SL9B 3


2012年07月03日 06:54

Dogpatchy Dogostinoの「蓮のステージ」に2SIMにわたって日本製の汽車が。これまでSLで見た列車の中で一番長い!
蒸気機関車のことSL、て言いますよね。8輌の客車と機関車でSL9B? 作者は客車を8両にするか9両にするか迷ったでないかな(^-)

There was a railroad next to the Lotus Stage by Dogpatchy Dogostino. The train was made in Japan. The longest train I ever saw in SL. Steam locomotive is also caled SL. Eight carriages and one SL make SL9B? The artist might have considered whether the number of cariaages should be eight or nine. The old Japanese carriage should be 20m in length, but this one was about 28m. It is said that it is necessary to create things larger than actual size in SL in order to make it realistic.


The interior seems to be depicted truly including restrooms.


Luggage selves were made with net, which is really Ami-dana (net rack). There was a question on the net, “Why do we call the luggage shelf Amidana”, and the answer was “The same as we call shoe cupboard Geta-bako (wooden footgear case) although we will not put any wooden footgear anymore. You can see that the size is larger than real. I am not so small but I may not be able to pick up luggage from this shelf.


Looking through the carriages with the passage door opened. The empty seats give me a joyful feel of happiness and standing to gain.

KT Syakmiの砂漠のステージ。さらさらと流れ続ける砂が印象的でした。
トレジャーハントが開催されていたそうですけど、やってる時間がなかった(; ;)

Egypt Stage by KT Syakmi. Ever-flowing sand was impressive. There was treasure hunt program in this stage but I did not have enough time to follow.


The entrance of the dune guarded by huge statues of Bastet. Thank the organizers for the wonderful events! One week was too short. I wish it were for one month at least if possible. It is said that there will be another big event in autumn. The next year will be tenth anniversary which will be great. But am I still doing SL up to then…
