



Great Edo Year-end Party:The dancers are not Geisha but normal Edo fellows. There was no rehearsal or notice in advance, but all wore nice Kimonos and tried hard to synchoronize the dance according to the great stage set and direction. The sense of community was so joyful and delightful!


The four SIMs of Edo castle town. On the left, there is a shopping street at Asakusa. The top middle is Yoshiwara, where an entertainment center Nekoichiraku-za is. Kanda shrine is on the top right, and the next to it is my Temi’s Tea House. On the right middle, there is the party site floating in the air. The moat of Edo castle is seen on the right, and there are further six SIMs that include whole Edo castle precisely reproduced.


Top right is the party site with a clear view of the Edo donjon. Top left is me and a mother who put frog eyes on the Japanese igloo that was made by her son. (Bottom left in the next picture)  As the party getting charged up, Shogun Yoshimune and Commissioner Echizen also stood up for dancing.


Well on into the night. Above the cold Edo town covered with snow, the party site remained bright and warm. Impassioned by the excellent preparation and direction done by the Edo officers, experienced a special night with full happiness, and thanked a lot that I was able to live in Edo.

天美茶屋 http://slurl.com/secondlife/EDO%20Kanda/166/59/23

There were nine monthly festivals this year in Edo, each of them had special programs including live performances. There will be also great ones every month. If you have not been in Edo before, please visit Edo next year. Wish you a happy new year for!


Posted by Temi at 14:18Comments(2)江戸



天美茶屋 http://slurl.com/secondlife/EDO%20Kanda/166/59/23

The last ones will be never used in the real life, but these are rather square. The top one is a chess board with Night on the back. This is a chess set made by glass bought in the real life for 1,000 yen. The back patterns of the bottom are, from left to right, Kintaro (Japanese character for Children’s day), butterfly, coin, and chocolate which I wore on Saint Valentine’s Day last year, but he did not pay attention….


Posted by Temi at 19:24Comments(0)




Piano and sea: One big tree and one piano, that is all in the whole SIM. The piano plays a quiet original music which drifts over the serene shoal, and there is a nice guy next to me. Can hardly ask more for Christmas. (Yes, there is….)


In the skybox above, there is a calm garden wrapped in a free music reminding Debussy. My avatar does not have any face animation, but my face looks fascinated with the happy moment.


Posted by Temi at 09:17Comments(2)旅行(架空世界)




The specialties at the end of the year are Christmas and Symphony No.9. Was invited to a nice concert by my friend. The program was Finlandia, The 4th movement of Symphony No.9, and Pomp and Circumstance. Spectacular sight that more than fifty players on the stage stood showing their title. The music itself was not played actually by the members and the performance was not said to be the best partly due to the sound effect, but the enthusiasm of all members who gathered together for the same purpose was coming down and made it a great concert.

団員54名に加えて、観客は74名! 舞台と客席が別のSIMになっていて、舞台は一般は立ち入り禁止ですが、それでも70人を超えるとさすがに高速自慢の私も重い! 歩くのがやっとの状態で、カメラを飛ばしていたら戻れなくなった。

In addition to the 54 members, there were 74 audiences! The stage and the seats were in separate SIMs and the stage was off-limit for audiences, but more than 70 avatars made it so heavy that even I, being proud of a fast PC, felt difficulty to walk simply. I was not able to return while flying my camera.


Next morning. Took a walk in the quiet hall. There is a tuning room down the stage. Before the concert, this place might have been full with the member, and there would be pleasant conversation with some feeling of tension before the stage.


Posted by Temi at 09:52Comments(0)




Flying in the night sky with my friend wearing the same dress. The flare is too much on the ground but stretched freely and swung elegantly with little restraint in the air. The sight below is the Kanda shrine, and my house at the lower right.


In a night sky full of stars and snow. The dress glistens and swings lithely in the air. It curled up over my head when descending. A serene, fantastic and illusory moment.


Posted by Temi at 13:00Comments(2)



天美茶屋 http://slurl.com/secondlife/EDO%20Kanda/166/59/23

These ones are also a bit unaesthetic like the ones before. The back is Marlion in Singapore that was used on the sail of my yacht, and the front is a charm against evil I bought in Turk. I am afraid that it is too powerful. The shirts presented before also have large patterns on the back. Please take a look on actual ones. By the way, the last ones are based on my accessories in RL.


Posted by Temi at 19:04Comments(0)




Edo-tree:Decorations on the tree in front of the Kanda Shrine in Edo Kanda is now in progress. Snow-clad Edo city. In front of a gate like luminarie, a couple who had a wedding ceremony at the Kanda Shrine and me playing gooseberry.


Since the tree is huge, decorations are also big. Please image the size by comparing with me floating in the middle. There are many free gifts set under the tree.


Posted by Temi at 12:58Comments(0)江戸



2回続けてテーマは花でしたが、今回はちょっと奇抜なデザイン(^-^) 背中はタロットカードやチョコレートのパッケージ。
天美茶屋 http://slurl.com/secondlife/EDO%20Kanda/166/59/23

Free T-shirts 3:The first and second ones are based on flowers, but these are a bit strange design. There are tarot cards or chocolate package on the back. When a texture is applied on the shirt, the template provided by Linden is used. But it is difficult to foresee the effects before putting a pattern actually on a shirt.


Posted by Temi at 19:17Comments(0)



初心者の方にお勧め。 天美茶屋に置いてあり、毎週5枚つ追加してゆくつもりです。

Free T-shirts:I have made and worn them one by one and ended up with a pile of them. So I selected niceish ones and offered them as free gifts. Since they are fully modifiable, please enjoy changing the size or texture to make your original. Recommended to beginners. They are at the Temi’s Tea House. Five new ones will be added every week.


Posted by Temi at 16:11Comments(0)



右は偶然そのお店のアバターを使っておられた方。二人並ぶと一段と素敵です! 隣のガマさんもかなり歳とってるのかも(^-^)

Nice seniors: Two old folks dropped in at a weekly meeting in Edo. The left is a master of the famous shop of elderly avatars Hakuoudo, and also the creator who made the Kanda shrine. The right is a person incidentally using the avatar. Two next to each other make a nice picture! The frog on the right could be also an elder.


Posted by Temi at 18:57Comments(0)




Yacht race:Watched a race held at Hayama. The control and movement of a yacht are very realistic. Not only the sail and helm, but also the position of the skipper and his weight shift should be controlled to get the maximum speed. Also the boat is capsized if the operation is wrong.

右下の図の中央、今緑になった線がスタートライン。先頭が1秒後に通過、後の艇は慎重派? それとも後でも抜けるという余裕かな。

A countdown starts at 2 minutes before. If one passes the line before the zero, a penalty is called. All boats will start acceleration in a few seconds preceding. A tense moment not to pass the line too early. The bottom right shows the start line at the middle, which has just turned to green. The top one passed at one second after. Others are rather conservative, or confident to catch up later?


During the race, the course is off-limits except officials, but anyone can watch the race freely from an observatory deck in the sky. I was also at the deck and only my camera was stretched down for the shots. Many people are sitting on the parapet. You may drop if wrongly standing up. Even an avatar can be acrophobia.


A few minutes race can exhaust the skipper since both hands are fully used to control the delicate maneuver. A skipper with an absent air after a race. An avatar is also expressive. This skipper was qualified as semifinalists but defeated by the potential winners. But he received a pair of special-made sun glasses and a mug as the prize.


Posted by Temi at 17:06Comments(2)ヨット