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LEA Full SIM Art: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA1/81/127/25 

This one looks like a large art, a museum. There are several stages set around a tower of 160m height and on each stage an art is exhibited. There is no stair way between the stages. After TP to the top, it is needed to drop to view next art. 


The full SIM art “You Choose” that was introduced before is next to this museum. I have been adjusted to the height in SL and overcame the acrophobia (in SL only) The stage that I am standing on is apart from the main tower and floating in the air, but interestingly there are suspention cables on it.


A part of the exhibited art by RazorZ. This one is not so large. Other huge arts will be shown next time.


Posted by Temi at 06:35Comments(0)LEA



顔のテクスチャがパンツに! これは初めて経験しました。「編集」でパンツのテクスを確認しようとしたら消えました。

The face texture came out on my pants. This is the first experience. It was fixed by checking the texture with Edit. The face texture is rather better. It could be terrible if texture of some other area appeared on clothing….


This is not a bug. I bought a dress made with mesh that became popular recently. It is good that leg does not come out of skirt while dancing or sitting, but at the first time my belly came out. It is necessary to wear special underwear that makes body invisible. Since nothing can be seen in the skirt, normal undergarment is not needed.


The top half of this one-piece dress is rigid but not a rigged mesh object that moves along with the body. So it does not fit well around my shoulder and breasts are forced to be shaped as the dress. There may be some coat or shirt with rigged mesh but since I did not feel inconvenience on the top half, it could be better to wear only skirt made with mesh and use normal shirt for right now.


Posted by Temi at 06:43Comments(0)変なバグ




Removed snow at Temi's Teahouse and set Japanese plum trees. It became a bit monotonous since I have only one kind of plum.


Almost one year has passed since I set the teahouse at Baba. Starting with cherry trees, there were carp streamers, tender greens, bamboo bush, Vega Festival decorations, morning glory, cosmos, autumn color, and snow. This plum makes a loop.


The below is the teahouse last week. The snow was there since last November. The four seasons at Temi’s Teahouse have been set since it was at Edo SIM, but now it may become stereotyped. This year I would do something else.


Posted by Temi at 09:11Comments(0)天美茶屋



LEAの2011 Survey of Hyperformalismの続きです。Oberon Onmuraの「組み換え」 巨大な螺旋が空へと伸びてゆきます。
LEA Full SIM Art: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA1/81/127/25

Another art at the 2011 Survey of Hyperformalism, "Recombinants" by Oberon Onmura. Huge spirals are growing up into the sky.


Four spirals are merged into one, separated to two, and fly away in the sky. The mellow motion and colors are easy on the eye.


This one is also substantially large.


Different shapes can be seen by looking up. This is a stage where some pieces are coming out of the four columns and creating something like an egg.


Pieces flying away. It might be frightening if there are falling down.


Posted by Temi at 06:56Comments(2)LEA



LEAフルSIMアートの二月はRomy Nayar & Ux Haxの「貴方は選ぶ」。 
You Choose: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA6/128/128/24

February presentation of LEA Full SIM Art is "You Choose" by Romy Nayar & Ux Hax. The large wooden tree symbolizes the construction of the life of the visitor that branches in many directions. The small pink/white dot is me, so this is huge.


There are many elections on the way that lead to multi-ending, including just to work at office and to go back to sleep.

特にゴールというのはないようですが、ここが終点かも。なんだか分らないけど(^-) 人生ではあのときこうしていたら、と思うことあるでしょうね。

There may be no goal, but this could be the last end, which I cannot see the meaning. There might be many times in one's life when she wonders if she were not taking this way. This art might depict the life with many branches, but the big difference is that a game can be reset and redo anytime. And I think the life is more beautiful than this (Is that my wish?)

これはすぐ隣にあった「2011誇張形状主義の試み」の一つで、Selavy Ohさんの作品。沢山のキューブは模様が変化します。

There are many SIMs in LEA area including large arts. This one is next to the above art, one of the 2011 Survey of Hyperformalism, an art work by Selavy Oh. The patterns on many cubes are changing.


The feature of these arts is the size. It is difficult to feel largeness in SL but this art provides a feel of spacious extensity.


Posted by Temi at 19:17Comments(2)LEA



何度か練習して1分を切るのがやっとでしたが、記録を見たら30秒台で滑ったひとが! ヨットより差がでそうだ。
ニセコアンヌプリ: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Niseko%20Annupuri/191/36/109

Visited Niseko Annupuri on a ski trip of Baba group. There is a downhill course that has seven gates with time measurement. Some of the gates are set on uphill and cannot pass if the speed is not enough. It is very hard to finish at the first try. After several practice, I finally got below one minutes. The time board shows the best time is at thirties second. There will be more difference by skill than yacht racing.


Like the real ski racing, it is necessary to consider following gates position, otherwise it became impossible to pass next one. Also it is joyful to see that the gate cannot be covered if over speeded.


You will fall down if touching gate or trying too hard maneuver, but it is possible to continue racing after falling. Also you can ski out of the course freely. The free set is only for this SIM, but you can buy wearable type for other ski areas. Although it is very enjoying, but I became dizzy since the scenery turns much quicker than yachting.


After the race, we had a card game at Baba, but I dropped and was not able to come back. Sorry for that. Next day, I reinstalled Phoenix but still can not get in. V3 can do but the above SSs are only possible with the practiced Phoenix. I would not like to do training with V3 from the very beginning.  

Posted by Temi at 07:33Comments(0)旅行(日本)




Paper bug. A certain kind of angel came to Baba. It was called 'almost fallen angel'. There are some pieces like a strip of cloth. At first I thought it could be reading lag, but it was somewhat beautiful and could be considered as a kind of veil…


For confirmation, I switched into the wire frame mode and it was fixed. But the wing seemed clapped. The wire frame mode is for creators, but sometimes useful to see the structure by Ctl+Shift+R. All balls with many nice dances have been kindly prepared and managed by Kazumi the owner.

また別人バグ: 馬場で突然私に発生しました。後ろから見てたんですけど、突然お尻が大きくなったので、あ、別人バグだ、ってわかった。
何も特別なことはしてなかった。でもこの顔、ひどすぎませんか? 今まで見たバグはそれなりに見られる顔だったのに(;;)

This happened on me suddenly at Baba. I was looking myself from behind but my hip became larger without any notice. Nothing special I did. But is this face terrible? I saw some cases but they were a kind of normal faces. I run back to my home and changed the skin and recuperated, but it is rather better to be gray than this.


Posted by Temi at 06:34Comments(0)変なバグ



Chic Aeonの「最後のバラ」 荒廃した街路に一本だけ香りを放つバラ。
UWA 3D アート:http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/61/134/249

The Last Rose by Chic Aeon. One rose emitting fragrance on a devastated street. The buildings with many windows with clear light add some eeriness to this space.

Eifachfilm Vacirca のd-o-o-b flacon(らりってる鷹?)鼻みたいな形のオブジェの間にカラフルなガスが吹き出ています。短冊には日本語が(^-)

Eifachfilm Vacirca's d-o-o-b flacon (dooby falcon?) Between objects that can be seen as nose, colorful gas is blasting out. Some Japanese language on the strip of paper.

Charles Heraの「甘い成功」 これは鼻そのもの(^-^) 大きな鼻が向き合ってる。シマシマは等高線かと思ったけど関係ないみたいですね。

Sweet Success by Charles Hera. This one is nose itself. Two big noses are opposed. I thought the stripes are contour lines, but it may not.


Since I am not using perfume, what I thought was a smelling bottle in old movies. Looking on the internet I found that it was a kind of ammonia. It could have been a custom of ladies to faint soon, but I would not like to inhale ammonia! But it could be nice if there are perfumes to go to dream world and that to come back. I had thought about participating with “Perfume to go and to come”, but I did not come up with 3D art to depict it.

3月のUWAのテーマは「音楽」だそうです。但し音を使ってはいけない! 楽しみですね。
最後になりましたけど、ハッピーバレンタイン! 本命と義理、時には外観は全く同じだったりして・・・ これはどっちかな(^-)

The theme for March will be music. An art that expresses yourself musically, without using sound. I am looking forward to seeing them.
The last but not the least, “Happy Valentine’s Day!”  There are two kinds of chocolate, one for someone special, and another out of courtesy. In some cases both are the same in appearance. Which one is this? :)


Posted by Temi at 06:52Comments(0)UWA



UWAの3Dアート、二月のテーマは香水。見えず、感じることが出来ないSLで香りをどう表現するか? 難しかったのか、今月は応募が18件と少なめでした。
左側は色のついた黒い泡(?)で表現しようちしたのでしょうか。中央手前は巨大な香水瓶です。Secret Rageの「お母さんの香水」
UWA 3D アート:http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/61/134/249

The theme for WA 3D Art Challenge February is Perfume. It might be tough for artists to depict perfume that is not visivbe or sensible in the SL and there are only 18 works this time. The left is colored black bubbles(?) that tried to express perfume? The right front is a huge perfume bottle, Mama's Perfume by Secret Rage.


The artist said that when she learned the challenge 'perfume', her very first thought was of her mother. When she was young, her reaction to the mother's new perfume was, "Ohh Mamma, you stink so pretty nowww".


When you enter the bottle, there is a small orb with smiling face of her mother. Touching the orb goes to the URL of her favorite Doris Day songs. She should have been a beautiful and cheerful lady like Doris.

UWA 3Dアートのキュレーター、FreeWee Lingさんの La Roue Libre (自由な放蕩者?) 
意味を伺ったら、お名前が Free wheeling (自由奔放)の意味で、そのフランス語訳なのだそうです。

Parfumerie: La Roue Libre by FreeWee Ling, the curator of UWA. I asked the meaning of this title and he kindly answered that his name FreeWee Ling came from 'freewheeling' and this title is a French translation meaning it. If you touch the perfume spray and some strange figures drop, or you will be in an angel world surrounded by roses.


In this case, you will be attacked by the perfume. The animation set is only the first one, ant the other three are my fancy. Please pass by as a freewheeler. :)


For some reason there was a couch and a pose was set that is difficult to do in RL. After confirming that nobody was in the SIM, I took a commemorative photo in a hurry.


Posted by Temi at 07:03Comments(2)UWA




Visited Mizuky's dancing space. Among Japanese clothing, the couple playing Madam Butterfly is a photographer Mizuki and painter Yana both of them have joyful blogs. The master here is Mizuky but the board says Mizuki, a bit confusing.


Feature of this dance place is that the clothing and dance are both made by Mizuky and her mentor Konoha. The dance is rather modern dance with a taste of mermaid movement in the air than Japanese dance. Since I was there with a sweater, I kept quiet as a wallflower. For right now, this place will open from 6:00 to 6:30 SLT on Tuesdays.


Posted by Temi at 06:54Comments(0)ダンス




The second wall paper. For the reflected emage, it is not enough to flip it vertical but necessary to shoot another figure by looking up. I learned a little about managing light direction and face light (equivalent to a light reflector in RL), but still it is difficult to get a gallery-level picture quality. After all I will target high quality pictures this year.


Posted by Temi at 06:43Comments(4)撮影技法




Tried the recipe "Éclair Noodle" that was presented at Mizuki's blog. The materials are an instant noodle soup and an éclair. Red pepper, green onion, cod ovum, marshmallow, margarine, and bathwater additives can be added as you like. I used none of them.


Two tastes were fully independent and not mixed. It was like to eat noodles and éclair together (like a duck swims) It was not so bad but it made me feel that I took only one food, missing a chance to eat two nice ones. The other recipe in Muzuki's blog, "Rice-cake with condensed milk and soy sauce" is a real one and palatable, that was better than imagined. Mizuki's blog is shown above.


I ate everything but the soup. There may be no one to try this but I would not recommend. Someone may say,"Is this the way to unreal world using composite pictures?"


Posted by Temi at 06:47Comments(10)撮影技法




My nude photos are not interesting partly because of the poor background. I build a studio on the second floor of my house, but I do not come up with a good theme. So I picked up one that I am using on my desktop. The main theme of photograph this year could be unreal world using composite pictures.

ギャラリはまだ昨年からのヌードフォト(^-) みんな合成でなくその場でポーズしてます。Mistyシリーズは、あるアートの背景。

My gallery is still for nude photo since last year. All pictures but one were not composed but taken at the site with various poses. The ‘Misty’ series was taken at a background of someone’s gallery. The only modified one is the blue seas anemone, of which some of the tentacles were painted using Photoshop. The ‘skull and sword’ was also shot by only adjusting my position. It was hard to move delicately to get it, but normal person would not do this…


Posted by Temi at 06:48Comments(0)新スタジオ