


このごろアート続きですが、4月は素敵な展示が多いので(^-) Haveit NeoxさんのフルSIMアート「失われた町」です。
Lost Town: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Land%20of%20Glory/61/106/21

Recently my articles are only for arts, but there are so many nice presentations in April. This is a full-SIM art, “Lost Town” by Haveit Neox. A town where all alphabets and marks were inprisoned and disappeared, causing a mess and chaos. The town itself was made beautifully using almost full 15,000 prims of the SIM.



At the trial it was proven that the treacherous documents could not have been written without language, and language cannot be conveyed withoug the use of the letters. Accordingly all alphabets, digits and marks sat imprisoned, accordingly erased throughout the town. There are many peoples ruched to the harbor, and some of them raced towards a little boat that was still docked. Among the chaos, there came a Pied Piper with a most luring tune and lead the less favoured citizens to the abandoned city.



With the absence of notation, memory was the mode of teaching. Storytelling, poetic recitals and song replaced the book.



There were rats running in a tunnel. I was following them and…



Passing through tunnels and mountains, I reached at a underground lake that was a forgotten cave there rats have carried in their moughs the letters of the alphabet to their caches. The explanation note cards for this art were also here. There are total of thirteen chapters and each of them has a note card prepared. The note is longer than below. Since the content is difficult, the followings could not be correct interpretation.

第1章 裁判:不実の文書の原因とされた文字が全て町から消去される。
第2章 疫病:読んでいた本、使っていたコンピュータからも全て文字が消えた。
第3章 梱包:子供の荷物を詰め、家族でこの町から逃げようとする女性。
第4章 脱出:港の船へと押し寄せる人々、手漕ぎボートで逃げようとする家族。
第5章 笛吹:甘い旋律で人々を導く笛吹き。埃まみれの衣装のまま従う人々。
第6章 募集:笛吹きは崩壊した町へと人々を連れ戻してゆく。
第7章 仲間:道路で眠るホームレス、文字のない本を持ち出して自宅の前で読む女。
第8章 祝祭:傷だらけの町にダンスが溢れ、自転車が宙を舞う。
第9章 学校:文字と音符がなくなり、語り部、リサイタル、歌が本に替わった。
第10章 動物:動物が解放され、聖歌隊の衣装をまとった人々に差し上げられて歌う。
第11章 行列:以前開催された機械人形のサーカスのイメージがパレードを行う。
第12章 工場:砂糖工場の在庫を解放し、ケーキを作り豪華な祝宴が開かれる。
第13章 保存:ネズミたちが失われた文字を咥えて隠れ家に貯め込んでいた。

Chapter 1. Trial: In a trial of a horrible act, all letters and notes were imprisoned.
Chapter 2. Plague: Suddenly the writing on a book and letters on computers were erased.
Chapter 3. Packing: A lady packed the children’s bag to leave the city that has no letter.
Chapter 4. Exodus: Some rushed to the harbor, some raced towards a little boat.
Chapter 5. Pied Piper: The piper’s melody led the less favored citizens to the abandoned city.
Chapter 6. Recruits: People were throwing books and PCs onto bonfires. The piper led the people to a school
Chapter 7. Companionship: There was a beggar on the streets, a lady reading books with no word.
Chapter 8. Celebration: The city bled with dance. Bicycles broke through the surface gracefully.
Chapter 9. School: Students spun harmonic color onto the floors and drew silhouettes of chandeliers.
Chapter 10. Community: Animals freed from pet shops and zoos were singing raised high above homeless’s heads
Chapter 11. Parade: There once was a circus of mechanical figures, and the city felt the glorious image.
Chapter 12. Sugar Factory: Inventory of it was opened and cakes were baked in the buzz.
Chapter 13. Lost Chapter: Rats have collected the letters to their caches, thus saved from humanity, and the letters literally found their protected niche.


これは第1章の裁判の傍聴席に用意されたもの。(中央に立ってるのは以前HaveitさんがSecond Liberationsで配布した衣装を着た私)

There are many teleporters ready for moving into each Chapter. My article only covered Chapter 1, 5, 9, and 13. This is the one at the court gallery of Chapter 1. (The figure standing at the middle is me with a costume that was delivered before at the “Second Liberations” by the same artist) This teleporter should be called in and will disappear after a while, so it is hard to spot it again. If you would walk around after TP, it is better to memorize the position. But it is also joyful to walk around randomly to find new areas.



It is also possible to be free from the scenario and to enjoy getting around the well-made cityscape to find my favorite spot. Thank you Haveit for the nice art!


The followings are my previous articles for the arts by Haveit.

Second Liberations 1/2: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1182297.html
Second Liberations 2/2: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1183088.html
The end of the world: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1187959.html
House of ACCentury1/2: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1178156.html
House of ACCentury2/2: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1178899.html

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