LEAで最後まで残っていたアートのひとつ、Gene Replacementのギャラリー。中のアートは前回のWerner Kurosawaの作品です。
私のギャラリもこんな形にしたかった;; センスがないのでただの四角の積み重ねでした・・・ 土地もプリムも沢山あったころが懐かしいです。
One of the arts kept to the last moment at LEA. This is a gallery by Gene Replacement, in which the art is by Werner Kurosawa who made the one that I introduced in the last article. I wish I could have made my gallery like this. I did not have the skill and my one is made with stacked cubes. I missed the time when I had enough space and prims…

この燃えるキリンの作者メモを紛失してしまいました、すみません;; お心当たりの方。教えてください!
Very sorry but I forgot this artist. If anyone knows, please advise. The left is the original burning giraffe by Dali that is a monster comes at the end of cosmos. This art may depict the marine contamination. The fire on the giraffe starts from the side where avatar approaches. It means the fire is initiated by human, so the contamination is also caused by…

Alia Baroqueのミダス王の庭園。なんでも黄金にしてしまった王様は、バラつくりの名人でもあったそうです。
Midas Private Garden by Alia Baroque. The king Midas is known as a gold but also a good in rose gardening. This garden is just one of the beautiful ones that can be seen anyplace, but there is a trick on the temple next to it.

Faure AeonのOraclum Sphinx Secratuary。入ろうとしたら、ここまでしか行けません。SIMの外に置いてあるのです。
Oraclum Sphinx Secratuary by Faure Aeon. I tried to get inside but this is the limit. It is situated outside of the SIM. The three-dimensional structure outside SIM is often used as a back ground scenery, but for me this is the first time to see it as an unapproachable temple.

The completely empty SIM in September. How many times have I seen this kind of scenery? (Though this is the first time to watch six consecutive SIMs nothing on them.) There was a bran-new SIM waiting for construction where I was excited to consider what kind of house I shall build. I wish I could see more newborn ones instead of dying…It seems that nobody visited the revised artice, so let me introduce it again.
Execute my sister: http://temioyen.slmame.com/e1683108.html

私のギャラリもこんな形にしたかった;; センスがないのでただの四角の積み重ねでした・・・ 土地もプリムも沢山あったころが懐かしいです。
One of the arts kept to the last moment at LEA. This is a gallery by Gene Replacement, in which the art is by Werner Kurosawa who made the one that I introduced in the last article. I wish I could have made my gallery like this. I did not have the skill and my one is made with stacked cubes. I missed the time when I had enough space and prims…

この燃えるキリンの作者メモを紛失してしまいました、すみません;; お心当たりの方。教えてください!
Very sorry but I forgot this artist. If anyone knows, please advise. The left is the original burning giraffe by Dali that is a monster comes at the end of cosmos. This art may depict the marine contamination. The fire on the giraffe starts from the side where avatar approaches. It means the fire is initiated by human, so the contamination is also caused by…

Alia Baroqueのミダス王の庭園。なんでも黄金にしてしまった王様は、バラつくりの名人でもあったそうです。
Midas Private Garden by Alia Baroque. The king Midas is known as a gold but also a good in rose gardening. This garden is just one of the beautiful ones that can be seen anyplace, but there is a trick on the temple next to it.

Faure AeonのOraclum Sphinx Secratuary。入ろうとしたら、ここまでしか行けません。SIMの外に置いてあるのです。
Oraclum Sphinx Secratuary by Faure Aeon. I tried to get inside but this is the limit. It is situated outside of the SIM. The three-dimensional structure outside SIM is often used as a back ground scenery, but for me this is the first time to see it as an unapproachable temple.

The completely empty SIM in September. How many times have I seen this kind of scenery? (Though this is the first time to watch six consecutive SIMs nothing on them.) There was a bran-new SIM waiting for construction where I was excited to consider what kind of house I shall build. I wish I could see more newborn ones instead of dying…It seems that nobody visited the revised artice, so let me introduce it again.
Execute my sister: http://temioyen.slmame.com/e1683108.html

最初に了解をいただいただけなので、ほんとはどうなのか^- でも一度も苦情はありませんでした。
このEarthing Rangのアートは花火のように噴き出してくる色彩が素敵です。
One of the good things of LEA for me is to be able to shoot pictures and use it in my blog. I had the approval only once at the beginning, I do not know if it is OK now, but I have never got complaint. For other arts and dance shows, I got an approval every time in advance. Some show did not allow shooting pictures and I realized that not all of them are welcoming SSs, so I stopped to take pictures of a show. I understand that to take a picture by unauthorized person is not only meaningless but also harms the effect of the show. Also, it might not be desirable to be peeped from an angle out of the director’s image. This art by Eathing Rang makes beautiful dynamic effects by spouting colors like fireworks, but I think a picture freezing a moment also has another interesting expression, that is my excuse^-^

Another joy of arts is pose balls set inside. It is one of my enjoyments to expect what kind of pose I would be forced to take in a new art. This is a part of the arts by Dekka, sitting in an empty jar for strawberry jam that was used for nails. I cannot see the meaning but it is interesting.

Another joy is to find beautiful shapes. This is also a part of the arts by Dekka, a figure doing a sexy dance in a container. Since the space is limited and the dance is quick, it was hard to set camera and angle, but it is also a part of enjoyments.

Werner Kurosawaのアートの一部。アートに自分を入れて撮るのも趣味です。
A part of the art by Werner Kurosawa. I also like to include myself in a picture of art. I enjoyed to pick up suitable clothing for every art. This is a plain red outfit that I used often in shooting arts. This kind of art used to require many prims and was hard to make before, but recently some new technique might be developed, so there are many complicated structures.

There are different expressions by selecting camera angle. This is a shot at the same spot as the above picture with the same lighting, only with different camera position. If the camera is set below the water surface under the SIM, the total picture becomes different.

お隣にあったPancoyote Antonellliの作品は、一個のキューブに次々と自分で新しいキューブを継ぎ足してゆくことが出来ます。
The art by Pancoyote Antonellli next to the above art allows to set new cubes as you like around a single cube, one after another. I made a rudder spontaneously into the center of the next art.

This kind of hands-on arts are also interesting. I put my name that I erased soon.

It is possible to set my pose if no pose ball was set. This is in the “Tower” by Dekka.

これもDekkaの「塔」の中です。このポーズは 「何か文句ある?」 ってRLでやってみたい姿勢です。
SL16Bで貰ったアバターですが、先日死刑にされてしまった:: なのであれは妹だったことにし、以前の記事を書き直して復活しました。
This is also inside of the “Tower” by Dekka. This pose is that I would like to do in RL saying, “Do you have anything to say?” But it requires special confidence in your body shape, and also the person to show this will be limited. This is a free avatar that I got at the SL16B, but this one was executed in the last article. So, I revised the article assuming that my twin sister was executed instead, and I came back. I would use this avatar in future, so please extend your support as before.
Revised article, Execute my sister: http://temioyen.slmame.com/e1683108.html

最初に了解をいただいただけなので、ほんとはどうなのか^- でも一度も苦情はありませんでした。
このEarthing Rangのアートは花火のように噴き出してくる色彩が素敵です。
One of the good things of LEA for me is to be able to shoot pictures and use it in my blog. I had the approval only once at the beginning, I do not know if it is OK now, but I have never got complaint. For other arts and dance shows, I got an approval every time in advance. Some show did not allow shooting pictures and I realized that not all of them are welcoming SSs, so I stopped to take pictures of a show. I understand that to take a picture by unauthorized person is not only meaningless but also harms the effect of the show. Also, it might not be desirable to be peeped from an angle out of the director’s image. This art by Eathing Rang makes beautiful dynamic effects by spouting colors like fireworks, but I think a picture freezing a moment also has another interesting expression, that is my excuse^-^

Another joy of arts is pose balls set inside. It is one of my enjoyments to expect what kind of pose I would be forced to take in a new art. This is a part of the arts by Dekka, sitting in an empty jar for strawberry jam that was used for nails. I cannot see the meaning but it is interesting.

Another joy is to find beautiful shapes. This is also a part of the arts by Dekka, a figure doing a sexy dance in a container. Since the space is limited and the dance is quick, it was hard to set camera and angle, but it is also a part of enjoyments.

Werner Kurosawaのアートの一部。アートに自分を入れて撮るのも趣味です。
A part of the art by Werner Kurosawa. I also like to include myself in a picture of art. I enjoyed to pick up suitable clothing for every art. This is a plain red outfit that I used often in shooting arts. This kind of art used to require many prims and was hard to make before, but recently some new technique might be developed, so there are many complicated structures.

There are different expressions by selecting camera angle. This is a shot at the same spot as the above picture with the same lighting, only with different camera position. If the camera is set below the water surface under the SIM, the total picture becomes different.

お隣にあったPancoyote Antonellliの作品は、一個のキューブに次々と自分で新しいキューブを継ぎ足してゆくことが出来ます。
The art by Pancoyote Antonellli next to the above art allows to set new cubes as you like around a single cube, one after another. I made a rudder spontaneously into the center of the next art.

This kind of hands-on arts are also interesting. I put my name that I erased soon.

It is possible to set my pose if no pose ball was set. This is in the “Tower” by Dekka.

これもDekkaの「塔」の中です。このポーズは 「何か文句ある?」 ってRLでやってみたい姿勢です。
SL16Bで貰ったアバターですが、先日死刑にされてしまった:: なのであれは妹だったことにし、以前の記事を書き直して復活しました。
This is also inside of the “Tower” by Dekka. This pose is that I would like to do in RL saying, “Do you have anything to say?” But it requires special confidence in your body shape, and also the person to show this will be limited. This is a free avatar that I got at the SL16B, but this one was executed in the last article. So, I revised the article assuming that my twin sister was executed instead, and I came back. I would use this avatar in future, so please extend your support as before.
Revised article, Execute my sister: http://temioyen.slmame.com/e1683108.html

Attended the final party of LEA held on Aug. 31 SLT at the special stage in the sky.

The coordinator was Roxy who is a particle artist, so there were many kinds of beautiful ones as fireworks for the ending summer.

There were round ones like shooting-up fireworks, or the one like sitting at the center of flooding lightnings.

Set-fireworks surrounding the party site.

We were dancing but cannot be seen in the flood.

The fireworks continued more than 90 minutes. Once it stopped, the site looks so desolate with the attendants who became less unnoticed…

中央がRoxyさん。素敵なショウをありがとうございました。 「読み込み遅れアバ」は私です。
The one at the center is Roxy. Thank you for the beautiful show! The “read delay” avatar is me.

Freewee Lingさん、Haveit Neoxさん、Rose Borchovskiさんら、アートを通してお馴染みになった方、
The SIM in the morning. The party site was taken away and at a corner there is a list of artists who participated in the LEA. Over Seven years, 343 artists, among them 214 were new, and 129 were returning. Freewee Ling, Haveit Neox, Rose Borchovski, and other many artists I know through the arts and also who taught me various matters. I found my friend Kerupa, and the famous dancer Kai among the participant. I visited Kerupa’s private gallery but I missed the presentation by Kai. Sad to day, none of them came to the party. Due to time difference, or did not know the event? Neither my friend artists Evan nor Shambala knew the party and they came in vary late.

At the middle of the above picture there is debris of the main hall, but actual dome was in the sky. It was not demolished but moved to the sky and the scattered pieces were made separately. I wish the dome used again in future.

Attended the final party of LEA held on Aug. 31 SLT at the special stage in the sky.

The coordinator was Roxy who is a particle artist, so there were many kinds of beautiful ones as fireworks for the ending summer.

There were round ones like shooting-up fireworks, or the one like sitting at the center of flooding lightnings.

Set-fireworks surrounding the party site.

We were dancing but cannot be seen in the flood.

The fireworks continued more than 90 minutes. Once it stopped, the site looks so desolate with the attendants who became less unnoticed…

中央がRoxyさん。素敵なショウをありがとうございました。 「読み込み遅れアバ」は私です。
The one at the center is Roxy. Thank you for the beautiful show! The “read delay” avatar is me.

Freewee Lingさん、Haveit Neoxさん、Rose Borchovskiさんら、アートを通してお馴染みになった方、
The SIM in the morning. The party site was taken away and at a corner there is a list of artists who participated in the LEA. Over Seven years, 343 artists, among them 214 were new, and 129 were returning. Freewee Ling, Haveit Neox, Rose Borchovski, and other many artists I know through the arts and also who taught me various matters. I found my friend Kerupa, and the famous dancer Kai among the participant. I visited Kerupa’s private gallery but I missed the presentation by Kai. Sad to day, none of them came to the party. Due to time difference, or did not know the event? Neither my friend artists Evan nor Shambala knew the party and they came in vary late.

At the middle of the above picture there is debris of the main hall, but actual dome was in the sky. It was not demolished but moved to the sky and the scattered pieces were made separately. I wish the dome used again in future.

The closing date of LEA is imminent, but I found no news for the future. Could it be postponed endlessly as the Brexit? The main hall of LEA has changed drastically.

The seats for audiences are still there, but any performance would be affected by this shape.

It returned to the original dome shape within a few days and destroyed again. What is this?

The tower by Dekka also started deforming. It reminds me of the Kanda Shrine destroyed at the end of Edo. Am I seeing a death of a world again?

SIMの片隅での撤収作業。Barry Richez、Arcadia Asylum、ithielle chanlevilleの合同作品のよう。
There were some back down activities at a corner of a SIM, which may be a joint work by Barry Richez, Arcadia Asylum and ithielle chanleville. The carrier seems like an alien’s space ship that relieves human arts.

The operators have human shape but the skin look like arts. Could they come from a planet of arts? The work has been carried forward and it is approaching to the end every day.

An art by Barry depicting LEA closing by graffiti being erased. The people gathering are all figures except me. There are some beautiful ones among them including many paparazzi. I think it is important to take pictures and save them.

Venus Adoredの作品、大粒の雨に叩かれて、今にも針の山に落ちそうな風船・・・ あと3日ですね。
An art by Venus Adored. A balloon is hit by big drops of rain and will fall on the needles at any moment, in three more days….

The closing date of LEA is imminent, but I found no news for the future. Could it be postponed endlessly as the Brexit? The main hall of LEA has changed drastically.

The seats for audiences are still there, but any performance would be affected by this shape.

It returned to the original dome shape within a few days and destroyed again. What is this?

The tower by Dekka also started deforming. It reminds me of the Kanda Shrine destroyed at the end of Edo. Am I seeing a death of a world again?

SIMの片隅での撤収作業。Barry Richez、Arcadia Asylum、ithielle chanlevilleの合同作品のよう。
There were some back down activities at a corner of a SIM, which may be a joint work by Barry Richez, Arcadia Asylum and ithielle chanleville. The carrier seems like an alien’s space ship that relieves human arts.

The operators have human shape but the skin look like arts. Could they come from a planet of arts? The work has been carried forward and it is approaching to the end every day.

An art by Barry depicting LEA closing by graffiti being erased. The people gathering are all figures except me. There are some beautiful ones among them including many paparazzi. I think it is important to take pictures and save them.

Venus Adoredの作品、大粒の雨に叩かれて、今にも針の山に落ちそうな風船・・・ あと3日ですね。
An art by Venus Adored. A balloon is hit by big drops of rain and will fall on the needles at any moment, in three more days….

Yooma Mayoの「グライダー、空の新説」。ほんとに飛びそうですけど、座っちゃったら制御不能^
It is a joy to see some interesting or strange shapes in the SL art. This is actually made in RL history, Glider "courant d' air" by Yooma Mayo. It looks really flying, but it will be uncontrollable if sitting like me.

Daco Mondayの作品。SLアートには自由な造形による新しい楽しい生物が沢山ありました。ウミウシもあったな^
An art by Daco Monday. There were many new free joyful creatures in SL arts. There was a Sea-Cow^-^

I missed the artist’s name of this art. This is a reflected image that was popular in SL before. It is not making a real reflection but providing a mirror-image object on the other side. This technique was used on a floor of church or big hall, reminds me of the good old days.

これもDekka Raymakerの、何だかわからないけど見ていて楽しいアートです。
I love a lot of things, anything, like flowers in RL. This is also done by Dekka Raymaker. I cannot see the meaning but it is a joyful art.

Shadows of arts on a wall. This could be a kind of art. It is sad to lose LEA but is could be an order of the day. Thank LL for supporting arts, and thank the LEA committee to manage it.

I was able to write many articles regarding LEA, total of 65 in the LEA category. Here I put my best 10 articles in chronological order. These are not the best 10 arts!
再帰: Recursion by FreeWee Ling: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1541142.html
タマゴ: The Egg by Livio Korobase: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1539010.html
時を歩く1~2: Time Walker by Solkide Auer: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1454992.html
賢者の石 1~3: The Philosopher’s Stone by group: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1432453.html
音楽の町1~3; Music Land by Livio Korobase: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1372555.html
モロー博士の海: Dr. Moreau Seaworld by Nexuno Thespian: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1321609.html
心の中の塔: The Tower by Rebeca Bashly: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1300935.html
ゲルニカ; Project GUERNICA by London Junkers & Lizzoe Gudkov: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1294169.html
四角のアート1~2; The Cube Project by 25 artists curated by Bryn Oh: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1272837.html
ダンテ神曲1~3: Inferno by Rebeca Bashly: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1154319.html
“1~3” means there are three articles in sequence. Please touch 「次の記事」at the far bottom right.
Yooma Mayoの「グライダー、空の新説」。ほんとに飛びそうですけど、座っちゃったら制御不能^
It is a joy to see some interesting or strange shapes in the SL art. This is actually made in RL history, Glider "courant d' air" by Yooma Mayo. It looks really flying, but it will be uncontrollable if sitting like me.

Daco Mondayの作品。SLアートには自由な造形による新しい楽しい生物が沢山ありました。ウミウシもあったな^
An art by Daco Monday. There were many new free joyful creatures in SL arts. There was a Sea-Cow^-^

I missed the artist’s name of this art. This is a reflected image that was popular in SL before. It is not making a real reflection but providing a mirror-image object on the other side. This technique was used on a floor of church or big hall, reminds me of the good old days.

これもDekka Raymakerの、何だかわからないけど見ていて楽しいアートです。
I love a lot of things, anything, like flowers in RL. This is also done by Dekka Raymaker. I cannot see the meaning but it is a joyful art.

Shadows of arts on a wall. This could be a kind of art. It is sad to lose LEA but is could be an order of the day. Thank LL for supporting arts, and thank the LEA committee to manage it.

I was able to write many articles regarding LEA, total of 65 in the LEA category. Here I put my best 10 articles in chronological order. These are not the best 10 arts!
再帰: Recursion by FreeWee Ling: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1541142.html
タマゴ: The Egg by Livio Korobase: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1539010.html
時を歩く1~2: Time Walker by Solkide Auer: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1454992.html
賢者の石 1~3: The Philosopher’s Stone by group: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1432453.html
音楽の町1~3; Music Land by Livio Korobase: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1372555.html
モロー博士の海: Dr. Moreau Seaworld by Nexuno Thespian: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1321609.html
心の中の塔: The Tower by Rebeca Bashly: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1300935.html
ゲルニカ; Project GUERNICA by London Junkers & Lizzoe Gudkov: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1294169.html
四角のアート1~2; The Cube Project by 25 artists curated by Bryn Oh: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1272837.html
ダンテ神曲1~3: Inferno by Rebeca Bashly: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1154319.html
“1~3” means there are three articles in sequence. Please touch 「次の記事」at the far bottom right.
Someone from UWA said, “It is an art if the self said it is an art.” “Dreamer's Box - Dreamer's Container FULL VERSION 1" by iBi. This is a simple container that was also at Baba meeting area, but it makes an art with some lighting devices arranged.

There is a category in SL arts to visualize in three dimension the historical devices or facilities. The SIM reproducing drawings of Leonardo da Vinci in three dimensions. This is “Cloudbuster (in field)” by Dekka. This was a rainmaker by using some kind of energy by aiming at clouds to connect it to water on the ground. There were several machines made actually and one of them still exists. I imagine there was no actual effect.

どこかの大学の建築学科で 「役にたたない機械を作れ」 という課題があるそうです。これは合格かも^-^
Dekka is exhibiting several strange devices. This one is “Xibalba Lodestone Synthesizer “, which creates synthesizer-like tone with Neolithic diorite lodestones by water power, intrigued by a story that someone heard a strange machine creating synthesizer-like tones in Africa. But I cannot see the mechanism from any directions. In an architecture course of a university, there is a task to create a machine that has no use. This could pass the exam.

「改良した望遠カメラセット」 何かを覗く装置らしいのですが、変なポーズさせられるだけで何も見えません;;
“Revised Telescope Camera Set”. It could be to peek something, but only to make a funny pose for nothing.

「ロボットを浸すホイール」。 回し車のように中で回すとロボットが水没します。
“Robot Dipping Wheel”. The robot was submerged in the water when the wheel was rotated like a racing wheel.

“Barn Shack Tower 2019”. I tried haning several times in SL and also put some real pictures in my gallery, but this one is a robot. The right arm was detached and set on the table behind. Does this have some special meaning?

A pose falling down from a stepladder. This is not an animation but a static pose. There is a picture of a child climbing on it on the wall, but I cannot see the meaning since I did not find any explanation note card. The pose was a bit cute so I took a picture.

A room in the theme Tower also by Dekka, an execution by lethal injection. Three kinds of agent will be injected with some interval. Sodium Thiopental ultra-short-acting drug causes unconsciousness, Pancronium bromide paralyzes muscles, and Potassium chloride stops heart. The person will become unconscious immediately at the first shot and will not feel any pain. I prefer some sensation at that time.

Someone from UWA said, “It is an art if the self said it is an art.” “Dreamer's Box - Dreamer's Container FULL VERSION 1" by iBi. This is a simple container that was also at Baba meeting area, but it makes an art with some lighting devices arranged.

There is a category in SL arts to visualize in three dimension the historical devices or facilities. The SIM reproducing drawings of Leonardo da Vinci in three dimensions. This is “Cloudbuster (in field)” by Dekka. This was a rainmaker by using some kind of energy by aiming at clouds to connect it to water on the ground. There were several machines made actually and one of them still exists. I imagine there was no actual effect.

どこかの大学の建築学科で 「役にたたない機械を作れ」 という課題があるそうです。これは合格かも^-^
Dekka is exhibiting several strange devices. This one is “Xibalba Lodestone Synthesizer “, which creates synthesizer-like tone with Neolithic diorite lodestones by water power, intrigued by a story that someone heard a strange machine creating synthesizer-like tones in Africa. But I cannot see the mechanism from any directions. In an architecture course of a university, there is a task to create a machine that has no use. This could pass the exam.

「改良した望遠カメラセット」 何かを覗く装置らしいのですが、変なポーズさせられるだけで何も見えません;;
“Revised Telescope Camera Set”. It could be to peek something, but only to make a funny pose for nothing.

「ロボットを浸すホイール」。 回し車のように中で回すとロボットが水没します。
“Robot Dipping Wheel”. The robot was submerged in the water when the wheel was rotated like a racing wheel.

“Barn Shack Tower 2019”. I tried haning several times in SL and also put some real pictures in my gallery, but this one is a robot. The right arm was detached and set on the table behind. Does this have some special meaning?

A pose falling down from a stepladder. This is not an animation but a static pose. There is a picture of a child climbing on it on the wall, but I cannot see the meaning since I did not find any explanation note card. The pose was a bit cute so I took a picture.

A room in the theme Tower also by Dekka, an execution by lethal injection. Three kinds of agent will be injected with some interval. Sodium Thiopental ultra-short-acting drug causes unconsciousness, Pancronium bromide paralyzes muscles, and Potassium chloride stops heart. The person will become unconscious immediately at the first shot and will not feel any pain. I prefer some sensation at that time.

A part of the arts by Tansee in the Core SIM. I like the ever changing many colors. Tansee has initiated a group for saving LEA and asking for specific suggestions and reasonable solutions. I am just an audience and not in position to propose any idea, but as the deadline is looming, I hope there have been many constructive ways proposed.

Glyph Gravesの作品の一部。ぐるぐると変化する色彩は見ていて飽きません。
A part of the arts by Glyph Graves. The changing color/shape is a sight I never tires of.

A fountain of colors. This was in the sandbox and I failed to record the artist name.

Reid Parkinの「小さな冬」 色彩を沢山見た後では、こういうのもすっきりします。
“Tree 6_Small - Winter” by Reid Parkin. After looking bright colors, this gives a cool rest.

Betty Tureandの「重力」。踊るフィギュアがブロックを操ります。
“Gravity” by Betty Treand. The dancing figure manipulates various blocks.

A part of the arts by Tansee in the Core SIM. I like the ever changing many colors. Tansee has initiated a group for saving LEA and asking for specific suggestions and reasonable solutions. I am just an audience and not in position to propose any idea, but as the deadline is looming, I hope there have been many constructive ways proposed.

Glyph Gravesの作品の一部。ぐるぐると変化する色彩は見ていて飽きません。
A part of the arts by Glyph Graves. The changing color/shape is a sight I never tires of.

A fountain of colors. This was in the sandbox and I failed to record the artist name.

Reid Parkinの「小さな冬」 色彩を沢山見た後では、こういうのもすっきりします。
“Tree 6_Small - Winter” by Reid Parkin. After looking bright colors, this gives a cool rest.

Betty Tureandの「重力」。踊るフィギュアがブロックを操ります。
“Gravity” by Betty Treand. The dancing figure manipulates various blocks.

Van Loopenの「天国」。戦う女性をテーマにしたもの。
LoopenさんはSL16Bで素敵な格子アート 「50年代の光の道を辿って」 を出しておられた方。
“Heaven” by Van Loopen. The theme is fighting women. Van Loopen is the artist who presented “Walking under the 50’s light line” in SL16B. There had been many arts with some theme, such as music, instrument, fairy tale, or virtual world. Also, just to pursue new beauties or to aim some originative effects.

There are some dancing ladies at the middle, so the light was adjusted to highlight them.

Still they are not clear, so I subtracted the dancing figures only. This could be real mesh-bodies.

An installation mainly using particles by Roxy. There are many small objects outwelling.

The particles are blowing out of the exhibition. Is this an expected effect?

Secret Rageの「思考の透明性」 RageさんはSLアートでお馴染みの方です。
“Transparency of Thought” by Secret Rage. I know Rage is one of the artists acting in SL. When granting free SIMs, it could be hard to decide, whether the artist should be, well-known in RL, the second life-based artists, or completely newbies? Thank you for the big effort, the committee members!

サンドボックスにあったErica Leckerの作品。なんだかわからないけど面白いです。
An art by Erico Lecker, in the sandbox. I cannot see the meaning but it is interesting.

LoopenさんはSL16Bで素敵な格子アート 「50年代の光の道を辿って」 を出しておられた方。
“Heaven” by Van Loopen. The theme is fighting women. Van Loopen is the artist who presented “Walking under the 50’s light line” in SL16B. There had been many arts with some theme, such as music, instrument, fairy tale, or virtual world. Also, just to pursue new beauties or to aim some originative effects.

There are some dancing ladies at the middle, so the light was adjusted to highlight them.

Still they are not clear, so I subtracted the dancing figures only. This could be real mesh-bodies.

An installation mainly using particles by Roxy. There are many small objects outwelling.

The particles are blowing out of the exhibition. Is this an expected effect?

Secret Rageの「思考の透明性」 RageさんはSLアートでお馴染みの方です。
“Transparency of Thought” by Secret Rage. I know Rage is one of the artists acting in SL. When granting free SIMs, it could be hard to decide, whether the artist should be, well-known in RL, the second life-based artists, or completely newbies? Thank you for the big effort, the committee members!

サンドボックスにあったErica Leckerの作品。なんだかわからないけど面白いです。
An art by Erico Lecker, in the sandbox. I cannot see the meaning but it is interesting.

SLのアート推進のためリンデンが提供していたSIMは、Resident用のAIR 20SIM、コア9SIMの29個。
In November 2018, the LEA Committee decided that the best way forward was for the members to step down. Since then there was no re-organizing plan and LEA will be closed at the end of August 2019. There were 29 SIMs provided by Linden Laboratories as the endowment for the art, 20 SIMs for resident artist (AIR) and 9 SIMs as Core. The AIR SIMs had been granted to artists for six-month period free of charge, were closed in January 2019, and the Core 9 SIMs are in operation which will be closed this time.

This is an event hall left in the Core. The audience are set on four SIMs with more than 300 seats. The hall of University of Western Australia was using 3 SIMs with 200 capacity but it accepted only 100 avatars at one time. What is this huge seating area for? It looks like a giant hall in a rural city that was made just for form….

MysterLo の「非人間主義」
"Brutalism" by MysterLo. There might have been several problems in the LEA committee such as management, artist selection, or obligation as volunteers, but there could be some solutions. The biggest issue could be the reduced traffic. There might be discussion regarding what is an art, and to increase visitors may not be the purpose. But audience is one of the important factors also in RL arts.

“DRD EL Big Wheel” by Deathfowdesign. A Ferris wheel in the Core, which seems like the ruined one at a town close to Chernobyl. Don’t tell me that this is a symbol of the art exhibitions on the decline.

I will introduce some pictures of the arts still there in the following articles. There will not be an introduction of the art itself but my spontaneous SSs. Please accept my apology if the image is different from the original.
SLのアート推進のためリンデンが提供していたSIMは、Resident用のAIR 20SIM、コア9SIMの29個。
In November 2018, the LEA Committee decided that the best way forward was for the members to step down. Since then there was no re-organizing plan and LEA will be closed at the end of August 2019. There were 29 SIMs provided by Linden Laboratories as the endowment for the art, 20 SIMs for resident artist (AIR) and 9 SIMs as Core. The AIR SIMs had been granted to artists for six-month period free of charge, were closed in January 2019, and the Core 9 SIMs are in operation which will be closed this time.

This is an event hall left in the Core. The audience are set on four SIMs with more than 300 seats. The hall of University of Western Australia was using 3 SIMs with 200 capacity but it accepted only 100 avatars at one time. What is this huge seating area for? It looks like a giant hall in a rural city that was made just for form….

MysterLo の「非人間主義」
"Brutalism" by MysterLo. There might have been several problems in the LEA committee such as management, artist selection, or obligation as volunteers, but there could be some solutions. The biggest issue could be the reduced traffic. There might be discussion regarding what is an art, and to increase visitors may not be the purpose. But audience is one of the important factors also in RL arts.

“DRD EL Big Wheel” by Deathfowdesign. A Ferris wheel in the Core, which seems like the ruined one at a town close to Chernobyl. Don’t tell me that this is a symbol of the art exhibitions on the decline.

I will introduce some pictures of the arts still there in the following articles. There will not be an introduction of the art itself but my spontaneous SSs. Please accept my apology if the image is different from the original.
After a long interval, came back to SL and visited LEA art SIMs. I took some pictures based on my private taste so these are not introductions of the arts. This is a huge book that is popular in SL arts. I might love many things or huge objects.

There are many cool SIMs that represents real land scape in three dimensions, but I prefer unreal worlds. The mummy mermaid is created by diiar, and the huge hand by Issa.

Gwen Feraxの浮かぶ人体は、私の数十倍の大きさ。右側は私ですが遠近法で同じ大きさに^-^
I like to shoot myself together with arts. The mannequin in the sky by Gwen Ferax is several ten times bigger than me floating on the right side. The picture was taken using perspective effects.

SLでお馴染みのRebeca Bashleyの作品。私は左の蝶の身体になってます^-
単に目立ちたがりっていうだけかもけどね^- ここまではLEA12のSIMでした。
An art by Rebeca Bashley who has been popular in SL. I am on the body of the butterfly on the left. It is hard to feel the size in SL through PC screen, so it will be one of reasons why I am shooting myself, or just showing off… Pictures are from LEA12 SIM.

以下はJo Williamsが作成したLEA26 SIM。
The followings are from LEA26 SIM by Jo Williams.

Standing on the rose at the center. There were huge roses also at Baba Meeting Area. Good old days when dancing on them…

同じくJo Williamsのカラフルな森。中に入れなかったのが残念です。
Colorful forest also by Jo Williams. Too bad that it cannot be entered.

光がうごめく地底の世界? 惑星パンドラSIM群を思い出します。
以前はパンドラだけでなく、ファイナルファンタジーの世界、西部や中世、未来都市インシリコも・・・ 皆さん、やめちゃったんでしょうか;;
Under-ground world with wriggling lights? This reminds me of the planet Pandora SIMs. Together with SL recession, role-play SIMs seem to be dying away. There were many such as Pandora, world of Final Fantasy, Western, Medieval, or Future world INCILOCO. Where have all members gone? Long tome passing…

After a long interval, came back to SL and visited LEA art SIMs. I took some pictures based on my private taste so these are not introductions of the arts. This is a huge book that is popular in SL arts. I might love many things or huge objects.

There are many cool SIMs that represents real land scape in three dimensions, but I prefer unreal worlds. The mummy mermaid is created by diiar, and the huge hand by Issa.

Gwen Feraxの浮かぶ人体は、私の数十倍の大きさ。右側は私ですが遠近法で同じ大きさに^-^
I like to shoot myself together with arts. The mannequin in the sky by Gwen Ferax is several ten times bigger than me floating on the right side. The picture was taken using perspective effects.

SLでお馴染みのRebeca Bashleyの作品。私は左の蝶の身体になってます^-
単に目立ちたがりっていうだけかもけどね^- ここまではLEA12のSIMでした。
An art by Rebeca Bashley who has been popular in SL. I am on the body of the butterfly on the left. It is hard to feel the size in SL through PC screen, so it will be one of reasons why I am shooting myself, or just showing off… Pictures are from LEA12 SIM.

以下はJo Williamsが作成したLEA26 SIM。
The followings are from LEA26 SIM by Jo Williams.

Standing on the rose at the center. There were huge roses also at Baba Meeting Area. Good old days when dancing on them…

同じくJo Williamsのカラフルな森。中に入れなかったのが残念です。
Colorful forest also by Jo Williams. Too bad that it cannot be entered.

光がうごめく地底の世界? 惑星パンドラSIM群を思い出します。
以前はパンドラだけでなく、ファイナルファンタジーの世界、西部や中世、未来都市インシリコも・・・ 皆さん、やめちゃったんでしょうか;;
Under-ground world with wriggling lights? This reminds me of the planet Pandora SIMs. Together with SL recession, role-play SIMs seem to be dying away. There were many such as Pandora, world of Final Fantasy, Western, Medieval, or Future world INCILOCO. Where have all members gone? Long tome passing…

LEAのフルSIMアート展示、FreeWee Lingの「再帰」を見ました。テーマは「繰り返し」のようですが、反射が素敵です!
Visited LEA Full-SIM art, “Recursion” by FreeWee Ling. The theme is recursion but the reflection is cool!

The floor is a mirror, and it is possible to walk around.

以前見たアートOne of the arts using reflection:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1404570.html
There is a small boat for sightseeing. There were arts featuring reflection before but this art put the reflection as one of the main theme. The effect is overwhelming.

SL reflection does not show ambient light or shadow. FreeWee kindly explained that the effect was used intentionally using hidden light. I searched the light source but was not able to locate them…

Gorgeous night scene utilizing reflection that carries different images. The artist said the reflection is not a simple iteration.

I changed the ambient to midday, eliminating night magic. I tried to duplicate the scene by adjusting water and light but was not able to… It shows that her adjustment was super.

上下反転 Upside down:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1414506.html
水面の反射 Water reflection:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1413758.html
I had took several pictures using water reflection. This one was using another effect than reflection though. If you were interested in, please visit my old articles.

Visited LEA Full-SIM art, “Recursion” by FreeWee Ling. The theme is recursion but the reflection is cool!

The floor is a mirror, and it is possible to walk around.

以前見たアートOne of the arts using reflection:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1404570.html
There is a small boat for sightseeing. There were arts featuring reflection before but this art put the reflection as one of the main theme. The effect is overwhelming.

SL reflection does not show ambient light or shadow. FreeWee kindly explained that the effect was used intentionally using hidden light. I searched the light source but was not able to locate them…

Gorgeous night scene utilizing reflection that carries different images. The artist said the reflection is not a simple iteration.

I changed the ambient to midday, eliminating night magic. I tried to duplicate the scene by adjusting water and light but was not able to… It shows that her adjustment was super.

上下反転 Upside down:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1414506.html
水面の反射 Water reflection:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1413758.html
I had took several pictures using water reflection. This one was using another effect than reflection though. If you were interested in, please visit my old articles.

LEAのフルSIMアート展示、Livio Korobaseの「タマゴ」を見ました。
The Egg:http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA19/45/63/21
Visited LEA Full-SIM art, The Egg by Livio Korobase. It may be an art about GOA music that was from Indian shamanic dancing and an egg that could be a source of everything. The first thing that caught my eyes was the huge beautiful set of statues.

カップルの塑像は私がSL始めたころに夢見ていたポーズ・・・ 右下が私です。
The pose of the couples are the one that I had dreamt when I started SL…. The small figure on the right below is me.

Music Land 1:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1372555.html
Music Land 2:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1373004.html
Music Land 3:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1373007.html
There are many kinds of animals. Livio had presented ‘Music Land’ at LEA.The large harp-deer was in the last art. The above are the articles before.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I was taught that the answer is the egg, because the egg from that the first chichen came out was not blown from a chicken. And yet this hen looks bossy.

I follow the note by Livio, please play around, and enjoyed shooting pictures purposelessly.

Beautiful patterns on the floor under a hippo. I feel that recent SL arts are interesting and strange but less beautiful.

Inside of the huge egg at the center. The mantis is cool.

There are pose balls set on the flower around the mantis. They are neither meditating nor sexy, but somewhat humorous. Thank you Livio for the joyful art!

The Egg:http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA19/45/63/21
Visited LEA Full-SIM art, The Egg by Livio Korobase. It may be an art about GOA music that was from Indian shamanic dancing and an egg that could be a source of everything. The first thing that caught my eyes was the huge beautiful set of statues.

カップルの塑像は私がSL始めたころに夢見ていたポーズ・・・ 右下が私です。
The pose of the couples are the one that I had dreamt when I started SL…. The small figure on the right below is me.

Music Land 1:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1372555.html
Music Land 2:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1373004.html
Music Land 3:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1373007.html
There are many kinds of animals. Livio had presented ‘Music Land’ at LEA.The large harp-deer was in the last art. The above are the articles before.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I was taught that the answer is the egg, because the egg from that the first chichen came out was not blown from a chicken. And yet this hen looks bossy.

I follow the note by Livio, please play around, and enjoyed shooting pictures purposelessly.

Beautiful patterns on the floor under a hippo. I feel that recent SL arts are interesting and strange but less beautiful.

Inside of the huge egg at the center. The mantis is cool.

There are pose balls set on the flower around the mantis. They are neither meditating nor sexy, but somewhat humorous. Thank you Livio for the joyful art!

LEA23でアートの大学が開催されています。Medici Universityというバーチャルの大学で、LEAのSIM一つを使ってキャンパスを設置。
LEA23: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA23/128/135/35
Medici University: http://mediciuniversity.co.uk/
There is an art university at LEA23. Medici University is a virtual, non-accredited, arts university. Studios at MU at LEA23 are free, occupy a 16x16m footprint, and come with 150 prims. It is interesting to see what current “art” are.

会場のベースとして作られたのか、Franz Strzeleckiの巨大な顔。額の上に乗ってる点が私です。
This huge face might be made for the site base, by Franz Strzelecki. The small dot on her forehead is me. Different from the early human body like sausage links, it became possible to create realistic modeling. The nose shape is not detailed yet but technically it could be possible.

これはアートの一部でMaxwell Grafの作品。この方は2006年からリアルさをSLで追ってこられたそうです。
This is a part of an art, made by Maxwell Graf. This creator has been in SL since 2006 and may have experience through primitive prims to scalp and mesh. How will his work be with the new generation SL?

The base of the campus. As a practice area for pure arts, someone may prefer free settings including background although it could be possible to use partitions.

Layout of the campus. It should be possible to use sky boxes with distance each other, but these could be set intentionally dense to develop through friendly competition? Comparing with other LEA projects providing a full SIM for each artists or UWA art project with three dimensional layout, this looks a bit crowded. May be enough for students?

LEA23: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA23/128/135/35
Medici University: http://mediciuniversity.co.uk/
There is an art university at LEA23. Medici University is a virtual, non-accredited, arts university. Studios at MU at LEA23 are free, occupy a 16x16m footprint, and come with 150 prims. It is interesting to see what current “art” are.

会場のベースとして作られたのか、Franz Strzeleckiの巨大な顔。額の上に乗ってる点が私です。
This huge face might be made for the site base, by Franz Strzelecki. The small dot on her forehead is me. Different from the early human body like sausage links, it became possible to create realistic modeling. The nose shape is not detailed yet but technically it could be possible.

これはアートの一部でMaxwell Grafの作品。この方は2006年からリアルさをSLで追ってこられたそうです。
This is a part of an art, made by Maxwell Graf. This creator has been in SL since 2006 and may have experience through primitive prims to scalp and mesh. How will his work be with the new generation SL?

The base of the campus. As a practice area for pure arts, someone may prefer free settings including background although it could be possible to use partitions.

Layout of the campus. It should be possible to use sky boxes with distance each other, but these could be set intentionally dense to develop through friendly competition? Comparing with other LEA projects providing a full SIM for each artists or UWA art project with three dimensional layout, this looks a bit crowded. May be enough for students?

There is an exhibition for History of Second Life at LEA (Linden Endowments for the Arts)

SL Grid Survey: http://www.gridsurvey.com/index.php
A bit disappointed since this is not a history of SL but that of Linden, not including histories of events or residents. Someone said, a company who started to write its history is at a plateau of development. SL is more than hitting a plateau though. The below is status of private estate shown in the SL official page. The year of 2007 when I started SL was at an explosive expansion.

The world map of 16 SIMs that were released at the beginning. The world has spread out form here. The twelve EDO SIMs were established in 2008. The development of works for the SIMs were very exciting to watch. They were really enjoying the process.

2月現在で個人SIM 18557、Linden SIM 7053、合計25610。新しいSLはどうなるのかな・・・
The world map that I made last year. It seems to be few changes since then. As of February, there are 18.557 personal SIMs, 7,053 by Linden, total of 25.610. How will be the coming SL?

There is an exhibition for History of Second Life at LEA (Linden Endowments for the Arts)

SL Grid Survey: http://www.gridsurvey.com/index.php
A bit disappointed since this is not a history of SL but that of Linden, not including histories of events or residents. Someone said, a company who started to write its history is at a plateau of development. SL is more than hitting a plateau though. The below is status of private estate shown in the SL official page. The year of 2007 when I started SL was at an explosive expansion.

The world map of 16 SIMs that were released at the beginning. The world has spread out form here. The twelve EDO SIMs were established in 2008. The development of works for the SIMs were very exciting to watch. They were really enjoying the process.

2月現在で個人SIM 18557、Linden SIM 7053、合計25610。新しいSLはどうなるのかな・・・
The world map that I made last year. It seems to be few changes since then. As of February, there are 18.557 personal SIMs, 7,053 by Linden, total of 25.610. How will be the coming SL?

LEAのフルSIMアート、Wizard Gynoidさんの作品を見ました。
LEA:1 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA1/129/111/58
Visited a LEA full-SIM art by Wizard Gynoid.

I made rude remarks that many things can make an art by themselves, but this art was really made of multi-prims, using more than 14,000 to the limit of the SIM. Surely this is not only for the numbers and changes expression by lighting or position.

The poles are using only four colors that rather provides spacious feeling. A corner with single color is only with red or gray. It is possible to sit or walk on the poles.

There is an elevator on which various sceneries can be observed. If there is no other visitors, it is joy to fly around freely. As usual, I dropped with my skirt making a chute.

LEA:1 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA1/129/111/58
Visited a LEA full-SIM art by Wizard Gynoid.

I made rude remarks that many things can make an art by themselves, but this art was really made of multi-prims, using more than 14,000 to the limit of the SIM. Surely this is not only for the numbers and changes expression by lighting or position.

The poles are using only four colors that rather provides spacious feeling. A corner with single color is only with red or gray. It is possible to sit or walk on the poles.

There is an elevator on which various sceneries can be observed. If there is no other visitors, it is joy to fly around freely. As usual, I dropped with my skirt making a chute.

It is joy to swing camera while riding on the pod but it is not suitable to shoot pictures, so I flew around when there was no other visitor.

The title is ‘Time Walker’ not ‘Time Traveler’. We are not doing time travel but just walking along the time that keeps passing even while we are standing still.

Looking down the passage from the first stage.

I like a huge structure with feeling of depth. The overwhelming scale feeing can be experienced by just flying around.

ごちゃごちゃしてるものも好きなのかも^ そういえばゴミの山もよかったな^-^
Also I may like a kind of mess. The art of pile of refuse was also nice^-^

Falling down with using my skirt as a parachute. It is hard to take pictures while dropping with selecting camera angles.

Fontana: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1286667.html
The full view of the installation that is about 900m high. Thank you Solkide for the nice art and kind explanation. I put an article about her art ‘Fontana’ last year.

It is joy to swing camera while riding on the pod but it is not suitable to shoot pictures, so I flew around when there was no other visitor.

The title is ‘Time Walker’ not ‘Time Traveler’. We are not doing time travel but just walking along the time that keeps passing even while we are standing still.

Looking down the passage from the first stage.

I like a huge structure with feeling of depth. The overwhelming scale feeing can be experienced by just flying around.

ごちゃごちゃしてるものも好きなのかも^ そういえばゴミの山もよかったな^-^
Also I may like a kind of mess. The art of pile of refuse was also nice^-^

Falling down with using my skirt as a parachute. It is hard to take pictures while dropping with selecting camera angles.

Fontana: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1286667.html
The full view of the installation that is about 900m high. Thank you Solkide for the nice art and kind explanation. I put an article about her art ‘Fontana’ last year.

LEAの展示、Solkide AuerのTime Walkerを見ました。朝起きてまず出会う目覚まし時計が出発点。
Visited an LEA art, Time Walker by Solkide Auer. The starting point is an alarm clock that is the first thing that call us in the morning.

We know that there are many gears in a clock but few of us know how they are working. Is this depicting the difficulty to see the mechanism of time?

Casting my eyes up to see the stage far up in the sky. There is a huge time corridor to climb up.

There is a pod for automatic tour that takes about twelve minutes.

Ascending through the time corridor.The bottom of colorful stages are approaching.

The first stage, a dome with color changing gradually. The huge yellow pendulum at the center is an image of Pendolo di Foucault that is to sign the rotation of the earth that will never stop.

Next stage is a space for creation. As if the rings that were bound around the pendulum are now flying freely with changing their colors. If we could see the stream of time we might feel some sense of colors. Even elementary particles have color, flavor, and also spin^-^

In the top aureole, there was a huge metronome ticking down.
Visited an LEA art, Time Walker by Solkide Auer. The starting point is an alarm clock that is the first thing that call us in the morning.

We know that there are many gears in a clock but few of us know how they are working. Is this depicting the difficulty to see the mechanism of time?

Casting my eyes up to see the stage far up in the sky. There is a huge time corridor to climb up.

There is a pod for automatic tour that takes about twelve minutes.

Ascending through the time corridor.The bottom of colorful stages are approaching.

The first stage, a dome with color changing gradually. The huge yellow pendulum at the center is an image of Pendolo di Foucault that is to sign the rotation of the earth that will never stop.

Next stage is a space for creation. As if the rings that were bound around the pendulum are now flying freely with changing their colors. If we could see the stream of time we might feel some sense of colors. Even elementary particles have color, flavor, and also spin^-^

In the top aureole, there was a huge metronome ticking down.

Lollito Larkhamのカント。毎日知らない人とランチをとる習慣を崩さなかったそうです。
見知らぬ人と対面し、何を見出そうとしていたのか? また自由に思想を操るカントは何故時間と習慣に縛られた生活をしていたのか?
The Philosopher’s Stone: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA17/35/222/25
Kant by Lollito Larkham. The table makes a reference to the habit of Kant of lunch regularly with an unknown person. What did Kant see in front of the stranger? How could a man in the thought so vast take refuge with the imperturbable mold of time and of the habits? After all, phirosopers could be strange.

This is also an art for Kant. It sould be out of manner to stand here, but in fabor of the theme, fun and entertaining. But I never play down phirosophers. In days of them, philosphers might be akin to scientists. Modern cosmology could be said to be approaching phirosophical area. It made me think anew about importance of studying the basic of thinking.

Barry Richezのハイデッガー。これも何をした人か、私は知りませんでした::
Heidegger by Barry Richez. Again I have not studied what this phirosopher did.

This is also for Heidegger. Ants do not have sophisticated intelligence but they design and create huge ant hill through collaboration and jobsharing. This could be connected to the conscious in the human brain in which individual neuron does not have intelligence. Modern science can explain the system theoretically to some extent, but how did Heidegger make out of it?

Scottius Polkeのヒューム。様々なアイデアと要素の組み合わせ、ということかもけど、ただきれいだな、ということしか^-
Hume by Scottius Polke. It could mean an assortment of various ideas and components, but I only got a beauty.

Ub Yifuのスピノザ。もうお手上げです;; スピノザだからスピンしてるのかな^-^ ごめんなさい。
Spinoza by Ub Yifu. I have to give up. Is this spinning because of spinoza? No way, sorry.

Winter Nightfireのアーレント。「戦争における善悪とは何か」を追及した哲学者?
Arendt by Winter Nightfire. Was he pursueing good and evil at a war? Here the artist tried to illustrate the imaginations of woman visiting other woman's mind. But I only saw the beautiful garden.

Under the polished floor reflected images were set, but there is alpha-crash caused by doubled transparent textures. I would conclude this very rude visit to the arts of philosopy by words, “Satya resides under woman’s skirt.” Thank you the organizer and artists for providing me with a chance to look insde the unknown for me.
見知らぬ人と対面し、何を見出そうとしていたのか? また自由に思想を操るカントは何故時間と習慣に縛られた生活をしていたのか?
The Philosopher’s Stone: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA17/35/222/25
Kant by Lollito Larkham. The table makes a reference to the habit of Kant of lunch regularly with an unknown person. What did Kant see in front of the stranger? How could a man in the thought so vast take refuge with the imperturbable mold of time and of the habits? After all, phirosopers could be strange.

This is also an art for Kant. It sould be out of manner to stand here, but in fabor of the theme, fun and entertaining. But I never play down phirosophers. In days of them, philosphers might be akin to scientists. Modern cosmology could be said to be approaching phirosophical area. It made me think anew about importance of studying the basic of thinking.

Barry Richezのハイデッガー。これも何をした人か、私は知りませんでした::
Heidegger by Barry Richez. Again I have not studied what this phirosopher did.

This is also for Heidegger. Ants do not have sophisticated intelligence but they design and create huge ant hill through collaboration and jobsharing. This could be connected to the conscious in the human brain in which individual neuron does not have intelligence. Modern science can explain the system theoretically to some extent, but how did Heidegger make out of it?

Scottius Polkeのヒューム。様々なアイデアと要素の組み合わせ、ということかもけど、ただきれいだな、ということしか^-
Hume by Scottius Polke. It could mean an assortment of various ideas and components, but I only got a beauty.

Ub Yifuのスピノザ。もうお手上げです;; スピノザだからスピンしてるのかな^-^ ごめんなさい。
Spinoza by Ub Yifu. I have to give up. Is this spinning because of spinoza? No way, sorry.

Winter Nightfireのアーレント。「戦争における善悪とは何か」を追及した哲学者?
Arendt by Winter Nightfire. Was he pursueing good and evil at a war? Here the artist tried to illustrate the imaginations of woman visiting other woman's mind. But I only saw the beautiful garden.

Under the polished floor reflected images were set, but there is alpha-crash caused by doubled transparent textures. I would conclude this very rude visit to the arts of philosopy by words, “Satya resides under woman’s skirt.” Thank you the organizer and artists for providing me with a chance to look insde the unknown for me.

Robin Mooreのアリストテレスの神殿。アートによっては時刻やビュワーの設定の指示があります。
The Philosopher’s Stone: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA17/35/222/25
Pantheon of Aristotle by Robin Moore. Some presentation requires time and viewer setting. This is very kind instruction, “Stand in front of here and if you can see your shadow here you have set your setting right”.

Feathers Boaのマルクス。階級闘争を表してる? でも結果として闘争や暴力を必要とするような哲学や宗教って、欠陥品だと思いませんか?
Marx by Feathers Boa. Does this depict a class strife? But don’t you think that any philosophy or religion that needs war or force as a result could be defective.

Plato by Aequitas. People living in a cave will see only the shadow of the reality. I turned around and looked at the outside though. What did Plato say if he watched the holographic principle?

Ama Avroのデカルト。「我思う、故に我あり」くらいは見たことがあります^-^
その人工頭脳はこの命題をどう考える? 楽しみですね^-^
Descartes by Ama Avro. At least I have read words, Cogito ergo sum. The reason to think why I am here itself is the proof that I am here. This is connected to the Anthropic principle explaining why humankind resides in this universe and why the universe has been set as the human requires. If there were no human, the question itself would not exist. Kurzweil calculated that a robot who can speculate as same as human will be achieved in 2029. How will the artificial brain consider about this issue? I am looking forward to.

Freewee Lingのニーチェ。ニーチェの言葉に触発されて作った幻想的なイメージだそうです。
Nietzsche by Freewee Ling. This is an image inspired by the words by Nietzsche. There are words coming in, such as ‘There are no facts. Only interpretations’ or ‘Without music life would be a mistake’. There might be some words not from Nietzsche…

There is a tunnel alongside of the palace. Crawling animation was set. The tunnel is only 30m in length, but it is hard to reach the end since it looks longer and the wall is moving.

Bibi Rivesのウィトゲンシュタイン。私はこの哲学者の名前は聞いたことがなかった;;
Wittgenstein by Bibi Rives. I have not heard the name of this philosopher. It is said, “Without word, neither speculation nor philosophy”. But I believe there is cerebration and speculation without using language and cannot agree with him as a girl in the science. :)

To be continued further.
The Philosopher’s Stone: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA17/35/222/25
Pantheon of Aristotle by Robin Moore. Some presentation requires time and viewer setting. This is very kind instruction, “Stand in front of here and if you can see your shadow here you have set your setting right”.

Feathers Boaのマルクス。階級闘争を表してる? でも結果として闘争や暴力を必要とするような哲学や宗教って、欠陥品だと思いませんか?
Marx by Feathers Boa. Does this depict a class strife? But don’t you think that any philosophy or religion that needs war or force as a result could be defective.

Plato by Aequitas. People living in a cave will see only the shadow of the reality. I turned around and looked at the outside though. What did Plato say if he watched the holographic principle?

Ama Avroのデカルト。「我思う、故に我あり」くらいは見たことがあります^-^
その人工頭脳はこの命題をどう考える? 楽しみですね^-^
Descartes by Ama Avro. At least I have read words, Cogito ergo sum. The reason to think why I am here itself is the proof that I am here. This is connected to the Anthropic principle explaining why humankind resides in this universe and why the universe has been set as the human requires. If there were no human, the question itself would not exist. Kurzweil calculated that a robot who can speculate as same as human will be achieved in 2029. How will the artificial brain consider about this issue? I am looking forward to.

Freewee Lingのニーチェ。ニーチェの言葉に触発されて作った幻想的なイメージだそうです。
Nietzsche by Freewee Ling. This is an image inspired by the words by Nietzsche. There are words coming in, such as ‘There are no facts. Only interpretations’ or ‘Without music life would be a mistake’. There might be some words not from Nietzsche…

There is a tunnel alongside of the palace. Crawling animation was set. The tunnel is only 30m in length, but it is hard to reach the end since it looks longer and the wall is moving.

Bibi Rivesのウィトゲンシュタイン。私はこの哲学者の名前は聞いたことがなかった;;
Wittgenstein by Bibi Rives. I have not heard the name of this philosopher. It is said, “Without word, neither speculation nor philosophy”. But I believe there is cerebration and speculation without using language and cannot agree with him as a girl in the science. :)

To be continued further.
The Philosopher’s Stone: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA17/35/222/25
Visited LEA full-SIM art, “The Philosopher’s Stone” that is featuring the work of 15 artists interpreting 15 philosophers in original artworks. This project strived to create art exhibitions provoking fun, entertaining, and educational, also encouraging collaboration, sharing of knowledge, exploring ideas with various techniques and technologies.

The map of the arts with the name of artists and philosophers whose name I ever heard. There are both seasoned and novice artists.

The idea began from an article about a project a teacher had given his young students to draw what they thought a philosopher looked like, to have a group of artists “interpret” a philosopher. For me the art is sometimes clear as mud, and this time ‘philosophy’ was added a fortiori. It could be Greek.

地上はオーガナイザーのPixels Sidewayのセッティング。神殿のような柱が並んでるのがあります。
The ground was set by Pixels Sideway the organizer. There is a pile of columns like a Parthenon.

When walking into, the columns around me are lifted up. This movement alludes to the idea of thought and reflection. The following is extracts from the artist’s comment.
This alludes to the idea of thought and reflection…under one of the columns is a revelation that leads to a place of deeper meditative thought.... and that revelation is a hidden teleport. Where does philosophical thought come from? Sometimes they are revealed in mysterious way… we uncover something that leads us to a revelation, and thoughts are dynamic -- they are always moving around in our minds -- so if each column were a thought or fragment of a thought or idea or concept, we might come across something that is like an "ah ha!" moment -- a revelation of sorts -- and that can lead to a deeper reflective meaning, or it could just be a fun place with moving columns under which one is a hidden teleport to a secret place :-)

There is a meditation space with colorful images dancing, but I liked the moving columns and tried to lift them up as far as possible. The columns keep lifting as I fly up. It is fun as if I got special power.

The movement is rather slow. I went down quickly and the columns were left behind, descended calmly. I did not see what kind of thinking this movement depicted, but it was fun to watch.

To be continued.
The Philosopher’s Stone: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/LEA17/35/222/25
Visited LEA full-SIM art, “The Philosopher’s Stone” that is featuring the work of 15 artists interpreting 15 philosophers in original artworks. This project strived to create art exhibitions provoking fun, entertaining, and educational, also encouraging collaboration, sharing of knowledge, exploring ideas with various techniques and technologies.

The map of the arts with the name of artists and philosophers whose name I ever heard. There are both seasoned and novice artists.

The idea began from an article about a project a teacher had given his young students to draw what they thought a philosopher looked like, to have a group of artists “interpret” a philosopher. For me the art is sometimes clear as mud, and this time ‘philosophy’ was added a fortiori. It could be Greek.

地上はオーガナイザーのPixels Sidewayのセッティング。神殿のような柱が並んでるのがあります。
The ground was set by Pixels Sideway the organizer. There is a pile of columns like a Parthenon.

When walking into, the columns around me are lifted up. This movement alludes to the idea of thought and reflection. The following is extracts from the artist’s comment.
This alludes to the idea of thought and reflection…under one of the columns is a revelation that leads to a place of deeper meditative thought.... and that revelation is a hidden teleport. Where does philosophical thought come from? Sometimes they are revealed in mysterious way… we uncover something that leads us to a revelation, and thoughts are dynamic -- they are always moving around in our minds -- so if each column were a thought or fragment of a thought or idea or concept, we might come across something that is like an "ah ha!" moment -- a revelation of sorts -- and that can lead to a deeper reflective meaning, or it could just be a fun place with moving columns under which one is a hidden teleport to a secret place :-)

There is a meditation space with colorful images dancing, but I liked the moving columns and tried to lift them up as far as possible. The columns keep lifting as I fly up. It is fun as if I got special power.

The movement is rather slow. I went down quickly and the columns were left behind, descended calmly. I did not see what kind of thinking this movement depicted, but it was fun to watch.

To be continued.