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Little time ago, visited the last day of the Carnival at Venice. Since it was a carnival, I went there with clothing for Carnival do Rio that was held at that time in RL, but I was out of place and I jumped back home and changed into a different outfit. The dance partner was Mizuki. She looked nice with the mask, not meaning looked better with it… Mizuki took a nice photo. Please visit her blog shown above.

花火を見ていたらいつのまにか水が・・・ そういえば昨年来たときも水があってびっくりしました。RLのベニスも冬に冠水することが多いそうです。

While watching fireworks, the square was covered with water. This happened when I came here last winter. The real Venice is also covered with water in winter. One of the reasons is ground sinking of about 10cm. The St, Mark’s Square is flooded several times a year since that is the lowest spot in Venice. It had better carry long boots when visiting there in winter.

アクアアルタ、っていうそうですが、新宿西口みたい。 イタリア語で「高い水」ですね。 まんまだ(^-^)

This is Mach last year. Be careful not to step in the canal. I visited there several times since then but never had a chance to see this water. It is called ‘aqua alta’ in Italy, that means high water.


Posted by Temi at 06:53Comments(2)旅行(欧州)




Visited Yamato Memorial that was introduced at Mizuki’s blog. I remember the good old days at the Edo SIMs where another Yamato was situated in the adjacent sea. I tried to dress up to look the part but ended up with Maetel from Galaxy Express 999.

江戸の近くにあったのはKuroe2 Noelさんの、すごくリアルな大和でした。

The one near the Edo SIMs was made by Kuroe2 Noel and awfully faithful reproduction. This one is a bit different but it povides a warm feeling like a huge plastic model different from the one by Kuroe that had some feeling of dangerous conditions of the war.


Took a memorial photo with Mizuki wearing a hat that she gave me. She explained that this is a memorial of Yamato. “The canon will not fire anymore, she does not harm anyone, and will not be damaged by anymore. This is a ship who slumbers peacefully while smoking gently.” If you visit this spot Muzuki will take a nice portrait for you. There have been more than 60 pictures presented at her blog.


Posted by Temi at 06:34Comments(2)乗物



モデルは馬場のヒサノリさん。男性でよかった! メッシュのドレス着るときは要注意ですね(^-)

This could be a bug where the alpha layer was not read. I saw other bug that the alpha shirt was not detached and a part of body was invisible, but this one is opposite. The model is Hisanori at Baba. It was lucky that this was a male case. Need to be careful when you wear a mesh dress.


Actually he is a beauteous youth like this. He said he has been growing gradually since he started SL and now 150cm after find working with a master degree. The overlap of pants and shoes is not a bug.


He had been looking for a new land due to Baba SIM closing. He bought one and immediately put a set for ceremony for sanctifying ground. I put a camping car only when I got a new land. He works through channels although he should be younger than me. :)  A cool white house and black over there is a home of Kazumi the master of Baba meeting area. The black one next to it will be the new meeting area that will be open in March.


Posted by Temi at 06:41Comments(0)変なバグ



LEAの2月展示、Nexuno ThespianのDr. Moreau Seaworldを見ました。

Visited LEA February exhibition, Dr. Moreau Seaworld by Nexuno Thespian. The original is a novel ‘The Island of Doctor Moreau’ by H.G.Wells. The island was a testing site of a mad scientist to create new creatures combining human and animal. This SIM looked like the Rotten Sea in Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, so I wore this costume.


Bird’s eye view of the SIM. Various areas of monstrous creatures can be reached by teleporter.


Nexuno said he is fond of aquariums in real life and his work is a marine version of the island of Dr. Moreau. There are many chimeras made of squid, octopus, shell fish and hominid.


I think that there are two types of worlds in SL, one to reproduce things in RL as faithful as possible, and another to create things that cannot be seen in RL. It is good to walk through realistic objects that were made amazingly realistic while considering the labor and skill of the creator, but it is fun to explore a mysterious world where you cannot expect what is coming in.


A beautiful fish that could be seen in RL and a merman with strange beauty.


Another cute fish. I erased other objects to take a picture.


At the ending of the original novel, the hero came back to London but was no longer comfortable in the presence of humans who seem to him to be about to revert to the animal state. This might depict the fear. The scariest spot in this SIM.


Posted by Temi at 07:54Comments(0)LEA



ブログ用のカードとは別に、本命カードを毎年出し続けたんですけど、効果ありませんでした(; ;) 

This is the fifth Valentine day in my second life. Apart from this card for my blog, I kept handing a special card for five years but it did not work… Recently in Japan, Valentine day changed to a day to express thanks, used to be a chance to confess one’s love from girl’s side. Here I present this card with many thanks to you all who keep coming to this blog!

Team ASHの写真展を少し早いですけどアーカイブの方へも入れました。
でもギャラリーもやっぱり見てほしい。 ブログには出せないような絵もときどきありますし(^-)
Aechive: http://temitemi.slmame.com/ 
Gallery: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Dromio/80/236/24

A little premature but pictures of Team ASH were now included in my archive. If you feel that it does not worth to go to my gallery, please see the page shown below. Blog page is easier to see than the gallery and also does not cost the upload expense, but still I would like you to come to my gallery. Sometimes there are some pictures that may not be suitable for blog…


Posted by Temi at 06:33Comments(0)新スタジオ


Team ASH


Viewed a performance of Team ASH at the first time. They have given public performances before, but a friend at Baba said that it was very heave and there were someone who was not able to enter, so I hesitated to go. But this time it was said that newcomers were welcome, so I visited there just before the curtain in order not to disturb steady customers.


It was said that there were 50 avatars, to full of the SIM capacity, but there was a security gate shown on the left that limiting avatar heaviness, so it was very comfortable to move around and swing camera smoothly. It was not necessary to lower the picture quality when adjusting camera angle like in the main land.


Since I had no chance to see the rehearsal for shooting practice the lighting was ad hoc, but I think the beauty of the wonderful show was caught in some measure. Some pictures are now presented in my gallery. Please drop in.


The exhibition is on the second floor. This is the second presentation in the new gallery. The third floor is nothing special :)


Posted by Temi at 06:40Comments(2)ダンスショウ




If you come too near the fire at Temi’s Teahouse, you will catch fire. It burns with great fury.


It will not be extinguished by running around or jumping into a pond. It burns until you are incinerated…. Not actually, it will go away after a while without leaving any burn injury. It will be left behind when you go out of my area and come back upon return.


Put a fire on the snowman. He does not walk, so I caught fire myself, went to the snowman, and teleported leaving the fire behind. I asked my sister to do this.


Since I saw it was possible to ignite snowmen, I burnt them. Is he made of methan hydrate?


This fire can be set at any place, so I put it on the pipe of the snowman to make a lantern.
The Baba SIM where Temi’s Teahouse is will be closed at the end of March. There will be only one facelift in this space…


Posted by Temi at 06:35Comments(2)天美茶屋



LEAの1月展示、Barry Richezの”Deram in Space (Imagination)”を見ました。1月30日まででした。

Visited LEA January exhibition, ”Dream in Space (Imagination)” by Barry Richez. Unfortunately it was until the end of January, but we may have another chance to see arts by Barry in near future since he has done many arts including that for UWA. In this art, after walking through a desert, there was a pyramid with teleporters to outer space.


Total view of the space. We can teleport to the space station at the middle and all spheres floating in it. There is Millennium Falcon parked at the top of the station.


There are paths connecting rooms in the station like a maze. We can reach a cockpit of spaceship. There are anything and everything in this art. There are desert at the beginning, field of flowers, floating garden in the space, material storage, personal gallery, a bar like discotheque, and also a space for Tai Chi.


We can go out. It seems that there are air and gravity. There are pose balls for space walk.


The artist Barry kindly made a tour with a flying pod. You can see the air by seeing the light beam.


There are several vehicles provided. This one is not easy to drive. While I was struggling, it went into steep dive and entered into the earth’s atmosphere. Some vehicles have a system for aerial battle.


Can stand up like this since there is gravity. The tube to the station was dismounted.

Barry said this is his room in the space station. There is a big window at near side with magnificent view of the space. What is this art all about? My answer is “A billionaire’s vacation house above a desert”. That explains the various realistic facilities listed above. There are also bathroom and a bed with pose balls for many animations. I was interested in doing things in a weightless condition, but there was gravity here.


Posted by Temi at 06:22Comments(0)LEA



FreeWee LingさんのアートSIMが閉鎖になるので、慌てて見に行きました。2月4日まで開いてるそうですので、まだ間に合います! 
Artemisia: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Artemisia/185/84/2508

FreeWee Ling’s art SIM will be closed on February 4, so I made hurrying up to. If you have not seen it, still you can be in time. A lot of her arts are presented in the SIM. There are some that were shown at UWA, but it will be hard to look at them thoroughly within a short time. After closing, she said she would use it for her own work. Please let us see more arts near future!


Many of her arts are hands-on type. I like to be able to go in and play with them. I think one of her art themes is avatar itself. In the exhibition, there is an art titled ‘Avatar’s Pet’, depicting she was bossed by avatar, other way around.

「スチームパンクの虹製造機」と「空のペンキ屋」  ブラシを持って梯子に登り、空に白い雲を書く。

“Steampunk Rainbow Generator”, and “Sky Painter”. Get a brush and climb up the rudder to paint white clouds in the sky.

「サイケなアボカド」  3Dアートのいいところは、動くことと、傍に寄っていろいろな角度から見られること。

“Psychedelic Avocado” Good things of 3D arts are to see them moving and to be able to get close to see from any angle. And also I like to shoot photographs including myself.


There are many basic prims in pieces. I thought there should be some trick and looked around. It looks like this at a certain angle.


Since the title was “Shadow Lab”, I put a shadow ON and the proper shape came out.

「かぎにかかって」  フックにはそれぞれポーズが用意されています。
“Hooked” A pose ball is set on each hook.


FreeWee’s art is sometimes impish, so I tried all hooks. Different from the hooks in the Halloween forest, none was icky. The right hook is not stinging my body.

のですが、私は誰も助けに来てくれませんでした・・・ 右側に蛇と戦うペルセウスのポーズがあります。

There are some from famous paintings. This is “Perseus and Andromeda”. Andromeda is chained naked to a rock to be serpent for her mother Cassiopeia. The hero Perseus will come to rescue her, but this time nobody came for me… There is a pose ball for Perseus fightihg with the serpent.
I planned to make composite pictures this year, and considered to include myself in famous paintings such as The Birth of Venus or La Maja Desnuda, but FreeWee has already done them.

「宇宙のお祈り」  懺悔室のようなボックスがあります。海にむかって大声で告白するのと似た心境・・

“Cosmic Prayer” A box like a mourner’s bench. Confession will be heard by the cosmos. It is like to shout toward the ocean.

「夜明けに挨拶」 SLを始めたころ、太陽に向かって飛ぶのが楽しくて、夕日が沈むまでずっと空に浮かんでたときがありました。

“Greet the Dawn” When I started SL, I was impressed by the sun and loved to fly toward the sun. I was floating in the air until the sun set. This art reminds me of the good old days.
FreeWee, please open new gallery soon!


Posted by Temi at 06:40Comments(0)アートギャラリ