

2016年04月26日 06:05

今日26日はチェルノブイリ事故から30年です。ここはLauren Benthamさんの終末後の世界をテーマにしたEverwinter SIM。
“Everwinter”, Post Apocalyptic Theme Park: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Elven%20Mist/236/117/25

Today April 26 is the 30th anniversary of the tragedy of Chernobyl. This is Everwinter, a post-apocalyptic SIM created by Lauren Bentham. This SIM was inspired by the abandoned amusement park in the City of Pripyat Ukraine situated near the plant.

Wikipediaの説明から: 町の中心部にあった遊園地は、1986年5月1日のメーデーを祝して開園予定だったものだが、

Explanation in Wikipedia: The park was to be opened on May 1, 1986 in time for the May Day celebrations (decorations for this event are still in place in Pripyat today) but the plans were interrupted when on April 26 the Chernobyl disaster occurred a few kilometers away. Today, the park, and in particular the Ferris wheel are a symbol of the Chernobyl disaster.


The terrible situation was that the Park was opened for a couple of hours on April 27 to keep the city people entertained before the announcement to evacuate the city was made. What did they see and sensate on the Ferris wheel on the next day of the disaster? At that time the danger of radioactivity had not been widely recognized and persons at work or fire control did not wear any protective clothing. At that time protective gear for radioactivity itself might not exist in the world.


それ以前に、福島、熊本と、「想定外」「観測史上初」 が二度も続いているのに、どうやって事故の確率が計算できるのでしょう? 

This is a real picture of Pripyat on Wikipedia. It is said that more than a few hundred years should pass until it becomes possible to reside there. They say several hundred thousand people died due to the accident. But should it be concluded that no more nuclear plant because of this? There is a certain probability to have airplane accident causing tragedy but airplanes have not been prohibited. To what extent should the accident probability and projected damage be lowered until we can start to use nuclear plant. Above all, Fukushima was “unexpected circumstances” and Kumamoto was “the first one in record history”. So how can we calculate the accident probability? It is theoretically impossible to say absolutely safe. I think nuclear power plants should be stopped instantly until everybody accept the actual damage probability that should not be zero,
