

UWA 最後のアート

これはスペインのアーティスト、Asperix Aspの「ありがとう―感謝への小さなひととき」 

Here are some of the last arts that were left at the UWA SIM that was scheduled to shut down last year. The exhibition theme this time was “Gratitude”. This art is “Thanks - Little monument to the gratitude” by Asperix Asp, a Spanish artist. As I mentioned usually, my photos are not to introduce the arts but different pictures that I took using the arts as material. But I only put myself next to them and never modified the arts themselves. For a person who is interested in the arts of the artists, I put the URL that was attached to the explanatory notecard.
Asperix Asp’s gallery: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Polyakov/56/27/33 

Ama Avroの「感謝の夢」 アリスの衣装を着て子供たちに入れてもらいました。

“Dream of Gratitude” by Ama Avro. I joined the kids with the Alice clothing. It is one of my joys to select clothing to match each art.

フランスのSLアーティストVroum Shortの「UWAへ心から感謝-人は感謝を表すのに花を捧げます。私も一度やってみたいと。ありがとう!」

French SL artist Vroum Short; “Sincere gratitude UWA - Humans offer flowers to express their gratitude. For once I want to imitate them. Thank you.” I selected a plain red avatar to match the base color of red. But why does the flood on the floor look like blood?
Vroum Short’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VegetalPlanet

UWAの常連さん、Chic Aeonの「焦点-混乱し、圧倒されることも。私たちはパワースポットを探し、ひらめきが来たら感謝します」

Chic Aeon, a regular artist at UWA, “Point of Focus - Sometimes confused. Sometimes overwhelmed. We look for a point of power and are grateful when inspiration arrives.” Sometimes the art concept might be changed by adding myself in it, but at this time, I hope that me at the center might not be so away out. It is rather difficult to stand on a desirable spot. When it was impossible to stand at the center, I stood a bit apart from the spot and select the camera angle to be seen as it looks. It might be my self-justification not to use any composition when shooting arts.
Chic Aeon’s SIM and gallery: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moon%20Beach/203/109/2512

これも常連さん、Cherry MangaのCM Sisters. SLアートのもう一つの楽しみは、周囲のものを消してアート単体で見ること。

“CM Sisters” by Cherry Manga also a regular artist. Another joy of SL art is to be able to erase everything around to show off the art itself. In a private galley, the stage for exhibition itself might be a part of the art, but in a joint exhibition, sometimes it is better to separate the art from the ambience. Sorry but there was no artist’s explanation notecard for this art but the shape is so cool!

Luna Larsenの「マジックをありがとう」 

“Thank you for the magic” by Luna Larsen. The artist said in the note card, “I do not pretend to be an artist, I do not pretend to be unique. I do not pretend that I am talented, I am just a human with feelings, trying to show with a little creativity, my world, my imagination. ;- )” But, thank you for the beautiful figure! I wore a wedding dress that I had never a chance to use it in SL. Last but the greatest, thank you again UWA for offering the stage of arts for a long period!


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA


さよならUWA 4


The SIM of UWA that was scheduled to be shut down last year still exists at the end of January. I walked around the last campus almost every day.

The remaining arts were retrieved one by one, and only the name tags were left behind. It is like a department closing.

Another my favorite site to shoot arts has gone. I took a new-year memorial photo.

In an art with falling snow. Australia is now in summer though…

Hacket Hall、UWAの中にある美術館。これは本物とは全然違うようですけど。

The Hacket Hall, a museum in the UWA. This may not be similar to the real one. There was a dance ball at the middle. I wore a flat red avatar that I prepared for pictures together of arts.

There were many trees in the front yard like a botanic garden. Very cool campus!

2011年、初めてUWAへ行ったとき。SIM一杯にアートが! カラフルな3Dアートに初めて触れたときでした。

This is in 2011, when I visited UWA at the first time. There were many arts filling the whole space. This was also my first time to encounter the colorful 3D arts. The art contest by UWA was not started yet. There was neither mesh nor sculpture, but it was enjoyable to watch free ideas of young students. Where have all the enthusiasm gone? Long time passing…


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA


さよならUWA 3


Still there is the SIM of UWA, so I walked around the campus. I have not noticed this corner, an outdoor class room. Was there any lecture here?

A large tree at the front yard. This could be a popular kind of trees in Australia.

This is a similar one that I saw at the botanic garden in Sydney. Please let me know the name.

There are many natural parrots that I saw also in Sydney. They could like pigeons in Japan?

Winthrop Hallを支えている森の精?のアート。

An art of forest spirits holding the Winthrop Hall? I have never been to the Western Australia, but it seems like a beautiful university with full of nature. I would have liked to study abroad there.


Wow there was a Covid19 left behind. According to this damn thing, overseas travels became impossible. I wish that everything goes well within this year.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA


さよならUWA 2

Winthrop Hallの前で記念写真を。

The SIM of The University of Western Australia was scheduled to be closed as of the end of last year but still it is in the new year. I took some memorial photos in front of the Winthrop Hall.

実物のWinthrop Hall。私はRLでは行ったことないですけど、観光名所になっているようです。
The actual Winthrop Hall that I have not visited. It is noted as a tour list spot.

The entrance of the hall that could be also realistic. I wore my best new year kimono as a graduation ceremony.

The inside of the hall. I remember the good old days in a Japanese University, when the dean handed out diploma one by one.

Also, a connecting corridor is a nostalgic spot, where we walked together with friends chatting joyfully or crossed with my heart throbbing senior.

A corridor in SL. Nothing special but it looks meaningful when thinking this is also erased soon.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA




The SIM of UWA (University of Western Australia) that has stopped activity for these years will be closed at the end of this year. Following the LEA, another SL art program will be vanished.

The last exhibition was opened the other day, the theme was Gratitude, at the special stage above the campus.


At the golden age, there were hundreds of arts from over forty countries in the world, that filled multi storied stage. The awarding ceremonies were held at the permanent stage using four SIMs in the sky. Also, there were several full-SIM art projects. This time the exhibition are on a single floor which is not filled up, and there are several posters of past events.

Not so many new displays and some are parts of the past exhibition.


The Winthlop Hall that represents the real one. There had been many arts exhibitions in the front yard. This was the first experience for me to touch the SL arts. Contests were held every month, and I introduced more than 60 artists in my blog. I was privileged with the honor of being one of the judges once. Thank you UWA, for the long period of activities.

Inside of the hall, the chairs are under cleaning up. Lonely graduation ceremony only for me…

観客の中には私が知っているアーティストは一人しかおられませんでした。時代が変わった? (横スクロールしてください)
軽い服装してったのにフェイスライト外し忘れてるのが私です;; テニスの約束があったので、1時間ほどでまた寝てしまいました。
UWA: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/University%20of%20WA/76/227/25

The last event the other day. I woke up at 4:00am Japan time, but there were only live music performances and no ceremony. Among the audiences, I found only one artist who I know. (Please side-scrol.) On the day I had an appointment for tennis, so I stayed only one hour and went to bed again. Is there any event on the last day at the end of the year? If you were interested in the past exhibition, please crick the UWA in the left “Category” column. The exhibition this time will stay until the end of the year.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA


3Dアートの楽しみ 3

Elle Thorkveldの「人類の変容331」:「誰もが人生の中で障害に当ることがあり、それを通り抜けることにより本当の変容を見出す。

“Transformation 331 for Humanoids” by Elle Thorkveld. “Everyone in life sometimes hits an obstacle in which, by passing through, they find they are truly transformed. In the future, this may also happen to humanoids. This is an artistic imagining.” This artist depicted the transformation with a change of skin texture. The multi-colored avatar in front changes affected by the wall texture.


There are four avatars set through the transformation but they are not clear. So, I erased the wall to show them. I also would like to experience the change and tried to find the same pose. In the previous article, “Daughter of the Wind”, there was a suitable one in my inventory but it was not this time. The shape looks like the one at the editing shape, so I used it. Since anyone could come into the stage, so I used the plain black skin.


In the art, the skin was influenced with the wall texture but I preferred more free transformation. These are green marble and silver skin that I used sometimes. My original shape is a bit poor for normal days but convenient for shooting since it looks similar to the ones used in arts. It might be somewhat standard shape resultingly.


Even trying to be free, if I would change the shape also, everything could be possible, so I changed the color only. But the one actually I made was the red one on the right end. Once a monotone skin was made, it is easy to change the color on the Photoshop. Also, it is possible to make them with real avatar with using hair and eyeballs that allow color editing.


I have got an approval from UWA to shoot pictures and use them in my blog, but does it cover to modify them?
Please forgive my tricks as a kind of poor parody-arts.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA


3Dアートの楽しみ 2

またUWAの展示から、Fae Varriateの「風の娘」 

UWA art exhibition again, “Daughter of the Wind” by Fae Varriate. This title attracted me as my favorite movie, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

At the first glance it looked like a simple lace dress in the wind, but second look comfirmed that there is a young girl inside.


I would like to fly with this kind of clothing, but I do not have a suitable one in my inventory. I forced myself in the lace but I cannot find the position since the structure of the dress is not clear. I tried hard but did not get a good result, so I casted off everything and flew around there freely.

UWA Art Gallery: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/UWA/182/142/248


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA


3Dアートの楽しみ 1

これはclaudia222 jewellの「ビーナス蠅取り草」の一部。 突き出ているのは人間の足!

One of my hobbies is photograph. To take a picture of 2D arts will end up with a copy of it. The 3D art such as sculpture or installation art makes it possible to shoot from various angle to take my own picture. In addition, 3D arts in SL provides more freedom such as lighting and camera angle even from the top of it. Above them all, it is easier to get approval to shoot pictures in SL. I missed the art events by LEA and UWA, but there are some exhibitions left at UWA.
This is a part of “Venusflytrapp” by claudia222 jewell. The figure protruded from the plant is a human leg.

明るいとこへ出してしまってもやっぱりきれい! 作者には失礼ですが、これが出来るのもSLアートの楽しみです。

Like the name of Venus, this is the most beautiful monster I ever met. The shape was not clear in the dark, I erased the surroundings. She is still beautiful in daylight. Sorry for the artist but this is another joy of the art in SL.

上と同じ作者の「不思議な植物、醜さと美しさと蛇の椅子車」 こちらが先で、この作者のSLでの初の展示だそうです。

“Strange plant ... ugliness and beauty and ccc serpent chair vehicle” by claudia222 jewell, the same artist above. The artist said that this is the first presentation in SL. There was no explanation about this art but I see the same strange beauty as the above spider.

隣に展示されていたのは、Soror Nishiの「夜の蘭」 意図して並べられたのではないでしょうけど、何だかマッチしてるように感じました。

The one next to the above was “The Night Orchid” by Soror Nishi. The layout may not be planned but I felt a good combination. This is also a joy of an exhibition.

UWAの前庭にあったAlizarin Goldflakeの動くアート「輪廻の庭」。次々と浮かびあがっては風に流されてゆきます。

A moving art set at the front yard of UWA, “Metempsyche's Garden” by Alizarin Goldflake . Cool figures are coming up and drifted away in the wind. This kind of art is a sight I never tires of. Also, it is fun to find the best timing to shoot pictures.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA



またUWAの展示から、Myra Wildmistの「貴方自身の虚像?」:
でも私はこういう体形だったことない:: 単なる若さへの嫉妬でしょうか。

Again from the LEA gallery. "Your virtual self?" by Myra Wildmist. The note said,” This is representation of the light used to construct every virtual identity. The result can be a beautiful statue awaiting the user's identity to give it life.” A cute figure like a girl. Although the hip is wide and the bust is ehough, but why does this look like a young? Could it be because the head is rather large? I have never been in a shape like this. Is this simply an envy for the youth…

Mistero Hifengの「I... io」:「どこまで自分を伸ばせるのだろう。限界を超えれば自分を見失ってしまうことがある。

"I... io" by Mistero Hifeng. “How far can we lead ourself? Sometimes exceeding the limits means to lose oneself. In the image of the man who dissolves into a thousand pieces, there is all the drama of loneliness and desperation of those who can not go back.”


I love this pose. To expose bosom and throart in front of eyes of a beloved person is to throw away any self conscious and defence and to tender everything. While he is watching me burning off from the head he himself is also breaking up. It is a final happiness to feel him coming a moment later than me falling unconscious…

Secret Rageの「夜の訪問者」。フューセリーの絵画「悪夢」の3次元化です。有名絵画の立体化はSLのアートの一分野でした。

“The Night Visitor” by Secret Rage. This is a three-dimensional figure of the picture “The Nightmare” by Fuseli. 3D of faomus painting was one of the areas of SL arts. There was a museum for that. One of the LEA project, the huge 3D version of Guernica by Picasso was interesting to be able to walk through the details.


The original painting is awesome. There are two types of 3D paintings in SL; one is to make it truly three-dimensional to make it possible to watch from different angles, and the other is to make the central character vacant to be able to set oneself instead. Unfortunately, this one is neither of them. I would have liked to look into the sleeping face of the lady in the nightmare closely or in profile…

これは違う角度から見た私のバージョン(^-) この不自然なポーズをアバターで作るのは大変でした。
でも作ってみたら、生々しくて下品なものになってしまった:: なのでガラスで覆ってしまいました。今回のプロフィの絵は顔の部分です。

This is my version of The Nightmare from a different angle. It was hard to make this unnatural pose with my avatar. But as a result, my one became too graphic and indecent, so I put a glass plate in front of it. The profi this time on the left is a part of the picture I used.


Instead, I put only my face in the original to get some feeling. But this ended up with a simple sleeping face that does not depict the delicate anguish for the nightmare shown in the original in which the eyeball movement behind the closed eyelid could be felt. The artist is great, needless to say!


UWA Art Gallery: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/UWA/182/142/248
3D painting. The Yellow House by Gogh: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/UWA/50/33/1302
Old article: Primtings; http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1168151.html
Project Guernica; http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1294169.html


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA




これはNoke Yuitzaの「毒の雨からの超越」。

Women who love camera might had shot herself body at least once, though it is rare to release them to others. When I started SL, I went for self-picture. In SL, it is free to set lightings, camera positions, or poses. Anything was possible at the bottom of the sea where nobody came in. I bought textbooks studying how to shoot, but there is still some difference from the real one, so I got fed up. I visited the UWA show room, which have stopped activity but we can see many favorite arts in the archives. I found some cool figures, so I took off clothing and shoot myself again together with them.
This is "Trascendence despite Poison Rain" by Noke Yuitza. The note card said this art talks about feeling chained to a bad ending with a beloved due lack or bad communication and how this one is then like poison rain. I cannot follow it but the nude pose under the rain is impressive.


The exhibition at UWA is one of the few galleries where I was allowed to shoot and use it in a blog. I like to shoot myself together with arts, so I put myself next to the figures this time too. My body looks similar to the one used in the art, though my torso is rather long and the busts are poor in normal life.

The sub-figure in a silhouette. Slender limbs, slim waist, and the fingers are also beautiful


I tried to copy the figure in front of the backdrop. The fat legs and a bit bulgy tummy are my character. I prefer a bit longer arms but this is the limit of the avatar.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA




沢山の展示の中から二つだけ、これはNuke Yaritzaの「毒の雨を超えて」


The SIMs of UWA those were scheduled to be closed as of July end will be kept for another two years. But there would be few art events. Visited the final event. “Transformation”
Among the many presentation, this is "Transcendence despite Poison Rain" by Nuke Yaritza.
“(This art) talks about feeling chained to a bad ending with a beloved due lack or bad communication and how this one is then like poison rain. At the end, kills all... and then, better move on.”
Every time, presented arts come with artists’ notes explaining their works. They were interesting but some of them were too difficult for my English ability. This is one of them, but I can feel some atomosphere.

Isadora AliyaとEmmaの「恋人たちの部屋、変容する聖域」

残念ながらこれも意味がわかんない;; でもぐるぐると変化するパターンがきれいです。

“The Lovers' Chamber, A Transformational Sanctuary” by Isadora Aliya and Emma
“A lot of emphasis is given to the efforts of transformation and its milestones such as achieving inner peace, positive thoughts, positive body image, external considering, etc. In our view, equally important are the "chambers", various sanctuary spaces - real or imaginary - where we can feel safe to explore, love and feel loved, free from judgment, prejudice, and other forms of oppression,
Sanctuaries where we can practice our transformational work are infused with meaning, with our feelings, with our rituals and those of our ancestors.”
Regret to say also I cannot understand this, but the ever-changing patterns are beautiful.

The below pictures are from the side and the top.


In the chamber, there are dance balls above origami birds. It is happy to keep watching the various patterns while drifting gently. I was attracted to seeing all patterns.


Thank you all UWA members who supported this SIMs and many events for a long time. It is a delicious memory that I was included in the judge members once because of my good guess of some results. My favorite site of UWA is the one that includes a shot film regarding “Pursue impossible”, partly because I think the lady in the movie was somewhat like me
Please click the picture below at the middle of the above page. Do not click the picture here.



"When we stop moving forward. The world stops with us.
So chase your dream.
It’s only impossible until it’s done.
Pursue impossible"

This could be applied for SL too. If everyone stops moving, the SL will stop too. But is it a bad way to go?


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA


UWA 最終回


The UWA Art Challenge that lasted six years celebrated the final event this time. There were more than 100 artists from all over the world for the 3D arts and machinima. The pool for the awards is more than L$500,000 every time, which was the maximum scale I ever know in SL. The awarding ceremony was held on Dec. 13 and I was invited as a member of the judging panel according to the result of the audience participating event last year.

これはグランプリになったAlpha Auer のThe Bridge。

Until the last time, I was guessing which one will be evaluated by the judges, but this year I was free from such speculation and able to pick ones that I like, so felt comfortable. But it might be shame if I was far apart from the twenty judges, so I relieved a bit since I did not miss the top three. It is good to watch realistic landscapes or fantastic worlds in SL, but I love to walk inside and shoot pictures freely in 3D arts. This is the grand-prix, The Bridge by Alpha Auer.

これは選外でしたがBlue TsukiのEndless Suspended(終わりのない停滞)。

This was not included in the top 10, Endless Suspended by Blue Tsuki. Many arts have pose balls or animations installed and it is joy to play around. The 3D arts and Machinima will be presented at UWA for a while.

6年の間、数々のイベントを主催していただいたJayjay Zifanweさん。おつかれさまでした、ありがとうございました!

Jayjay Zifanwe who held many events for six years. Thank you Jayjay for the considerable and excellent works. I will miss your English speech that is rapid but easy to understand for foreigners. He read out more than 50 countries of the artists at a blast, and someone (Haveit ^-^) said, “That could be a song Jayjay, the way you read the countries!” UWA activities in SL will be continued and some contests may be held by FreeWee, but the art challenge that had been held once a month before and once a year recently, now faces the end. This could be another end of another era of SL.


The UWA hall where we were waiting for the announcement while feeling excited. There are four SIMs used but I was heavy on the day and dropped several times, so unfortunately I did not take many pictures. Please see my old articles for the past events in UWA tag in Categories in tle left column.
今回のUWA記事:UWA pages; http://uwainsl.blogspot.jp/


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA


UWA 3Dアート

ノートカードに1位から10位を記載し、タイトルに貴方の名前と、Pursue Impossible 3D Art Audience Event をコピペ。
SL内でJayjay Zifanweさんに送ってください。
3D Arts: http://uwainsl.blogspot.jp/2015/11/audience-participation-event-3d-art.html 

ノートカードのタイトルは貴方の名前とMachinimUWA VIII Audience Event.です。
Machinima: http://uwainsl.blogspot.jp/2015/11/audience-participation-event.html 


December has come. The dead line for UWA annual events is Dec. 6. List your favorite ones from 1st to 10th on a notecard to Jayjay Zifanwe in SL, with your name on the title of the notecard with the words Pursue Impossible 3D Art Audience Event. The 5 participants whose order comes closest to the final order decided by the judging panel will win for themselves between L$12,000 - L$5,000. Each art can be reached from the URL in the page. below
3D Arts: http://uwainsl.blogspot.jp/2015/11/audience-participation-event-3d-art.html 

The same system is applied for Machinima. The note card title should be your name with the words MachinimUWA VIII Audience Event. This takes more time than the 3D arts though…
Machinima: http://uwainsl.blogspot.jp/2015/11/audience-participation-event.html 

I participated in this program and got 4th before and top last time, and was invited to be on the panel this time, it means I cannot participate in this time ;; It might not be fair to introduce my favorite arts here, so please visit the site.


Posted by Temi at 08:11Comments(0)UWA



UWA: http://uwainsl.blogspot.jp/2014/12/uwa-art-machinima-grand-finale-sharni.html


UWA Art Machinima Grand Finale was held on Sunday. 14th. All works will be presented for a while.
The awarded arts can be reached directly with the following links.

1: 決してだめと言わないで‐愛は国境を超える、NEVER SAY NEVER - LOVE TRANSCENDS BORDERS by Sharni Azalee
2: 日の出の精神、SUNRISE SPIRIT by Shenn Coleman
3: i... IO by Mistrero Hifeng
4: 黄色の家、THE YELLOW HOUSE by Dusty Canning
6: 外の世界、OFFWORLD by Takni & Misio2
7: プリムの言葉、PRIMCHORDS by Haveit Neox
8: 郷愁、AUDADE by Giovanna Cerise
9: 事象の地平、EVENT HORIZON by Blue Tsuki
10: 境界を超えて、TRANSCENDING BORDERZ by Pixels Sideways
10: 爆発を超える、TRANSCEND THE BOMB by Misprint Thursday
10: 陰けい骨殺人、BACULUM MURDER by Jipe Loon
10: 360度の自由、360 DEGREES OF FREEDOM by Miso Susanowa
10: 私の箪笥の中、INSIDE MY CHESTS by Igor Ballyhoo

下位から順に発表され、司会者が 「10のうち8が正しい57点の2位は・・」で少し時間をあけられたときのドキドキは最高! 
2位までに私の名前が呼ばれなかったので、喜び8割、心配2割^-^ 結果は私も8作品を当てて、僅差の60ポイントでした。

That was a great event with total prize of more than one million L$. There was an audience participation event guessing the best 10 arts. I got fourth prize last time. This year I was invited again, so I expected some award by any chance. The audience participation prizes were announced starting from the fourth. Finally the chairman said, “The 2nd with 57 points with 8 of 10 correct is…” and a small interval, and my heart raced. It was not me, 80% cheer and 20% fear. The result was close with 60 points, also I guessed 8 out of 10. Together with the prize, I will be given a spot on the official jury next time. I feel much honored but a bit sorry that I cannot participate in this audience participation event.^-^
Thank you all, the organizer, supporter, and participated artists for such a wonderful art events!


The celemorial site. I was so exited that I forgot to shoot any picture on the day.


Posted by Temi at 21:05Comments(0)UWA


UWA 3Dアート4

Miso Susanowaの「360度の自由」 

“360 Degrees Of Freedom” by Miso Susanowa. “How transcending the border of real-life limitation into the digital can free an imagination”


There are several cases where handicapped persons are enjoying SL. The first thing I was excited about when started SL was to fly to the end of the world. I am afraid that the excitement was a bit faded away recently…

Luko Enoch の「ボーダーレス」 以下は私がベスト10には入れなかったけど、きれいだと思ったもの。

“Borderless” by Luko Enoch. The blow were not included in my top 10, but I felt beautiful. When projecting the award, I am bound to pick up large and gorgeous ones.

Silva Khandrの「ユニオン」 ブルーとパープルは球体になっていて、中の親子も立体です。 

“Union” by Silva Khandr. The blue and purple ones are sphere, and the family inside were also figure in three dimensions.

Daco Mondayの「タンゴ」 これもプリムを多く使った立体ですが、見る角度が限られそう。

“Tango” by Daco Monday. This is also three dimensional one using many prims, but the viewing angle might be limited.

UWA: http://uwainsl.blogspot.jp/2014/11/audience-participation-event-3d-art.html

There are more beautiful and joyful exhibitions. The voting was over but they will be kept presented for a while.

Posted by Temi at 05:05Comments(0)UWA


UWA 3Dアート3

Shenn Colemanの「魂の日の出」、横たわる死者とみえる身体から抜け出て昇華するシンボル。
UWA: http://uwainsl.blogspot.jp/2014/11/audience-participation-event-3d-art.html

“Sunrise Spirit” by Shenn Coleman. From a body lying down seemingly dead, a symbol outwells and sublimes. Passing though gates guides us to a world of swirling colors. Is this the afterworld?


Through ‘la petite mort’ or various faints, does the fading conscious know that it will come back? If dying while unconscious, does the soul feel transcending the border to death? If I were dying, I would not like to pass away while sleeping but rather notice the moment clearly since that should be a once in a lifetime experience.

下は私が6位にしたJedda Zenovka の「普遍的な愛」

The one above and two in the last article are the best three I picked up. The fourth and fifth are Escher and Gogh in the previous article. The theme of the two was not special and it might be hard to be evaluated by the judges, but I like the theme. There might be some judges who have the same taste as me. ^-^ The below is “Universal Love” by Shenn Coleman that I picked up as 6th.


“Borders exist only in our minds. They are what happens when the mind is closed and cannot see. To transcend the limitations of one’s imagination and social constraints, we need to open our minds and hearts... explore our own inner worlds. When we can cross these without fear or prejudice then we can truly evolve”. I do not understand what this shape is, but I like this kind of colorful complex. ^-^


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA


UWA 3Dアート2

私が1位に選んだのは、Giovanna Ceriseの「郷愁」。

Finally I finished reviewing all arts for audience participation. It was a big job to see all 67 arts with reading explanatory notes. The one I picked up for the top is “Saudade” by Giovanna Cerise.
“SAUDADE is the desire of something beautiful that by the time you realize you know that is ending. The two dancers are captured in the final moment of their tango. The couple is multiplied in its isolation to prolong indefinitely the time of pleasure and sadness. The physical and emotional tension brings them almost to crushing, but ready to begin again, in uncontrollable obsession, in trying to overcome all the physical and emotional limits”


One of the good things of 3D arts in SL is to be able to enter them or fly the camera to watch them from various angles. A slight change of angle provides completely different face.

Sharni Azaleeの「決してだめと言わないで----愛は国境を超える」

"Never say Never" - Love Transcends Borders by Sharni Azalee, depicting a real story of a couple who started love in SL and established it in RL after transcending many borders, virtual to real world, distance across the world and national borders. The initial stage of the art is a ladder imaging unstable approach to an egg that is a symbol of the potential of life, universe and creation.


The inside of the egg is a world of Japanese Haiku, where the English gentleman is waiting for the foreign lover. Expectation, apprehension, and the couple facing each other after every borders. The cherry blossom represents fragility and beauty of life that is also tragically short. This art was presented to all couples, suggesting that no matter their situation, experience or environment, “Never say Never”. The avatar is me. This story was the one I dreamt when I started SL, but I was not able to find any partner even in SL… 


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA


UWA 3Dアート

これはRoc Furseの「自分を解放しなさい」、エッシャーの絵を立体化した矛盾のある構造です。

After a long interval I visited UWA 3D arts exhibition. The interval is not me but the event. This is “Set Yourself Free” by Roc Furse. A structure including inconsistency, a three-dimensionalization pf painting by Escher. Kazumi once made similar stairs at Baba.

Dusty Canningの「黄色い家」 ゴッホの絵を立体化したもの。下は2次元の絵を3次元にしたものの2次元の写真^-^

“The Yellow House” by Dusty Canning. Three dimensional painting simulating the one by Gogh. The below is a 2D picture of 3D structure of 2D painting.

Primtings: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1168151.html

There was a museum, Primitings, for three-dimensionalized famous paintings. There was also a picture by Escher. It was joy of SL to be able to walk in paintings like “Yellow Room” by Gogh.


I wondered how the backyard is. There was a punch line(?) of a border between 2D and 3D.

今回のテーマは「境界を越えて」 今回も来客者の入賞予測が受け付けられています。
UWA: http://uwainsl.blogspot.jp/2014/11/audience-participation-event-3d-art.html

The theme this time was “Transcending Borders”. Also there is an audience participation event. The participants will list up top 10, and five participants whose order come closest to the final order decided by the judging panel will win prizes. The deadline is December 3rd.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA



下はJayjayさんのお勧めのヴァーチャルアートの紹介、L1Aura Loireさんの「クリック」という作品です。
Click: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Sf3Q2VAlKE

Had a chance to talk with Jayjay from UWA about SL. He said that machinima is the way to bridge the gap between SL and RL and the way to touch them who have not experienced SL. The video is an introduction of virtual arts that was recommended by Jayjay, ‘Click’ by L1Aura Loire.

The below is digest from narration of the video. (Sorry Japanese only)



When I visit 3D arts, I walked in the art for shooting and click or sit on everyone I can get my hands on. Now I feel relieved to know that it was a correct way.

しかしうまくいかなかったのか、ほとんどが撤退してしまった;; 日本ではSLはビデオゲームの一種と考えられ、RLとの結びつきは薄かったのかも。

I think SL was at the peak in 2007. There were dozens of universities, SIMs sponsored by big companies, and many books were published for SL. Also in Japan, there were SIMs by universities and companies, and some local city tried to simulate and study the cityscape around a train station. Department stores and manufacturers tried to research their new goods in SL. But most of them gave up realizing that it was not effective. Maybe because SL tends to be considered as one of video games in Japan and does not have close relation with RL.


I think Japanese SL is mainly for duplicating RL, shops, clubs, dance shows, and live performance. Recently animation and machinima became popular. In addition to various subjects that are not available in RL, the big merit is to be able to move camera freely that is not possible or difficult in RL. I hope SL will find new possibility and prosperity through machinima.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA


UWA 3D Art


Visited the awarding ceremony of UWA 3D Art Challenge commemorating 100th anniversary. That was the biggest event among those held since last year. The site was as usual, four-SIM-corner event hall of UWA. It was heavy on the day and one SIM was out of service. Although I am robust normally, I dropped twice. So I kept still without swinging camera.

UWA: http://uwainsl.blogspot.jp/2013/08/uwa-art-machinima-grand-finale-finnish.html  

The results are also posted in the UWA page, but you can directly jump to them through the following links, The arts will be presented till the end of August. Good chance to see the awarded ones.

1: (彼を嫌いだと思ってた) I THOUGHT I HATED HIM by Glyph Graves, Australia

2: (堕落の浜辺に4人の処女のいる鏡) MIRROR WITH 4 VIRGINS ON THE SHORES OF DEPRAVITY by Jipe Loon, France

2: (振り返る) LOOKING BACK by Carmsie Melody & Struthious an Australia, USA partnership

2: (沈黙の反射) SILENT REFLECTIONS by Krystali Rabeni, England

5: (量子) QUANTUM by Barry Richez, France
5: (ニューロン球) NEURON SPHERE by Shenn Coleman, France

5: (木霊を返す池) ECHO'S REFLECTING POOL by Misprint Thursday, USA

8: (波の反射) REFLECTIONS OF WAVES by Nino Vichan, USA


10: (反射の回転木馬の反射) REFLEXTIONS OF REFLECTIONS CAROUSEL by Yepar Saez. French Carribea

10: (貴方は誰) WHO ARE YOU by Blue Tsuki, USA

10: (隠れて) HIDDEN by Rose Borchovski, The Netherlands



The comment by UWA for the top-art:

"I THOUGHT I HATED HIM is a brilliant and witty exploration of human nature that utilizes the ubiquitous presence of data in our lives, feeding in from everywhere at an ever increasing speed. The two mannequins move around the dance floor driven by data feeds from the New York and Shanghai stock exchanges. In real time while they are operating the data generates the movement and the music that propels these two lovers together and drives them apart. Miss Shanghai and Mr. New York are involved in a compelling dance of attraction and repulsion generated by our avarice. It's funny and chilling in equal measure."


As I reported before, there were audience participation prizes that will be given the best-ten awarded by the judge group. Fortunately I got the fourth prize by listing 6 arts out of 10. I did not include the top one in my list. Since the results were so close, I could have got better result if I were counting that one. But it is unlikely since that art was not good for pictures.


They said that the spread was very big in the scores. Out of 30 judges, 16 of them did not include the top one in their top-ten lists. The three joint-2nd place arts also had only 12 judges who included them in their best ten. So I need not to be embarrassed that I did not include it. In other words, anyone could have a chance to win in the participation prizes. Please do not miss the prize next time!


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA