Someone from UWA said, “It is an art if the self said it is an art.” “Dreamer's Box - Dreamer's Container FULL VERSION 1" by iBi. This is a simple container that was also at Baba meeting area, but it makes an art with some lighting devices arranged.
There is a category in SL arts to visualize in three dimension the historical devices or facilities. The SIM reproducing drawings of Leonardo da Vinci in three dimensions. This is “Cloudbuster (in field)” by Dekka. This was a rainmaker by using some kind of energy by aiming at clouds to connect it to water on the ground. There were several machines made actually and one of them still exists. I imagine there was no actual effect.
どこかの大学の建築学科で 「役にたたない機械を作れ」 という課題があるそうです。これは合格かも^-^
Dekka is exhibiting several strange devices. This one is “Xibalba Lodestone Synthesizer “, which creates synthesizer-like tone with Neolithic diorite lodestones by water power, intrigued by a story that someone heard a strange machine creating synthesizer-like tones in Africa. But I cannot see the mechanism from any directions. In an architecture course of a university, there is a task to create a machine that has no use. This could pass the exam.
「改良した望遠カメラセット」 何かを覗く装置らしいのですが、変なポーズさせられるだけで何も見えません;;
“Revised Telescope Camera Set”. It could be to peek something, but only to make a funny pose for nothing.
「ロボットを浸すホイール」。 回し車のように中で回すとロボットが水没します。
“Robot Dipping Wheel”. The robot was submerged in the water when the wheel was rotated like a racing wheel.
“Barn Shack Tower 2019”. I tried haning several times in SL and also put some real pictures in my gallery, but this one is a robot. The right arm was detached and set on the table behind. Does this have some special meaning?
A pose falling down from a stepladder. This is not an animation but a static pose. There is a picture of a child climbing on it on the wall, but I cannot see the meaning since I did not find any explanation note card. The pose was a bit cute so I took a picture.
A room in the theme Tower also by Dekka, an execution by lethal injection. Three kinds of agent will be injected with some interval. Sodium Thiopental ultra-short-acting drug causes unconsciousness, Pancronium bromide paralyzes muscles, and Potassium chloride stops heart. The person will become unconscious immediately at the first shot and will not feel any pain. I prefer some sensation at that time.