

2011年12月18日 06:53


The UWA 3D Art Challenge had the final round. Visited the Grand Finale. The site that has capacity of more than 200 could be said as a kind of art by itself.


Walked around before the opening. Flags of all nations that depict the attendants from all over the world. It is one of merits of SL to be able to walk on the rail.

会場は4個のSIM の交点に作られ、舞台が1SIM、客席が3SIMです。SIM境界が舞台のすぐ前にある。
左上はアメリカの名所「4コーナーズ」モニュメント。 コロラド、ユタ、アリゾナ、ニューメキシコの4州の隅が集まる場所で、

The site was set at the four corners of SIMs, one for stage, three for audience seats. The SIM boundary is set in front of the stage. The left above is the famous point of interest, Four Corners Monument where Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico gather at one point. It becomes rule to set hands and foot on each state for memorial photo.

客席は3つのSIMに分かれていますがそれでも重い! 一番左のSIMは特に重くて、皆さん落ちまくり。私も落ちて右側のSIMに移動しました。
UWA: http://uwainsl.blogspot.com/

Although the audience seats are separated into three SIMs, it was heavy! The far left SIM was especially slow, and many of them dropped. I was also logged out and moved to this side. Someone said, "Now all come to this SIM and we will crash argh!" But it was somewhat OK through the ceremony. Please see the above URL for the contents of the event.