



At the bar of Kei the gentle killer that I introduced before, three cute girls got together. Lizlizard and Yuricca on both sides are using CATWA, and Cometooo is GENUS. Needless to say, the killer means a tough player in Go game.

童顔のわりに胸が大きい、年齢不詳アバですね^―^ 子供アバ禁止SIMはOKなのかな。

The left eating popcorn is Lizlizard, the one with fairly ears is Cometooo, and the right holding fat cat is Yuricca. Their bust are rather large comparing with the baby face. They are avatars of age unknown. Are they OK to enter SIMs prohibiting child avatars?


I looked for a girl avatar, but there were few cute ones even in Demos and net. It should be possible to make them as they are doing in the game world, but different from Japanese, European adults have completely different face than children, so there might be lack of demand for baby face avatars. Someone said that baby face is a drawback for an actress.

問合せ中ですがまだ回答がありません。IM はオフでも分かりますので、コメントありましたら、ぜひTemi SirbuまでIMください!

Recently I noticed that it has been impossible to make comment on my blog. The system wrongly rejected any comments, that was not my intention. Very sorry for persons tried to make comment. I issued ticket to the operator but no answer yet. I can accept IM even in off-line status, so please make comment through IM to Temi Sirbu, if any^-^


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)




Mountain Banshee. The scene to fly around on this was impressive. Sorry that I do not know the creator since this is not in the current SIM.


Hammerhead Titanothere by Leviathan. This could be the one that attacked the main character at the beginning. I wore a sweater of Panda instead of Pandora.

これは狩りの対象になった鹿でしょうか? 作者はZagatさん。後ろの先の光る植物はFredrikさん。

The creatures in Pandora could be basically hexapodal. The Direhorse was so, and it is natural to see the flaying dragon has four wings. The Navi that was at the top of evolution in the planet should have four arms, but in the movie it has only two maybe because of the movie making. This could be a dear, Hexaped. The glowing plant behind was by Fredrik.


Fan Lizard with rotating wing by Leviathan. I did not notice it in the movie. It is said to be one of the mysteries of the theory of evolution that there were no creatures developed rotating mechanism like wheels or rotors.

同じものが未来世界インシリコの火星にも出て来ていました。 上に乗ってるのが私ですから、これはかなり大きい!

Panopyra that was seen in the early SIMs. The same one was seen at the Mars in the futire world INSIRICO. The one on the top is me, so please feel the size.

岩の陰にKat Buyさんの惑星パンドラSIM照明制御装置がありました。完全に人間にコントロールされてるんですね。

Hidden in a rock, there was a light control device for Pandora SIM, made by Kat Buy. So, this world is fully controlled by human… The burning mushroom was by Tizzy.


When I visited Pandora, I used to wear Navi shape, but this time I did free since nobody was there. I had thought to wear a space suit but I ended up with a ski wear that I had no chance to wear in SL this year, and also it stands out. These pictures are not for introduction of Pandora. I am glad if you saw them as my photographs, since I worked hard to select the layout and lighting.

If you were interested in the old Pandra, please visit my articles.

Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)パンドラ




Some of the plants in the Pandora SL may not be seen in the movie. When the movie was made, there was no automated plantation creation by AI, so some of them were derived from real plant in the earth. The bright plant was made by Frederik.


The glowing plant is also made by Frederik. The bush next to it is by Elicio. Some of the plants might be made not only for the Pandora, but many creators were participated in the production.

Walking among the huge grass provides me with a fresh feeling of strolling around a different world.


The huge Anemonoid was by Tizzy. I might like this composition that I had used many times. I might have a trend toward centering position or just want to stand out?

This might not be at Pandora but I took sone SSs since it is beautiful, Berry Red by Willow.


Also not for Pandora but eerie enough for it. By Willow too. The next article will be for fauna. As for the No Man’s Sky, I am strolling around the original planet but I still was not able to fix the space ship and cannot leave the planet.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)パンドラ




Recently I started a game, No Man’s Sky, which is a game exploring various planet. The conditions of the planet will be created by AI every time a player visit it, so the same condition will not be seen by other players. If you try to see all of them, it will take more than several billion years even you visit new planet every one second. The world in front of me is the one never seen by others! It reminds me of the planet Pandora, so I visited there again. There is still the The Tree of Souls created by Willow.

これは以前のSIMにあったもの。声の樹木? SLで映画アバターの世界が作られたころは、SIMも沢山ありました。

This is one of trees in the previous SIMs, might be The Tree of Voices. When the world of the movie Avatar was established in SL, there were several SIMs and many players gathered together under the Tree of Souls meditating, which might have no relation with the movie. 


The seeds of the Tree of Souls, Woodsprites which had an important meaning in the movie. There were a lot of them coming around the body but it was not done in SL.


A plant that got a momentary glimpse in the movie. Neeko reproduced it to a nicety. Would he make it with viewing DVD? The flora specimens seen in the film were all designed by Jodie Holt, a professor of botany at the University of California, Riverside.

The watering plant was made by Fredrik. In the movie, Navis are drinking water with this.


The shrinking plant, Helicoradian by Kristopher, that appeared at the early stage in the movie. This one in SL disappears when approached, not touched, so it was hard to shoot pictures. This article will be continued.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)パンドラ



チケットを出したらリンデンから対策方法の案内があり、一度で解決しました! その例を紹介します。

There are some cases that an avatar becomes smok while reading, but I was in the trouble for a full week where I cannot get out even by cash clear, rebake, relog, or viewer change. The second avatar with the same PC did not have the trouble, so the cause should not be on my side. I issued a ticket and Linden advised me how to fix it, which worked well. Here is the procedure just for your information.

Advance → Developer → Avatar → Character Tests → Test Male/Female

Advance > Developer > Avatar > Character Tests > Test Male/Female
The Advance menu can be reached by Ctl+Alt+D, and Developer, Ctl+Alt+Q.
Linden said that the word “Developer” will be “Deveolop” in the standard viewer.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)変なバグ


フォトギャラリ 2/2

The lamps, The sea (ランプ、海):OiMaxさんの作品は、主テーマを中央に配置した左右対称の構図が多いようです。

“The lamp. The sea”: Many OiMax’s works are using symmetrical layout putting the main subject at the center. The space composition with one-point perspective projection is nice!

Bear Servers (ビールサーバー):水平線、垂直線を強調したOiMaxさんの絵には共感してしまいます。

“Bear Servers”: His work touches my chord with the layout stressing vertical and horizontal lines. Both this picture and the previous one have a nice background rhythm while keeping the symmetric composition.

On the time to the dream(夢へ旅立つ時~夢の世界へ入ろうとしているときのちょっとした時間):

“On the time to the dream; a taste of time when coming into a world of dream”: Would it be a bright paradise or a dark nightmare waiting for you over the bridge? The metallic frame shows various expression according to the light and would be a part of the work.

floating (浮かぶ):私も同じ構図でリフレクションを使った絵を撮ったことがありますが、これは水面下の身体の表現がきれい! 

“floating”: I once took a similar layout using the reflection effect. This work has a beautiful expression of the body under the water. The use of capitals in the title is following OiMax’s designation. He said that the lower case was used for generalization avoiding strong images.

Golden Time (黄金の時):現地の少女のような若い肢体が自然の中の美しいひとときを。まさに「人生最良のとき」 RLでぜひ経験したい世界です。

“Golden Time”: The young body like a local girl expresses a beautiful moment in the wilderness. This is surely the best moment in the life. I do like to have this experience in RL. Another feature of OiMax’s works is to elimate space above the model head, that provides some heightening of tension through the feeling of adjacency.

Standing for the summer (夏に立って):「なんか文句ある?」って言う強さを感じます。ひまわりの強さも好き! 

“Standing for the sumer”: I feel a power saying “Do you have something complaining?” I love the strength of the sunflower too. There are many cool pictures other than these. The exhibition could be replaced soon, so do not miss them! Thank you OiMax for taking time for my interview(?) out of your hectic schedule for setting the gallery.
Flash Back: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sociaria/190/195/2502


I have just read a book, “The Creativity Code” by Marcus du Sautey, discussing the possibility to develop creativity with AI. In the book he said that an art is a window to see activities of someone’s mind through it. In that meaning, it could be rather good to ask OiMax’s intention or to guess how he shot the pictures. Please forgive my arbitrary interpretation.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)アートギャラリ