

フォトギャラリ 1/2

お友達のOiMax Alexさんのギャラリー、Flash Backです。展示されている写真も素敵ですけど、ギャラリ自体も大好き!

I would introduce the photo gallery Flash Back of my friend, OiMax Alex. The exhibited pictures are cool and I love the gallery itself too. The sky gallery is set above the nice bar in a wood. The first and second floors are for the exhibition and the third might be a photo studio. There is no visible wall but you do not need to worry about falling down while strolling around.
Flash Back: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sociaria/190/195/2502


The structure utilizing straight lines, marble floor, abd flame with metallic texture are similar to my old gallery. Here are my favorite pictures below and also in the next article.

Ayano-1 (あやの、1):私の一番好きな作品、自撮りではなく、モデルを使われているそうです。
ライティングが素晴らしい! 高画質のBlack Dragonかと思いましたが、Firestormのままだそうです。FSでもこんなにきれいな絵が撮れるんですね。
OiMaxさんはBlack Dragonも試されるそうです。どんな素晴らしい絵になるのか、楽しみです!
でも、モデルさんが敢えてプリンヘアにしてるのは、どういう意味があるのでしょう? それを気にしてるポーズにも見えるけど・・・

“Ayano-1”, my most favorite work. This is not a self-portrait but using professional model. The lighting is so nice! I thought it was using the high-grade viewer Black Dragon, but this was shot with the normal Firestorm. It is great to see that such a beautiful picture can be shot even with the FS. OiMax said he would try the Black Dragon soon, so I am looking forward to seeing the more wonderful shots. By the way, why does the model leave the hair dye to become the custard pudding hair? It could be seen as a pose worrying about it…

at the international forum (国際会議場で):背景はRLでの国際会議場だそうです。
“at the international forum”: He said that the background is at the real international conference.

thousand pain (千の痛み):このギャラリでは珍しいBDSMの衣装。
「千」は撮影場所のThousand windowsからとったそうです。

“thousand pain”, a rare one in this gallery using BDSM costume. The title “thousand” was from the site named Thousand windows.

Breath (呼吸):SLの写真は「アバターを撮りました」、って感じになっちゃうのが多いですけど、OiMaxさんの絵はモデルの肉体と個性を感じます。
“Breath”: Most SL pictures tend to be the ones just “pictures of avatar”, but OiMax’s ones are carrying the feeling of the model body and characteristic.

Somoku (草木):OiMaxさんご自身が一番好きと言われた作品です。タイトルは若いミュージシャン長谷川白紙の曲「草木」からイメージされたと。

“Somoku” that OiMax said his most favorite ones in the gallery. The title was from the music “Soumoku (vegetation)” by a young musician Hakushi Hasegawa. OiMax said that this was a snapshot taken a few years ago, but the pose, facial expression, lighting, and shadow are so cool as an art work.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)アートギャラリ


UWA 最後のアート

これはスペインのアーティスト、Asperix Aspの「ありがとう―感謝への小さなひととき」 

Here are some of the last arts that were left at the UWA SIM that was scheduled to shut down last year. The exhibition theme this time was “Gratitude”. This art is “Thanks - Little monument to the gratitude” by Asperix Asp, a Spanish artist. As I mentioned usually, my photos are not to introduce the arts but different pictures that I took using the arts as material. But I only put myself next to them and never modified the arts themselves. For a person who is interested in the arts of the artists, I put the URL that was attached to the explanatory notecard.
Asperix Asp’s gallery: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Polyakov/56/27/33 

Ama Avroの「感謝の夢」 アリスの衣装を着て子供たちに入れてもらいました。

“Dream of Gratitude” by Ama Avro. I joined the kids with the Alice clothing. It is one of my joys to select clothing to match each art.

フランスのSLアーティストVroum Shortの「UWAへ心から感謝-人は感謝を表すのに花を捧げます。私も一度やってみたいと。ありがとう!」

French SL artist Vroum Short; “Sincere gratitude UWA - Humans offer flowers to express their gratitude. For once I want to imitate them. Thank you.” I selected a plain red avatar to match the base color of red. But why does the flood on the floor look like blood?
Vroum Short’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VegetalPlanet

UWAの常連さん、Chic Aeonの「焦点-混乱し、圧倒されることも。私たちはパワースポットを探し、ひらめきが来たら感謝します」

Chic Aeon, a regular artist at UWA, “Point of Focus - Sometimes confused. Sometimes overwhelmed. We look for a point of power and are grateful when inspiration arrives.” Sometimes the art concept might be changed by adding myself in it, but at this time, I hope that me at the center might not be so away out. It is rather difficult to stand on a desirable spot. When it was impossible to stand at the center, I stood a bit apart from the spot and select the camera angle to be seen as it looks. It might be my self-justification not to use any composition when shooting arts.
Chic Aeon’s SIM and gallery: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Moon%20Beach/203/109/2512

これも常連さん、Cherry MangaのCM Sisters. SLアートのもう一つの楽しみは、周囲のものを消してアート単体で見ること。

“CM Sisters” by Cherry Manga also a regular artist. Another joy of SL art is to be able to erase everything around to show off the art itself. In a private galley, the stage for exhibition itself might be a part of the art, but in a joint exhibition, sometimes it is better to separate the art from the ambience. Sorry but there was no artist’s explanation notecard for this art but the shape is so cool!

Luna Larsenの「マジックをありがとう」 

“Thank you for the magic” by Luna Larsen. The artist said in the note card, “I do not pretend to be an artist, I do not pretend to be unique. I do not pretend that I am talented, I am just a human with feelings, trying to show with a little creativity, my world, my imagination. ;- )” But, thank you for the beautiful figure! I wore a wedding dress that I had never a chance to use it in SL. Last but the greatest, thank you again UWA for offering the stage of arts for a long period!


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)UWA




In the last article I wrote that the eyes behind the sunglasses are rather sharp, but someone said it is not true!”. So here are his pictures without glasses, that can be barely seen.


The left is Moroi, the owner of this SIM. His novel can be got at the pink board on the far left. The right is Pin2, the cute girl who I introduced pictures before. I was worrying about my small head, but comparing with Moroi, his one is much smaller than mine.

それより違うのが脚! 私は胴を長めにしてるんですけど、Pin2さんとはヒールを考慮してもヒップの位置が全然違う! 

Instead, the major difference is the leg length. I intentionally set my torso rather long but there is a big difference in hip position than Pin2 even considering the high heel. At any rate I think Moroi’s legs are too long. I wonder that he may look strange if he takes off clothing. Maybe I am prejudiced by watching some persons who look clunky due to long legs, but Japanese might not have resistance against too long legs.


I have said that all male avatars are similar, but I checked shape and skin demos as much as possible and still I was not able to find my favorite type. So, I wondered how it would be in RL. Since movie stars will be affected by the behavior and character, I checked pictures only in the net. I gathered those I like and fount that my judging point was the eye. That might be the reason why I feel uneasy with sunglasses. Among them, there are faces those I cannot believe that he is male. As a whole, I found that I tend to be attracted by gentle (feminine?) types. By any chance might I have an L-tendency?





I gathered words that has similar sound like Moroi in Japanese.

・Wrote a novel of android falling love. Eroi… (erotic) 
・The android fall off from upstairs. She was broken apart. Moroi…(flagile)
・Tried to make the sequel but no progress. The keyboard was broken. Moroi…
・Rewrote the sequel again and again. My nail was broken. Moroi…
・Cannot stop dancing at my home. Noroi… (curse)
・Found a red glove on the road, with the inside included. Guroi (grotesque) 
・Sailed into a harbor and I was tied up, Moyai… (mooring) 
・Was told that my head and nose are too big. Moai… (moai statue)
・Thought I won, but kept waiting for a moment. Monoii… (judge review)
・Said that no interesting thing. Moii… (enough)
・But someone was funny. Morai… (take it)


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)




I wrote that among the male skin Demo there are only those in army or prison, but I found several clean ones in Japanese avatars. This is Silerhaze, who is so cute that I thought female avatar at the first time, but he made it out of male skins.

そこのバーのご主人、Keiさんも、やさしいお顔です。でも、外見に似合わず、殺し屋さんなのよ。 って碁の話ですけど。

Kei the master of that bar is also gentle shape. But barely visible on the surface, he is a killer, although it is in the Go-game. He is stronger than me. I have been playing with 2D level, so he might be 3D or higher that is rather strong in SL.


This is the coolest guy I ever met in SL, Kikinosuke, the owner of Tempura Island. Also, he is a model at his own jewelry shop Mandara. He is so handsome that once he was nominated as the Mister SL.

MoroiさんはRLが建築家なのに、お名前が諸井浩三 (脆い構造) なので、いろいろ突っ込まれてます。
ご兄弟のセカンドアバは、なんと諸井浩二 (脆い工事)!

I do not know the reason but it seems that there are many glasses among male avatars. Maybe male does not care glasses than female does. This is Moroi, the owner of Urashima where I am visiting recently. He is a gentle guy but the eyes behind the sunglasses are rather sharp.
His name Moroi has a synonym word in Japanese that means fragile. His job in RL is architect, but his full name is Moroi Kozo, the sound means Fragile Structure in Japanese. His second avatar name is Moroi Koji, that sounds like Fragile Work.





He was trying to create some self jokes, so I made several ones for him.
・The doctor said that my bone density is low. I am Moroi…
・When I was eating spaghetti, I bit the fork and my insert tooth was broken. I am Moroi…
・When I was eating noodle, my insert tooth broke again. I am Moroi…
・I fixed a concrete brock wall by myself. It fell down on a windy day. I am Moroi…
・I tried pottery. It kept breaking every time. I am Moroi…
・Finally, I got one baked. It broke apart when I picked it up. I am Moroi…
・I fell in love with a lady of beautiful eyes. She took off the mask, and her nose was large. My dream broke. I am Moroi…
・I cannot recover. They said a heart of glass. I am Moroi…


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)