The other day Miruru had this bug, her boyish shape did not fit the breast texture, which was not fixed by changing shape and skin.

リログしたら治っていつもの巨乳に^-^ 直前まで着てた和服のシェイプが外せなくなったようでした。
Re-log made a full recovery to her big boobs. It could have been caused by the slim shape for Japanese closing that became impossible to remove. The right is not a bug but her swinging breasts animation with the fore and aft movement that made her breast blasted off.

Members of the women’s meeting at Sachiko’s Pub. The right is Sachiko the mother, the far left is Miruru who fully recovered. The black lady is Refugee who is now “2B”, a game character. The cap is Pin2, the ping-pong girl. We have known each other for mor than 15 years bud we are not exchanging friend registration. Now we are, and I am glad to be able to have a cute “elder” kid sister

The left is Enju. The next is Koo55, who had looked like an affable teacher at an elementary school, but recently became sexier under the influence of Miruru. Including other members as Chiffonpink and Emiciao, it is now almost a girls-drinking. Male members might be distantly respecting the period.

よく見ると、みなさん立派なバスト! 左はEnjuさん。右はかわいいピンさんですがしっかり胸が。
Having a careful look, everyone has gorgeous breasts. The left is Enju. Even a cute girl Pin2 has sound breasts

To mention my case, I thought I made them rather large, but still, they do not match the skin. One of the things that cannot be done in RL could be huge breasts, but I am not crazy about it, may be because I saw too many clunk cases with large breasts and hip in the RL in USA. Is there anyone who could say it is cute that the things are not so huge?

The other day Miruru had this bug, her boyish shape did not fit the breast texture, which was not fixed by changing shape and skin.

リログしたら治っていつもの巨乳に^-^ 直前まで着てた和服のシェイプが外せなくなったようでした。
Re-log made a full recovery to her big boobs. It could have been caused by the slim shape for Japanese closing that became impossible to remove. The right is not a bug but her swinging breasts animation with the fore and aft movement that made her breast blasted off.

Members of the women’s meeting at Sachiko’s Pub. The right is Sachiko the mother, the far left is Miruru who fully recovered. The black lady is Refugee who is now “2B”, a game character. The cap is Pin2, the ping-pong girl. We have known each other for mor than 15 years bud we are not exchanging friend registration. Now we are, and I am glad to be able to have a cute “elder” kid sister

The left is Enju. The next is Koo55, who had looked like an affable teacher at an elementary school, but recently became sexier under the influence of Miruru. Including other members as Chiffonpink and Emiciao, it is now almost a girls-drinking. Male members might be distantly respecting the period.

よく見ると、みなさん立派なバスト! 左はEnjuさん。右はかわいいピンさんですがしっかり胸が。
Having a careful look, everyone has gorgeous breasts. The left is Enju. Even a cute girl Pin2 has sound breasts

To mention my case, I thought I made them rather large, but still, they do not match the skin. One of the things that cannot be done in RL could be huge breasts, but I am not crazy about it, may be because I saw too many clunk cases with large breasts and hip in the RL in USA. Is there anyone who could say it is cute that the things are not so huge?

Posted by Temi at 06:05│Comments(0)