One of the Rez Zones, other than sandbox. road side, and yacht club, is an airport. But most airports do not have the road way out from the airfield.
At this airport, there is a service road that makes it possible to move in and out with cars.
Through the service road, there is a normal town where I can drive around freely,
There is a motel, where I took normal pictures at the first time. This is a popular situation that can be seen in many motels in the US.
But the sky looks strange. Second look found that the whole town is situated under the airport. The blue ceiling is not the sky but the back side of the runway.
街の外へ出たら、リンデンの公道でした。長い橋がありました。全長530Mの道路橋で、Rez Zoneもついてました。
I drove out from the town and got the Linden public road. There was a long bridge with total length of 530M, with Rez Zone.
Rezは出来るけど、全く外へ出られないのが空母^-^ 誰もいないからいいけど、見つかったら海洋投棄されちゃいますね^-^
The place that allows Rez a car but no way out, an aircraft carrier. It was OK since nobody was there, but if found, it will be subject to ocean dumping.
One of the Rez Zones, other than sandbox. road side, and yacht club, is an airport. But most airports do not have the road way out from the airfield.
At this airport, there is a service road that makes it possible to move in and out with cars.
Through the service road, there is a normal town where I can drive around freely,
There is a motel, where I took normal pictures at the first time. This is a popular situation that can be seen in many motels in the US.
But the sky looks strange. Second look found that the whole town is situated under the airport. The blue ceiling is not the sky but the back side of the runway.
街の外へ出たら、リンデンの公道でした。長い橋がありました。全長530Mの道路橋で、Rez Zoneもついてました。
I drove out from the town and got the Linden public road. There was a long bridge with total length of 530M, with Rez Zone.
Rezは出来るけど、全く外へ出られないのが空母^-^ 誰もいないからいいけど、見つかったら海洋投棄されちゃいますね^-^
The place that allows Rez a car but no way out, an aircraft carrier. It was OK since nobody was there, but if found, it will be subject to ocean dumping.
Posted by Temi at 06:05│Comments(0)