UWA 10月4
最後はThoth Jantzenの「カフェインが多過ぎ」 今まで見た万華鏡の中で一番大きくて素晴らしい!
Too Much Caffeine: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/143/118/368
The last but not the least, "Too Much Caffeine" by Thoth Jantzen. This is the largest and most beautiful kaleidoscope that I ever saw in SL. The artist said “This work is the result of a combination of insomnia, an overactive imagination, a compulsion to build, and too much coffee”. He is the artist of "The Quantum Encabulator". In time to rhythmical music, colors are changing dizzyingly. Various patterns can be seen by changing position and it keeps amuse us until getting giddy or taking too much coffee.

From slow change to speedy flowing, the variation is so much that I cannot tell whether it is random or not.

Inside of the right ball, there is another pattern. There was a scene like busy traffic in a futuristic city but I missed to shoot it and it did not come back again.

長い間楽しませていただいたUWA3Dアートチャレンジに大感謝です! また何か楽しいイベントを開催してください!
After a series of aggressive movement, it makes gentle pattern for a while. It reminded me of my childhood watching an advertising tower with electric spectaculars. I was reluctant to move until all patterns were repeated.
Thank the UWA 3D Art Challenge and all artists, for letting us enjoy for long period. Please hold another wonderful event in future!

UWA: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/91/128/248
This blog introduced only a part of the program. There are much more interesting works. Please do not miss them.
Too Much Caffeine: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/143/118/368
The last but not the least, "Too Much Caffeine" by Thoth Jantzen. This is the largest and most beautiful kaleidoscope that I ever saw in SL. The artist said “This work is the result of a combination of insomnia, an overactive imagination, a compulsion to build, and too much coffee”. He is the artist of "The Quantum Encabulator". In time to rhythmical music, colors are changing dizzyingly. Various patterns can be seen by changing position and it keeps amuse us until getting giddy or taking too much coffee.

From slow change to speedy flowing, the variation is so much that I cannot tell whether it is random or not.

Inside of the right ball, there is another pattern. There was a scene like busy traffic in a futuristic city but I missed to shoot it and it did not come back again.

長い間楽しませていただいたUWA3Dアートチャレンジに大感謝です! また何か楽しいイベントを開催してください!
After a series of aggressive movement, it makes gentle pattern for a while. It reminded me of my childhood watching an advertising tower with electric spectaculars. I was reluctant to move until all patterns were repeated.
Thank the UWA 3D Art Challenge and all artists, for letting us enjoy for long period. Please hold another wonderful event in future!

UWA: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/91/128/248
This blog introduced only a part of the program. There are much more interesting works. Please do not miss them.

UWA 10月3
UWA 10月3
これはToughlove Sabraの「救済、それとも・・・」 悪魔の前に立つと、雷で撃ち倒されます。
Salvation or...: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/111/93/276
One of the joyful things in this event is that there are many arts that allow audience enter and see inside. This is "Salvation or............" by Toughlove Sabra. When standing in front of it, you are struck by lightning. To shoot the lightning was not so easy since it is impossible to waid for it with the shatter opened as in RL.

A litthe long animation, be shocked, wobble, fall down, throw out chest, and go limp. It may be an original animation. There is a branch shop(?) of Angel next door, where you can get revived.

Nexuno Thespianの「死のダンス」 タバコの害を表現したのでしょうか。
Death dance : http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/136/9/247
"Death dance" by Nexuno Thespian. It may depict the harm of smoking. The artist put features such as a shade of human in the smoke and the stub made as a corpse, but I laid down frivorously, which may ruin the art. Sorry for that.

Faery Solaの「魔女の作業場、健康と安全」
The Witches Workplace : http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/77/95/247
"The Witches Workplace Health and Safety" by Faery Sola. Stood on it for mother's help, but this also could profane the art. Please forgive me since I voted for it.

Ginger Lorakeetの「不思議の国のホール」 右のようにわざとパースを乱してあるのです。
3Dアートではこういう効果を生かした作品がもっとあってもよかったな。エッシャーみたいな、以前紹介したHarter Fallの「柱のうしろ」とか。
When I am shooting SSs, I am selecting the camera angle to get one-point perspective projection, but it was impossible in this case. "Wonderland Hall" by Ginger Lorakeet. As you see on the right, it intentionally disarranged the perspective. I would like to see more like this in 3D arts utilizing this effect, like the world of Escher, as the one introduced before, "Behind columns" by Harter Fall.
これはToughlove Sabraの「救済、それとも・・・」 悪魔の前に立つと、雷で撃ち倒されます。
Salvation or...: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/111/93/276
One of the joyful things in this event is that there are many arts that allow audience enter and see inside. This is "Salvation or............" by Toughlove Sabra. When standing in front of it, you are struck by lightning. To shoot the lightning was not so easy since it is impossible to waid for it with the shatter opened as in RL.

A litthe long animation, be shocked, wobble, fall down, throw out chest, and go limp. It may be an original animation. There is a branch shop(?) of Angel next door, where you can get revived.

Nexuno Thespianの「死のダンス」 タバコの害を表現したのでしょうか。
Death dance : http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/136/9/247
"Death dance" by Nexuno Thespian. It may depict the harm of smoking. The artist put features such as a shade of human in the smoke and the stub made as a corpse, but I laid down frivorously, which may ruin the art. Sorry for that.

Faery Solaの「魔女の作業場、健康と安全」
The Witches Workplace : http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/77/95/247
"The Witches Workplace Health and Safety" by Faery Sola. Stood on it for mother's help, but this also could profane the art. Please forgive me since I voted for it.

Ginger Lorakeetの「不思議の国のホール」 右のようにわざとパースを乱してあるのです。
3Dアートではこういう効果を生かした作品がもっとあってもよかったな。エッシャーみたいな、以前紹介したHarter Fallの「柱のうしろ」とか。
When I am shooting SSs, I am selecting the camera angle to get one-point perspective projection, but it was impossible in this case. "Wonderland Hall" by Ginger Lorakeet. As you see on the right, it intentionally disarranged the perspective. I would like to see more like this in 3D arts utilizing this effect, like the world of Escher, as the one introduced before, "Behind columns" by Harter Fall.

UWA 10月2
今回は中に入って見るアートも沢山ありました。これはMiso Susanowaの「大きな冬」
Big Winter : http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/44/135/318
There are many arts that let audiences enter to view them. This is "Big Winter" by Miso Susanowa. This is similar to "White room of visual disorientation" at University of Southern Denmark. Only this figure is set in a white-outed zone. It looked cold and I wore a ski ware.

これも空間の中。Thoth Jantzenの「量子エンカブラトル」(意味わかんない;; アートの意味でなく、タイトルの単語の意味が)
Quantum Teleport: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/155/103/247
This is also in a space. "The Quantum Encabulator" (cannot see the meaning ; ; not of the art but the meaning of the word Encablator) by Thoth Jantzen. Later I found that the person standing next to me when shooting was the artist himself. I should have asked the meaning! Dots of light and fine lines fly away and create feeling that my body is also in flight.

今回は背景を動かす空間がいくつかありました。これはRazorz & Olga Soulstarの「ワイルドなワイルドな幻想世界」
The Wild Wild World of Illusion : http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/59/19/247
There are many spaces with moving background. This is "The Wild Wild World of Illusion" by Razorz & Olga Soulstar. The ground, trees, and cactus are flying away, and the background is also moving. The stage coach with horses in running animation and curl of a cloud of dust create a feeling of speeding.

Blue Tsukiの「夢の中」 並んだベッドの上に置いてあるのは記念品? 亡くなった方の遺品なのでしょうか?
In Dreams : http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/39/61/247
"In Dreams" by Blue Tsuki. On beds in line, there is something like souvenirs. Are they commemoratives of the deceased? Each bed has various pose balls.

The picture of dog on the left bed is moving. On the right bed, a boat is rotating. I wore a nurse uniform, but it might be better with mourning attire.

This blog is not an introduction or guide, but since there are many visitors, I put the LM of each art.
Big Winter : http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/44/135/318
There are many arts that let audiences enter to view them. This is "Big Winter" by Miso Susanowa. This is similar to "White room of visual disorientation" at University of Southern Denmark. Only this figure is set in a white-outed zone. It looked cold and I wore a ski ware.

これも空間の中。Thoth Jantzenの「量子エンカブラトル」(意味わかんない;; アートの意味でなく、タイトルの単語の意味が)
Quantum Teleport: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/155/103/247
This is also in a space. "The Quantum Encabulator" (cannot see the meaning ; ; not of the art but the meaning of the word Encablator) by Thoth Jantzen. Later I found that the person standing next to me when shooting was the artist himself. I should have asked the meaning! Dots of light and fine lines fly away and create feeling that my body is also in flight.

今回は背景を動かす空間がいくつかありました。これはRazorz & Olga Soulstarの「ワイルドなワイルドな幻想世界」
The Wild Wild World of Illusion : http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/59/19/247
There are many spaces with moving background. This is "The Wild Wild World of Illusion" by Razorz & Olga Soulstar. The ground, trees, and cactus are flying away, and the background is also moving. The stage coach with horses in running animation and curl of a cloud of dust create a feeling of speeding.

Blue Tsukiの「夢の中」 並んだベッドの上に置いてあるのは記念品? 亡くなった方の遺品なのでしょうか?
In Dreams : http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/39/61/247
"In Dreams" by Blue Tsuki. On beds in line, there is something like souvenirs. Are they commemoratives of the deceased? Each bed has various pose balls.

The picture of dog on the left bed is moving. On the right bed, a boat is rotating. I wore a nurse uniform, but it might be better with mourning attire.

This blog is not an introduction or guide, but since there are many visitors, I put the LM of each art.
UWA: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/91/128/248
The final series of UWA 3D Art Challenge that has been held every month. This time there are ninety nine applicants. The voting stage will be until October 29.

一番先に目についたのがこれ。Alizarin Goldflakeの「タツノオトシゴのメリーゴーラウンド」 人魚は私です(^-)
Sea Horse Merry Go Round : http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/53/211/247
The first one that caught my eye was this one, "Sea Horse Merry Go Round" by Alizarin Goldflake. The mermaid is me. The gazebo uses 22 prims, and the sea horse is only 20 prims. This time there are few arts using the Mesh. So I think it is not necessary to take time to switch to V3 to view the arts.

乗せてくれます。ちょっとごつごつしてるけど(^-) 江戸でもらった飛べる鯱鉾、まだ持ってる。
It lets me ride, a bit rugged though. It reminds me of the flyable Shachihoko (tiger fish monument on the roof in old Japanese buildings) circulated at Edo SIM. I think I still have it.

Spiral Silverstarの「夢への描写」 海面のさざ波が水面の反射と一緒にきれいに動いてる。
There are many paintings this time, but as 3D arts, many of them have some trick. "Drawn to the dream" by Spiral Silverstar. The wavelet and reflection are moving elegantly.

Ha Imakoの「私を見て」 回転していて、全部が重なると突然くっきりと絵が見えます。
There are some pictures made of several thin layers that provide different picture according to the view angle. This is "Look at me" by Ha Imako. This is rotating slowly and a sharp picture comes out suddenly when all layers become in line.

はじめてヌードフォトの展示が! Dusty Canningの「公開された麦畑のコレクション」 麦畑の中に立つ30人の美しい写真が次々に。
撮影許可はいただいてはいるのですけど、そのままここで紹介するのは(^-) 現地で見てください。
Wheatfield Collection Exposed : http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/216/102/247
This could be the first time to see nude photos in this challenge. "Wheatfield Collection Exposed" by Dusty Canning. Thirty beautiful nude photos are presented one by one. Among pictures of avatars, surprisingly one of them is real. Although I got permission to shoot SS, I hesitate to put it here. Please visit the site.

(以下参加者のお名前。但し本物のヌードはGirl from RLとだけ^-^)
(Translation of the note on the right)
UWA: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/91/128/248
The final series of UWA 3D Art Challenge that has been held every month. This time there are ninety nine applicants. The voting stage will be until October 29.

一番先に目についたのがこれ。Alizarin Goldflakeの「タツノオトシゴのメリーゴーラウンド」 人魚は私です(^-)
Sea Horse Merry Go Round : http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/53/211/247
The first one that caught my eye was this one, "Sea Horse Merry Go Round" by Alizarin Goldflake. The mermaid is me. The gazebo uses 22 prims, and the sea horse is only 20 prims. This time there are few arts using the Mesh. So I think it is not necessary to take time to switch to V3 to view the arts.

乗せてくれます。ちょっとごつごつしてるけど(^-) 江戸でもらった飛べる鯱鉾、まだ持ってる。
It lets me ride, a bit rugged though. It reminds me of the flyable Shachihoko (tiger fish monument on the roof in old Japanese buildings) circulated at Edo SIM. I think I still have it.

Spiral Silverstarの「夢への描写」 海面のさざ波が水面の反射と一緒にきれいに動いてる。
There are many paintings this time, but as 3D arts, many of them have some trick. "Drawn to the dream" by Spiral Silverstar. The wavelet and reflection are moving elegantly.

Ha Imakoの「私を見て」 回転していて、全部が重なると突然くっきりと絵が見えます。
There are some pictures made of several thin layers that provide different picture according to the view angle. This is "Look at me" by Ha Imako. This is rotating slowly and a sharp picture comes out suddenly when all layers become in line.

はじめてヌードフォトの展示が! Dusty Canningの「公開された麦畑のコレクション」 麦畑の中に立つ30人の美しい写真が次々に。
撮影許可はいただいてはいるのですけど、そのままここで紹介するのは(^-) 現地で見てください。
Wheatfield Collection Exposed : http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/216/102/247
This could be the first time to see nude photos in this challenge. "Wheatfield Collection Exposed" by Dusty Canning. Thirty beautiful nude photos are presented one by one. Among pictures of avatars, surprisingly one of them is real. Although I got permission to shoot SS, I hesitate to put it here. Please visit the site.

(以下参加者のお名前。但し本物のヌードはGirl from RLとだけ^-^)
(Translation of the note on the right)
University of Newcastle: http://slurl.com/secondlife/University%20of%20Newcastle/110/185/28
A university in East Australia. A simple one using only one SIM and this is the only class room.

Could be a part of the university, there is a village in a sky box. It seems a habitation of native tribes. I knew that Aborigine has very nice art, so looked after some folk clothing. I have gathered many kinds of ethnic costumes but none for Australian. I found on the net that there is no native costume for Australia, and they were embarrassed when there was a summit conference. To stretch a point, it could be a red loincloth, headband and white paint on body. In any case, Aborigine does not like to be imitated, so that could be a reason why there is none in SL.

There are several animations such as milking or potter’s wheel. There is an animation for washing feet. Is it for footman or for a fat lady who cannot reach for her foot?

There is a slit on a tent that makes easy to look out... no way. The tent is phantom and can stick out body freely. With this look, I have some breasts.
University of Newcastle: http://slurl.com/secondlife/University%20of%20Newcastle/110/185/28
A university in East Australia. A simple one using only one SIM and this is the only class room.

Could be a part of the university, there is a village in a sky box. It seems a habitation of native tribes. I knew that Aborigine has very nice art, so looked after some folk clothing. I have gathered many kinds of ethnic costumes but none for Australian. I found on the net that there is no native costume for Australia, and they were embarrassed when there was a summit conference. To stretch a point, it could be a red loincloth, headband and white paint on body. In any case, Aborigine does not like to be imitated, so that could be a reason why there is none in SL.

There are several animations such as milking or potter’s wheel. There is an animation for washing feet. Is it for footman or for a fat lady who cannot reach for her foot?

There is a slit on a tent that makes easy to look out... no way. The tent is phantom and can stick out body freely. With this look, I have some breasts.

メディカルスクール: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Medical%20School/101/99/23
There is a program in which if students forget to wash their hands before visiting a patient, their investigation is halted. The right is a fire extinguisher that is located at many places. Is there a training program for that?

A corridor just like a real hospital (matter of course). This might be a model of real one.

The ceiling is transparent from the top and whole layout can be seen from the gangway. There is no handrail so it is easy to fall down.

There is a beautiful townscape outside of the hospital. The floating construction is a cluster of hospital rooms. A pier is on the left, which is common in California. On the real ones, there are a lot of shops and is busy at night. Sorry to say, there is nothing in these buildings.
メディカルスクール: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Medical%20School/101/99/23
There is a program in which if students forget to wash their hands before visiting a patient, their investigation is halted. The right is a fire extinguisher that is located at many places. Is there a training program for that?

A corridor just like a real hospital (matter of course). This might be a model of real one.

The ceiling is transparent from the top and whole layout can be seen from the gangway. There is no handrail so it is easy to fall down.

There is a beautiful townscape outside of the hospital. The floating construction is a cluster of hospital rooms. A pier is on the left, which is common in California. On the real ones, there are a lot of shops and is busy at night. Sorry to say, there is nothing in these buildings.

メディカルスクール: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Medical%20School/101/99/23
Close to the JPL SIM, there was a virtual medical training center. Managed by Imperial Collage London, Department of Biosurgery and Surgical Technology. Beautiful buildings not like a hospital.

Pioneering work on surgical skills through simulation, virtual reality, telemedicine and robotic surgery, established in 2009. The theme would be "Can Second Life help teach doctors to treat patients?" At first, the visitor is asked to change clothing to free uniform at this changing room next to the entrance.

Reception desk? The chair takes 54 prims. There are plenty of basic prims used for the medical machines, so it is good that there is little lag to read them.

患者の区画をベイと呼ぶのは初めて知りました。右は回診でしょうか? 訓練生は服装が違います。
I learned that the corner of patient is called ‘bay’. The right might be doctor’s round visits. Trainees wear a different uniform.

処置室? 浮いている白い□は情報ボックスになっていて、タッチすると説明が出ます。
Operating room? The white box in the air will show the name and function of the machine by touching it. The explanation document says, “These prospective doctors are treating virtual patients in Second Life. The third-year med students are taking part in a pilot program for game-based learning, which educators believe can be a stimulating change from lectures and textbooks.”

I am writing my blog articles on the weekend. It is not first-in first-out, so some old ones may stay behind. Since I was away home over the weekend, this was the one written in summer, clearing out the stock.
メディカルスクール: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Medical%20School/101/99/23
Close to the JPL SIM, there was a virtual medical training center. Managed by Imperial Collage London, Department of Biosurgery and Surgical Technology. Beautiful buildings not like a hospital.

Pioneering work on surgical skills through simulation, virtual reality, telemedicine and robotic surgery, established in 2009. The theme would be "Can Second Life help teach doctors to treat patients?" At first, the visitor is asked to change clothing to free uniform at this changing room next to the entrance.

Reception desk? The chair takes 54 prims. There are plenty of basic prims used for the medical machines, so it is good that there is little lag to read them.

患者の区画をベイと呼ぶのは初めて知りました。右は回診でしょうか? 訓練生は服装が違います。
I learned that the corner of patient is called ‘bay’. The right might be doctor’s round visits. Trainees wear a different uniform.

処置室? 浮いている白い□は情報ボックスになっていて、タッチすると説明が出ます。
Operating room? The white box in the air will show the name and function of the machine by touching it. The explanation document says, “These prospective doctors are treating virtual patients in Second Life. The third-year med students are taking part in a pilot program for game-based learning, which educators believe can be a stimulating change from lectures and textbooks.”

I am writing my blog articles on the weekend. It is not first-in first-out, so some old ones may stay behind. Since I was away home over the weekend, this was the one written in summer, clearing out the stock.
Autumn has come. Put fall foliages at Temi’s Teahouse. Last year, the landload of Baba at that time scoled me about the hight, so I checked it carefully this time.

A georama set at a corner of front yard of an art gallery. With a painting, trees, grass, and lighting, the autumn is nicely depicted in the small space.

At the Kazumi’s bar, our neighbors across the street, the stage is also decorated with autumn color of leaves.

Tha is not a nice painting but a real wood behind the bar. I saw a nice picture by Muzuki that lets us come in, but this forest is real and leads us to the Arice’s tea table. The scenery from the bar could be a kind of 3D art.

Kazumi’s Bar: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Baba%20Twins/193/54/22
The Bowery Poetry Club is a New York City poetry performance space located in Manhattan's East Village, and provides a home base for established and upcoming artists. The right is real one. Kazumi’s one does not have live performance but a quiet and calm spot.
Autumn has come. Put fall foliages at Temi’s Teahouse. Last year, the landload of Baba at that time scoled me about the hight, so I checked it carefully this time.

A georama set at a corner of front yard of an art gallery. With a painting, trees, grass, and lighting, the autumn is nicely depicted in the small space.

At the Kazumi’s bar, our neighbors across the street, the stage is also decorated with autumn color of leaves.

Tha is not a nice painting but a real wood behind the bar. I saw a nice picture by Muzuki that lets us come in, but this forest is real and leads us to the Arice’s tea table. The scenery from the bar could be a kind of 3D art.

Kazumi’s Bar: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Baba%20Twins/193/54/22
The Bowery Poetry Club is a New York City poetry performance space located in Manhattan's East Village, and provides a home base for established and upcoming artists. The right is real one. Kazumi’s one does not have live performance but a quiet and calm spot.

フルSIMアートの二つ目はUWAスカイ SIMシリーズ、jjccc Coronetsの 「jjccc Art」
The second presentation of full-SIM art is UWA Sky SIM Series, jjccc 'jjccc Art' by Coronets. Two stories gallery is just size of one SIM.

The contents are colorful paintings and sculptures. Please feel the size compareing me standing middle to the space. Each individual painting is interesting respectively, but they look similar since there are so many of them.

Seeing close at hand reveals that the resolution is not so high. You can see the size according to me floating in front of the right picture. I cannot see the reason why this should be so big if it were not possible to see detail with close-up.
Bigness is impressive by itself in RL, but what is the meaning in SL? In SL seen through PC display, there is no sensation of bigness in RL that is based on a viewpoint fixed on a human body or stereoscopic spatial effect. A huge art using a full SIM is no more than a precise miniature when the camera is pulled back. In that context, I'd say that this art could be done with a normal size.

Marina: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Mango/237/85/21
A marina at competely different place. This is using a full SIM as the same size as the gallery above. The well balanced group of many yachts is also amazing, but surprisingly every yacht has different owner respectively. It should be a nice community. I think this could be a substantial full-SIM art. Looking forward to seeing arts using the full size and 15000 prims effectively.
The second presentation of full-SIM art is UWA Sky SIM Series, jjccc 'jjccc Art' by Coronets. Two stories gallery is just size of one SIM.

The contents are colorful paintings and sculptures. Please feel the size compareing me standing middle to the space. Each individual painting is interesting respectively, but they look similar since there are so many of them.

Seeing close at hand reveals that the resolution is not so high. You can see the size according to me floating in front of the right picture. I cannot see the reason why this should be so big if it were not possible to see detail with close-up.
Bigness is impressive by itself in RL, but what is the meaning in SL? In SL seen through PC display, there is no sensation of bigness in RL that is based on a viewpoint fixed on a human body or stereoscopic spatial effect. A huge art using a full SIM is no more than a precise miniature when the camera is pulled back. In that context, I'd say that this art could be done with a normal size.

Marina: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Mango/237/85/21
A marina at competely different place. This is using a full SIM as the same size as the gallery above. The well balanced group of many yachts is also amazing, but surprisingly every yacht has different owner respectively. It should be a nice community. I think this could be a substantial full-SIM art. Looking forward to seeing arts using the full size and 15000 prims effectively.

第八圏、第五の嚢 「汚職者:職権を悪用して利益を得た汚吏が、煮えたぎる瀝青に漬けられ、悪鬼から鉤手で責められる」
地獄;Inferno: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA6/96/162/625
The eighth circle, the fifth pocket, Corrupt politicians: The sinners are put in burning bituminous coal, and racked by goblins. The eighth circle is the longest part in the original poem, but there is no detailed explanation included the note card attached to this art and I am not sure from which parts these came from. So these are based on my imagination. Please accept some errors.

第十の嚢 詐欺師:「錬金術など様々な偽造や虚偽を行った者が、悪疫にかかって苦しむ」
The tenth pocket, Falsifiers: The sinners who did various falsification or legerdemain are in agony of bad pestilence.

The sixth pocket, Hypocrites: The sinners hopelessly keep walking with a heavy coat made with lead that is overlaid with gold only for the appearance.

The seventh pocket, Thieves: When a snake gives one bite on the neck of burglars, they will flame out and incinerated to a bunch of bones. The ash will gather together and build up a man again.

The appearance of the eighth circle. Several pockets are lined in a huge cave. Virgil will give us the TP, but we can fly across the circle.

今は醜悪な三面の顔を持った姿となり、氷の中に永遠に幽閉されている」 これはUWAの3Dアートチャレンジにも出品されていました。
これが終点。出口が見えないので、周りの人に「出口はどこ?」って聞いたら、「地獄からの出口? 冗談でしょ」って言われちゃった。
The ninth circle, Treachery, contains those who have committed acts which involve betray-ing some kind of special relationship. These traitors are frozen in a green-blue, or teal, colored lake of ice known as Cocytus. Ice spikes surround them. In the very centre of Hell, condemned for committing the ultimate sin, personal treachery against God, is Satan. Sa-tan presents with three faces. This circle was also presented at the UWA 3D Art Challenge before.
This is the end of the tour. I was not able to find the exit, so I asked one of guests around, but she said,
"Exit out of hell? Forget it."

The total of nine circles is made in a space of about 200m width, 200m length, and 600m height. As the original poem, the nine circles were set from the top entrance to the bottom accordingly. The labor of the artist who set this whole thing within a short period is amazing. I would express my appreciation for giving me a chance to touch the Divine Comedy that I would never read without this art. Thank you Rebeca! Looking forward to seeing also the Purgatorio, and Paradiso!

最初の方にあるマシニマ、Aiden Witrial's 'The Suicide Forest infested by Harpias'(怪鳥ハーピーが群がる自殺者の森)がお勧めです。
UWA in SL: http://uwainsl.blogspot.com/
Harpies: http://uwainsl.blogspot.com/2011/10/aiden-witrials-suicide-forest-infested.html
This art has been introduced in many blogs. There is a list at UWA page, where my one is also included. The one in the early part, "Aiden Witrial's The Suicide Forest infested by Harpias" is very nice. Among many machinima that swing camera deliriously, this one catches the monstrous bird Harpies through tranquil pictures. Also the lighting is excellent!
Do not touch the screen below. Please visit the site!

In the LEA FULL SIM ART SERIES, one SIM will be given to the artist on the 1st day of the month. When to launch the show will be up to the artist. It means that this Inferno will disappear on October 31. Please do not miss it!
地獄;Inferno: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA6/96/162/625
The eighth circle, the fifth pocket, Corrupt politicians: The sinners are put in burning bituminous coal, and racked by goblins. The eighth circle is the longest part in the original poem, but there is no detailed explanation included the note card attached to this art and I am not sure from which parts these came from. So these are based on my imagination. Please accept some errors.

第十の嚢 詐欺師:「錬金術など様々な偽造や虚偽を行った者が、悪疫にかかって苦しむ」
The tenth pocket, Falsifiers: The sinners who did various falsification or legerdemain are in agony of bad pestilence.

The sixth pocket, Hypocrites: The sinners hopelessly keep walking with a heavy coat made with lead that is overlaid with gold only for the appearance.

The seventh pocket, Thieves: When a snake gives one bite on the neck of burglars, they will flame out and incinerated to a bunch of bones. The ash will gather together and build up a man again.

The appearance of the eighth circle. Several pockets are lined in a huge cave. Virgil will give us the TP, but we can fly across the circle.

今は醜悪な三面の顔を持った姿となり、氷の中に永遠に幽閉されている」 これはUWAの3Dアートチャレンジにも出品されていました。
これが終点。出口が見えないので、周りの人に「出口はどこ?」って聞いたら、「地獄からの出口? 冗談でしょ」って言われちゃった。
The ninth circle, Treachery, contains those who have committed acts which involve betray-ing some kind of special relationship. These traitors are frozen in a green-blue, or teal, colored lake of ice known as Cocytus. Ice spikes surround them. In the very centre of Hell, condemned for committing the ultimate sin, personal treachery against God, is Satan. Sa-tan presents with three faces. This circle was also presented at the UWA 3D Art Challenge before.
This is the end of the tour. I was not able to find the exit, so I asked one of guests around, but she said,
"Exit out of hell? Forget it."

The total of nine circles is made in a space of about 200m width, 200m length, and 600m height. As the original poem, the nine circles were set from the top entrance to the bottom accordingly. The labor of the artist who set this whole thing within a short period is amazing. I would express my appreciation for giving me a chance to touch the Divine Comedy that I would never read without this art. Thank you Rebeca! Looking forward to seeing also the Purgatorio, and Paradiso!

最初の方にあるマシニマ、Aiden Witrial's 'The Suicide Forest infested by Harpias'(怪鳥ハーピーが群がる自殺者の森)がお勧めです。
UWA in SL: http://uwainsl.blogspot.com/
Harpies: http://uwainsl.blogspot.com/2011/10/aiden-witrials-suicide-forest-infested.html
This art has been introduced in many blogs. There is a list at UWA page, where my one is also included. The one in the early part, "Aiden Witrial's The Suicide Forest infested by Harpias" is very nice. Among many machinima that swing camera deliriously, this one catches the monstrous bird Harpies through tranquil pictures. Also the lighting is excellent!
Do not touch the screen below. Please visit the site!

In the LEA FULL SIM ART SERIES, one SIM will be given to the artist on the 1st day of the month. When to launch the show will be up to the artist. It means that this Inferno will disappear on October 31. Please do not miss it!
第四圏 貪欲者の地獄:「吝嗇と浪費の悪徳を積んだ者が、大きな岩を押しあいつつ互いに罵る。何も成果を上げることなく、いつまでも労力を費やす」
Inferno: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA6/96/162/625
The fourth circle, Greed: People those plagued by overconsumption are pushing large heavy balls against each other, investing an enormous amount of effort, going nowhere, no winner, and it never ends.

第五圏 憤怒者の地獄:「怒りに我を忘れた者が、血の色をしたステュクスの沼で互いの肉を食いちぎり、責め苛む」
The fifth circle, Anger: Groups of deadly pale individuals covered in blood, biting off each others' flesh, in agony and struggling.

第六圏 異端者の地獄:「あらゆる宗派の異端の教主と門徒が、火焔の墓孔に葬られている」
The sixth circle, Heresy, is a location where violent and malicious sins are punished and buried in pits of fire. This is the Gate of Dis, the entrance of the ironclad walls of the city. There are three blood covered furies with threatening heads.

第七圏 暴力者の地獄:「他者や自己に対して暴力をふるった者が、暴力の種類に応じて振り分けられる。
The seventh circle, Violence: The sinners are delivered to each area according to their sin, resulting in a river of blood, being forged to bizarre trees that are picked by monstrous bird Harpies, or finding themselves on barren sand ignited by sparks of fire. These areas are guarded by violent Centaurs and Minotaur. The huge Minotaur in the dark mist is one of the most fearful creatures I ever saw in SL.

第八圏 悪意者の地獄:「悪意を以て罪を犯した者が、それぞれ十の「マーレボルジェ」(悪の嚢)に振り分けられる」
ここではそのうちのいくつかが示されます。これは第一の嚢 女衒:「婦女を誘拐して売った者が、角ある悪鬼から鞭打たれる」
The eighth circle, Fraud: Those guilty of deliberate evil are divided into ten Bolgie (eveil pockets). This is the first pocket for seducers. In this art, some of them are presented. The sinners who abducted and sold women are beaten with whips by horned goblins.

頭を下にして杭のように打ち込まれ、足の裏は炎に巻かれている」 これが本当の頭下足熱?
The third pocket, Simony: The sinners who sold holy things and attained them are piled into a hole with his top down and his feet shooting out fire. This is really “Cool down head, warm up feet”?

To be continued.
Inferno: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA6/96/162/625
The fourth circle, Greed: People those plagued by overconsumption are pushing large heavy balls against each other, investing an enormous amount of effort, going nowhere, no winner, and it never ends.

第五圏 憤怒者の地獄:「怒りに我を忘れた者が、血の色をしたステュクスの沼で互いの肉を食いちぎり、責め苛む」
The fifth circle, Anger: Groups of deadly pale individuals covered in blood, biting off each others' flesh, in agony and struggling.

第六圏 異端者の地獄:「あらゆる宗派の異端の教主と門徒が、火焔の墓孔に葬られている」
The sixth circle, Heresy, is a location where violent and malicious sins are punished and buried in pits of fire. This is the Gate of Dis, the entrance of the ironclad walls of the city. There are three blood covered furies with threatening heads.

第七圏 暴力者の地獄:「他者や自己に対して暴力をふるった者が、暴力の種類に応じて振り分けられる。
The seventh circle, Violence: The sinners are delivered to each area according to their sin, resulting in a river of blood, being forged to bizarre trees that are picked by monstrous bird Harpies, or finding themselves on barren sand ignited by sparks of fire. These areas are guarded by violent Centaurs and Minotaur. The huge Minotaur in the dark mist is one of the most fearful creatures I ever saw in SL.

第八圏 悪意者の地獄:「悪意を以て罪を犯した者が、それぞれ十の「マーレボルジェ」(悪の嚢)に振り分けられる」
ここではそのうちのいくつかが示されます。これは第一の嚢 女衒:「婦女を誘拐して売った者が、角ある悪鬼から鞭打たれる」
The eighth circle, Fraud: Those guilty of deliberate evil are divided into ten Bolgie (eveil pockets). This is the first pocket for seducers. In this art, some of them are presented. The sinners who abducted and sold women are beaten with whips by horned goblins.

頭を下にして杭のように打ち込まれ、足の裏は炎に巻かれている」 これが本当の頭下足熱?
The third pocket, Simony: The sinners who sold holy things and attained them are piled into a hole with his top down and his feet shooting out fire. This is really “Cool down head, warm up feet”?

To be continued.
今回はRebeca Bashlyの「地獄」。ダンテの神曲の第一部「地獄編」の9つの圏を表現したものです。
Inferno: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA6/96/162/625
Visited the first exhibition of LEA Full SIM Art Series. The series will continue until next March and two arts will be presented each month. The first one is Rebeca Bashly’s 'Inferno’ that is based upon the nine circles of suffering described in the first part of Dante’s Divine Comedy. This is the entrance gate. Above the gate, there is the famous statement, “Forsake all hope, all you that enter here”.

There is the poet Virgil, who stands at every circle as a teleporter to the next. At first I saw him as a strange old chap, but while proceeding with the tour, he became a reliable and friendly partner. In order to TP, touch and sit on him. But the one at the gate does not do anything when sitting.

ここは第一圏 辺獄、「洗礼を受けなかった者が、呵責こそないが希望もないまま永遠に時を過ごす場所。
I have heard the name of Divine Comedy, but did not know what it was. Taking this occasion, I will make a tour around it. Dante’s Divine Comedy consists of Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. This SIM is treating the first one only, but still it is lengthy.
One evening, Dante lost his way in a forest and met a poet Virgil, and asked him to guide toward heaven through Inferno and Purgatorio. This is the first circle, Limbo, that is a region on the edge of hell and it is meant for those who did not accept Christ. On a grass ground, in front of groups of white translucent figures sitting on the grass in the dark, these are some of the great thinkers, wise men, scientists, poets and philosophers.

第二圏 愛欲者の地獄:
The second circle, Lust, contains those led astray by lust. There is a deep hole, out of which reddish, translucent whirlwind of faces appear, which demonstrates the conflict of love and lust and the tension between attraction and desire.

第三圏 貧食者の地獄:「大食い達が不潔な汚物にはまり、寒さと雹、雨、雪に連打され懲らしめられている」
The third circle, Gluttony: This is a gloomy place where people those involved with self-indulgence and addiction lie scattered in a brownish area containing vile slush and mud produced by a never-ending muddy rain. In the original poem, here comes Cerberus with three fearful heads.

長い長いお話なので読むのが大変(^-) このSIMの旅もまだまだ、続きは次回に・・・
The Divine Comedy is very long and hard to read. The tour in this SIM is also quite an expedition. To be continued…
今回はRebeca Bashlyの「地獄」。ダンテの神曲の第一部「地獄編」の9つの圏を表現したものです。
Inferno: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA6/96/162/625
Visited the first exhibition of LEA Full SIM Art Series. The series will continue until next March and two arts will be presented each month. The first one is Rebeca Bashly’s 'Inferno’ that is based upon the nine circles of suffering described in the first part of Dante’s Divine Comedy. This is the entrance gate. Above the gate, there is the famous statement, “Forsake all hope, all you that enter here”.

There is the poet Virgil, who stands at every circle as a teleporter to the next. At first I saw him as a strange old chap, but while proceeding with the tour, he became a reliable and friendly partner. In order to TP, touch and sit on him. But the one at the gate does not do anything when sitting.

ここは第一圏 辺獄、「洗礼を受けなかった者が、呵責こそないが希望もないまま永遠に時を過ごす場所。
I have heard the name of Divine Comedy, but did not know what it was. Taking this occasion, I will make a tour around it. Dante’s Divine Comedy consists of Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. This SIM is treating the first one only, but still it is lengthy.
One evening, Dante lost his way in a forest and met a poet Virgil, and asked him to guide toward heaven through Inferno and Purgatorio. This is the first circle, Limbo, that is a region on the edge of hell and it is meant for those who did not accept Christ. On a grass ground, in front of groups of white translucent figures sitting on the grass in the dark, these are some of the great thinkers, wise men, scientists, poets and philosophers.

第二圏 愛欲者の地獄:
The second circle, Lust, contains those led astray by lust. There is a deep hole, out of which reddish, translucent whirlwind of faces appear, which demonstrates the conflict of love and lust and the tension between attraction and desire.

第三圏 貧食者の地獄:「大食い達が不潔な汚物にはまり、寒さと雹、雨、雪に連打され懲らしめられている」
The third circle, Gluttony: This is a gloomy place where people those involved with self-indulgence and addiction lie scattered in a brownish area containing vile slush and mud produced by a never-ending muddy rain. In the original poem, here comes Cerberus with three fearful heads.

長い長いお話なので読むのが大変(^-) このSIMの旅もまだまだ、続きは次回に・・・
The Divine Comedy is very long and hard to read. The tour in this SIM is also quite an expedition. To be continued…
賞金総額140万L$、毎月10万L$! これまで2年間で40カ国以上から400人以上の参加者があり、9月は65作品が出品されました。
UWA 展示: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/65/130/249
Visited the UWA September round announcement of winners. This is the 11th of 12 monthly rounds for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. October will be the final monthly round and this is followed by the Grand Finale across the month of November. Monthly awards of L$100,000, and the total year awards of L$1,400,000! Since all this started in August 2009 more than 400 artists from more than 40 countries have been involved. There were 65 entries for September round. All photos of arts can be seen at the URL below, but it is recommended to see them at the site since many of them are moving.

The stage was simply set at a corner of the usual gallery with some balloons. Together with the top price announcement, they were released and flew away like all guests from the world returning home. I was reading the chat intently and missed to shoot the release moment and balloons flying away into the sky. This 3D Art Challenge will end with the final October round, but the gallery will remain and there will be some event commemorating 100 anniversary of UWA. Now a new Full-SIM art series has started. Let me introduce them next time.
賞金総額140万L$、毎月10万L$! これまで2年間で40カ国以上から400人以上の参加者があり、9月は65作品が出品されました。
UWA 展示: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/65/130/249
Visited the UWA September round announcement of winners. This is the 11th of 12 monthly rounds for the UWA 3D Open Art Challenge. October will be the final monthly round and this is followed by the Grand Finale across the month of November. Monthly awards of L$100,000, and the total year awards of L$1,400,000! Since all this started in August 2009 more than 400 artists from more than 40 countries have been involved. There were 65 entries for September round. All photos of arts can be seen at the URL below, but it is recommended to see them at the site since many of them are moving.

The stage was simply set at a corner of the usual gallery with some balloons. Together with the top price announcement, they were released and flew away like all guests from the world returning home. I was reading the chat intently and missed to shoot the release moment and balloons flying away into the sky. This 3D Art Challenge will end with the final October round, but the gallery will remain and there will be some event commemorating 100 anniversary of UWA. Now a new Full-SIM art series has started. Let me introduce them next time.

Oldoak Merlinの「鮮明な存在の記念」。 間もなく父親になられるのでこの作品を作られたのだそうです。中央はまさか受精した精子?
UWA 展示: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/65/130/249
Some 3D arts have pose balls set in unexpected places. This ball made me a strange pose, so I also wore strange clothing. A part of large art, "Memento viviens esse" by Oldoak Merlin. The artist said one of his aspects that led to this work is that he will become father very soon. Might it never be a sperm at conception? Second look confirms that my hands are playing Escher with a pillar in front.

変な格好したついでに、そのままブラックホールの中へ。前回のボールの左側のアート、Nish Mipの「越える」
貴方が誰なのかは、どこにいるのかを知らねばならない。新生は決して易しくない。あちら側では何が待っているのか?」 作者のコメントです。
Along the way wearing the strange clothing, entered a black hole that is the one on the left in the previous article, "Crossing" by Nish Mip. “This is where those who have survived the end of their virtual world finally get to cross to another. To get there they must cross the Great Void. It is a place full of emotion and confusion where you can lose your identity as well as your inventory, a place neither here nor there. You have to know where you are to know who you are! Rebirth is never easy. What will wait on the other side?” Comment by the artist. Everything is drawn into the center void. Around the giant standing like a guard, many human shapes are blinking.

これってアートなのかな、っていうのもありました。 Asterion Coenの「パリの地下鉄駅、シャンゼリゼのジョージV」
There were some arts that I wonder if they are arts. "Paris's Metro Station 'George V' at Champs Elyses" by Asterion Coen. It has good atmosphere with destination to Concorde or Charles d’Gaule, but disappointingly it does not work.

Nino Vichanの「女性/黙示録」 作品にはフロア毎に解説がついてて、全体としてひとつのプレゼンテーションになっています。
"Femina/Revelation" by Nino Vichan. Each floor has an explanation for the paintings and it is a presentation as a whole. But the main subject is the painting. Could this be a 3D art?
Oldoak Merlinの「鮮明な存在の記念」。 間もなく父親になられるのでこの作品を作られたのだそうです。中央はまさか受精した精子?
UWA 展示: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/65/130/249
Some 3D arts have pose balls set in unexpected places. This ball made me a strange pose, so I also wore strange clothing. A part of large art, "Memento viviens esse" by Oldoak Merlin. The artist said one of his aspects that led to this work is that he will become father very soon. Might it never be a sperm at conception? Second look confirms that my hands are playing Escher with a pillar in front.

変な格好したついでに、そのままブラックホールの中へ。前回のボールの左側のアート、Nish Mipの「越える」
貴方が誰なのかは、どこにいるのかを知らねばならない。新生は決して易しくない。あちら側では何が待っているのか?」 作者のコメントです。
Along the way wearing the strange clothing, entered a black hole that is the one on the left in the previous article, "Crossing" by Nish Mip. “This is where those who have survived the end of their virtual world finally get to cross to another. To get there they must cross the Great Void. It is a place full of emotion and confusion where you can lose your identity as well as your inventory, a place neither here nor there. You have to know where you are to know who you are! Rebirth is never easy. What will wait on the other side?” Comment by the artist. Everything is drawn into the center void. Around the giant standing like a guard, many human shapes are blinking.

これってアートなのかな、っていうのもありました。 Asterion Coenの「パリの地下鉄駅、シャンゼリゼのジョージV」
There were some arts that I wonder if they are arts. "Paris's Metro Station 'George V' at Champs Elyses" by Asterion Coen. It has good atmosphere with destination to Concorde or Charles d’Gaule, but disappointingly it does not work.

Nino Vichanの「女性/黙示録」 作品にはフロア毎に解説がついてて、全体としてひとつのプレゼンテーションになっています。
"Femina/Revelation" by Nino Vichan. Each floor has an explanation for the paintings and it is a presentation as a whole. But the main subject is the painting. Could this be a 3D art?

メッシュでなくても面白いのがあります。左はNish Mipの「超える」、右はPeanutbuttahjellehtime Magicの「魔法と呼んで」
作者のお名前は、今まで見た中で一番長い(22文字)! ネットで調べたらファーストネーム最長は31文字で、402人もいます。
UWA 展示: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/65/130/249
There are interesting objects not using Mesh. The left is “Crossing” by Nish Mip. The right is "Call it Magic" by Peanutbuttahjellehtime Magic, on which the dark circle can be seen from all directions, like a magic. The artist name is the longest I ever saw, with twenty two characters. Looked on the Net and found that the longest first name has 31 characters and there are 402 avatars.

This time arts with wild dance of color and shape were impressive. This is "Ordos Digitalis Fractilus Tentaclos Vert" by Razore. I enjoyed it with Alice costime.

There are several pose balls including one for meditation. It is a kind of paradoxical fun to make mental concentration among the stormy movement of color, shape, and sound.

Sledge Roffoの「プリム景色の夢」 これもオーロラのように変化する色の世界です。
"Primscape Dream V4" by Sledge roffo. This is also a world of changing color like an aurora.
作者のお名前は、今まで見た中で一番長い(22文字)! ネットで調べたらファーストネーム最長は31文字で、402人もいます。
UWA 展示: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/65/130/249
There are interesting objects not using Mesh. The left is “Crossing” by Nish Mip. The right is "Call it Magic" by Peanutbuttahjellehtime Magic, on which the dark circle can be seen from all directions, like a magic. The artist name is the longest I ever saw, with twenty two characters. Looked on the Net and found that the longest first name has 31 characters and there are 402 avatars.

This time arts with wild dance of color and shape were impressive. This is "Ordos Digitalis Fractilus Tentaclos Vert" by Razore. I enjoyed it with Alice costime.

There are several pose balls including one for meditation. It is a kind of paradoxical fun to make mental concentration among the stormy movement of color, shape, and sound.

Sledge Roffoの「プリム景色の夢」 これもオーロラのように変化する色の世界です。
"Primscape Dream V4" by Sledge roffo. This is also a world of changing color like an aurora.