

2020年11月10日 06:05


This time these are rather popular bugs. This is what I called “Corcovado bug” that happened mostly in a clouded SIM. This cannot be seen by self and I was not sure if other persons noticed.

口開きバグ: これも自分のは見えませんが、他の人には見えています。

“Open mouth bug”. This one also cannot be seen by self, but others would notice. I asked my friend who knows well and he said this is Linden’s bug that happens in a heavy SIM. I noticed this happened on a dancer at a show.

女性化バグ: 和田現象としてよく知られてたので、たくましい男性が小柄な女性に。おひげはそのままですが胸は私より立派。

“Feminization bug”. A macho guy turned into a short girl. The mouthtache stayed but the bust was more gorgeous than me. It is said because the avatars were made based on female body. It was well known as “Wada syndrome” in Japan. Ms. Wada is an actress who is very strong.

別人バグ: 違う顔になってしまうバグ。左は私、右はバグでよく出てくる顔で変ではないですが、ご本人とは全く違います。

“Different person bug” that results in other face. The left is me, and the right is common face that comes with this bug. It is not so strange but no resemblance to the person. It is common to come together with the hair bug.

ポロリバグ: 部分的に透明になってしまうバグで、まだアルファシャツがないころです。左はドレス部分が全部透明に。

“Exposure bug”. A part of clothing becomes transparent. There was no alpha shirt at this time. On the left, a part of dress was erased together with the body. On the right, only the top clothing was disappeared and the bust was exposed. In other case, the bottom cloth was gone and a formidable thing was shown. I took a SS but naturally cannot bring it here…

尼さんバグ: 一時カメラを近づけるとヘアが消えることがありましたが、これは距離に関係ない。

“Japanese nun bug”. Once there was a bug that erased hair when moving camera close, but this happened in a distance. The right one is me. At a regular meeting at Edo, the kimono was not for nun.
