

UWA 3D Art4

Rose Borchovskiの「隠された」 正面から見ると、Roseさんのお馴染みの子供キャラが。例によって私も一緒に写っています。
Hidden: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/110/102/248
(もしブラウザにInternet Explorerをお使いの場合、SLURLのリンクをクリックしてもマップからTPが出来ないことがあります。

The word “reflection” has other meaning, such as reminiscence, deliberation, contemplation, or review, and there are many arts considering them. This is “Hidden” by Rose Borchovski. In the front view, there is a familiar child character of Rose. As usual, I put myself together.
(If you are using Internet Explorer as a browser, you may not be able to TP from the map when you crick the SLURL link. In that case, please use other browser such as Google Chrome, or type in the SIM name and coordinates to your map directly.)

UWA 3D Art4


Looking back toward the entrance, there is a different reflection. This art does not have an explanatory note card. Arts may not need interpretation, but I would like to listen to Rose’s story that is always amusing me.

UWA 3D Art4

Krystali Rabeniの「沈黙の反映」 水の溜まった部屋の中で向き合う男性と私、壁には警句のようなものが。私は誰と向き合っているのか・・・
Silent Reflections: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/94/217/248

“Silent Reflections” by Krystali Rabeni. A mail and I facing each other in a flooded room. There are some kinds of aphorisms on the wall. Whom am I facing?

UWA 3D Art4

Cherry Mangaの「我思う故に我あり」 自分のことを考えている自分、その自分を考えているのは誰? 
蟻は集団ですごい作業をするけど、一人ひとりの蟻は考えてはいない・・・ 「思う」ってどういうこと? 
Cogito ergo sum: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/22/90/248

“Cogito ergo sum” by Cherry Manga. The self who is thinking about a self, but who is thinking about the self who is self-thinking? It could be a brain, but each neuron in it does not thinking by itself. Ants are making big job as a group, but each ant is not thinking about the work. What is “to think” all about?

UWA 3D Art4

Jipe Loonの「堕落の浜辺に4人の処女のいる鏡」 作者はアートスクールの学生で石の彫刻を学び、今はバーチャルな彫刻を。
Mirror With 4 Virgins: http://slurl.com/secondlife/UWA/37/228/248

“Mirror With 4 Virgins on the Shores of their Depravity” by Jipe Loon. The artist is a student in art school then stone sculptor now sculpts virtually. In a transparent tower, there are males and beasts. I cannot read the meaning but I feel somewhat dangerous image that is not suitable for a lassie.

UWA 3D Art4

UWA  最後のアート
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3Dアートの楽しみ 3
 UWA 最後のアート (2021-02-20 06:05)
 さよならUWA 4 (2021-01-30 06:05)
 さよならUWA 3 (2021-01-16 06:05)
 さよならUWA 2 (2021-01-11 06:05)
 さよならUWA (2020-12-05 06:05)
 3Dアートの楽しみ 3 (2020-03-14 06:05)
Posted by Temi at 06:05│Comments(0)UWA