

2023年02月19日 06:05


There was a Go tournament recently with 16 attendants from all over the world. I have never heard the system, McMahon tournament. It is a bit like the Sumo tournament in Japan which has a ranking board and the players at the similar level will play, five games each to find who gets the most point. The difference from Sumo is that the ranking seems to be changed after every round. Anyway, the most winner will be the champion. There is no player from Japan and I was ranked as the second strong player group,


Amber from Turkey, the champion. I played with her and was leading until the last stage but she caught up nicely during the final process. I ended up with 2-3, so my ranking will be down next time ;;

左はこのイベントの事務局をされたPhillip1882さん。、一度練習試合したら全く歯がたたない;; 本番はマネ碁で挑戦。 

The left is Phillip1882, the organizer of this event. I played a practice game once but there was no chance to win, so I tried a mirror game, which will play symmetrically to the opponent play. If it is done to the end, the copier will lose, so it is important to find where to stop. The person who is copied will play at the center where it causes disadvantage to make mirror image and start a local battle. Both players will keep considering the center area. I successfully introduced a rough battle in the air. but Phillip managed it better than me. The right is Returnbook, who was the highest ranking. I played at the first round and won by his mistake at the middle stage.

以前対局したことがあり、メモをみたら 「油断に注意!」 ってあったのを忘れてた;;

The left is KahinaRyba I played at the final round. I was leading until the final stage, but she found a hard coup that turned the game over. I have played with her before and my note said “Stay alert!”, but I forgot to read it ;; The right is Dulcis, I played on the second round and barely won. This time was the initial match.

左は何度かプレイしたけど今回は対戦がなかったAyamichiさん、中国の方で、かわいい! エルフ耳をヘッドフォンで隠してる? 

The left is Ayamichi, I played several times but not in this tournament. A cute from China, with the elf-ear covered with the head phone? The right is Soosanne, also I had no chance to play, but I might be pushed away by the countenance before starting a game^-^

Phillip1882さん、計画、運営ありがとうございました! 次回が楽しみです!

The left is Colonel, who was watching my loosing game, and since I looked so pitiful in losing a winning game, he kindly invited me to a dance. The right is Alexander who I had no chance to play since he was in the different level. But he got 3-2 result that is better than me!  There were more players who I had no chance to play this time, or did not meet due to the time difference. Phillip1882, thank you so much for organizing the nice event. Looking forward to the next time!

で自分の顔にも挑戦してみました。 でもどうやって撮っても、眼付きは悪いし、鼻は可愛くないし、口元は憎たらしい;;  
スキンが 「ストロングフェイス」 だし、シェイプは私自身の顔だから仕方ないか・・・ プチ整形か新しいスキン探そかな^-

Addition: Recently I was taking many photos of beautiful avatars, but I never took my own face except for experiment or explanation, so challenged beauty shots of myself, but there was no way I can. Eyes have unpleasant looks, nose not cute, mouth provoking…. No choice since the skin is “Strong Face” and the shape is my own more than 10 years old. I might find some petit surgery or new skin….
