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SL10B: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SL10B%20Stunning/61/91/22

A memorial event for 10th anniversary of SL. As the last year, more than twenty SIMs are used for many presentation booths. I have been expecting that there will be special event for the 10th birthday, but I felt that there are more vacant spaces and in lower gear than the last one. It might be because there are less free gifts than last time where I got more than I could carry. This year I prepared special file in advance, but it was like going out for trick-or-treat with a big bag and ending with very small result…But I got several dozen (^-) I think it will be open until today.


There was a construction using similar material as my gallery. I will consider this when I rebuilt my gallery.


A cornfield using a full SIM. It should have some special meaning, but as a field, there are many nicer ones. A field with repeating same pattern let me feel that this could be a symbol of recession of SL…


The same thing as last year is heaviness. It could be partly because there is more mesh or sculp, but the heaviness of SL seemed not to be improved. While flying, often I became uncontrollable and was kept flying losing hair or a part of chothing in some case. It becomes impossible to change direction but the camera can be moved, so while in the SIMs, I can enjoy sightseeing flight.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)アートギャラリ




Around the half way mark, there are giant squids who could have escaped from the fisherman’s market. In addition, there were mines on the course making the race a survival game.


There are two squids in the water. They kept quiet normally but jumped up occasionally making obstacles. But there were few boats suffered from them.


The gondola was created by Kaedepan, the creator of the SIM. Also there are gorgeous ones not for the race.

けど、画質を上げるのを忘れててほとんど使えなかった(;;) 細い水路を抜け、橋の下をちゃんと屈んで通り抜けるのもRLそっくり!

This is when I visited before and took a paid gondola tour. With a guide by hansom gondolier, I took many pictures remembering RL tour, but I forgot to change the picture quality to high and most of them were useless. This really looked alike the RL tour, passing through narrow canals, with the gondolier bending down when coming under a bridge.


At the last of the tour, it became snow and the gondola flew above the canal, passing through the shops at the top of the Ponte de Rialto. It was a cool experience only possible in SL.


Kaedepan demonstrating showcase sailing at the last race. Thank you Kaedepan for the wonderful event, and also I feel grateful for creating and managing this wonderful SIM!


The central canal where the race was held. Ponte de Rialto is at the middle. The St. Marko’s Square is at the top. In RL, I walked from the square to the bridge through a kind of maze referring to a map.

Mizuki’s Blog: http://mizukichan.slmame.com/ 

A distant view of the St. Mark’s Square. It is wonderful to depict all of this within a limit of single SIM, which is in no way inferior to the full-SIM art at LEA. Many beautiful photographs of this SIM are presented in the blog by Mizuki and her exhibition.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)旅行(欧州)




A gondola race was held at Venice as the last festival for the closing SIM, on a canal in front of the St, Marks Square. This is the place where I joined a gondola tour in RL Venice.


It was a time race with five boats at one time. Since the gondola was new someone was not able to set the direction.


This was a festival and there were many guests on a boat, but some boat was overloaded and sunk.


The gondola became a water barge and someone jumped up in a hurry. The gondolier stayed on board to the last feeling responsibility.


The course is to and from the fishers market on the canal through the Ponte di Rialto, on which there are many shops as RL. It was joy to walk from the St. Mark’s Square.


It should be easy if it were possible to set my camera on the boat, but I did not do so since it may affect the race. Fortunately it was not heavy on the day so I was flying camera freely. More pictures are coming in the next article.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(2)旅行(欧州)


UWA 3D Art5

Faery Solaの「家系」 ポーズボールが沢山セットされています。全部座ってみました。衣装は和風で統一。
Family Tree: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/25/111/248
Temi’s Gallery: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Dromio/80/236/24
(もしブラウザにInternet Explorerをお使いの場合、SLURLのリンクをクリックしてもマップからTPが出来ないことがあります。

“Family Tree” by Faery Sola. There are many pose balls set. I sat on everyone with Japanese clothing. This kind of cut-and-paste is my line. At my gallery, there are thirty composite pictures including this type. Please visit!
(If you are using Internet Explorer as a browser, you may not be able to TP from the map when you crick the SLURL link. In that case, please use other browser such as Google Chrome, or type in the SIM name and coordinates to your map directly.)

Betty Tureaudの「人間の心の反映」 白い人型が私めがけて飛び込んできます。
Reflexion on a Human Mind: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/72/58/248

“Reflexion on a Human Mind” by Betty Tureaud. White human shapes are flying toward me.


The figure disappears if standing away, and comes out when approaching.


They are flying toward the avatar position when they start flying, so if I move, the figures fly to the position where I had been. The flying direction changes according to my move like a swinging sprinkler. The ones just ejected are aiming at me. I enjoyed confusing them by moving around.

Takni Miklosの「他の部屋への窓」 これもアバターが接近しないと何もない。
Windows into Other Rooms: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/136/137/248

“Windows into Other Rooms” by Takni Miklos. This art also does not appear if no avatar is around. The windows wells up one by one at the center and moves around until it finds its suitable spot to fill in. I was watching for a while to see what the final figure is, but the old ones disappear and it will never be completed.

Fae Varrialeの「旅路 -SLアーティストの回想」 「反射」と聞いてまず想像するのは合わせ鏡、映画「インセプション」のようなのも見たかった。
The Journey :http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/153/99/248

“The Journey - Reflections of a SL Artist” by Fae Varriale. The first thing I think about reflection is two mirrors against each other. I was expecting to see a construction like the scene in the movie Inception. Trompe loeil would be another way, but both of them might be too popular for artists. This one has a kind of effect of a trick art. A nesting structure using PC screen is now on exhibition at my gallery. Another advertisement (^-)

タイトルを「貴方の名前+Reflections UWA centenary 3D Audience Event」とし、Jayjay Zifanweあてに送ってください。
UWA: http://uwainsl.blogspot.jp/2013/06/reflections-uwa-centenary-3d-art.html

Dead line for audience participation prizes is 10th of July. In order to participate, prepare a notecard listing top ten arts (please copy from the above page) and put your name on the title of the notecard with the words Reflections UWA centenary 3D Audience Event, and send it to Jayjay Zifanwe. Do not miss a chance to get prize total of L$20,000!


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA


UWA 3D Art4

Rose Borchovskiの「隠された」 正面から見ると、Roseさんのお馴染みの子供キャラが。例によって私も一緒に写っています。
Hidden: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/110/102/248
(もしブラウザにInternet Explorerをお使いの場合、SLURLのリンクをクリックしてもマップからTPが出来ないことがあります。

The word “reflection” has other meaning, such as reminiscence, deliberation, contemplation, or review, and there are many arts considering them. This is “Hidden” by Rose Borchovski. In the front view, there is a familiar child character of Rose. As usual, I put myself together.
(If you are using Internet Explorer as a browser, you may not be able to TP from the map when you crick the SLURL link. In that case, please use other browser such as Google Chrome, or type in the SIM name and coordinates to your map directly.)


Looking back toward the entrance, there is a different reflection. This art does not have an explanatory note card. Arts may not need interpretation, but I would like to listen to Rose’s story that is always amusing me.

Krystali Rabeniの「沈黙の反映」 水の溜まった部屋の中で向き合う男性と私、壁には警句のようなものが。私は誰と向き合っているのか・・・
Silent Reflections: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/94/217/248

“Silent Reflections” by Krystali Rabeni. A mail and I facing each other in a flooded room. There are some kinds of aphorisms on the wall. Whom am I facing?

Cherry Mangaの「我思う故に我あり」 自分のことを考えている自分、その自分を考えているのは誰? 
蟻は集団ですごい作業をするけど、一人ひとりの蟻は考えてはいない・・・ 「思う」ってどういうこと? 
Cogito ergo sum: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/22/90/248

“Cogito ergo sum” by Cherry Manga. The self who is thinking about a self, but who is thinking about the self who is self-thinking? It could be a brain, but each neuron in it does not thinking by itself. Ants are making big job as a group, but each ant is not thinking about the work. What is “to think” all about?

Jipe Loonの「堕落の浜辺に4人の処女のいる鏡」 作者はアートスクールの学生で石の彫刻を学び、今はバーチャルな彫刻を。
Mirror With 4 Virgins: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/37/228/248

“Mirror With 4 Virgins on the Shores of their Depravity” by Jipe Loon. The artist is a student in art school then stone sculptor now sculpts virtually. In a transparent tower, there are males and beasts. I cannot read the meaning but I feel somewhat dangerous image that is not suitable for a lassie.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA


UWA 3D Art3

Rosie Dimanovicの「水平線」 すっきりしたきれいな反射! そんなに大きな作品でないけど、広がりが感じられます。
Horizon: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/158/193/248

“Horizon” by Rosie Dimanovic. Clean and beautiful reflections. This is not so big art but provides spacious feeling.

Shenn Colemanの「ニューロンの球」 直径200m近くある大きな球の中は、脳の神経回路でしょうか。
Neuron Sphere: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/147/138/248 

“Neuron Sphere” by Shenn Coleman. This is a huge sphere with about 200m in diameter. Could this be inside of circuit of human brain?


It is possible to look down about 100m and it makes me dizzy. Once I stood on a frozen lake and looked into the thick clear ice. This has the similar feeling.

PeanutbuttahJellehTime Magicの「貴方のビー玉をなくさないで(特に大きいのを)」 これも下を見ると目がまわりそう(^-) 
Don't Lose Your Marbles: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/49/203/248

This one also makes me dizzy when looking down. The words are spinning. “Don't Lose Your Marbles (Especially the Big One)” by PeanutbuttahJellehTime Magic. A part of the artist’s note: “Judgment is a big thing, always being judged on how well you do in school and such. Don’t lose your big beautiful marble!”

Ginger Alsopの「沈思の部屋」 「この部屋に少なくとも10分はいてください。
The Room for Reflections: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/111/214/248

“The Room for Reflections” by Ginger Alsop. “You should spend at least 10 to 15 minutes here. Listen to the music. Let the music dive into your soul. Allow the images to speak to you and reflect upon them. If you sense anything beyond the intensity and color of the images, then you will have experienced the intent of The Room for Reflections.”

色がきれいなアートをもう一つ、Corcosman Voom.の「ナルキッソス」 ギリシャ神話で水に映った自分自身を愛してしまった美少年。

Narcissus: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/24/176/248
Another art with beautiful colors. “Narcissus” by Corcosman Voom. “Narcissus is so fascinated with his own reflection in a pond that he cannot stop looking for any reason and eventually dies. If he had had minions to keep him fed and cleaned up, I suppose the story would have been less tragic.”


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA


UWA 3D Art2

素敵な反射のあるホールのような場所がありました。Nino Vichanの「波の反射」 
Refleection of Waves: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/180/66/248

There was a hall with cool reflections. “Reflections of Waves” by Nino Vichan. “Sound waves reflect off objects. Reflections of sound are the echoes we hear. Light waves possess all colors. The reflections off objects filter there light waves. The reflections are the colors we see”.


I would like to dance in this kind of hall. I painted my reflection afterward. This time I put LM for each art that was provided by UWA. Please use it.

これは以前Haveit NeoxさんのアートSIMへ行ったときの。反射像用の椅子にもポーズがセットされてたので、妹を座らせました。

A common way to make reflection is to set the same objects upside down under the surface, but it will be hard to create reflected image of avatars. One method is to paint the image afterward like the one above. I have put several works at my gallery. This is another way taken before at an art SIM by Haveit Neox. The chair set for reflection had also sitting pose, so I asked my sister to sit on it. I saw a vanity mirror that reflects my face, so could it be possible to make it large enough to reflect everything?

Blue Tsukiの「あなたは誰?」 これは新しい手法、下側で変化する人型に合わせてアバターの方を反射像にしてしまう! 
Who are you?: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/159/139/248 

“Who are you?” by Blue Tsuki. This is a new method with changing avatar’s pose to make the avatar as a reflected image according to the figures set under the surface.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA


UWA 3Dアート

UWA: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/69/128/249 

A special event at the University of Western Australia, UWA Centenary 3D Art Challenge is now at the final stage. It is presented at the above until July end.

会場はいつもの通り、SL のUWAの上空の1SIM、12か国からの64作品が展示されています。

The site is a SIM above UWA SL as usual. Total of 64 arts from 12 countries are presented. The theme was ‘reflection”, but there are wide variations from literally water surface or mirror to one’s inner thought or the other side of universe. This time I also made a wee bit (not so as for me) donation, so please visit there.

Reflections: http://uwainsl.blogspot.jp/2013/06/reflections-uwa-centenary-3d-art.html

The contents are shown in the page above. It is possible to teleport directly to each artwork. Apart from the award for the contestants, there are prizes for visitors. Everyone is asked to view the artworks and submit top 10 artworks in order of preference. The top five voters whose order come closest to the final order decided by the judging panel will win prizes of L$20,000 total, and the first prize winner will be invited to be on the panel for the next event. The deadline for the audience participation is July 10.

これは珍しく東京から参加のMitsuko Kytoriの「花を考えて、おそらくは自伝的な」

There are many arts set wall-to-wall, so it is better to limit the viewing distance to the minimum to shut out other arts. The shortest distance of 24m of Phoenix viewer is convenient for this. This art is “Thinking of flower, perhaps autobiographic” by Mitsuko Kytori from Tokyo Japan.


Since there is no size limit for the arts, some huge ones are set in the sky and use teleporters. So far the teleporter was a standard cone, but this time artists made special ones other than ‘anywhere door’ or default cone. The left below is a glinting cube, and a desk-top PC on the right below is also a teleporter.

Animations: http://uwainsl.blogspot.jp/2013/06/machinimuwa-vi-ambrosias-dreamtime.html

Together with the 3D arts, there are “MachinimUWA” presented in the URL above, of which the theme is the “Reflections”. Different from recent popular animation that is rather cameranimation with moving camera only, there are nice movements with cool music.

Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA



LEAのフルSIMアートのひとつ、「未来世界」 これは8人のアーティストグループの作品です。メンバーは:
Anley Piers, Giovanne Cerise, Treacle Darlandes, Mik Frequency, Nexuno Thespian, Nino Vichan, Solkide Auer, Tehos Quar。

One of the LEA full-SIM arts, “The World of the Future”. This art was made by an artist group. The members are: Anley Piers, Giovanna Cerise, Treacle Darlandes, Mik Frequency, Nexuno Thespian, Nino Vichan, Solkide Auer, and Tehos Quar.

飛び回っている人型はNexuno Thespian、沢山ある球体はTehos Quar、色彩溢れる主構造はMik Frequencyの作品。

A tower with more than 500m height was made in a good harmony together with wide variation in color and shape. The human shape flying around is by Nexuno Thespian, the numerous spheres are by Tehos Quar, and colorful base structures are by Mik Frequency.

塔の上でゆったりと回転する美しい球はSolkide Auer。色の洪水の上で清々しく色を変えます。

A ball spinning gently at the top of tower is by Solkide Auer. It changes the color breezily above the flood of colors.


Since there are many transparent bright objects, the doubled portion is whited out. This is bright and gorgeous though…


By changing the picture quality to the lowest, the white-out will be cleared and the shapes become visible. With my Phoenix viewer, the color became faded a bit so it is necessary to enhance contrast later using PhotoShop.

何故か一羽だけ鳥さんがいる池はAnley Piersの作品。一人のアーティストでは難しい豊富な形状の集まりです。

A pond where a bird is standing quiet is by Anley Piers. This tower has a wealth of variations that might be difficult to make by one artist. It is joy to walk around to find the same artist name on objects like watching many arts in a museum.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)LEA


LEA 6月

LEAの6月展示、Johnes Merlinの「共鳴する浸透」を見ました。白黒を中心にした不思議な世界。題の意味を作者に伺いました。
Resonant Osmosis: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA26/118/130/21

Visited LEA June art, “Resonant Osmosis” by Johnes Merlin. An amazing world with mainly black and white. I asked the artist about the meaning of the title.   “To me it is meant like transit across dimensions, external (spacial) or internal, and I linked that to resonance.. perhaps dimensions manifesting in a kind of energetic resonance.”


The art all over the SIM shows a different ocean of formation than the “Ascension” by Mantis that was introduced before. A part of the note card by the artist: "Some ideas enter the mind for a moment but soon depart leaving a vague, enigmatic imprint. This work is based on a collection of these thoughts, each a possible key, opening a door to another”

Flowers or arts, plenty of them are impressive by itself. These spheres are overwhelming!


Mesh might be used. This part is only one prim (load of 21). It includes about 200 spheres.


Some area is using basic prims. This link has 184 prims. Both might be used respectively, such as prims for moving parts and mesh for fixed area, but it was nicely done and I cannot see the difference. This art will be presented until June end, so it will be possible to visit there anytime.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)LEA