今回は、SLを始めてからずっと仲良しだった、Pin2 Szymerさんと連絡がとれなくなってしまいました;;
I have been in SL for a long period, and many friends, including my first crush and broken-hearted persons, made away. This time, Pin2 Szymer, my best friend since I started SL, has losted touch.

Since her home and account are still alive, I hope there could be some temporary problem, but I am worrying as it became so long, but she answered my e-mail saying she is OK!

She said that she took some vacation from SL and net games, then would come back after a while.

そう思ったら涙が出てきてました。以前から黙っていなくなったりしないでね、ってお願いしてたんですけど;; こんどお休みする時は、教えてね^-^
To lose touch completely in SL is the same as a death in RL, with no way to resuscitate, leaving the cute face behind. Seeing it that way, tears came into my eyes. I have been asking her, not to go away without saying a word. Please do it next time!

いずれにしても、お元気そうでよかった! ぜひまた元気なお顔を見せてください。いつまでも待ってます!!
In any case, I am happy to know that she is OK. My dear Pin2, would you please come back and let us see the cute chat! I will be waiting for you forever!

今回は、SLを始めてからずっと仲良しだった、Pin2 Szymerさんと連絡がとれなくなってしまいました;;
I have been in SL for a long period, and many friends, including my first crush and broken-hearted persons, made away. This time, Pin2 Szymer, my best friend since I started SL, has losted touch.

Since her home and account are still alive, I hope there could be some temporary problem, but I am worrying as it became so long, but she answered my e-mail saying she is OK!

She said that she took some vacation from SL and net games, then would come back after a while.

そう思ったら涙が出てきてました。以前から黙っていなくなったりしないでね、ってお願いしてたんですけど;; こんどお休みする時は、教えてね^-^
To lose touch completely in SL is the same as a death in RL, with no way to resuscitate, leaving the cute face behind. Seeing it that way, tears came into my eyes. I have been asking her, not to go away without saying a word. Please do it next time!

いずれにしても、お元気そうでよかった! ぜひまた元気なお顔を見せてください。いつまでも待ってます!!
In any case, I am happy to know that she is OK. My dear Pin2, would you please come back and let us see the cute chat! I will be waiting for you forever!

顔ハメを沢山しましたけど、どうやってもアートにはなりません;; なので説明的になる欠点を逆手にとって、私の趣味に徹してみました。
I have made several face inlays, but they are far from arts. Then turning around the drawback of being interpretive, I tried to be consistent with my style.

脳は飛び散るけど小型拳銃なら頭は破裂せず、顔はきれいなまま? 周りは汚れてしまうでしょうが、カジノなら後始末の経験がおありかも。
I tried various ways to die, but never did this, which might be the most reliable way and more instantaneous than beheading. The brain could be spattered but the head will not explode with a small handgun, and the face might remain clean. It could mess up the table, but they could manage it as a way-wise casino.

I thought of drawing a picture of the moment after this. The gun kicked back, the face turned reaward with brain shot out, and the left arm raised convulsively… But I did not do since it is out of my area. Please imagine it together with Mogu lying on the table on her back with her head hanging down. While writing this, I realize again that a gun is a tool to kill people, and it should be prohibited except for police or army.
I have made several face inlays, but they are far from arts. Then turning around the drawback of being interpretive, I tried to be consistent with my style.

脳は飛び散るけど小型拳銃なら頭は破裂せず、顔はきれいなまま? 周りは汚れてしまうでしょうが、カジノなら後始末の経験がおありかも。
I tried various ways to die, but never did this, which might be the most reliable way and more instantaneous than beheading. The brain could be spattered but the head will not explode with a small handgun, and the face might remain clean. It could mess up the table, but they could manage it as a way-wise casino.

I thought of drawing a picture of the moment after this. The gun kicked back, the face turned reaward with brain shot out, and the left arm raised convulsively… But I did not do since it is out of my area. Please imagine it together with Mogu lying on the table on her back with her head hanging down. While writing this, I realize again that a gun is a tool to kill people, and it should be prohibited except for police or army.
Found a coffin for two people. In Japan with cremation, legally it is OK to cremate two at one time. The capacity should be enough since a sumo wrestler can be handled. But if two bodies were set side by side, some parts could fall and might become half-baked. Accordingly, it would be rejected normally. Abroad, it may be accepted depending on the country. They said that there are some cases more than three persons set in a coffin.

でもRLだとちょと大きすぎかな^-^ あしながおばさんのお仲間にしちゃいましょ。
There are some desires to be enter together with the beloved. Brazenly I asked Sachiko to join me. Although I was watching every day, in this direction her generous legs become highly visible. But they are too large if in RL. I might put her in the aunt-long-legs category^-^

Sleeping in peace after changing white dress. It is a dreamy scene that I could be in a same coffin next to her^-

Considered the situation how we died. On the rid of this coffin there are swords. By making the rid semi-transparent, the pose becomes that of worrier.

なのでこういうことに。姉さまには叱られそう;; 首を絞めたり吊ったりしたのと違って、これでは絶対生き返りません。
So, I did this way, for which Sachiko may scold me. Different from choking or hanging, there is no way to come back from this situation. But a good thing in SL is that it will be refreshed next day. Sachiko, please forgive me as a Halloween!

Found a coffin for two people. In Japan with cremation, legally it is OK to cremate two at one time. The capacity should be enough since a sumo wrestler can be handled. But if two bodies were set side by side, some parts could fall and might become half-baked. Accordingly, it would be rejected normally. Abroad, it may be accepted depending on the country. They said that there are some cases more than three persons set in a coffin.

でもRLだとちょと大きすぎかな^-^ あしながおばさんのお仲間にしちゃいましょ。
There are some desires to be enter together with the beloved. Brazenly I asked Sachiko to join me. Although I was watching every day, in this direction her generous legs become highly visible. But they are too large if in RL. I might put her in the aunt-long-legs category^-^

Sleeping in peace after changing white dress. It is a dreamy scene that I could be in a same coffin next to her^-

Considered the situation how we died. On the rid of this coffin there are swords. By making the rid semi-transparent, the pose becomes that of worrier.

なのでこういうことに。姉さまには叱られそう;; 首を絞めたり吊ったりしたのと違って、これでは絶対生き返りません。
So, I did this way, for which Sachiko may scold me. Different from choking or hanging, there is no way to come back from this situation. But a good thing in SL is that it will be refreshed next day. Sachiko, please forgive me as a Halloween!

ピンさんに、「テミさんにかかるとみんな一度は死にます」 て言われちゃった。でも寝顔撮ってるのは、親しいお友達だけよ^-
As one of the things that can be done only in SL, I have been writing several articles regarding death. Pin2 said that ”Anyone comes into play with Temi will be killed once at least.” But I did so only with my close friends^-^ I became aware that there is no difference between face of sleep, faint, and death. This time I asked Sachiko to be the model. This is in a coffin at the last Halloween.

でも寝顔は、前回の 「寝顔ブス」 で書いたように、ちょと違うのかも。
Also in the RL, it is hard to distinguish the asphyxiation and death only with a picture.
Regarding the sleep, there could be some difference that I wrote at the previous article, sleeping ugly.

サチコさんは、寝顔もきれい! 上のは棺桶、下は私のベッドで、同じお顔のSSなのです。
Sachiko is beautiful even while sleeping. The above is in a coffin, the below, my bed, both of them are the same SS. Is it my imagination that only the one in the bed looks breathing calmly?

ひょっとして死に顔にご興味ありましたら、カテゴリー 「死」 をどうぞ^-^
By any chance if you were interested in death, please visit the category 「死」.
ピンさんに、「テミさんにかかるとみんな一度は死にます」 て言われちゃった。でも寝顔撮ってるのは、親しいお友達だけよ^-
As one of the things that can be done only in SL, I have been writing several articles regarding death. Pin2 said that ”Anyone comes into play with Temi will be killed once at least.” But I did so only with my close friends^-^ I became aware that there is no difference between face of sleep, faint, and death. This time I asked Sachiko to be the model. This is in a coffin at the last Halloween.

でも寝顔は、前回の 「寝顔ブス」 で書いたように、ちょと違うのかも。
Also in the RL, it is hard to distinguish the asphyxiation and death only with a picture.
Regarding the sleep, there could be some difference that I wrote at the previous article, sleeping ugly.

サチコさんは、寝顔もきれい! 上のは棺桶、下は私のベッドで、同じお顔のSSなのです。
Sachiko is beautiful even while sleeping. The above is in a coffin, the below, my bed, both of them are the same SS. Is it my imagination that only the one in the bed looks breathing calmly?

ひょっとして死に顔にご興味ありましたら、カテゴリー 「死」 をどうぞ^-^
By any chance if you were interested in death, please visit the category 「死」.
SLでしか出来ないこと、私の死のシリーズ3人目の犠牲者はMiruruさん。 死に方の第一希望は溺死でした。
The third victim for my death series that can be done only in SL was Miruru. Her first choice was drowning. It could be very painful. To hold breath to the limit, to inhale the water to the throat, then into the lung after becoming unconscious. This Miruru seems to be the final stage to inhale water after holding breath, which should be very agonizing, but I hope that she will have relief soon.

でも、絵にするのは難しかった! 冷凍庫の中にいれちゃおかと思った。
Her second choice was freezing death, that was said to be a cozy way to die. When dropping off into sleep, it could feel rather pleasure. But it was hard to make a picture. Almost I put her in a freezer.

それとも脳にバックアップがあって、しばらく意識は残る? 最期は目は閉じるのかな。
The easiest death could be for android. Like a PC, it could be shut down immediately by just pulling out the power source. Or does it have a back-up in the brain and keep conscious for some period? Does it close eyes at the last?

This is the facial expression that I wondered why included in the animation. But this picture has some modifications: the eyes and nostrils were opened slightly wider. Different from Pin2 I introduced before, Miruru’s nostrils do not move. But it could be cute if they move softly like this.

The first case I asked Miruru to die was this picture. The right half was in a terrible situation that cannot be shown here. Please image. If you were interested in, Miruru has the one.

For refreshing your eyes, Miruru departing for the heaven on Pegasus, not that funny, riding underwater at the Welcome Center.

The third victim for my death series that can be done only in SL was Miruru. Her first choice was drowning. It could be very painful. To hold breath to the limit, to inhale the water to the throat, then into the lung after becoming unconscious. This Miruru seems to be the final stage to inhale water after holding breath, which should be very agonizing, but I hope that she will have relief soon.

でも、絵にするのは難しかった! 冷凍庫の中にいれちゃおかと思った。
Her second choice was freezing death, that was said to be a cozy way to die. When dropping off into sleep, it could feel rather pleasure. But it was hard to make a picture. Almost I put her in a freezer.

それとも脳にバックアップがあって、しばらく意識は残る? 最期は目は閉じるのかな。
The easiest death could be for android. Like a PC, it could be shut down immediately by just pulling out the power source. Or does it have a back-up in the brain and keep conscious for some period? Does it close eyes at the last?

This is the facial expression that I wondered why included in the animation. But this picture has some modifications: the eyes and nostrils were opened slightly wider. Different from Pin2 I introduced before, Miruru’s nostrils do not move. But it could be cute if they move softly like this.

The first case I asked Miruru to die was this picture. The right half was in a terrible situation that cannot be shown here. Please image. If you were interested in, Miruru has the one.

For refreshing your eyes, Miruru departing for the heaven on Pegasus, not that funny, riding underwater at the Welcome Center.

気が付いたら、最近やってた顔ハメは観光地によくある顔出しパネルだったんですね^-^ 今回はご了解を得て、ピンさんを。
I have noticed that my recent articles are the face cutouts often seen in tourist sites. This time I featured Pin2 by her favor.

ときどき、すごく日焼けしたスキンで来られるピンさん。 同じお顔なのに、ちょと大人びた風情^-^
Pin2 often comes in with severely sunburnt skin, which makes her a bit grown-up.

Pin2 still looks cute even became a drowned body. But the face of the person I borrowed her body, closing eyes calmly, also had an unnatural beauty.

でもピンさんは、戻ってきてまた可愛い笑顔を見せてください! いなくなったらいやよ!!
Unscrupulously we are playing dead, but these girls, dead neither with her own motive nor mentally prepared, will never feel again the warm sunshine and hug with tears. I play for the souls. May she rest in peace. But Pin2 can come back and show us her cute smile. Dear Pin2, please never be gone!

Please forgive my bad taste and recover with the beaming face of Pin2 in my heart.

I have noticed that my recent articles are the face cutouts often seen in tourist sites. This time I featured Pin2 by her favor.

ときどき、すごく日焼けしたスキンで来られるピンさん。 同じお顔なのに、ちょと大人びた風情^-^
Pin2 often comes in with severely sunburnt skin, which makes her a bit grown-up.

Pin2 still looks cute even became a drowned body. But the face of the person I borrowed her body, closing eyes calmly, also had an unnatural beauty.

でもピンさんは、戻ってきてまた可愛い笑顔を見せてください! いなくなったらいやよ!!
Unscrupulously we are playing dead, but these girls, dead neither with her own motive nor mentally prepared, will never feel again the warm sunshine and hug with tears. I play for the souls. May she rest in peace. But Pin2 can come back and show us her cute smile. Dear Pin2, please never be gone!

Please forgive my bad taste and recover with the beaming face of Pin2 in my heart.

先日、お友達のミルルさんを殺してしまったのです。 ちょとブログでは使えないような絵でした。
The other day, I killed Miruru my friend. The picture was not suitable for the blog, so I showed it to her eyes only, but it was well accepted and she made request for the next victim. So, I asked Sachiko what is her favorite way to die. Her answer was “In a bathtub”, which is not so easy. If with nude, it only seems like a relaxing pose. Please imagine it here, with clothing and moveless water.

以前の 「悪夢」 でも感じましたけど、やっぱり画家ってすごいですねー。
For the drowning, there was a famous painting. But the neck angle on the original is strange. The heavy head should not be floating like that, except under rigor mortis. But if the head was sunk, the beautiful face could not be seen and I made also strange angle. As I noticed on the painting “Night mare” in an old article, the skill of painters is awesome.

I decided to sink Sachiko, who made up her mind and fixated her eyes on me.

I found the courage to push her down. This picture was taken long time ago. I lost this bathtub in my inventory.

I did CPR for the unconscious Sachiko. I lost this animation also. If anyone knows the CPR animation, please let me know.

CPR with somewhat practiced hand. But when imaging to pinch Sachiko’s good-looking nose and open her beautiful lips, my heart started racing. Sachiko, looking forward to the girls meeting at a hotel!

The other day, I killed Miruru my friend. The picture was not suitable for the blog, so I showed it to her eyes only, but it was well accepted and she made request for the next victim. So, I asked Sachiko what is her favorite way to die. Her answer was “In a bathtub”, which is not so easy. If with nude, it only seems like a relaxing pose. Please imagine it here, with clothing and moveless water.

以前の 「悪夢」 でも感じましたけど、やっぱり画家ってすごいですねー。
For the drowning, there was a famous painting. But the neck angle on the original is strange. The heavy head should not be floating like that, except under rigor mortis. But if the head was sunk, the beautiful face could not be seen and I made also strange angle. As I noticed on the painting “Night mare” in an old article, the skill of painters is awesome.

I decided to sink Sachiko, who made up her mind and fixated her eyes on me.

I found the courage to push her down. This picture was taken long time ago. I lost this bathtub in my inventory.

I did CPR for the unconscious Sachiko. I lost this animation also. If anyone knows the CPR animation, please let me know.

CPR with somewhat practiced hand. But when imaging to pinch Sachiko’s good-looking nose and open her beautiful lips, my heart started racing. Sachiko, looking forward to the girls meeting at a hotel!

表情HUD 2
Pin2 the cute came in with a new face animation. Because of the animation or so, her eyes became a bit cross-eyed, which strengthened her mascot-like character.

今にもいってしまいそうな表情^-^ 失神フェチ?の私としては、こういう表情されるといたづらしたくなっちゃう;;
Face expression almost fainting away anytime. When looking this kind of faces, I, as a swoon-fetish, cannot refrain from doing some trick…

This time I did not put her in a coffin but tried resuscitation. The color was not matched well but the face is her own.

As I did so far, she herself could not identify her own face, although I did not touch the shape.

These are the original for the above two pictures. To consider such situation from these pictures, I could be a bit dangerous, even saying myself…

Pin2 the cute came in with a new face animation. Because of the animation or so, her eyes became a bit cross-eyed, which strengthened her mascot-like character.

今にもいってしまいそうな表情^-^ 失神フェチ?の私としては、こういう表情されるといたづらしたくなっちゃう;;
Face expression almost fainting away anytime. When looking this kind of faces, I, as a swoon-fetish, cannot refrain from doing some trick…

This time I did not put her in a coffin but tried resuscitation. The color was not matched well but the face is her own.

As I did so far, she herself could not identify her own face, although I did not touch the shape.

These are the original for the above two pictures. To consider such situation from these pictures, I could be a bit dangerous, even saying myself…

棺桶 再び
While talking about facial expression HUD, Miruru brought up the past article where Sachiko was opening eyes in a coffin. So, I asked her to be in. She did not have the Cinderella costume that we were talking, but she wore a nice dress.

Miruru, being vigorous just before entering the coffin. Considering that this warm and soft, beautiful body soon becomes cold and motionless, a death brings in a special emotion that comes only once her life.

While in the coffin for some period, Miruru has gone really. There would be not enough air in the closed coffin, or the chains around her neck were so heavy that strangled her. I was watching her body trembling and stretching, then suddenly all movements stopped…

Her eyes and mouth remained open, so I let then closed. Miruru now became beautiful. Have a peaceful rest Miruru.

立会人だったサチコ姉さまも入りました。普段着のまま静かに。 すらりと伸びた脚がきれい!
The witness Sachiko also entered the coffin with her casual dress. Her willowy legs are so beautiful!

Last time she was smiling as a joke, but this time she closed eyes firmly, a beautiful and peaceful death. My heart start racing while looking at… Actually, she did not close eyes but this is a moment when she brinks, so this face cannot be seen usually.

The past article for coffin: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1728280.html
While talking about facial expression HUD, Miruru brought up the past article where Sachiko was opening eyes in a coffin. So, I asked her to be in. She did not have the Cinderella costume that we were talking, but she wore a nice dress.

Miruru, being vigorous just before entering the coffin. Considering that this warm and soft, beautiful body soon becomes cold and motionless, a death brings in a special emotion that comes only once her life.

While in the coffin for some period, Miruru has gone really. There would be not enough air in the closed coffin, or the chains around her neck were so heavy that strangled her. I was watching her body trembling and stretching, then suddenly all movements stopped…

Her eyes and mouth remained open, so I let then closed. Miruru now became beautiful. Have a peaceful rest Miruru.

立会人だったサチコ姉さまも入りました。普段着のまま静かに。 すらりと伸びた脚がきれい!
The witness Sachiko also entered the coffin with her casual dress. Her willowy legs are so beautiful!

Last time she was smiling as a joke, but this time she closed eyes firmly, a beautiful and peaceful death. My heart start racing while looking at… Actually, she did not close eyes but this is a moment when she brinks, so this face cannot be seen usually.

The past article for coffin: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1728280.html
In the last article I wrote about my possible death wish, but looking back on my past blog, actually there were many themes regarding death. There are deaths caused by electricity/gas/water, and animal or accident, but the most was related to suffocation. To be performed CPR on my body that lost breath and conscious, I will come over it by just imaging.

I started SL to do something that cannot be done in RL, so went into nude photos and then yachting etc. Recently it is to do games with world wide players. Among those, the long lasting one is to die. It is impossible to watch my own corpse in RL.

My first experience of CPR in SL was in 2009. At that time, it would be a fairy tale for me to have a sweetheart doing mouth to mouth air supply. Fortunately, I encountered the partner, who would do it when I made my body limp after convulsion and stretch when he held my neck. My squabby/squishy nose becomes nallow while pinched by his fingers, and warm air is omming into my motionless bosom.

The mesh made the body and face so real, but I am not able to find CPR animation. The top picture is my composit. There are many movies of CPR in the net, but nothing in SL. This is also for classic avatars. If anyone knows good CPR animation, please let me know.

In the last article I wrote about my possible death wish, but looking back on my past blog, actually there were many themes regarding death. There are deaths caused by electricity/gas/water, and animal or accident, but the most was related to suffocation. To be performed CPR on my body that lost breath and conscious, I will come over it by just imaging.

I started SL to do something that cannot be done in RL, so went into nude photos and then yachting etc. Recently it is to do games with world wide players. Among those, the long lasting one is to die. It is impossible to watch my own corpse in RL.

My first experience of CPR in SL was in 2009. At that time, it would be a fairy tale for me to have a sweetheart doing mouth to mouth air supply. Fortunately, I encountered the partner, who would do it when I made my body limp after convulsion and stretch when he held my neck. My squabby/squishy nose becomes nallow while pinched by his fingers, and warm air is omming into my motionless bosom.

The mesh made the body and face so real, but I am not able to find CPR animation. The top picture is my composit. There are many movies of CPR in the net, but nothing in SL. This is also for classic avatars. If anyone knows good CPR animation, please let me know.

Halloween has gone. I was out for travel in RL, so I missed several events. In the last article I picked up a cool coffin, I tried to find more, but it was hard to find nice one in SL. This shows the rid opened. A glass coffin may not make since except for demonstrating a great person or a mummy.

The dead body would fester soon and the coffins are mostly burnt down, a simple wooden one would do the job.

I was not able to find nice casket, so I searched one in RL pictures and entered in it.

Even how I were made up nicely, I would not care since I was stone-dead already…

Someone said, if both smiling and sleeping faces are adorable, any provoking manner would be allowed. I might be obnoxious but neither face is cute, so it is natural that nobody likes me ;; I like the slightly opened nose wings that show some grittiness, but it is not cute to stay open even under unconscious^-^.

こんな妹がいたら何でも許しちゃう。死んじゃったらめちゃ泣く! ピンさん死んだらやだよ^
A representative of cutie, Pin2 who is the only person being called the name with “Cute~” by Moroi the owner of the meeting area Hiromist. If I had such a cute sister, I would do anything for her, and cry copiously when she died. Please live long Pin2!

My big sister Sachiko, who would not play dead quietly. But when imaging that her eyes and lips closed numbly and her body flaked out, my throat feels like being choked toward little death…

Halloween has gone. I was out for travel in RL, so I missed several events. In the last article I picked up a cool coffin, I tried to find more, but it was hard to find nice one in SL. This shows the rid opened. A glass coffin may not make since except for demonstrating a great person or a mummy.

The dead body would fester soon and the coffins are mostly burnt down, a simple wooden one would do the job.

I was not able to find nice casket, so I searched one in RL pictures and entered in it.

Even how I were made up nicely, I would not care since I was stone-dead already…

Someone said, if both smiling and sleeping faces are adorable, any provoking manner would be allowed. I might be obnoxious but neither face is cute, so it is natural that nobody likes me ;; I like the slightly opened nose wings that show some grittiness, but it is not cute to stay open even under unconscious^-^.

こんな妹がいたら何でも許しちゃう。死んじゃったらめちゃ泣く! ピンさん死んだらやだよ^
A representative of cutie, Pin2 who is the only person being called the name with “Cute~” by Moroi the owner of the meeting area Hiromist. If I had such a cute sister, I would do anything for her, and cry copiously when she died. Please live long Pin2!

My big sister Sachiko, who would not play dead quietly. But when imaging that her eyes and lips closed numbly and her body flaked out, my throat feels like being choked toward little death…

I have reviewed facial expressions at going away. There are many body animations for that but most of them look like performances and not realistic. The body action could be simulated by making the all body parts physical and the joint free to make limp fall.

昔はフリーのアニメが沢山ありました。手持ちのものを数えてみたら4000種類以上! でもほとんど使い方かわからないのばかり。
This is an animation for swoon and falling down. It is a bit sexy but looks different from real moves that can be seen in the net. The arms will not be raised like this. There were many free animations provided in earlier days. I counted my inventory, and found more than 4,000 animations. But most of them I cannot find the use. Why did they make so many animations? I understand the dancing though.

The popular last dance at the going moment is the one at hanging, which might be the same as the move when falling into unconscious due to lack of oxygen. It resembles the move at that moment with legs stretched and the back arched tightly. But there are few animations in SL to simulate the final spasm.

An animation for sleeper-hold, which leaves the unconscious body and does not include the comeback move. It causes no agony and someone said it feels great when going away. In elder times at Judo clubs, it was a custom that all newcomers should be choked out by seniors, which is now prohibited naturally.

下は頸動脈を塞いで脳を酸欠状態にするのと違い、胸を強く圧迫して心臓を止めてしまうようです。 CPRの反対ですね。
In choke-out games in RL, the body simply goes limp abruptly. The funny involuntary movement of the body is when coming back after release. In the below, different from choking the carotid artery, the chest is pressed hard, that stops the heart directly, wrong way about the CPR. When the carotid is choked to cause unconscious due to lack of oxygen the heart keeps pulsing, so it provides the brain with blood as soon as the choke was removed, but if the heart was stopped, it should be re-started when the pressure was released. Although there is some possibility to cause damage due to lack of oxygen, the brain has many redundant cells and it might not be serious, but if there were some damage on the heart due to lack of oxygen, it may cause some malfunction. If the heart failed to re-start, it should be the end. Do these boys know that they are stopping her heart? It should be an attempted murder.

そういえば、あのとき日本ではしぬ、いくっていうけど英語ではくるなんですよね。フランス語は小さな死? 関係ないか^-。
The right girl in the above picture seems to be gone actually, but her heart started pulse as soon as it was released and she came back without falling down. The girl on the left with beautiful legs seems to be doing performance. Sliding down along the wall, getting up with spasm, and falling down the face on, the flexibility of the upper body and ankle is surprising! That cannot be simulated with an avatar. By all means, a choke-out game is very dangerous and I would never do it again. When I am choked by him, I will become limp immediately waiting for his MTM CPR. One of my friends asked me why there are drowning scenes and embarrassed me a bit. It is only that I am interested in death in SL. By the way, at that moment we Japanese say to die or to go, but in English it is to come. La petit mort in French? May be no relation though.

Aside: I am now playing the Final Fantasy VII Remake. The shock was the death of Jessie that is the character I started to like. So cute, elfish, and cool, but she suddenly died under relatively small rubble with no special reason.
Jessie’s death: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2CQ-UCbmHw

「・・・最後の話相手、クラウドか・・・うん・・・悪くないぞ・・・」 勝気なジェシーの最期の会話。
そして、「そろそろ、行ってくれない? 見られてると・・・、恥ずかし・・くて・・・」 ・・・
英語版では、「君たち、どっか行ったら? マナーじゃないよ・・ 見てるのって・・ ね・・・」
私は、とてもこんなかっこいいこと言えない;; 「わたし、もう行くみたい・・・ しっかり・・抱いてて・・・」 って最後まで甘えちゃうだろうな。
“So, you are the guy who hear my last words… Hh… Lucky me…” The last conversation, as the strong-minded girl, and then, “Don’t you guys… have somewhere to be? … It is not polite … to stare… you know…” … Her eyes moved away and she went. I would never be able to make such cool words. I might say, “Ah… I am going… hold me tight…” as a spoilt girl to the last breath…

それとも意識を失っただけで、まだ死んでない、ってこと? でもそのあとの大崩壊の中で、この身体が残ったとは思えない。冷たい仕打ちですよね;;
To my regret, the member left with Jessies body behind as is. Considering that it was on the way, the battle was settled for a while, so at least they should carry her body to some shaded area, lay out her body and cover her face with something. Or she was not dead and just lost conscious? But it will be impossible to save the body in the following big breakdown. Anyway, it was not kind way. The stage of FFVII is the city Midgal that was set in SL in early days. It was joy to walk around the reproduced city in SL, but now the game provides more realistic world than SL.
I have reviewed facial expressions at going away. There are many body animations for that but most of them look like performances and not realistic. The body action could be simulated by making the all body parts physical and the joint free to make limp fall.

昔はフリーのアニメが沢山ありました。手持ちのものを数えてみたら4000種類以上! でもほとんど使い方かわからないのばかり。
This is an animation for swoon and falling down. It is a bit sexy but looks different from real moves that can be seen in the net. The arms will not be raised like this. There were many free animations provided in earlier days. I counted my inventory, and found more than 4,000 animations. But most of them I cannot find the use. Why did they make so many animations? I understand the dancing though.

The popular last dance at the going moment is the one at hanging, which might be the same as the move when falling into unconscious due to lack of oxygen. It resembles the move at that moment with legs stretched and the back arched tightly. But there are few animations in SL to simulate the final spasm.

An animation for sleeper-hold, which leaves the unconscious body and does not include the comeback move. It causes no agony and someone said it feels great when going away. In elder times at Judo clubs, it was a custom that all newcomers should be choked out by seniors, which is now prohibited naturally.

下は頸動脈を塞いで脳を酸欠状態にするのと違い、胸を強く圧迫して心臓を止めてしまうようです。 CPRの反対ですね。
In choke-out games in RL, the body simply goes limp abruptly. The funny involuntary movement of the body is when coming back after release. In the below, different from choking the carotid artery, the chest is pressed hard, that stops the heart directly, wrong way about the CPR. When the carotid is choked to cause unconscious due to lack of oxygen the heart keeps pulsing, so it provides the brain with blood as soon as the choke was removed, but if the heart was stopped, it should be re-started when the pressure was released. Although there is some possibility to cause damage due to lack of oxygen, the brain has many redundant cells and it might not be serious, but if there were some damage on the heart due to lack of oxygen, it may cause some malfunction. If the heart failed to re-start, it should be the end. Do these boys know that they are stopping her heart? It should be an attempted murder.

そういえば、あのとき日本ではしぬ、いくっていうけど英語ではくるなんですよね。フランス語は小さな死? 関係ないか^-。
The right girl in the above picture seems to be gone actually, but her heart started pulse as soon as it was released and she came back without falling down. The girl on the left with beautiful legs seems to be doing performance. Sliding down along the wall, getting up with spasm, and falling down the face on, the flexibility of the upper body and ankle is surprising! That cannot be simulated with an avatar. By all means, a choke-out game is very dangerous and I would never do it again. When I am choked by him, I will become limp immediately waiting for his MTM CPR. One of my friends asked me why there are drowning scenes and embarrassed me a bit. It is only that I am interested in death in SL. By the way, at that moment we Japanese say to die or to go, but in English it is to come. La petit mort in French? May be no relation though.

Aside: I am now playing the Final Fantasy VII Remake. The shock was the death of Jessie that is the character I started to like. So cute, elfish, and cool, but she suddenly died under relatively small rubble with no special reason.
Jessie’s death: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2CQ-UCbmHw

「・・・最後の話相手、クラウドか・・・うん・・・悪くないぞ・・・」 勝気なジェシーの最期の会話。
そして、「そろそろ、行ってくれない? 見られてると・・・、恥ずかし・・くて・・・」 ・・・
英語版では、「君たち、どっか行ったら? マナーじゃないよ・・ 見てるのって・・ ね・・・」
私は、とてもこんなかっこいいこと言えない;; 「わたし、もう行くみたい・・・ しっかり・・抱いてて・・・」 って最後まで甘えちゃうだろうな。
“So, you are the guy who hear my last words… Hh… Lucky me…” The last conversation, as the strong-minded girl, and then, “Don’t you guys… have somewhere to be? … It is not polite … to stare… you know…” … Her eyes moved away and she went. I would never be able to make such cool words. I might say, “Ah… I am going… hold me tight…” as a spoilt girl to the last breath…

それとも意識を失っただけで、まだ死んでない、ってこと? でもそのあとの大崩壊の中で、この身体が残ったとは思えない。冷たい仕打ちですよね;;
To my regret, the member left with Jessies body behind as is. Considering that it was on the way, the battle was settled for a while, so at least they should carry her body to some shaded area, lay out her body and cover her face with something. Or she was not dead and just lost conscious? But it will be impossible to save the body in the following big breakdown. Anyway, it was not kind way. The stage of FFVII is the city Midgal that was set in SL in early days. It was joy to walk around the reproduced city in SL, but now the game provides more realistic world than SL.
私の死5 変なの
危険! ってポーズボールにタッチしたら、何か落ちてきて頭を潰され、いやな音が;;
しばらく意識が残るギロチンではなく痛みを感じる脳が一瞬で潰されてしまうので、一番楽な死に方かも? 遺体を引き取る家族はかわいそう;;
There was a pose ball saying dangerous. I touched and then some heavy matter fell on my head and produced icky sound. There was no animation and it was an instant death without any jerk or spasm. Different from the guillotine that remains conscious for a while, this could be the easiest way to die since the brain sensing pain will be crushed at the first moment. What a tragedy for a family who recieve the body...

I laid myself under a sword that was stuck to undersea sand. The difference from that at sea shore is the floated busts that do not open. If arms and legs were raised a bit, it would be more realistic.

This is the original scene of the picture above. I could be eccentric to consider to be laid under this sword.

Underwater: http://temitemi.slmame.com/e1310846.html
Misty: http://temitemi.slmame.com/e1310849.html
This is also at a bottom of sea, one of the pictures that I took when shooting nude photos. At that time, most of all my nude photos were taken under the sea. If you were interested in, please see the old articles. They are not sexy though^-^

The last of my icky death is a meal presented at a shop. Even for me the original figure is too much, so I changed the skin to silver. In this shop, there were other kind of poses such as barbecue, soup, or salad dish, but those are out of my taste. If you read up to here, thank you for your patience. There are many other beautiful (normal ^-^) pictures in my blog, so please visit them too.

終りはまたFF XIII-2から、時を見てしまったセラの命が静かに消えてゆくとこ。安らかな死顔でご気分を直してください。
セラの最期の言葉は、「ありがとう・・・」 SLにもこんなシェイプがありますように^-^
From the Final Fantasy again, Sera passes peacefully away when she saw the time… Please change your mood with watching her peaceful face. I wish to have this kind of shape available in SL.

If you missed the other beautiful face of Sera in my old article, please see the bottom of this one. Good night...
To sleep or to die: http://temioyen.slmame.com/e1687478.html
しばらく意識が残るギロチンではなく痛みを感じる脳が一瞬で潰されてしまうので、一番楽な死に方かも? 遺体を引き取る家族はかわいそう;;
There was a pose ball saying dangerous. I touched and then some heavy matter fell on my head and produced icky sound. There was no animation and it was an instant death without any jerk or spasm. Different from the guillotine that remains conscious for a while, this could be the easiest way to die since the brain sensing pain will be crushed at the first moment. What a tragedy for a family who recieve the body...

I laid myself under a sword that was stuck to undersea sand. The difference from that at sea shore is the floated busts that do not open. If arms and legs were raised a bit, it would be more realistic.

This is the original scene of the picture above. I could be eccentric to consider to be laid under this sword.

Underwater: http://temitemi.slmame.com/e1310846.html
Misty: http://temitemi.slmame.com/e1310849.html
This is also at a bottom of sea, one of the pictures that I took when shooting nude photos. At that time, most of all my nude photos were taken under the sea. If you were interested in, please see the old articles. They are not sexy though^-^

The last of my icky death is a meal presented at a shop. Even for me the original figure is too much, so I changed the skin to silver. In this shop, there were other kind of poses such as barbecue, soup, or salad dish, but those are out of my taste. If you read up to here, thank you for your patience. There are many other beautiful (normal ^-^) pictures in my blog, so please visit them too.

終りはまたFF XIII-2から、時を見てしまったセラの命が静かに消えてゆくとこ。安らかな死顔でご気分を直してください。
セラの最期の言葉は、「ありがとう・・・」 SLにもこんなシェイプがありますように^-^
From the Final Fantasy again, Sera passes peacefully away when she saw the time… Please change your mood with watching her peaceful face. I wish to have this kind of shape available in SL.

If you missed the other beautiful face of Sera in my old article, please see the bottom of this one. Good night...
To sleep or to die: http://temioyen.slmame.com/e1687478.html
私の死4 動物
こうなると私のマゾヒスティックな死も極端^- 旧馬場にあった展示です。
This could be the extreme of my masochistic death. This was an exhibition at old Baba.

This is the original of the one exhibited at the presentation “Out of Bounds World”. Even the Super girl was not able to beat.

For the above two pictures, I took my figure floating in front of the mouth and erased the doubled portion with the head of tyrannosaur. This is not a composite but using hippo avatar that goes through a wall at a public bath at Baba. This article was introduced in an overseas SL blog. The Baba public bath is still in a different SIM as it was. Old fellows are getting together every Saturday, not for bathing though^-^
The old article, Hippo and Public Bath: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e838297.html
Baba Meeting Area: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Publius/47/106/22

This is one scene at RPG at Colorado. The buffalo attacks. Once beaten, it is necessary to see a doctor for a medical treatment.

There are many pose balls for bitten by a shark or crocodile, but this one is rare, suck down by a caught fish, from an art by Borchovski. I have heard that actually a fisherman could be bitten by a fished up one on a boat.

This is just a retouch and not a composite. Please visit the old article for the process.

This is a new one made this time, the only full-composite picture in this series. There is no killer whale to do this in SL, I hope.

シャチが言いました。 「これから俺がどうするか、言い当てたら離してやろう。 間違ったら食べてしまうぞ!」
わたしが言いました。 「あなたは私を離してくれないでしょう」
シャチはどうずる? 水中で私を咥えたままどやってしゃべったのか、なんて言わないでね^-^
The orca said, “If you guess what I will do next, I will release you, else I will eat you.” I said, “You will not release me.” How should the orca do? Do not mention why the orca can speak while biting me in the water. ^-^
This could be the extreme of my masochistic death. This was an exhibition at old Baba.

This is the original of the one exhibited at the presentation “Out of Bounds World”. Even the Super girl was not able to beat.

For the above two pictures, I took my figure floating in front of the mouth and erased the doubled portion with the head of tyrannosaur. This is not a composite but using hippo avatar that goes through a wall at a public bath at Baba. This article was introduced in an overseas SL blog. The Baba public bath is still in a different SIM as it was. Old fellows are getting together every Saturday, not for bathing though^-^
The old article, Hippo and Public Bath: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e838297.html
Baba Meeting Area: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Publius/47/106/22

This is one scene at RPG at Colorado. The buffalo attacks. Once beaten, it is necessary to see a doctor for a medical treatment.

There are many pose balls for bitten by a shark or crocodile, but this one is rare, suck down by a caught fish, from an art by Borchovski. I have heard that actually a fisherman could be bitten by a fished up one on a boat.

This is just a retouch and not a composite. Please visit the old article for the process.

This is a new one made this time, the only full-composite picture in this series. There is no killer whale to do this in SL, I hope.

シャチが言いました。 「これから俺がどうするか、言い当てたら離してやろう。 間違ったら食べてしまうぞ!」
わたしが言いました。 「あなたは私を離してくれないでしょう」
シャチはどうずる? 水中で私を咥えたままどやってしゃべったのか、なんて言わないでね^-^
The orca said, “If you guess what I will do next, I will release you, else I will eat you.” I said, “You will not release me.” How should the orca do? Do not mention why the orca can speak while biting me in the water. ^-^
私の死3 事故
In front of the Yakotori shop Kikyo, around the time when I started SL. My heart was pounding at the first time to do this kind of pose. Nobody took after me. Instead I was run over many times by a car.

At the time when I was traveling all over the world in SL, in a scary town in the Middle East. There is some violence such as robbed and killed in a public rest room. But it is good of SL to feel secure since anytime I can jump back by TP.

In the same town. All clothing was taken away and my body was thrown into a garbage truck. It seemed that this could happen actually in this town.

A female police officer, a victim to her duty, in the morgue at the prison of Kazumi. It is sad to be laid at such a dirty place. One day Kazumi opened the drawer and was surprised to find an unknown body in it, not me.

At the planet Pandora. My sister was shot down when she strayed into a shooting range. There was an RPG for the world of the movie Avatar, but there were not enough players for human. I missed the original Pandora SIMs.

The most favorite pose, which might be the first pose ball I bought. In RL, I feel the sensation only by being took up like this. The CPR could become the sign for… ^-^

The hit number was increased once but recently went back to the old level. After all there pictures were not comfortable to see… But as far as someone came in, I hope there are some who understand my taste, so I will bring in another two articles with two days interval. Please come back!
In front of the Yakotori shop Kikyo, around the time when I started SL. My heart was pounding at the first time to do this kind of pose. Nobody took after me. Instead I was run over many times by a car.

At the time when I was traveling all over the world in SL, in a scary town in the Middle East. There is some violence such as robbed and killed in a public rest room. But it is good of SL to feel secure since anytime I can jump back by TP.

In the same town. All clothing was taken away and my body was thrown into a garbage truck. It seemed that this could happen actually in this town.

A female police officer, a victim to her duty, in the morgue at the prison of Kazumi. It is sad to be laid at such a dirty place. One day Kazumi opened the drawer and was surprised to find an unknown body in it, not me.

At the planet Pandora. My sister was shot down when she strayed into a shooting range. There was an RPG for the world of the movie Avatar, but there were not enough players for human. I missed the original Pandora SIMs.

The most favorite pose, which might be the first pose ball I bought. In RL, I feel the sensation only by being took up like this. The CPR could become the sign for… ^-^

The hit number was increased once but recently went back to the old level. After all there pictures were not comfortable to see… But as far as someone came in, I hope there are some who understand my taste, so I will bring in another two articles with two days interval. Please come back!
私の死2 火
At the massive fire at Edo, my happi coat was inflamed while fire fighting. Afterward nobody noticed me getting cool and cold on the roof.

The fire at a garden at Temi’s Tea House tends to ignite a person coming in and would not fade for a while. I did not recall who this was since she was incinerated.

Of early date of my SL. I am tempted to go into fire like a moth. I could be a kind of masochist to some extent.

This picture was not used in my blog. Actually, a human body will not be such a pose in a fire. But I am not sure if a stone-dead body was put into. Anyway, the hair should be ignited at first, so this picture is wrong.

王様が言いました。 「この詐欺師め、最後に何か言ってみよ。真実を述べれば慈悲として絞首刑で済ます。間違っていれば火炙りにする!」
詐欺が言いました。 「私は火炙りになるでしょう」 ・・・王様はどうすればいい?
If actually done, a death by fire could be one of the most painful way to die. A king said, “You an imposter! Tell the truth as the last word. If you say a truth, I will hang you as a mercy, but if you say a lie, I will burn you alive!” The imposter said, “I will be burt alive.” What should the king do?
At the massive fire at Edo, my happi coat was inflamed while fire fighting. Afterward nobody noticed me getting cool and cold on the roof.

The fire at a garden at Temi’s Tea House tends to ignite a person coming in and would not fade for a while. I did not recall who this was since she was incinerated.

Of early date of my SL. I am tempted to go into fire like a moth. I could be a kind of masochist to some extent.

This picture was not used in my blog. Actually, a human body will not be such a pose in a fire. But I am not sure if a stone-dead body was put into. Anyway, the hair should be ignited at first, so this picture is wrong.

王様が言いました。 「この詐欺師め、最後に何か言ってみよ。真実を述べれば慈悲として絞首刑で済ます。間違っていれば火炙りにする!」
詐欺が言いました。 「私は火炙りになるでしょう」 ・・・王様はどうすればいい?
If actually done, a death by fire could be one of the most painful way to die. A king said, “You an imposter! Tell the truth as the last word. If you say a truth, I will hang you as a mercy, but if you say a lie, I will burn you alive!” The imposter said, “I will be burt alive.” What should the king do?
私の死1 水
The next theme of my icky series is feature of my death, picked up from my old articles. The ones such as gallows or guillotine that ate available at shops were excluded and I picked up those can be seen in normal scenes. The next popular one to hanging will be drowning. This is a pose ball set at a courtyard of a fancy Japanese restaurant in the old Edo city. In a pond set at cloister garth in a restaurant, with lotus bloom, could this be for a swimming? Most likely it seemed one for a watery suicide. I floated with formal apparel.

これは海外の海岸SIMにあったポーズボール。 うつ伏せでぐったりと浮いた姿は、泳いでいるようには見えません。
This is a pose ball at some foreign seaside SIM. The facedown limp posture does not look like a swimming.

In front of a guy going along at that time. After this he carried me to his home, looked after me, and…. He left later, may be disgusted with my poor taste ;;

A drowned pose at an art by Borhovski that I introduced before. The body could be a bit over-floated but I like it since it looks cool.

The last day of Edo SIM. My sister made watery suicide in front of Temi’s Tea House that would also gone away.

水から抱き上げて、茶屋の前に横たえ、人工呼吸したけど:: 今回のプロフィはその時の。
I took her up from the water, set her on a mat, and made CPR, but… The profile today is at that time. The sequential pictures were introduced in may gallery before. It may be included in the slide show now.

In the overseas net, there are some scenes of actual drowning and the body is substantially agonizing. But the face looks peaceful in death. The two pictures are victims of Tsunami. I pray for the souls. To go away leaving such a cute and healthy body behind, to die is really a special matter.

日本では入水自殺というのが多かったようですが、意識が消えるまでかなり苦しい? 妹も苦しかったでしょう・・・
Drowning might be more agonizing than hanging that brings black out quickly. In ancient Japan suicide by entering into water was popular, but it should be painful until losing consciousness. My sister could have been agonizing…

If you were interested in death, please visit the old articles.
The next theme of my icky series is feature of my death, picked up from my old articles. The ones such as gallows or guillotine that ate available at shops were excluded and I picked up those can be seen in normal scenes. The next popular one to hanging will be drowning. This is a pose ball set at a courtyard of a fancy Japanese restaurant in the old Edo city. In a pond set at cloister garth in a restaurant, with lotus bloom, could this be for a swimming? Most likely it seemed one for a watery suicide. I floated with formal apparel.

これは海外の海岸SIMにあったポーズボール。 うつ伏せでぐったりと浮いた姿は、泳いでいるようには見えません。
This is a pose ball at some foreign seaside SIM. The facedown limp posture does not look like a swimming.

In front of a guy going along at that time. After this he carried me to his home, looked after me, and…. He left later, may be disgusted with my poor taste ;;

A drowned pose at an art by Borhovski that I introduced before. The body could be a bit over-floated but I like it since it looks cool.

The last day of Edo SIM. My sister made watery suicide in front of Temi’s Tea House that would also gone away.

水から抱き上げて、茶屋の前に横たえ、人工呼吸したけど:: 今回のプロフィはその時の。
I took her up from the water, set her on a mat, and made CPR, but… The profile today is at that time. The sequential pictures were introduced in may gallery before. It may be included in the slide show now.

In the overseas net, there are some scenes of actual drowning and the body is substantially agonizing. But the face looks peaceful in death. The two pictures are victims of Tsunami. I pray for the souls. To go away leaving such a cute and healthy body behind, to die is really a special matter.

日本では入水自殺というのが多かったようですが、意識が消えるまでかなり苦しい? 妹も苦しかったでしょう・・・
Drowning might be more agonizing than hanging that brings black out quickly. In ancient Japan suicide by entering into water was popular, but it should be painful until losing consciousness. My sister could have been agonizing…

If you were interested in death, please visit the old articles.
There was a passout by the roadside. Without noticing a bottle held in her hand, it looked like a body of a murder victim. I noticed several manikins of drunk at art SIMs or some such. There is a special shop for that. As a fainting fancier, I would buy these if they were not manikins but pose balls

左のマスカラが流れてる人は傷心自殺かも? 右の女性は厚着のままぐったりと投げ出した手足が、一酸化炭素中毒死みたいでした。
These persons could be alive. Most sleeping avatars do not breathe and it is hard to distinguish death and sleep. The left lady with mascara running off could be suicide with a sore heart… The lady on the right seemed to be a victim of CO intoxication judging from the sloppily spreaded limbs with heavy clothing.

I introduced before, the cute sleeping face of Alha. More beautiful closing eyes became available with the mesh head.

Rose Borchovskiの「運命の定め、怒るベスとロトの話」のロトの表情がとてもかわいい^-^
以前は素敵なアートSIMが沢山ありました:: UWAもLEAもなくなってしまったのが残念です!
BorchovskiのSIM(Two Fish)はまだあります。展示は少し違ってますけど、ロトに会えます。
Two Fish;http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cariacou/195/79/171
The facial expressions of Lot are so cute in the art, “THE INEVITABILITY OF FATE, A story about Angry Beth and Lot” by Rose Borchovski. Please visit my old article. There were many cool art SIMs before. It is too bad that there is no LEA or UWA anymore. The art SIM (Two Fish) by Borchovski is still there. The presentation was changed a bit but you can meet Lot.

Dear Komomo passed out when I was choking from behind. If I were holding for some period, she might go without any agony. Her unconscios body might jerk and spasm...

Me under CPR. Both breathing and heat beat have stopped. Would I come back from the apparent death or is this a corpse passing over in silence… The CPR does exist on the border. The calm face keeping eyes closed is hiding a fearsome possibility.

最後は私の大好きな顔、ファイナルファンタジーXIII-2のラストで突然死んでしまうセラ。 このかわいい顔の中にはもう誰もいない;;
昔はSLにもFFのRPGがあったんですよね。ミッドガルがなつかしい! 2020年3月のFF VII フルリメイク発売が楽しみです。
The last is my favorite face, the ending of a TV-game Final Fantasy XIII-2, the heroine Sera. There is nobody in this cute face anymore. She suddenly dies without seeing her fiancé, and the world that she thought to have saved collapsed. If there is any solace, she died as if falling aspleep without any agony before the catastrophe… In days of old, there was a stage for RPG of Final Fantasy in SL. I missed the Middgar ;; Looking forward to the release of FF VII full remake at March 2020.

The “To Die” series was received better than expected, so the next will be feature of my deatn. Please come back again!
There was a passout by the roadside. Without noticing a bottle held in her hand, it looked like a body of a murder victim. I noticed several manikins of drunk at art SIMs or some such. There is a special shop for that. As a fainting fancier, I would buy these if they were not manikins but pose balls

左のマスカラが流れてる人は傷心自殺かも? 右の女性は厚着のままぐったりと投げ出した手足が、一酸化炭素中毒死みたいでした。
These persons could be alive. Most sleeping avatars do not breathe and it is hard to distinguish death and sleep. The left lady with mascara running off could be suicide with a sore heart… The lady on the right seemed to be a victim of CO intoxication judging from the sloppily spreaded limbs with heavy clothing.

I introduced before, the cute sleeping face of Alha. More beautiful closing eyes became available with the mesh head.

Rose Borchovskiの「運命の定め、怒るベスとロトの話」のロトの表情がとてもかわいい^-^
以前は素敵なアートSIMが沢山ありました:: UWAもLEAもなくなってしまったのが残念です!
BorchovskiのSIM(Two Fish)はまだあります。展示は少し違ってますけど、ロトに会えます。
Two Fish;http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cariacou/195/79/171
The facial expressions of Lot are so cute in the art, “THE INEVITABILITY OF FATE, A story about Angry Beth and Lot” by Rose Borchovski. Please visit my old article. There were many cool art SIMs before. It is too bad that there is no LEA or UWA anymore. The art SIM (Two Fish) by Borchovski is still there. The presentation was changed a bit but you can meet Lot.

Dear Komomo passed out when I was choking from behind. If I were holding for some period, she might go without any agony. Her unconscios body might jerk and spasm...

Me under CPR. Both breathing and heat beat have stopped. Would I come back from the apparent death or is this a corpse passing over in silence… The CPR does exist on the border. The calm face keeping eyes closed is hiding a fearsome possibility.

最後は私の大好きな顔、ファイナルファンタジーXIII-2のラストで突然死んでしまうセラ。 このかわいい顔の中にはもう誰もいない;;
昔はSLにもFFのRPGがあったんですよね。ミッドガルがなつかしい! 2020年3月のFF VII フルリメイク発売が楽しみです。
The last is my favorite face, the ending of a TV-game Final Fantasy XIII-2, the heroine Sera. There is nobody in this cute face anymore. She suddenly dies without seeing her fiancé, and the world that she thought to have saved collapsed. If there is any solace, she died as if falling aspleep without any agony before the catastrophe… In days of old, there was a stage for RPG of Final Fantasy in SL. I missed the Middgar ;; Looking forward to the release of FF VII full remake at March 2020.

The “To Die” series was received better than expected, so the next will be feature of my deatn. Please come back again!
雪合戦で出血? 以前私のブログで車に轢かれて道路に放置されたことを報告しましたけど、こういう場合誰も介抱してくれない^-^
While discussing about a shot-down pose in a snowball fight at the yearend event in Edo, Pipinpa the leader of Edo Meguni Group suddenly fell down. Bleeding at a snawball fight? In this situation such as when I was hit by a car and was left as it was, nobody would look after.

At the snowball fight, I and my chummy friend Komomo have gone together. There was no bleeding though. I on the right is still holding a snowball. Sorry to see Komomo in such chilly situation, but she would not feel it anymore….

ミズキさんとの二人展 「飛び出して見える」 で、ティラノサウルスに噛まれたミズキさん。
Mizuki bitten by a tyrannosaur at the joint exhibition with her, Out of Bounds World. Another tyrannosaur in addition to the one in the picture was hiding behind the wall and several guests were sacrificed.

Kazumi again. She was dancing as a nurse but suddenly kissed the dust and emergency crews came in. Normally they would not carry a person in this shape if she is alive… We guessed the cause of death and the most probable one was that she was an assassin disguising a nurse and inadvertently shot herself. I tried to shoot her dead face but abruptly she wide opened her mouth, it astounded me like shouting “I am still alive!”.

雪合戦で出血? 以前私のブログで車に轢かれて道路に放置されたことを報告しましたけど、こういう場合誰も介抱してくれない^-^
While discussing about a shot-down pose in a snowball fight at the yearend event in Edo, Pipinpa the leader of Edo Meguni Group suddenly fell down. Bleeding at a snawball fight? In this situation such as when I was hit by a car and was left as it was, nobody would look after.

At the snowball fight, I and my chummy friend Komomo have gone together. There was no bleeding though. I on the right is still holding a snowball. Sorry to see Komomo in such chilly situation, but she would not feel it anymore….

ミズキさんとの二人展 「飛び出して見える」 で、ティラノサウルスに噛まれたミズキさん。
Mizuki bitten by a tyrannosaur at the joint exhibition with her, Out of Bounds World. Another tyrannosaur in addition to the one in the picture was hiding behind the wall and several guests were sacrificed.

Kazumi again. She was dancing as a nurse but suddenly kissed the dust and emergency crews came in. Normally they would not carry a person in this shape if she is alive… We guessed the cause of death and the most probable one was that she was an assassin disguising a nurse and inadvertently shot herself. I tried to shoot her dead face but abruptly she wide opened her mouth, it astounded me like shouting “I am still alive!”.

Team ASHのショウから。絵の中から抜け出してきた少女のお話。
From a show by the Team ASH. This is a story about a girl breaking out from a painting. A lad wanted to keep the beauty of the girl forever as it is… But the girl went back into the painting with seizing the heart of the lad. The eys of the killed giral stayes open. In most movies the eyes of dead person are opened though they are mostly closed in actual dead faces. It could be to distinguish fainted and dead faces?

The homicide scene of Kazumi. She wears a tail always, so the body outline has also the one.

This is also Kazumi. There are several poses like this. She is busty^-^

A battle at a medieval athletic field. I was cheering the lady but she was defeated soon.

From a show by the Team ASH. This is a story about a girl breaking out from a painting. A lad wanted to keep the beauty of the girl forever as it is… But the girl went back into the painting with seizing the heart of the lad. The eys of the killed giral stayes open. In most movies the eyes of dead person are opened though they are mostly closed in actual dead faces. It could be to distinguish fainted and dead faces?

The homicide scene of Kazumi. She wears a tail always, so the body outline has also the one.

This is also Kazumi. There are several poses like this. She is busty^-^

A battle at a medieval athletic field. I was cheering the lady but she was defeated soon.