

2011年03月30日 06:52

モスクワ: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Moscow%20Island/184/167/21

Red Square. Reminds me of the excitation when I stepped in the square in RL through a narrow gateway besides the National Museum of History. St. Basil Cathedral and Spaskaya Tower out front, GUM department store on the left, Lenin Mausoleum on the right, and Kremlin beyond that. The real Red Square is about a half size of Tiananmen Square and was smaller than I had expected, so the square in SL looked in good order.


The Lenin Mausoleum that I was not able to enter. It is said that there is a body being as close as sleeping. Is it as empty as this actually?


St. Basil Cathedral. The real one that I took is on the right. The left is from SL. It was too bad that I was not able to shoot as RL due to some trees. These are quite alike.


Inside of the cathedral that also I did not enter. From the resemblance of the appearance, the inside could be like this. One of the good things in SL is to go a world that will never be in the RL, and also to be able to enter or take picture at a place where I cannot have an access.
