



Mesh nose: Again, I tried mesh heads. Visited every spot that appears in the search and got DEMO as much as possible. There are many beautiful avatars in the advertisement, but I was not able to find how to adjust the DEMO and could not find my favorite faces.


The part that I cannot go for is the nose. May be due to my real one, I do not like a fat and round tip. I dream of a straight sharp bridge. narrow fine nostrils, and the wing that is not puffy. Since I cannot edit the DEMO, on the far right I tried to fix it with Photoshop, but still it did not satisfy me. So, it might be hard to get my favorite one even if the editing is possible. Someone said that no woman like her own nose shape, so it is hard to satisfy oneself…

These are pictures when I took eyes, noses, and mouths eight years ago. Comparing with these, today’s figures became far realistic.


The eyes might not have changed so much. All eyes and noses eight years ago are from my Japanese frinends. Can you indentify them? The mesh eyes make it possible to close in addition to blink, but it seems not to be utilized efficiently.


Someone said that if both beaming and sleeping faces were cute, any behavior would be accepted, but no beautiful one is available in SL although there are many ones posted in the net…


My personal preference is the one like this. Please let me know if there is any DEMO. Ideal if it is soft and slim, and flares softly only when concentrated or excited. Or other way around, it could be nice it is normally as the one above and shriks when sleeping of fainting… It would reveal a pretended sleep. If you were interested in, please use picture software, copy the upper half of the following picture, paste it on the lower one and switch them back and force. The lips will move too. The nose retouch was done once when my sister was going to die. Please visit the old article.
Execute my sister: http://temioyen.slmame.com/e1683108.html

・ 上の画像の一枚を右クリックし、「名前を付けて画像を保存」を選択、保存場所と名前をメモ
・ 次の一枚を右クリックし、同様に最初の画像と近い名前で保存
・ 左下のウィンドウズキーをクリック→スクロール→「Windowsアクセサリ」→「ペイント」を選択
・ 左上「貼り付け」の下の▼をクリック→「ファイルから貼り付け」→保存した画像を選択→「開く」
・ 同じ作業で二枚目を開く
・ 上のバーの左側の、左回り矢印と右回り矢印↻を交互にクリック

How to switch two pictures: Save the above pictures, go to Windows Accessory, open Paint, paste the two pictures, and switch them alternatively. If you have an editing software, it is easy to switch pictures or layers. This is useful when retouching pictures.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)



LEAで最後まで残っていたアートのひとつ、Gene Replacementのギャラリー。中のアートは前回のWerner Kurosawaの作品です。
私のギャラリもこんな形にしたかった;; センスがないのでただの四角の積み重ねでした・・・ 土地もプリムも沢山あったころが懐かしいです。

One of the arts kept to the last moment at LEA. This is a gallery by Gene Replacement, in which the art is by Werner Kurosawa who made the one that I introduced in the last article. I wish I could have made my gallery like this. I did not have the skill and my one is made with stacked cubes. I missed the time when I had enough space and prims…

この燃えるキリンの作者メモを紛失してしまいました、すみません;; お心当たりの方。教えてください! 

Very sorry but I forgot this artist. If anyone knows, please advise. The left is the original burning giraffe by Dali that is a monster comes at the end of cosmos. This art may depict the marine contamination. The fire on the giraffe starts from the side where avatar approaches. It means the fire is initiated by human, so the contamination is also caused by…

Alia Baroqueのミダス王の庭園。なんでも黄金にしてしまった王様は、バラつくりの名人でもあったそうです。

Midas Private Garden by Alia Baroque. The king Midas is known as a gold but also a good in rose gardening. This garden is just one of the beautiful ones that can be seen anyplace, but there is a trick on the temple next to it.

Faure AeonのOraclum Sphinx Secratuary。入ろうとしたら、ここまでしか行けません。SIMの外に置いてあるのです。

Oraclum Sphinx Secratuary by Faure Aeon. I tried to get inside but this is the limit. It is situated outside of the SIM. The three-dimensional structure outside SIM is often used as a back ground scenery, but for me this is the first time to see it as an unapproachable temple.


The completely empty SIM in September. How many times have I seen this kind of scenery? (Though this is the first time to watch six consecutive SIMs nothing on them.) There was a bran-new SIM waiting for construction where I was excited to consider what kind of house I shall build. I wish I could see more newborn ones instead of dying…It seems that nobody visited the revised artice, so let me introduce it again.
Execute my sister: http://temioyen.slmame.com/e1683108.html


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)LEA



最初に了解をいただいただけなので、ほんとはどうなのか^- でも一度も苦情はありませんでした。

このEarthing Rangのアートは花火のように噴き出してくる色彩が素敵です。

One of the good things of LEA for me is to be able to shoot pictures and use it in my blog. I had the approval only once at the beginning, I do not know if it is OK now, but I have never got complaint. For other arts and dance shows, I got an approval every time in advance. Some show did not allow shooting pictures and I realized that not all of them are welcoming SSs, so I stopped to take pictures of a show. I understand that to take a picture by unauthorized person is not only meaningless but also harms the effect of the show. Also, it might not be desirable to be peeped from an angle out of the director’s image. This art by Eathing Rang makes beautiful dynamic effects by spouting colors like fireworks, but I think a picture freezing a moment also has another interesting expression, that is my excuse^-^


Another joy of arts is pose balls set inside. It is one of my enjoyments to expect what kind of pose I would be forced to take in a new art. This is a part of the arts by Dekka, sitting in an empty jar for strawberry jam that was used for nails. I cannot see the meaning but it is interesting.


Another joy is to find beautiful shapes. This is also a part of the arts by Dekka, a figure doing a sexy dance in a container. Since the space is limited and the dance is quick, it was hard to set camera and angle, but it is also a part of enjoyments.

Werner Kurosawaのアートの一部。アートに自分を入れて撮るのも趣味です。

A part of the art by Werner Kurosawa. I also like to include myself in a picture of art. I enjoyed to pick up suitable clothing for every art. This is a plain red outfit that I used often in shooting arts.  This kind of art used to require many prims and was hard to make before, but recently some new technique might be developed, so there are many complicated structures.


There are different expressions by selecting camera angle. This is a shot at the same spot as the above picture with the same lighting, only with different camera position. If the camera is set below the water surface under the SIM, the total picture becomes different.

お隣にあったPancoyote Antonellliの作品は、一個のキューブに次々と自分で新しいキューブを継ぎ足してゆくことが出来ます。

The art by Pancoyote Antonellli next to the above art allows to set new cubes as you like around a single cube, one after another. I made a rudder spontaneously into the center of the next art.

This kind of hands-on arts are also interesting. I put my name that I erased soon.

It is possible to set my pose if no pose ball was set. This is in the “Tower” by Dekka.

これもDekkaの「塔」の中です。このポーズは 「何か文句ある?」 ってRLでやってみたい姿勢です。
SL16Bで貰ったアバターですが、先日死刑にされてしまった:: なのであれは妹だったことにし、以前の記事を書き直して復活しました。

This is also inside of the “Tower” by Dekka. This pose is that I would like to do in RL saying, “Do you have anything to say?” But it requires special confidence in your body shape, and also the person to show this will be limited. This is a free avatar that I got at the SL16B, but this one was executed in the last article. So, I revised the article assuming that my twin sister was executed instead, and I came back. I would use this avatar in future, so please extend your support as before.
Revised article, Execute my sister: http://temioyen.slmame.com/e1683108.html 


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)LEA



Attended the final party of LEA held on Aug. 31 SLT at the special stage in the sky.


The coordinator was Roxy who is a particle artist, so there were many kinds of beautiful ones as fireworks for the ending summer.

There were round ones like shooting-up fireworks, or the one like sitting at the center of flooding lightnings.

Set-fireworks surrounding the party site.

We were dancing but cannot be seen in the flood.

The fireworks continued more than 90 minutes. Once it stopped, the site looks so desolate with the attendants who became less unnoticed…

中央がRoxyさん。素敵なショウをありがとうございました。 「読み込み遅れアバ」は私です。
The one at the center is Roxy. Thank you for the beautiful show! The “read delay” avatar is me.

Freewee Lingさん、Haveit Neoxさん、Rose Borchovskiさんら、アートを通してお馴染みになった方、

The SIM in the morning. The party site was taken away and at a corner there is a list of artists who participated in the LEA. Over Seven years, 343 artists, among them 214 were new, and 129 were returning. Freewee Ling, Haveit Neox, Rose Borchovski, and other many artists I know through the arts and also who taught me various matters. I found my friend Kerupa, and the famous dancer Kai among the participant. I visited Kerupa’s private gallery but I missed the presentation by Kai. Sad to day, none of them came to the party. Due to time difference, or did not know the event? Neither my friend artists Evan nor Shambala knew the party and they came in vary late.


At the middle of the above picture there is debris of the main hall, but actual dome was in the sky. It was not demolished but moved to the sky and the scattered pieces were made separately. I wish the dome used again in future.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)LEA