture, that meets the SL18B theme.

時差の関係でイベントの参加者には日本人が多かった^―^ Mikuのフリーのアバターとか配って欲しかったです。
今でもTuna Oddfellowさんが素晴らしいSIMを更新されています。

May be due to the time difference, the audiences of the event were mainly from Japan. I wish there were a free gift of the Miku avatar. The changing texture of the room was nostalgic that was used in LEA or UWA farewell party too. Tuna Oddfellow is using this technique in his cool SIM even now.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)アートギャラリ


SL18B 3

Other characteristic of this festival would be many exhibitions like arts, and many colorful ones. This is a forest with full of colors.

There is a pass through the forest of flooding color. These objects are also coming in and out due to the reading error.

It was hard to find come camera angle within the multifold textures. My avatar is a silhouette.

全体です。何故か周囲の壁?にはネコがずらりと並んでいました。作者はRaver Xeno。
The total view. There were many cats on the outside wall. The artist is Raver Xeno.

これも色がテーマのManx Whartonの展示。遠くからでもよく見えます。
This is also an art of colors by Manx Wharton. It can be seen well from a distance.

There was a world of soft color inside. The avatar color was changed according to the position.

By setting at “Edit”, it can be seen that many plates were used. I wonder what kind of texture was used for each plate.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)アートギャラリ


SL18B 2

Bryce Sunの作品。本の中の隠れた世界、ということなのでしょうか。

An exhibition by Bryce Sun, a hidden world in a book? Personally, I am looking for things that are not in real life either in novels or at the Second Life, so I feel sympathy with this art.

In books, there are cities, nature, and even the parallel worlds. I wish the SL would do more Significant leap in that area.

London Whartonの、北斎の富嶽三十六景、神奈川沖浪裏を3次元にしたもの。

Three-dimensional picture by London Wharton, Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji: The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Katsushika Hokusai. The deformed wave attacks a small boat like a monster.


The small boat in the wave. One of the good things of three-dimensional art is to be able to get in it and see the detail. I tried to be less obvious with the plain gray outfit, but it could be OK to wear a dashy Happi of Edo festival. There had been a gallery named Primtings, gathering three dimensional famous arts that are made with prims. Also, there was a huge art, 3D version of Guernica by Picasso, in which I walked through to find many unexpected interesting details.

都会の一角のようなセットはAttica Bekkersの作品。ビジネススーツに着替えて入ってみました。
A set like a corner of the city, by Attica Bekkers. I changed clothing with business suit,

ロボットのようなのに追い回された! 走り続けなければいけないネズミの競争でしょうか。

I was chevied by a strange figure like a robot, like a rat race that forced me keep running. It was disconsolate to run alone in an empty city at night.

If you were interested in the three dimensional arts, please visit the old articles.

UWA 3Dアート:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1488224.html


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)アートギャラリ


SL18B 1


The SL birthday festival was finished. I got hundreds of gifts and hundreds of snapshots. I will bring out some interesting photos here, but since they are not an introduction of the presentation. please forgive me if I did any different interpretation than that of the artist. The main characteristic of the SL18B was “heaviness”. It was easy to take a bird’s eye view of the site usually, but not so this year because of the slow reading and inoperative camera, and sometimes I was forced to log out. So, I adjusted the view distance to the minimum to set the camera position and lighting, then extended the limit to shoot pictures.


This is a shot with the minimum view distance. Just after the distance change, the land can be seen for a while, so I took pictures meanwhile. The reading took more than a few minutes and some parts were blurred again after some period.


The pods and balloons are as usual but with fewer numbers. Naturally it was not easy to read textures while moving. In this picture the road and the crystal on the right look blurred and the shape of distant trees is strange due to reading error. It was frustrating to see the textures of walls, rocks and land repeating in and out while shooting pictures.


There were many vacant areas as usual, but it seemed that there were more dark plants this year.
It could be for showing off the presentations, but I would prefer more bright and happy fields for the festival.


This year’s theme for SL18B was Hidden Worlds. There was a presentation for the planet Pandora. It was amazing to see the cool reproduction within the limited area. The RPG was restarted at Pandora. I would report it later.

上の展示はTina Stormfield、浮遊する植物はPapillon Linkの作品。INSILICOの火星にもありました。

The above presentation was by Tina Stormfield. The floating plant is by Papillon Link. That was seen at the Mars of the future world INSILICO. In these articles, let me call the presenter without the title.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)アートギャラリ




The SL Birthday Event SL18B will be until July 6th. The scale seems to be the same as the last year but it is too heavy! Not only the reading is slow but also some texture goes blurred again after a while.


In this kind of presentation, it is hard to tell if this is the real texture or still on the way of reading. It was not improved even waiting for more than ten minutes. The worst of all is that the camera shutter does not operate sometimes. For a person who loves photo shooting, even a little delay to miss the shutter chance is not acceptable.


I thought that I entered a nudist camp and almost got out to change clothing. It is heavy even in a SIM with no avatars. Since my PC moves smoothly when playing online games or flight simulator, so it should not due to my PC envilonment. Re-log and Cache Clear did not help.


There was an exhibition for SL history. This is my photo when I started SL where was a kind of training center. It was possible to enter the real SL world through the green sign on the left, but I was so timid that I stayed in the newbies area for more than one week.

今年のSL18Bのテーマは 「隠れた世界」、まさか、なかなか読めなくて隠れている? それとも「知る人ぞ知る」?  
来年のテーマが 「失われた世界」 になりませんように・・・

At that time, I was using a slow notebook, so the dancing was jerky and pictures were rough, but there was no frustrating delay. This year’s theme for SL18B is Hidden Worlds. Do not tell me that it means a world that is hidden and difficult to see, or a world for people in the know. I wish the theme for the next year would not be Lost World…


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)アートギャラリ




The Gallery Flashback by OiMax has been renewed. It was once for another person’s pictures but now the originals came back. This time it will be until late April. There are three categories, model shot, landscape, and kimono. The old ones are exhibited in the second floor.

和服シリーズは、SLの有名雑誌SL-Unplugged magazine用に、モデルの方の依頼で撮影したものだそうです。

The kimono with parasol series was taken for a famous magazine, SL-Unplugged, according to a request by the model, who seems to be a professional once appeared in a center fold of another magazine.


This is one of my favorites. The nice pose, layout of clothing, and shadow are so good that I cannot do myself. In some photo lesson, they said that three most important issues are object, lighting, and trimming. But I think the key is the object and how to shoot it.

撮影は冬だそうで、背景に雪が入っているのもあります。 これも好き! 衣装と傘のレイアウトが素敵です。
画像の重なりが出てるのがちょと残念;; OiMaxさんは撮影後に手を加えない主義なのでしょうか。

The pictures were taken in the winter and there are some with snow. I love this too. The layout of the kimono and parasol is cool! Unfortunately, there are some overwraps in the figures but it could be OiMax’s policy not to retouch after shooting. I have a bad habit to modify pictures, so it was hard to attend photo contests that allow neither retouch, trimming, nor even saving.

モデルを撮影した作品も。 前回のランプやビールサーバーもそうでしたが、OiMaxさんは小道具の使い方が素晴らしい! 

There are some pictures of models. OiMax is very good to handle small properties such as the beer server or lamps in the previous works. Also, the background was considered meticulously as a professional cameraman.

モデルも素敵です! 小顔の表情も、髪も、豊かなお腹も、私の好きなタイプ。 こういうアバターを作るのも難しいんですよね^
The models are also beautiful. I love the facial expression of the small head, cool hair, and the rich belly. It is hard to get this kind of avatar.

Café Flashback: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sociaria/169/201/4002 
Flashback Gallery: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sociaria/190/195/2502

There is a Café on the ground. Now the cherry in full bloom and the ground covered by petals of it are awesome. I retouched several parts of this picture. It was impossible to cover the cherry branch penetrating the roof though. The magazine is set behind the counter. The gallery can be reached directly or TP from here.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)アートギャラリ


フォトギャラリ 2/2

The lamps, The sea (ランプ、海):OiMaxさんの作品は、主テーマを中央に配置した左右対称の構図が多いようです。

“The lamp. The sea”: Many OiMax’s works are using symmetrical layout putting the main subject at the center. The space composition with one-point perspective projection is nice!

Bear Servers (ビールサーバー):水平線、垂直線を強調したOiMaxさんの絵には共感してしまいます。

“Bear Servers”: His work touches my chord with the layout stressing vertical and horizontal lines. Both this picture and the previous one have a nice background rhythm while keeping the symmetric composition.

On the time to the dream(夢へ旅立つ時~夢の世界へ入ろうとしているときのちょっとした時間):

“On the time to the dream; a taste of time when coming into a world of dream”: Would it be a bright paradise or a dark nightmare waiting for you over the bridge? The metallic frame shows various expression according to the light and would be a part of the work.

floating (浮かぶ):私も同じ構図でリフレクションを使った絵を撮ったことがありますが、これは水面下の身体の表現がきれい! 

“floating”: I once took a similar layout using the reflection effect. This work has a beautiful expression of the body under the water. The use of capitals in the title is following OiMax’s designation. He said that the lower case was used for generalization avoiding strong images.

Golden Time (黄金の時):現地の少女のような若い肢体が自然の中の美しいひとときを。まさに「人生最良のとき」 RLでぜひ経験したい世界です。

“Golden Time”: The young body like a local girl expresses a beautiful moment in the wilderness. This is surely the best moment in the life. I do like to have this experience in RL. Another feature of OiMax’s works is to elimate space above the model head, that provides some heightening of tension through the feeling of adjacency.

Standing for the summer (夏に立って):「なんか文句ある?」って言う強さを感じます。ひまわりの強さも好き! 

“Standing for the sumer”: I feel a power saying “Do you have something complaining?” I love the strength of the sunflower too. There are many cool pictures other than these. The exhibition could be replaced soon, so do not miss them! Thank you OiMax for taking time for my interview(?) out of your hectic schedule for setting the gallery.
Flash Back: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sociaria/190/195/2502


I have just read a book, “The Creativity Code” by Marcus du Sautey, discussing the possibility to develop creativity with AI. In the book he said that an art is a window to see activities of someone’s mind through it. In that meaning, it could be rather good to ask OiMax’s intention or to guess how he shot the pictures. Please forgive my arbitrary interpretation.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)アートギャラリ


フォトギャラリ 1/2

お友達のOiMax Alexさんのギャラリー、Flash Backです。展示されている写真も素敵ですけど、ギャラリ自体も大好き!

I would introduce the photo gallery Flash Back of my friend, OiMax Alex. The exhibited pictures are cool and I love the gallery itself too. The sky gallery is set above the nice bar in a wood. The first and second floors are for the exhibition and the third might be a photo studio. There is no visible wall but you do not need to worry about falling down while strolling around.
Flash Back: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sociaria/190/195/2502


The structure utilizing straight lines, marble floor, abd flame with metallic texture are similar to my old gallery. Here are my favorite pictures below and also in the next article.

Ayano-1 (あやの、1):私の一番好きな作品、自撮りではなく、モデルを使われているそうです。
ライティングが素晴らしい! 高画質のBlack Dragonかと思いましたが、Firestormのままだそうです。FSでもこんなにきれいな絵が撮れるんですね。
OiMaxさんはBlack Dragonも試されるそうです。どんな素晴らしい絵になるのか、楽しみです!
でも、モデルさんが敢えてプリンヘアにしてるのは、どういう意味があるのでしょう? それを気にしてるポーズにも見えるけど・・・

“Ayano-1”, my most favorite work. This is not a self-portrait but using professional model. The lighting is so nice! I thought it was using the high-grade viewer Black Dragon, but this was shot with the normal Firestorm. It is great to see that such a beautiful picture can be shot even with the FS. OiMax said he would try the Black Dragon soon, so I am looking forward to seeing the more wonderful shots. By the way, why does the model leave the hair dye to become the custard pudding hair? It could be seen as a pose worrying about it…

at the international forum (国際会議場で):背景はRLでの国際会議場だそうです。
“at the international forum”: He said that the background is at the real international conference.

thousand pain (千の痛み):このギャラリでは珍しいBDSMの衣装。
「千」は撮影場所のThousand windowsからとったそうです。

“thousand pain”, a rare one in this gallery using BDSM costume. The title “thousand” was from the site named Thousand windows.

Breath (呼吸):SLの写真は「アバターを撮りました」、って感じになっちゃうのが多いですけど、OiMaxさんの絵はモデルの肉体と個性を感じます。
“Breath”: Most SL pictures tend to be the ones just “pictures of avatar”, but OiMax’s ones are carrying the feeling of the model body and characteristic.

Somoku (草木):OiMaxさんご自身が一番好きと言われた作品です。タイトルは若いミュージシャン長谷川白紙の曲「草木」からイメージされたと。

“Somoku” that OiMax said his most favorite ones in the gallery. The title was from the music “Soumoku (vegetation)” by a young musician Hakushi Hasegawa. OiMax said that this was a snapshot taken a few years ago, but the pose, facial expression, lighting, and shadow are so cool as an art work.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)アートギャラリ



Particle Magic:http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/GEL%20Community%2010/41/96/23  

Visited the SIM of Roxy, a particle artist. Roxy also designed the farewell party of LEA. I used the pictures several times in my blog. This is a shop but there are many cool displays. .

Dance in the night sky:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e466569.html 

When shooting arts, it is one of my joys to select suitable clothing for the art. In former years there were several chances for that like LEA or UWA. It is also enjoyable to bring out clothing that I wear seldom or never. This is a dress that has the largest flare, that I wore only once at Edo, together with my friend, dancing in the night sky

This is also almost unpractical dress. It is only a nuisance while dancing.

I like this kind of geometric configuration. My dress bottom does fit the shape.


An art named “Tunnel”. The whole figure is rotating slowly, so I felt heavy seasick while shooting pictures. There were dance balls, but I hardly like dancing here.


This time I used the “Japanese national flag composition” that locates the subject in the middle, which is not recommended in photography text books. I normally use the rule of thirds, but it could be interesting to allow myself to use Japanese flag pattern with this kind of geometric design.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)アートギャラリ




The festival is over. I have complained all the time, but it was joyful two weeks. Thank you、Linden!
Not related to the festival, here I put some my commemorative pictures.

There was a dark corner a bit different from the birthday image. I did not see the meaning…

かっこいい! 「アメリカの車、大きなウィング」で検索したら、シボレーのBat Wingらしいです。

Cool car! Searched for “American car with large wing” and got Chevrolet Bat Wing. Such a car like this really existed on the road!

This is Corvette open, which I have driven in my TV game.

計器盤は作者のジョークでしょうか^-^ 左から空燃比、燃料、スピード、水温、タコメータ。 速度計はkm/h表示になってる! 

The instrument panel might be a joke by the creator? From left to right, air-fuel ratio, fuel, speed, water temperature, and tachometer. The speedometer is km/h! The air-fuel meter was equipped on Mustang, but no car now has it?

グランツーリスモSportsで、雪道がなかなか出てこないのはどうして? 詐欺ではないか!

I checked the internet and found that there were many types of instrument panels on the old Corvette. The typical one is shown above. From left to right, fuel, water temp, speed, battery and oil pressure. The tachometer is set at the middle, not behind the steering hand like the exhibited one. I visited the store of the creator. There are many classic models and Corvette on sale had the original shape same as the picture below. It is possible to make a test ride, but for the reality of both driving and appearance, SL cannot compete against TV games which have more variations in models and courses. But why the game GT-Sport still has not updated snow road? It could be fraud to sell it saying Dirt and Snow without it!


When I was shooting Corvette, there was a gorgeous lady in the passenger seat. I had meant to ask for a picture but she left soon. I took only one. Please accept my apology for using it without permission. Smooth hair over the cool body with no bra, long slit faint gray eyes, straight small nose with fine pierce, small but rich sexy lips, a beautiful shape that I can never copy. If I tried hard, I would end up with a strange face. This is a good thing to have such variations at SL. Even how beautiful it was, it would not be interesting if everyone used the same shape.
Last not but least, Happy Birthday SL!


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)アートギャラリ


SL16B 3/3

お友達のEvanさんの展示は、Fun House、今回の展示の中でも規模が大きい方です。

Fun House by Evan my friend is one of the largest booths this time, which is on the middle left, the tower with a pink rocket stuck on it.


There are several amusement houses and fun rides in the exhibition this time. This could be one of them, with crooked house, where a lot of pink flamingos for no reason.


Evan said, “Everything is crooked and it is all for fun. There is no big message here, it is amusement park wacky fun house, no massage at all :)
The fallen rocket is not depicting the descending SL^-^

Leeward Cruising Clubの展示。日曜1pmと火曜5pm SLTの二度、クルージングとその後のダンス会。

Exhibition from Leeward Cruising Club, weekly sailing cruises followed by DJed dancing parties on Sundays at 1pm and Tuesdays at 5pm SLT. The Pengzilla is the LCC mascot. As the SL16B “Sweet Sixteen” theme embraces the 1950s, Pengy wanted to impersonate Godzilla. The beams are all show^-^


The yacht has cool awnings and well-equipped instrument panel. I missed the time we did transatlantic races or cruising around to find new waterways.


Found a futuristic booth. This is called Floch’er, slow but highly versatile service device moves by hopping and uses a beam for object manipulation


There was a device like a medical machine. I was thrilled by expecting some operation and entered with cloth on, but nothing happened. I took picture since the free avatar looked a bit cute.

Bryn Ohの「火星からの生物」―女性の捉え方を学ぶ。

The Creature from the Mars by Bryn Oh, “Learning how to grab a woman”
Bryn is a famous designer who made many great art such as “Imogen and the Pigeons” or Cube project at LEA. It looks rather like holding dying SL than learning to grab a woman. Is that only my imagination?


Sweet Sixteen, radiance of youth, expectation and reservation, but this event was a kind of nostalgic one apart from such images. When I started SL, I was wondering how I shall do my avatar eyes when going to be kissed. By any chance could I have a proposal? Such days of anticipation toward the new world. But I did not feel of espoir so much for the future this time…


Things that are expected in SL depend on customers. The expectation at the best days could have been resigned or reached to the end? LL might be thinking to get back to the basics, and the “Linden Homes” project could be a plan to rebuild communities?


Articles for the art by Bryn Oh in my young age. My blog was in good form at that time. Please crick 「次の記事」 at the bottom of the article.

Imogen と鳩;http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1313968.html
Cube Art:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1272837.html 


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)アートギャラリ


SL16B 2/3 フリーアバ


My recent outfit is one of the free avatars available at the Welcome Center of SL16B. There are two of each for male and female. The colors of clothing can be changed by HUD. The eyeglasses are my own. There is a big change from the first beginner avatars with pink shirt and blue pants. I feel nothing when I am making up my face but this time my heart throbbed when touching the male face. The avatar is not a mesh type but an old one with less freedom for adjustment, but the skin was good and might bring in a real feeling.

ピンクの塔はGuiniverre Despresの作品。SL16Bに因んでか塔が16本あります。

The pink towers are by Guiniverre Despres. There are sixteen towers related to SL16B? The sixteenth is the tallest but it could be interesting if the heights were related to the number of SIMs for every year. Or it may be too ironic?

私が好きな感じのアート。Von Loopenの作品、「50年代の光の道を辿って」
The art that I like,“Walking under the 50’s light line” by Von Loopen.

一時的に消すには、オブジェクトにタッチ→More→More→Derender→Temporaryです。 SIM外へテレポして戻れば再現します。

The surrounding exhibitions were erased to show the beautiful grids. To erase an object is touch→More→More→Derender→Temporary. It will come back after teleporting to another SIM.


Shui Mo by FionaFei, a Chinese American, depicting a common theme or landscape seen in many traditional Chinese paintings. This art is to celebrate SL 16th birthday and also serves to underline the political turmoil in Hong Kong that troubles China.
I cannot comment about the political issue but is a nice experience to walk through the cool 3D art with moving ambarella and swimming fish, that is only possible in SL.


A part of comments by the artist:
“The umbrella is a literal and symbolic representation of the Umbrella Movement that is happening in China, where citizens carry umbrellas to protect themselves from the tear gas of police. It eventually has become a symbol of their passive resistance. If seen from a distance, I hope for the viewer to see a Chinese landscape built from this population who are painting a "new China". It is important to note that the artwork does not favor any side of the bill, but rather, it stands an observational piece and symbolic view of the modern-day landscape of China.”
The art can be seen more symbolic when seen from the entrance hall of the theater across the street.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)アートギャラリ