Visited a SIM where Red Bull Air Race was simulated. The plane flying seems to be Extra 300
Actual race in RL has more gates. Different from the Reno Air Race, Red Bull is time trial by one plane at a time. The gate, height and inclination are strictly regulated.
There might be some minimum altitude, but it is cool to skim the sea at speed. Even though it hits the water, it keeps flying underwater without crash.
ピッツがF-1だとしたらポルシェみたいな? RLでこれを買う人は競技には出ないで楽しむ人も多いとか。計器飛行のオプションもあるそうです。
Extra 300 is popular in aerobatics and radio-controlled model planes. I flew it many times in the flight simulator that my brother had. Different from Pitts Special that is said to be very hard in take off and landing, Extra is quiet and comfortable sports plane. If Pitts is formula I racer, Extra will be Porsche Boxster. It is said that many people buy this plane not for competition but for pleasure to fly. Also there is an instrument flight opeion. In this SL model there is no rudder and aileron turn only, so it may not be possible to make tricks with side slip like Lamcevak, but it could be possible to make torque roll or Kulbit that are popular in air show or RC model planes.
The pilot who kindly cooperated in shooting was Kitto a cute yacht lady, who got the third price in previous competition. By the way, Amelia Earhart at ‘Night at the Museum II’ was cool!
実はこんなに小さいのです! タイニーより小さなマイクロアバター。だからSIM超えなしで十分飛び回ることが出来るんですね。
ヨットもマイクロ化すればSIM越えなしで大きなコースが作れる! Corryさんに伺ったらヨットはすぐ小型化出来るそうです。
そのうち町も景色も、みんなマイクロ化されたりして(^-) そういえば江戸時代に、街をSIMひとつ丸ごとタイニー用に作った試作がありました。
Actual size is so small, a micro avatar smaller than a tiny one. That is why it can fly freely without SIM crossing. If the full sky up to 4000m were used, it could be possible to make jet races. There will be no problem in climbing up, but a steep dive might be thrilling. If yachts were made in this size, it could be possible to set more complicated course without crossing SIM border. Someday all towns and landscapes might be made for micro avatars? Come to think of it, in the Edo period there was a trial project to make a city using a whole SIM for tiny avatars.
Visited a SIM where Red Bull Air Race was simulated. The plane flying seems to be Extra 300
Actual race in RL has more gates. Different from the Reno Air Race, Red Bull is time trial by one plane at a time. The gate, height and inclination are strictly regulated.
There might be some minimum altitude, but it is cool to skim the sea at speed. Even though it hits the water, it keeps flying underwater without crash.
ピッツがF-1だとしたらポルシェみたいな? RLでこれを買う人は競技には出ないで楽しむ人も多いとか。計器飛行のオプションもあるそうです。
Extra 300 is popular in aerobatics and radio-controlled model planes. I flew it many times in the flight simulator that my brother had. Different from Pitts Special that is said to be very hard in take off and landing, Extra is quiet and comfortable sports plane. If Pitts is formula I racer, Extra will be Porsche Boxster. It is said that many people buy this plane not for competition but for pleasure to fly. Also there is an instrument flight opeion. In this SL model there is no rudder and aileron turn only, so it may not be possible to make tricks with side slip like Lamcevak, but it could be possible to make torque roll or Kulbit that are popular in air show or RC model planes.
The pilot who kindly cooperated in shooting was Kitto a cute yacht lady, who got the third price in previous competition. By the way, Amelia Earhart at ‘Night at the Museum II’ was cool!
実はこんなに小さいのです! タイニーより小さなマイクロアバター。だからSIM超えなしで十分飛び回ることが出来るんですね。
ヨットもマイクロ化すればSIM越えなしで大きなコースが作れる! Corryさんに伺ったらヨットはすぐ小型化出来るそうです。
そのうち町も景色も、みんなマイクロ化されたりして(^-) そういえば江戸時代に、街をSIMひとつ丸ごとタイニー用に作った試作がありました。
Actual size is so small, a micro avatar smaller than a tiny one. That is why it can fly freely without SIM crossing. If the full sky up to 4000m were used, it could be possible to make jet races. There will be no problem in climbing up, but a steep dive might be thrilling. If yachts were made in this size, it could be possible to set more complicated course without crossing SIM border. Someday all towns and landscapes might be made for micro avatars? Come to think of it, in the Edo period there was a trial project to make a city using a whole SIM for tiny avatars.
Posted by Temi at 10:05│Comments(0)