


I would continue SL in 2020. Thank you for your extended friendship.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)新スタジオ



「このブログに書いてあることは全部嘘です」と書いたら? これが嘘なら、全てほんとになりますよね? 
私の死4 動物:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1688705.html 
私の死2 火:http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1688172.html 

What if there is a sentense here, “All statements in this blog are false.” If this is false, the whole things should be true. This is the Mouth of Truth in Rome. If you put your hand in and say something false, you cannot release your hand. What will happen if you say, “I will not be able to release my hand.” I put the same kind of paradoxes in my previous articles. Please see the bottom of these.


This may not be a paradox and you can pull your hand back, because the Mouth of Truth is not real one. The guide said that this is one of the three mis-expectations in the world. It is said that the three Ms are, Mouth of Truth, Mermaid, and Manneken Pis. Neither one I can find in SL. Please let me know if anyone saw them. The picture is my avatar visiting The Mermaid in RL.


There is my avatar among the tourists. The Manneken Pis is not as beautiful as Mermaid. It is said that the reason why her legs are human instead of fish is because the leg of the model was too beautiful to be covered.


My three mis-expectation SL are Merlion, Monument of Vatican, and Mount Rushmore. The Merlion in SL is still at this SIM as five years ago. There is an old Concorde flying above.


The Merlion in RL might have been counted as one of the three mis expectation before, but it might be graduated from them when the bigger one was made. The figure in this picture is my avatar but it was my real photo in the old article. Has anyone noticed it?

バチカンは壁紙だけでした;; それもすぐなくなってしまった。

The Vatican palace in SL was just a wall paper and it disappeared soon. This was the era when I was traveling all famous sightseeing spots in SL looking a world atlas. I missed that age… Since it was a bit scary to go abroad alone, I was mainly using a male avatar.  But the shape was made myself, so someone said, “A large girl”.

This is the one when I counted it as one of the three Ms in SL.There was nither sculp nor mesh at this time. Ths one disappeared soon.


I searched this time and found a more realistic one. I had the nerve to stand on the head of Washington. Judging from my height 2m, this face seems to be full scale (60 feet)

North Falls: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/North%20Falls/97/44/21

This is the real Mount Rushmore  The above SIM has almost same shape as this. This SIM is for a huge bike course from sea level to the altitude of 4000 with many landscapes including the Mt. Rushmore.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)旅行(その他)


私の死5 変なの

危険! ってポーズボールにタッチしたら、何か落ちてきて頭を潰され、いやな音が;;
しばらく意識が残るギロチンではなく痛みを感じる脳が一瞬で潰されてしまうので、一番楽な死に方かも? 遺体を引き取る家族はかわいそう;;

There was a pose ball saying dangerous. I touched and then some heavy matter fell on my head and produced icky sound. There was no animation and it was an instant death without any jerk or spasm. Different from the guillotine that remains conscious for a while, this could be the easiest way to die since the brain sensing pain will be crushed at the first moment. What a tragedy for a family who recieve the body...


I laid myself under a sword that was stuck to undersea sand. The difference from that at sea shore is the floated busts that do not open. If arms and legs were raised a bit, it would be more realistic.

This is the original scene of the picture above. I could be eccentric to consider to be laid under this sword.

Underwater: http://temitemi.slmame.com/e1310846.html
Misty: http://temitemi.slmame.com/e1310849.html

This is also at a bottom of sea, one of the pictures that I took when shooting nude photos. At that time, most of all my nude photos were taken under the sea. If you were interested in, please see the old articles. They are not sexy though^-^


The last of my icky death is a meal presented at a shop. Even for me the original figure is too much, so I changed the skin to silver. In this shop, there were other kind of poses such as barbecue, soup, or salad dish, but those are out of my taste. If you read up to here, thank you for your patience. There are many other beautiful (normal ^-^) pictures in my blog, so please visit them too.

終りはまたFF XIII-2から、時を見てしまったセラの命が静かに消えてゆくとこ。安らかな死顔でご気分を直してください。 
セラの最期の言葉は、「ありがとう・・・」 SLにもこんなシェイプがありますように^-^

From the Final Fantasy again, Sera passes peacefully away when she saw the time… Please change your mood with watching her peaceful face. I wish to have this kind of shape available in SL.


If you missed the other beautiful face of Sera in my old article, please see the bottom of this one. Good night...
To sleep or to die: http://temioyen.slmame.com/e1687478.html


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)


私の死4 動物

こうなると私のマゾヒスティックな死も極端^- 旧馬場にあった展示です。
This could be the extreme of my masochistic death. This was an exhibition at old Baba.

This is the original of the one exhibited at the presentation “Out of Bounds World”. Even the Super girl was not able to beat.

For the above two pictures, I took my figure floating in front of the mouth and erased the doubled portion with the head of tyrannosaur. This is not a composite but using hippo avatar that goes through a wall at a public bath at Baba. This article was introduced in an overseas SL blog. The Baba public bath is still in a different SIM as it was. Old fellows are getting together every Saturday, not for bathing though^-^ 
The old article, Hippo and Public Bath: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e838297.html 
Baba Meeting Area: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Publius/47/106/22  


This is one scene at RPG at Colorado. The buffalo attacks. Once beaten, it is necessary to see a doctor for a medical treatment.


There are many pose balls for bitten by a shark or crocodile, but this one is rare, suck down by a caught fish, from an art by Borchovski. I have heard that actually a fisherman could be bitten by a fished up one on a boat.


This is just a retouch and not a composite. Please visit the old article for the process.


This is a new one made this time, the only full-composite picture in this series. There is no killer whale to do this in SL, I hope.

シャチが言いました。 「これから俺がどうするか、言い当てたら離してやろう。 間違ったら食べてしまうぞ!」 
わたしが言いました。 「あなたは私を離してくれないでしょう」 
シャチはどうずる? 水中で私を咥えたままどやってしゃべったのか、なんて言わないでね^-^

The orca said, “If you guess what I will do next, I will release you, else I will eat you.” I said, “You will not release me.” How should the orca do? Do not mention why the orca can speak while biting me in the water. ^-^


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)