

UWA 10月3

UWA 10月3
これはToughlove Sabraの「救済、それとも・・・」 悪魔の前に立つと、雷で撃ち倒されます。
Salvation or...: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/111/93/276

One of the joyful things in this event is that there are many arts that allow audience enter and see inside. This is "Salvation or............" by Toughlove Sabra. When standing in front of it, you are struck by lightning. To shoot the lightning was not so easy since it is impossible to waid for it with the shatter opened as in RL.

UWA 10月3


A litthe long animation, be shocked, wobble, fall down, throw out chest, and go limp. It may be an original animation. There is a branch shop(?) of Angel next door, where you can get revived.

UWA 10月3

Nexuno Thespianの「死のダンス」 タバコの害を表現したのでしょうか。
Death dance : http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/136/9/247

"Death dance" by Nexuno Thespian. It may depict the harm of smoking. The artist put features such as a shade of human in the smoke and the stub made as a corpse, but I laid down frivorously, which may ruin the art. Sorry for that.

UWA 10月3

Faery Solaの「魔女の作業場、健康と安全」 
The Witches Workplace : http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/77/95/247

"The Witches Workplace Health and Safety" by Faery Sola. Stood on it for mother's help, but this also could profane the art. Please forgive me since I voted for it.

UWA 10月3

Ginger Lorakeetの「不思議の国のホール」 右のようにわざとパースを乱してあるのです。
3Dアートではこういう効果を生かした作品がもっとあってもよかったな。エッシャーみたいな、以前紹介したHarter Fallの「柱のうしろ」とか。

When I am shooting SSs, I am selecting the camera angle to get one-point perspective projection, but it was impossible in this case. "Wonderland Hall" by Ginger Lorakeet. As you see on the right, it intentionally disarranged the perspective. I would like to see more like this in 3D arts utilizing this effect, like the world of Escher, as the one introduced before, "Behind columns" by Harter Fall.

UWA 10月3

UWA  最後のアート
さよならUWA 4
さよならUWA 3
さよならUWA 2
3Dアートの楽しみ 3
 UWA 最後のアート (2021-02-20 06:05)
 さよならUWA 4 (2021-01-30 06:05)
 さよならUWA 3 (2021-01-16 06:05)
 さよならUWA 2 (2021-01-11 06:05)
 さよならUWA (2020-12-05 06:05)
 3Dアートの楽しみ 3 (2020-03-14 06:05)
Posted by Temi at 06:49│Comments(0)UWA