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コルシカ側になかなかREZポイントのある島が見つからず、フリーのRez Pointが提供されている港を使いました。

A waterway from Corsica to Nautilus that is situated on the west of the intercontinental sea. It was hard to find an island that has REZ point on Corsica side, so I used a harbor with free REZ zone.
Start: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Baitoushan/211/236/22

コースは単純なのに、ヨットでは途中で落ちてしまってまだ完走してません(; ;)

The course is simple, but with a yacht, I was dropped out on the way and could not complete it. A motor cruiser may be easier due to simpler control. Also it has more speed.


The trouble is SIM-crossing. Normally it causes a slight jerk but sometimes the yacht jumps up or submerges. In most cases it returns to normal state but there will be a case that keeps flying.


Another issue in addition to the SIM-crossing is to strand. This is at another course where I sunk. Only the fly bridge is above the water. The only way out was to re-log.

Goal: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Kenosaki/147/186/22

The goal is the same island that was introduced last time. If there are some other guests, it had better not to sail into the bay. This island is good for starting point of coastal water ways or a base for playing yachting.


This is another route on the East, Both start and goal are marina with Rez point. This course is monotonous, so it is recommended to use motor cruiser and enjoy docking at the target port correctly.

ゴール側も一般にREZ解放している港。最近オープンしたDee Jonesさんのお店。

The goal is also a port that has free REZ zone, that is a newly opened shop of Dee Jones she said it is OK to use the pier for REZing yachts. This is good for relay point in the coastal water way. There is also an air strip on the building.
Poet at Nautilus:http://slurl.com/secondlife/Grelod/161/162/22 


There are only these two waterways between Corsica and Nautilus. There is longer route in the south of Nautilus. I will try it next time.


Posted by Temi at 18:00Comments(0)ヨット




Looked for sea areas for outer sea sailing. Since yachts in SL are ‘coast only’, it is impossible to sail out of the blue line (there is no SIM.) This is the North end of Nautilus continent where we live. This is a part of ‘Coastal waterway’ prepared by Linden and there are several public rez points.

WildWindのヨットではコマンドは、wind lock, wind dir, wind spd。例えば、/1 wind dir 0, /1 wind spd 10。
Start: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Vipiteno/39/41/21

The start point is a small island. This point can be used as a goal but a bit poor for the target. When sailing, you can set the wind yourself or use natural wind (SIM wind). If you use yachts by WildWind, the commands are ‘wind lock’, ‘wind dir’, and ‘wind spd’. For example, /1 wind dir 0, /1 wind spd 10, etc. SIM wind is slow and lull sometimes, but it could be also interesting to sail waiting for the wind.

ヨットを自由に出せる場所は、検索でboat rezでいくつか出てきます。
Goal: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Kenosaki/147/186/22

It is only about eight minutes sailing, but it is exciting when the target island comes in sight and crossed the final SIM border without incident. There is some seaside-SIM that is off-limit or causes freezing, so it had better not enter the red lines in the top picture. The goal island is an island open for public and the facilities are free to use. It could be good for a date spot… Other free yacht rez point can be found by searching with “boat rez”.


Total view of the Nautilus continent. The arrow shows the above course. Our houses are on the west side. The course at Kazumi’s pier that was introduced last time is in the inland sea seen on the left. The Nautilus continent was the fifth land. At the first time, it had many water surfaces for sailing and shoreline SIMs can be passed freely by the courtesy of the residents, but recently many places became landfilled or off-limits. Although it is called ‘continent’, the width is only about 30 SIMs wide, less than 8km that is about half size of Izu-Ohshima.


The continents of SL. There is no SIM in the blue area in this map and it is impossible to enter. Moving from a continent to another one is only possible with the right four SIMs and left two. I will challenge it next time.

私が青い線で囲った少し色の濃い部分は何なのでしょう。 SIMをこれから置くことが出来るエリア? なぜこんな形に?

The whole SL world. The white ones are the continents shown above. There are many independent SIMs scattered on the left. What does the dark area that I eclosed with blue lines? Is it reserved for future SIM setting? Why is it shaped like this? The width of the total area is about 300km that is as same as the Kanto Plain, The world could be considered small, but it is amazing to imagine that it is equicalent to make all buildings in cities, houses, and fields in the whole plane realistically modeld.


Posted by Temi at 22:00Comments(0)ヨット



休止してたTrenza Yacht Clubが地主さんのご好意で再開になりました。前と同じ所で毎週水曜日に練習してます。せひお出でください! 
SIEN: http://slurl.com/secondlife/SIEN/137/90/22

The Trenza Yacht Club that has been inactive for a while opened again by the courtesy of the land owner. At the same place before, practice meeting is held every Wednesday. At this time there is no buoy set and the course is only to go around an island, but it is easy and good for members who have not sailed for a long time or a new person who would start yachting.

のんびり走って8分くらい? SIM超えが多いので落ちないで完走すれば成功! 外洋に遭難はつきものですから、落ちるのも楽しんでください(^-)

Another place is in front of a pier of Kazumi who kindly set the start line. The course is to go around two buoys set by Linden, a kind of outer-sea sailing. Going out is tail wind with spinnaker opened. Coming back is against wind that requires several tacking, but you can enjoy unconstrained sailing through the wide open sea. It will take about eight minutes at leisure, bit it will be a success if you manage to complete the course since there are many SIM-crossings. Since shipwrecks pertain to outer-sea sailing, please enjoy troubles also.

Kazumiさんの桟橋は、Club Juliana’s Tのグループタグでヨットが出せます。
左手の水上機の奥はHisanoriさんの海岸で、Trenza Yacht Clubのタグの方はこちらでヨットをREZしてください。
Kazumi’s Pier: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Publius/58/29/22 

At the Kazumi’s pier, Club Juliana’s T group is required. On the left behind the sea plane there is seashore of Hisanori’s home where Trenza Yacht Club members can rez yachts.


The buoy is large and easy to be seen from far away, but do not misjudge the distance.


It is joyful to race in a restricted course but it is also enjoyable to sail in an expanse of sea. If we are accustomed ourselves to SIM-crossing, let us challenge the intercontinental sailing.


Posted by Temi at 20:00Comments(0)ヨット



このごろアート続きですが、4月は素敵な展示が多いので(^-) Haveit NeoxさんのフルSIMアート「失われた町」です。
Lost Town: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Land%20of%20Glory/61/106/21

Recently my articles are only for arts, but there are so many nice presentations in April. This is a full-SIM art, “Lost Town” by Haveit Neox. A town where all alphabets and marks were inprisoned and disappeared, causing a mess and chaos. The town itself was made beautifully using almost full 15,000 prims of the SIM.


At the trial it was proven that the treacherous documents could not have been written without language, and language cannot be conveyed withoug the use of the letters. Accordingly all alphabets, digits and marks sat imprisoned, accordingly erased throughout the town. There are many peoples ruched to the harbor, and some of them raced towards a little boat that was still docked. Among the chaos, there came a Pied Piper with a most luring tune and lead the less favoured citizens to the abandoned city.


With the absence of notation, memory was the mode of teaching. Storytelling, poetic recitals and song replaced the book.


There were rats running in a tunnel. I was following them and…


Passing through tunnels and mountains, I reached at a underground lake that was a forgotten cave there rats have carried in their moughs the letters of the alphabet to their caches. The explanation note cards for this art were also here. There are total of thirteen chapters and each of them has a note card prepared. The note is longer than below. Since the content is difficult, the followings could not be correct interpretation.

第1章 裁判:不実の文書の原因とされた文字が全て町から消去される。
第2章 疫病:読んでいた本、使っていたコンピュータからも全て文字が消えた。
第3章 梱包:子供の荷物を詰め、家族でこの町から逃げようとする女性。
第4章 脱出:港の船へと押し寄せる人々、手漕ぎボートで逃げようとする家族。
第5章 笛吹:甘い旋律で人々を導く笛吹き。埃まみれの衣装のまま従う人々。
第6章 募集:笛吹きは崩壊した町へと人々を連れ戻してゆく。
第7章 仲間:道路で眠るホームレス、文字のない本を持ち出して自宅の前で読む女。
第8章 祝祭:傷だらけの町にダンスが溢れ、自転車が宙を舞う。
第9章 学校:文字と音符がなくなり、語り部、リサイタル、歌が本に替わった。
第10章 動物:動物が解放され、聖歌隊の衣装をまとった人々に差し上げられて歌う。
第11章 行列:以前開催された機械人形のサーカスのイメージがパレードを行う。
第12章 工場:砂糖工場の在庫を解放し、ケーキを作り豪華な祝宴が開かれる。
第13章 保存:ネズミたちが失われた文字を咥えて隠れ家に貯め込んでいた。

Chapter 1. Trial: In a trial of a horrible act, all letters and notes were imprisoned.
Chapter 2. Plague: Suddenly the writing on a book and letters on computers were erased.
Chapter 3. Packing: A lady packed the children’s bag to leave the city that has no letter.
Chapter 4. Exodus: Some rushed to the harbor, some raced towards a little boat.
Chapter 5. Pied Piper: The piper’s melody led the less favored citizens to the abandoned city.
Chapter 6. Recruits: People were throwing books and PCs onto bonfires. The piper led the people to a school
Chapter 7. Companionship: There was a beggar on the streets, a lady reading books with no word.
Chapter 8. Celebration: The city bled with dance. Bicycles broke through the surface gracefully.
Chapter 9. School: Students spun harmonic color onto the floors and drew silhouettes of chandeliers.
Chapter 10. Community: Animals freed from pet shops and zoos were singing raised high above homeless’s heads
Chapter 11. Parade: There once was a circus of mechanical figures, and the city felt the glorious image.
Chapter 12. Sugar Factory: Inventory of it was opened and cakes were baked in the buzz.
Chapter 13. Lost Chapter: Rats have collected the letters to their caches, thus saved from humanity, and the letters literally found their protected niche.

これは第1章の裁判の傍聴席に用意されたもの。(中央に立ってるのは以前HaveitさんがSecond Liberationsで配布した衣装を着た私)

There are many teleporters ready for moving into each Chapter. My article only covered Chapter 1, 5, 9, and 13. This is the one at the court gallery of Chapter 1. (The figure standing at the middle is me with a costume that was delivered before at the “Second Liberations” by the same artist) This teleporter should be called in and will disappear after a while, so it is hard to spot it again. If you would walk around after TP, it is better to memorize the position. But it is also joyful to walk around randomly to find new areas.


It is also possible to be free from the scenario and to enjoy getting around the well-made cityscape to find my favorite spot. Thank you Haveit for the nice art!

The followings are my previous articles for the arts by Haveit.

Second Liberations 1/2: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1182297.html
Second Liberations 2/2: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1183088.html
The end of the world: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1187959.html
House of ACCentury1/2: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1178156.html
House of ACCentury2/2: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1178899.html


Posted by Temi at 18:00Comments(0)アートギャラリ



LEAの4月展示のひとつ、Krystali RabeniのVirtual Realを見ました。
日本のSLは前者の方が多いような気がしますが・・・ これはその中間か。このアートのポスターにもなっている中心作「母なる地球」
Virtual Real: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA6/243/201/29

Visited one of the April LEA full-SIM arts, “Virtual Real” by Krystali Rabeni. It seems that there are two types in creations in SL, one is to reproduce objects in RL as real as possible, and another is to create completely new things that are not seen in RL. I feel that major SL works in Japan are rather the former. This art could be in-between. This may be the central character of this art, “Mother Earth” that is used in poster.

あの作者がこのアートのKrystali Rabeniさんだったのですね。半身像は「滝の立像」、手前の積み重なった本は「ブックマン」。

A half-length statute behind the Mother Earth is the same one that was set at the Alice’s forest at the old Baba. It is nice to be able to see other works of the same creator! The name of the statute is “Waterfall Sculpt”. The pile of books is “Bookman”.


“Three Graces”: These are not floating in the air but rotating on the ground. I looked up from underneath.


“Craw with Sound” and “Adventure Man”. A small work that could be overlooked among the large objects.


“Hands with Key”. The hands may be also one of the major motifs of this art. What is this key and what does this mean? There are more stages including a maze and rooms.


Posted by Temi at 16:00Comments(0)LEA



Rose Borchovskiの「The Arrival」を見ました。
Roseさんは「Two fish」や「The Inevitability of Fate」で有名なアーティスト、今回のアートは以前私が見逃したものの再登場のようです。
The Arrival: http://slurl.com/secondlife/MIC/106/144/22

Visited “The Arrival” by Rose Borchovski. Rose is a famous artist known as a creator of many 3D arts as “Two Fish” and “The Inevitability of Fate”. .

The below is translation of a part of a note card by the artist. Please see the original at the site or see my English blog: http://temioyen.slmame.com/


  私たちは何故その魚を海へ戻すことが出来なかったのでしょう? 私たちは責められるべきだったのだろうか、と考えました」

主人公Susa Bubbleは、「Two Fish」では朝起きる度に自分と同じ人間が増えていた子供でした。
「Inevitability of Fame」では戦争の混乱の中で母親にはぐれ、鳥にのって飛び去ってしまったLotのイメージ。

The main character Susa Bubble is a child who faced another self every time when she woke up, and resembles Lot who strayed away from the mother in the midst of the war and flew away with a bird. I was struck by a sense of familiarity by being reunited. This time it is easy on the eye to see her who is enjoying happily although there is some concern at the back of her mind.


Innocent delight and sense of awe toward the huge unknown. Always the expressions made by Rose are wonderful.


By removing the child putting on a blindfold, it was found that the folded child was closing eyes rightly. This stage is “Falling” and the folded child is standing on the edge of the stage.


There are many stages along the back of the huge fish. All stages have names beginning with F like fish. This is “Fortune”. The child with a hat could be a fortune teller. These two children are facing each other, but I derendered one by one and replaced them with me.

お魚の逆襲? ここは「食べ物」というステージ。

Counterattack by the fish? This stage is “Food”. There are many pose balls with tear drop shape. When sitting on this ball, a fish comes out and snaps at you.

まだ生きている魚を、料理しちゃってもいいのだろうか? と考えているのでしょうか。

Are they wondering if it is OK to cook a fish that is still alive?


Final stage. Within view of others, the fish flies into the sky. There are more stages where you can see piggies, penguins, and eyeballs those have been familiar characters in Rose’s arts. This art will be presented until end of April. Please do not miss it!

The followings are my past articles of Rose’s art.

Two Fish: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1192807.html
Inevitability of Fate 1/3: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1247297.html
Inevitability of Fate 2/3: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1248019.html
Inevitability of Fate 3/3: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1248688.html


Posted by Temi at 14:00Comments(0)アートギャラリ



LEAの4月展示、Mac Kanashimiの「マンデルブロ」を見ました。SIM全体に広がったスクリプトによる地形が様々な形に変化します。
Mandelbrot: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA27/51/47/2561

Visited LEA April exhibition, “Mandelbrot” by Mac Kanashimi. The full-SIM, script-controlled landscape changes many times throughout the day.


The above are columns and these are cones. It is like a maze to walk on the ground. When entering smaller sections, I was not able to get out.

といってのんびりカメラアングルを選んでいると変わってしまって、同じものは撮れない(; ;)

The elements change to spheres, plates, or columns. It takes about 10 minutes to the next change, so it is hard to see all of them. But it changes without notice while selecting camera angle at leisure and no chance to shoot the same landscape again.


The Mandelbrot set is a mathematical set of points whose boundary is a distinctive and easily recognizable two dimensional shape, which is a kind of fractal that keeps producing complicated shapes continuously. But this does not look like a fractal. I was not able to find a nested structure that should be a character of fractal. There is a program providing three dimensional Mandelbrot figure. A wonderful solid figure made by using that program is shown in the internet. I wish it were presented here in SL.


This is a figure of Mandelbrot set. There is a kind of shape in the top picture above where I am standing, but the surrounding landscape seems to have no relation with it. But this SIM is a cool art.


Posted by Temi at 12:00Comments(0)LEA




The photo exhibition at Temi’s Teahouse was over as of March end. The contents were moved to my archives. Do not mention that it should have been easier to see if I put them here in the first place…


The new meeting area is also next to seashore, so we could have dances like this again. Let us do it this summer!


Most pictures were introduced in my blog before. There is explanation on each photo. Please visit馬場集会所 category. It is the seventh line in the “Categories” that has 45 articles so far.


Posted by Temi at 10:00Comments(0)馬場集会所



Fuschia NightfireさんのフルSIMアート「冬の輪郭」の終わりに透明アバターでのパーティがありました。日本時間朝4時から!

There was a closing party using the transparent avatars at the full-SIM art, Winter Outlined by Fuschia Nightfire. It started at 4:00am JPT. This is a part of the SIM. A statute on the left is “Ariadne Spinning the Universe” by the artist that was presented at UWA before.


All participants wore the transparent avatar made by Fuschia, but as might be expected there were many art-related members, they exercised ingenuity in colors and wings respectively. The black one in the middle is me with nothing prepared, a bit embarrassed.


The dances were prepared but it was hard to be synchronized. These four avatars might be in a group since the colors and wings had some unity.


The pink cloud in the above photo is an avatar with huge wings. The flying movement was magnificent.


The dance swirling huge wings is like stage performances. A movie of this party can be seen at the above URL.


As the participants increased the dance lost smoothness a bit and was not syncronized. But the loose movement was mellow and fantastic. Thank you Fuschia for the cool art!


Change the up-load time
Thank you for visiting this blog! There have been many guests visiting this blog from the Metabirds. It seemed that there are several guests from overseas, I used to upload around 6:30am JPT, but I am busy at that time. Mizuki taught me to preset the upload timing, so I will change it every time for a while to expose it as many viewers as possible. If you are coming here from Metabirds, I am sorry but please add this to your favorite list and come back again. I will renew this page every three days. Thank you.


Posted by Temi at 08:30Comments(0)LEA




Baba SIM was terminated at March end. A farewell party was held on Saturday. Sunday was the last cleanup. We brought out various things arbitrarily on the vacant ground. There is a height limit of 30m in this SIM but nobody dare care. The Suzu’s panda stands more than 100m tall.


Many starships fired the cannons in salute.


Is that Gamela flying in the firing line of the wave cannon?

でも楽しかった! 広い空地を使ってちゃんとしたイベントすればよかった(; ;)

We brought out many things also for checking inventories. There were vehicles from Gundam, Star wars, Martians, and Thunderbirds etc. On the ground, Kazumi brought the fastest bike in the world. Kananko was good at driving F-1. Lemon tried to fly a jet plane but she did not know how to take off and kept spinning at the same place. Suzu was easy to be sick on vehicles but rode a bike together with us at that time. Since there was neither plan nor organizer, it was hard to shoot memorial photos but it was a joyful jump-up. We should have had some scheduled event utilizing the vacant spot…


Deserted SIM, that was not accessible next morning…


Posted by Temi at 06:30Comments(0)馬場集会所