私の死2 火


2019年11月27日 06:05


At the massive fire at Edo, my happi coat was inflamed while fire fighting. Afterward nobody noticed me getting cool and cold on the roof.


The fire at a garden at Temi’s Tea House tends to ignite a person coming in and would not fade for a while. I did not recall who this was since she was incinerated.

Of early date of my SL. I am tempted to go into fire like a moth. I could be a kind of masochist to some extent.


This picture was not used in my blog. Actually, a human body will not be such a pose in a fire. But I am not sure if a stone-dead body was put into. Anyway, the hair should be ignited at first, so this picture is wrong.

王様が言いました。 「この詐欺師め、最後に何か言ってみよ。真実を述べれば慈悲として絞首刑で済ます。間違っていれば火炙りにする!」
詐欺が言いました。 「私は火炙りになるでしょう」  ・・・王様はどうすればいい?

If actually done, a death by fire could be one of the most painful way to die. A king said, “You an imposter! Tell the truth as the last word. If you say a truth, I will hang you as a mercy, but if you say a lie, I will burn you alive!” The imposter said, “I will be burt alive.” What should the king do?