


一つづつがSIM全部ですから、なかなか全部見れません。これもいつのまにか入れ替わってしまったKendra Zaurakのアートの一部です。

Linden Endowment for the Arts is made of more than 20 full-SIM arts and some of them are replaced monthly. Each art uses one full SIM, so it is hard to see everything. This one had gone already. A part of an art by Kendra Zaurak.


A street-scape like the Westside of New York. All buildings are phantom and nothing inside. A power pole was real and I climbed on it. Vacant buildings without inside seem to enhance the loneliness in a city.

Aequitasの「恐怖の壁」 http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA19/19/22/21
“Wall of Fear” by Aequitas.


If you walk into the wall directly, the cubes of ‘fear’ change into ‘love’ and fly away. The change will start at the spot where touched but the pattern changes also. It is possible to start from many points by flying around. It is one of pleasures of 3D arts to have such interactive motion. Sometimes the color did not come in and it was monochrome.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)LEA



LEAのフルSIMアート5月展示のひとつ、Mantis Ohの「上昇」を見ました。
Ascension: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA16/136/211/36

Visited one of the May LEM full-SIM arts, “Ascension” by Mantis Oh. The SIM is full with figurative arts with more than 10,000 prims.


There is a treasure hunting set in the SIM, to find out seven orbs with the colors of the rainbow. One of the prizes is the mask that I wore. Also some awards are provided for a quiz machine.
 ORB 1 (red) - Descending deep under - into the abyss, light still shines on me
 ORB 2 (orange) - About to be taken by the visitors, while riding the mantis religiosa
 ORB 3 (yellow) - Forgotten, but not far away
 ORB 4 (green) - The shroom-king of the corner
 ORB 5 (cyan) - Lost amongst crystals
 ORB 6 (blue) - Came from a far away foreign place
 ORB 7 (purple) - The pinnacle of evolution

6番が一番難しかった。 ヒントから宇宙船らしいので、上空の宇宙基地の内部を探したのですが見つからず、別の小さな船の中で(;;)
「謎の泉」の質問は、「巨人たちが皆恐れるハンマーの名前は?」 答はネットで見つけました(^-)

Although there are hints, how can I find out “ORB” that I do not know the shape in this ocean of various figures? But I tried it since it is challenging. Once any one was found, it should be easy. I found them all. ORB 6 was the hardest. According to the hint, it should be in a space ship, but it was not in the space station floating in the air and I found it in another small ship. The question from the ‘Well of riddles’ is “What is the name of the hammer that all giants fear?” I got the answer on the internet.


One of the prizes was “Mechanical Tree”. I put it at my gallery.

無機質な私のギャラリにぴったり! Mantisさんありがとうございます(^-^) 
ギャラリでは二階がTeam ASH写真展、三階は合成写真展です。ぜひお出でください。

It does fit my inorganic gallery. Thank you Mantis! At my gallery, Team ASH photos are on the second floor, and “Composite” is on the third. Please drop in.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)LEA




Most pictures in this blog were taken in SL, but some of them are composite. On the third floor of my gallery the composite pictures are now on exhibition, about thirty including some new works. The south wall is ghost as the second floor, so please enter through it.

(1) 同じものを沢山並べる。(例:暴走する王蟲、兵馬俑)
(2) 現実には出来ないものを作る。(例:上のポスター、エクレアうどん)
(3) 他の写真に自分を入れ込む。(例:エアーズロックを飛ぶナウシカ)

My compositions are not like arts introduced in Photoshop text but can be categorized as follows:
(1) Put many same things. (ex. Stampede of Ohmu or Images of soldiers and horses)
(2) Create things that cannot be seen in RL (ex. the poster above or Éclair noodle)
(3) Insert myself in other picture (ex. Nausicaa flying over Ayers Rock)


This is an element that was inserted in the above picture. Avatar figures were inserted in a real photo. It is required to cut out along the border line of the avatar. The figure shape was drawn manually on another layer in advance and suitable avatar figures were pasted on them.


The picture below and ‘Many passengers’ introduced before were made of pictures that were taken at the same place, so it is easy since it is not required to cut out along the avatar shape. But if you move, the camera position changes also, so another person is needed for shooting. I used my sister.

救ったはずの世界も崩壊・・・あっけなく苦しまずに逝くのがせめてもの救いか、でもあれはひどいよ (;..;)

When you put yourself in other pictures, adjustment in color and joint line are important. It is almost painting. The face of the below 3D art was not made realistic (may be intentionally), so I put my face on it. The picture that is used now as my profile is another replaced face. Please see the full-size one at my gallery. This is a TV game that I spent about two years to clear. She is a heroine, who was traveling across time and space fighting to save the world, but she suddenly dies without seeing her fiancé, and the world that she thought to have saved collapsed. If there is any solace, she died abruptly without agony, but that ending is dispiteous…


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)新スタジオ




An underwater world has been set at the new Baba meeting area, under the Kazumi’s pier that had been introduced as a start point of a yacht course. The last Saturday was a party for mermaids and undersea lives. The new meeting area still does not have a new name but we are gathering together mainly on Saturdays. Group members of Kikyou, Baba, and Juliana, please join us. New guests are also very welcome/

青いのはイグアナ? それでマーメイドダンスしたからちょっとシュール(^-)

Most of us were mermaids, but males might be a bit confused. One was a merman, another wore a Kimono with very long hemline. There was a strange creature. Is the blue one iguana? He performed mermaid dances surreally.


We danced arbitrarily with various clothing, but it was fun that could not be seen in mermaid shows.


Surprisingly all of us had so many kinds of mermaid clothing. It could be easy to see flexible effects underwater.


There were some discussions that mermaid should not wear bra, or mermaid should be akin to duck-bill since they do lactation although they are oviparous. Also someone introduced a story of a boy who fell in love with a mermaid and successfully transformed to merman to get married, but was disappointed to find out that all he could do is pour on the eggs. But watching salmons, there would be some ecstasy when ejecting eggs or sperms… We should ask fish.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(2)ダンス



LEAのアート展、Betty TreaudのThe 9 Art Planetを見ました。9つのステージがあります。
LEA20: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA20/150/122/3001

Visited LEA full-SIM art, The 9 Art Planet by Betty Treaud. There are nine stages. This time I will take some of them that have beautiful colors. This is the 1st stage, Matrix.


Space walking animations are popular but this one is beautiful in the color and spacious feel. The color keeps changing and I would like to stay flying forever.


The flying path is different depending on pose ball you pick and the surrounding pattern is also changing, so it is hard to shoot pictures.


When I enter in an art, I will wear clothing that fits the art, but in this unreality, I rather picked up everyday clothes. Frankly speaking, I was not sure what kind of clothing is suitable.


This is the 3rd stage, Bubble. There are many soap bubbles. There are other stages such as a maze that gives you prizes when you get the goal.


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)LEA




A public performance by Team ASH was held on May 11. Pictures are now exhibited at my gallery.


This time they kindly allowed me to shoot photographs at the rehearsal, so I included some pictures that might not (should not?) be taken during the show such as the back stage or close-up. I did not introduce the performance in advance since it was not allowed to up the picture before, but the SIM was full and was not able to come in anyway. Please do not miss the next change.


The appearance of the site was also cool. The dance was smooth and it was easy to swing the camera around although there were more than 40 audiences. Was it because of the skybox that did not need to read in other scenery or the severe script check?


Posted by Temi at 06:05Comments(0)ダンスショウ




When I said that my new yacht can carry 32 passengers, someone said that it should be a slave ship, so here is an introduction of the Loonetta. There are 12 positions only around the cockpit.


There are nine seats in the main cabin. Each position has animation respectively. Sorry to say but all on board are only Temi. Actually guests may not sit in this kind of varieties, but it might be joyful to do like this. I would try some day.


There are more positions in bedroom, kitchen, and also toilet. It is hard to set camera position. It is also joyful to walk through a ship that was made larger than actual scale, but this one provides real feel of a cruiser. The entrance to bedroom behind the stair is nice!


Posted by Temi at 07:05Comments(2)ヨット




Visited a SIM where Red Bull Air Race was simulated. The plane flying seems to be Extra 300


Actual race in RL has more gates. Different from the Reno Air Race, Red Bull is time trial by one plane at a time. The gate, height and inclination are strictly regulated.


There might be some minimum altitude, but it is cool to skim the sea at speed. Even though it hits the water, it keeps flying underwater without crash.

ピッツがF-1だとしたらポルシェみたいな? RLでこれを買う人は競技には出ないで楽しむ人も多いとか。計器飛行のオプションもあるそうです。

Extra 300 is popular in aerobatics and radio-controlled model planes. I flew it many times in the flight simulator that my brother had. Different from Pitts Special that is said to be very hard in take off and landing, Extra is quiet and comfortable sports plane. If Pitts is formula I racer, Extra will be Porsche Boxster. It is said that many people buy this plane not for competition but for pleasure to fly. Also there is an instrument flight opeion. In this SL model there is no rudder and aileron turn only, so it may not be possible to make tricks with side slip like Lamcevak, but it could be possible to make torque roll or Kulbit that are popular in air show or RC model planes.


The pilot who kindly cooperated in shooting was Kitto a cute yacht lady, who got the third price in previous competition. By the way, Amelia Earhart at ‘Night at the Museum II’ was cool!  

実はこんなに小さいのです! タイニーより小さなマイクロアバター。だからSIM超えなしで十分飛び回ることが出来るんですね。
ヨットもマイクロ化すればSIM越えなしで大きなコースが作れる! Corryさんに伺ったらヨットはすぐ小型化出来るそうです。
そのうち町も景色も、みんなマイクロ化されたりして(^-) そういえば江戸時代に、街をSIMひとつ丸ごとタイニー用に作った試作がありました。

Actual size is so small, a micro avatar smaller than a tiny one. That is why it can fly freely without SIM crossing. If the full sky up to 4000m were used, it could be possible to make jet races. There will be no problem in climbing up, but a steep dive might be thrilling. If yachts were made in this size, it could be possible to set more complicated course without crossing SIM border. Someday all towns and landscapes might be made for micro avatars? Come to think of it, in the Edo period there was a trial project to make a city using a whole SIM for tiny avatars.


Posted by Temi at 10:05Comments(0)乗物



Kittoさん所有のヨット、ルーネッタでBlake Seaから西へロングクルーズしました。
このヨットはSIM超えのためにスクリプトを極力軽くしたのだそうで、全然落ちません! 沢山乗ってSIM超えしても大丈夫だそうです。
定員は32 人(!)ですが、マニュアルにはそれでSIM超えは推奨しないって(^-) 早速買ってきました。

Made a long cruise from Blake Sea toward the west with Kitto on her yacht Loonetta. This yacht is said to be made with the great care to reduce CPU time ensuring the best possible SIM-crossings and low lag. During our long sailing, there was no trouble in the crossing. Also this yacht supports 32 passengers with individual animations, but the manual does not recommend that many for SIM-crossing. I bought it immediately. She is a bit chubby but a bright spark, but that is another story. The subject this time is the mysterious island on the right.


There was a fancy island and we took pictures, but the island on the right was not seen by Kitto and Lan on board. I thought it was due to the difference in viewing distance. It may be difficult to make such a landscape with overhang, so I decided to come back to see more detail.

背景のために立体地形が置かれてることはあるけど、一晩で消える? それとも私だけに見えた蜃気楼・・・

But next day, I found that there is no SIM where the island was. There is a case where three-dimensional landscape is prepared for background, but does it disappear overnight? Or was it a fata morgana that only I was able to see…


Posted by Temi at 09:05Comments(0)ヨット




From the west side of Satori to the north-east corner of Nautilus, a long course passing through about ninety SIMs. Someone made a SIM on the coastal waterway private, and now it is impossible to make a full circle of a continent, but the inland sea of Nautilus is more flexible in selecting courses and has varied scenes.

Start: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Tuulikki/26/194/22

An island as the starting point. I tried this course with various yachts but every time I was logged out around the strait in the inland sea. So I used a buggy boat that is small and good in stability and steerability. Also this one has good speed.

Goal: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Leoming/208/64/22

An island near the goal. There is a free REZ area. The sea is dead end some distance ahead. The cautious outward voyage took about 30 minutes but the shooting homeward was about 15 minutes. The points not to drop when crossing SIM borders might be to release throttle and rudder to make coasting at the border, and to slow down when passing strait. But it is exhilarating to speed at the maximum of 130km/h while feeling thumps every time crossing SIM border. Since the buggy boat is too small for picture, I brought out an ocean racer, a new model from WildWind. I will try again with this.

東にはヨットレースで有名なBlake Seaがあります。Blake Seaの字の右上の白いSIMは大きなヨットクラブのあるハリウッド。
東の方へ伸びている水路はSLで一番長い直線水路かも。ジェットボートを出して最高速度を試そうとしたらすぐ落ちた(; ;)
1: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Nautilus%20-%20Symacom/38/53/23
2: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Blake%20Sea%20-%20Half%20Hitch/119/45/22

There are many yacht race courses set in the inland sea of Nautilus and many buoys were set. Titanic is also on the way. On the east there is Blake Sea that is famous as yacht racing site. The white SIM on the right of the letter Blake Sea is Hollywood SIM that has a large yacht club. I will introduce two islands with free REZ zones. There will be many yacht races held here so please be careful not to interfere other racers. The waterway toward east may be the longest straight course in the SL. I rode a jet-boat to try the maximum speed but I dropped out soon.


Posted by Temi at 07:05Comments(0)ヨット