In the SL Gallery List, there were about 550 before, but now 300 galleries listed. I visited again about 200 of them. There are various types of galleries. This is a typical one, mainly for the picture exhibition. My old gallery is also this type, although that was made of only cubes because I was not able to create any shape.

SL arts could be categorized by, hand-painted, photograph (RL, SL), digital, or great pictures including parodies. This one is all for Van Gogh, including three dimensional rooms and buildings in pictures. There was a huge art of Guernica using a full SIM. I miss the age of many activities supported by the Linden Endowment for the Arts.
ゲルニカ: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1294169.html

ギャラリそのものがアート的。 お城や宮殿、未来都市のような素敵な環境もあり、アートは装飾品の一部とも見えるものも。
There are some galleries where the gallery itself could be considered as an art, fantastic castle, gorgeous palace, or futuristic city, where the arts look like a part of decorations.

There are shared galleries for many artists, or like a shopping mall including many galleries. My favorite pictures are, beautiful in color and shape, unique, sexy or fantasy, with high resolution. Soft ones with intentional blurring are not my choice.

Outdoor exhibition. It is OK when the artist did the site too, but if they are different in the point of interest, it may cause trouble. I had an experience to do interpretation between them. The artist said it put too much weight on the way of presentation, and the site creator said if you do not like, use other ways to present them by themselves.

There are cases to use whole town for many galleries, which took a few days to see all of them. I took snapshots of my favorite pictures only for my private interest, which are not used in my blog without permission. They are good for my study, and more than 1000 pictures stored in my computer.

Four Seasons of my Gallery: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1484716.html
Some portraits are using not so beautiful models, so I tried to shoot some art-like self-portrait. A teacher said, “The art is art when you say it is an art” My galleries are not anymore, but I could have presented my pictures as arts if I selected them seriously.

After all, I could be better to stick to my interpretive style. This was taken at the same place above but ended up with totally different mood.

ギャラリのリストです。順序は不明ですが、上位ほど一般的のようで、最初の方を見れば十分? 以前紹介したMillyさんのギャラリはトップになっていました。
左の検索ウィンドウで、Adult、Digital、Photography(RL.SL) など絞り込みが出来ます。
SLのアートギャラリ一覧: http://sasun.info/artgalleriesofsl.htm
This is the gallery list. I do not know the rule of the order, but it looks that the earlier ones are more recent and fulfilling. You can search and narrow down them with the left window, by words, Adult, Digital, or Photography.
In the SL Gallery List, there were about 550 before, but now 300 galleries listed. I visited again about 200 of them. There are various types of galleries. This is a typical one, mainly for the picture exhibition. My old gallery is also this type, although that was made of only cubes because I was not able to create any shape.

SL arts could be categorized by, hand-painted, photograph (RL, SL), digital, or great pictures including parodies. This one is all for Van Gogh, including three dimensional rooms and buildings in pictures. There was a huge art of Guernica using a full SIM. I miss the age of many activities supported by the Linden Endowment for the Arts.
ゲルニカ: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1294169.html

ギャラリそのものがアート的。 お城や宮殿、未来都市のような素敵な環境もあり、アートは装飾品の一部とも見えるものも。
There are some galleries where the gallery itself could be considered as an art, fantastic castle, gorgeous palace, or futuristic city, where the arts look like a part of decorations.

There are shared galleries for many artists, or like a shopping mall including many galleries. My favorite pictures are, beautiful in color and shape, unique, sexy or fantasy, with high resolution. Soft ones with intentional blurring are not my choice.

Outdoor exhibition. It is OK when the artist did the site too, but if they are different in the point of interest, it may cause trouble. I had an experience to do interpretation between them. The artist said it put too much weight on the way of presentation, and the site creator said if you do not like, use other ways to present them by themselves.

There are cases to use whole town for many galleries, which took a few days to see all of them. I took snapshots of my favorite pictures only for my private interest, which are not used in my blog without permission. They are good for my study, and more than 1000 pictures stored in my computer.

Four Seasons of my Gallery: http://temisirbu.slmame.com/e1484716.html
Some portraits are using not so beautiful models, so I tried to shoot some art-like self-portrait. A teacher said, “The art is art when you say it is an art” My galleries are not anymore, but I could have presented my pictures as arts if I selected them seriously.

After all, I could be better to stick to my interpretive style. This was taken at the same place above but ended up with totally different mood.

ギャラリのリストです。順序は不明ですが、上位ほど一般的のようで、最初の方を見れば十分? 以前紹介したMillyさんのギャラリはトップになっていました。
左の検索ウィンドウで、Adult、Digital、Photography(RL.SL) など絞り込みが出来ます。
SLのアートギャラリ一覧: http://sasun.info/artgalleriesofsl.htm
This is the gallery list. I do not know the rule of the order, but it looks that the earlier ones are more recent and fulfilling. You can search and narrow down them with the left window, by words, Adult, Digital, or Photography.
Posted by Temi at 06:05│Comments(0)