Artistide Depresの 「ハックスリーの世界に囲まれた私の象牙の塔を見つけたら、そこはオーウェルの世界へと変化した」
911以来、世の中はハックスリーの世界 (SF小説「すばらしい新世界」の機械が極限まで発達し人間が尊厳性を見失う逆ユートピア) から
オーウェルの世界 (三つの大国により分割統治される統制社会) へと変った、ということがテーマだそうです。
LEA Full SIM Art: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA6/147/72/23
Now LEA Full SIM Art Series January is presented. "Where I found my Ivory Tower Surrounded by a Huxleyan World, Which Turned out to be an Orwellian World" by Artistide Depres. Asked the reason of such a long title at an interview, the artist answered "I think the installation needed such a title-explanation as I decided to avoid text or navigation on the sim itself" Also he said that the main theme is; Since 911, the world has changed from a Huxleyan one (Brave New World, a science fiction describing future world with highly decelopped machine and human lost their identity, a counter Utopia) to Orwellian type of society (highly regulated one controlled by only three strong nations)
Some bugs were flying. Adjusted the sunlight and found numerous bugs! This is set to be a symbol of something wromg happening.
I was afraid if this was Cockroach, but second look confirmed that it was Giant Water Bug, which is so ferocious that it can eat small frogs. It should be awful if they were so big.
I followed them to find out where to go. They were jumping into the sea at the end of the city.
この箱がタガメ発生器のようでした。すごい勢いで流れ込んでいるのですけど、SL のカメラは全然ぶれずに捉えることが出来ます。
This box should be the bug generator. They are pouring into it with hectic pace, but SL camera can take them without any blurring. This is only a part of the art. Please visit the site.
Artistide Depresの 「ハックスリーの世界に囲まれた私の象牙の塔を見つけたら、そこはオーウェルの世界へと変化した」
911以来、世の中はハックスリーの世界 (SF小説「すばらしい新世界」の機械が極限まで発達し人間が尊厳性を見失う逆ユートピア) から
オーウェルの世界 (三つの大国により分割統治される統制社会) へと変った、ということがテーマだそうです。
LEA Full SIM Art: http://slurl.com/secondlife/LEA6/147/72/23
Now LEA Full SIM Art Series January is presented. "Where I found my Ivory Tower Surrounded by a Huxleyan World, Which Turned out to be an Orwellian World" by Artistide Depres. Asked the reason of such a long title at an interview, the artist answered "I think the installation needed such a title-explanation as I decided to avoid text or navigation on the sim itself" Also he said that the main theme is; Since 911, the world has changed from a Huxleyan one (Brave New World, a science fiction describing future world with highly decelopped machine and human lost their identity, a counter Utopia) to Orwellian type of society (highly regulated one controlled by only three strong nations)
Some bugs were flying. Adjusted the sunlight and found numerous bugs! This is set to be a symbol of something wromg happening.
I was afraid if this was Cockroach, but second look confirmed that it was Giant Water Bug, which is so ferocious that it can eat small frogs. It should be awful if they were so big.
I followed them to find out where to go. They were jumping into the sea at the end of the city.
この箱がタガメ発生器のようでした。すごい勢いで流れ込んでいるのですけど、SL のカメラは全然ぶれずに捉えることが出来ます。
This box should be the bug generator. They are pouring into it with hectic pace, but SL camera can take them without any blurring. This is only a part of the art. Please visit the site.
Posted by Temi at 19:20│Comments(0)