

UWA 8月展3

Haveit Neoxの「対の安定」: 作者はRLの画家で彫刻家。SLに沢山のテクスチャを紹介してるそうです。
UWA: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/61/134/249

'Binary Stable' by Haveit Neox. The artist is a painter and sculpter in real life and brings many of his texture into SL. This could be from a scene of myth? I cannot see the situation why they are in a cage since I do not know the story, but the pose that brings out some feel and the texture of both characters are cool.

UWA 8月展3

Oberon Onmuraの「亀裂」: 「ときどき、向こうへ届かないことがある」 亀裂を挟んで必死に近寄ろうとするけど、届かない二人。

'The Cahsm' by Oberon Onmura: “Sometimes, you just can't get there from here.” Two persons are struggling to reach each other from both side of a gap. This art is using two avatars with animation operating. This artist is a well-known SL artist who works mostly with arrays of interacting physical objects. He recently has begun exploring the creative possibilities of working with bots (scripted agents).

UWA 8月展3

Kicca Igalyの「Monade」: この瞑想ポーズはあちこちのSIMで使われていますが、白一色の環境はすがすがしい。

'Monade' by Kicca Igaly: This meditation pose has been used in many SIMs, but this situation with white only is refreshing.

UWA 8月展3


Surrounded by white veils. Weather it was intentional or not, edges of the textures were visible, that I felt a bit disquieting.

UWA 8月展3

UWA  最後のアート
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3Dアートの楽しみ 3
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 さよならUWA (2020-12-05 06:05)
 3Dアートの楽しみ 3 (2020-03-14 06:05)
Posted by Temi at 06:43│Comments(0)UWA